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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: Army of One on February 26, 2014, 05:40:24 AM

Title: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Army of One on February 26, 2014, 05:40:24 AM
Darwin Award winner, he had previously assaulted a cab driver too

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Skorp1o on February 26, 2014, 05:43:06 AM
Good MMA skills, classic switch then ground and pound.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: BigCyp on February 26, 2014, 05:43:16 AM
Whenever I watch one of these vids that ends in the perp getting killed, I always wonder whether they started out that day ever dreaming it would end like that - know what I mean?

Like it would be cool to see a clip of them that morning, eating eggs or whatever not knowing that in a few hours they'll be getting 6 shots to the torso for running at police with a screwdriver  ;D
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: the trainer on February 26, 2014, 06:17:53 AM
This guy has a death wish because nobody in their right mind would try to beat up an armed cop.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Rascal full on February 26, 2014, 06:25:42 AM
Bareknuckle mma fight to solve this dispute would have been a lot better.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (
Post by: woodman on February 26, 2014, 06:29:58 AM
Friggin liberal bastard filming it...that's an aggressive stance..he says about the cop trying to maintain control over the perp...has no clue just another video jockey thinking they know what's going on..makes me sick listening to these idiots! Am glad I am no longer on the job!
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: anabolichalo on February 26, 2014, 06:31:45 AM
the camera man should have "assisted" the cop perhaps nobody would have died or maybe 2 instead of 1  ;D
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Radical Plato on February 26, 2014, 06:39:06 AM
Would like to know the backstory to this, it was the dead mans wedding night, that's gotta suck for the new wife.  I guess the husband won't be consummating the marriage.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Radical Plato on February 26, 2014, 06:42:47 AM
Found the story:

Anthony Bruno, 26, and Stephanie Bruno, 29, were dressed in wedding attire as they celebrated their Nov. 16 nuptials. About 2 a.m. on Dec. 1, they had taken a cab from a restaurant to the Kansas City Marriott Downtown with Anthony’s cousin, who had been drinking heavily at the restaurant and had fallen asleep there.

The Brunos had imbibed as well, but neither was drunk, Stephanie later told police.

They wanted the cabdriver to take Anthony Bruno’s cousin home, but an argument began on how much that would cost — the meter kept running as they discussed it — and whether the cabdriver could leave the cousin on the street instead of taking him home.

Stephanie Bruno told police the cabdriver kept increasing the fare, used a derogatory word toward her and threw money back in her face.

“That’s when my husband got out of the taxi and began hitting the taxicab driver,” Stephanie Bruno told police.

She yelled at her husband to stop, she said. He quit and walked away. She stayed with Anthony’s cousin, as three men were approaching the taxi to protect the driver. The three men nearly started another fight, she said.

“The Marriott security and I both tried to keep that from turning into an altercation. The security guard after that basically told me KCPD had been called and to just stay there. So I stayed there.”

Hubbard, who was working security for the Marriott while wearing his Police Department uniform, saw the group arguing and saw Anthony Bruno leaving the area. He headed east after him.

They met up on Baltimore Avenue, between 12th and 13th streets. Hubbard said he tried to arrest Bruno, who resisted and tried to run.

“Throughout my entire contact with the suspect, I gave him numerous verbal commands to give me his hands and to stop resisting,” Hubbard told detectives later. “In my attempts to place handcuffs on the suspect, he continued to resist and we eventually went to the ground.”

At one point, Hubbard put Bruno in a neck restraint and thought Bruno had given up. But then Bruno began resisting again, trying to stand while holding onto Hubbard.

“That’s when I noticed two people filming nearby,” Hubbard recounted. “I told these individuals that I was by myself and pleaded for them to call for help.”

Bruno told Hubbard he shouldn’t have hit him, Hubbard said.

“He then somehow flipped me over onto my back and the subject began punching me on the left side of my face and head,” Hubbard told detectives. “He was on top of me and I was in an extremely vulnerable position and I was exhausted from the struggle with the suspect.

“I don’t know how many times he struck me, but I started to black out and saw lines across my eyes. He continued to strike me and I started to lose consciousness and I believed the suspect was not going to stop hitting me until he killed me.

“I feared for my life and I drew my weapon, fired two shots center mass.”

A couple walking nearby included the nurse. They didn’t see the start of the confrontation.

“But at the very end, the cop was underneath the civilian and had his head smashed very hard against the cement by the civilian,” the nurse later told detectives. “I did not see any other circumstance than to shoot him. I mean he had to do something because he was gonna get a head bleed from the traumatic brain injury.”

On the cellphone video released by police, the witnesses can be heard yelling at Bruno to stop hitting the officer.

Two gunshots stopped the action. Bullets hit Bruno in the chest, according to the autopsy. One hit the heart, diaphragm and liver.

The nurse, Hubbard and other officers helped with CPR until a Fire Department medic crew arrived. Bruno was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Hubbard was taken to a hospital as well. His injuries included a broken eye socket, a fractured cheekbone, a cut above his left eye that required two stitches and loss of feeling in the left side of his face.

He has returned to work, police said Tuesday.

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: 240 is Back on February 26, 2014, 06:47:48 AM
he should have just gone limp, taken the arrest, and then sued if the cop did anything wrong.
The second he decided to wrestle and start punching the cop in the head, he's going to get shot.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: polychronopolous on February 26, 2014, 06:48:54 AM
They were simply trying to reenact the Trayvon/Zimmerman ordeal.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: The True Adonis on February 26, 2014, 06:52:09 AM
Exactly what Trayvon Martin did to Zimmerman. 
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: anabolichalo on February 26, 2014, 06:54:38 AM
People these days just have no respect for LAW AND ORDER

they would SHIT VIOLENT DIARHEA BRICKS if officer Ronald arrived at the scene

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Radical Plato on February 26, 2014, 06:55:07 AM
Exactly what Trayvon Martin did to Zimmerman. 
Except Zimmerman wasn't a cop!
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: visualizeperfection on February 26, 2014, 07:00:04 AM
moral of the story, make an armed person fear for his life (people do die from getting hit repeatedly in the head) and you get sent directly to allah.

probably a normal dude, probably was drunk. make a terrible terrible choice.

now hes sayonara for good.

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: f450 on February 26, 2014, 07:01:42 AM
why center mass? why not shoot him in the leg? What exactly does the cop think his job is. This is not a fuckin warzone. Shit pull your weapon fire a shot into the air and tell the offender to get on the ground. here we have a cop exhibiting the same hubris and poor impulse control present in most criminal and unfortunately most cops are like this. Being a cop is the closest you can get to being a fuckin criminal without actually being one.

I hate cops. I wish every single on of them and their families everything bad that could ever happen to a person. The mentality of a police officer is disgusting and only a disgusting wayward bastard would choose that occupation. If you truly wanted to help people you'd be an EMT or a firefighter not a useless public servant suckling from the teat of taxpayer.

Condolences to the family of that dead unfortunate bastard.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: visualizeperfection on February 26, 2014, 07:07:53 AM
why center mass? why not shoot him in the leg? What exactly does the cop think his job is. This is not a fuckin warzone. Shit pull your weapon fire a shot into the air and tell the offender to get on the ground. here we have a cop exhibiting the same hubris and poor impulse control present in most criminal and unfortunately most cops are like this. Being a cop is the closest you can get to being a fuckin criminal without actually being one.

I hate cops. I wish every single on of them and their families everything bad that could ever happen to a person. The mentality of a police officer is disgusting and only a disgusting wayward bastard would choose that occupation. If you truly wanted to help people you'd be an EMT or a firefighter not a useless public servant suckling from the teat of taxpayer.

Condolences to the family of that dead unfortunate bastard.

congratulations, youre the dumbest fuck on this entire board.

You're clueless to say the least, leg shot? Warning shot? Do you think the guy beating his head in was fucking around? Were they having a tickle party that got out of hand? No, the stupid dead idiot was actively trying to inflict serious bodily injury on the cop that was doing his job, and up until that point he was doing by presenting the least amount of force needed for that situation. The second mr. dead got squirly he was fair game to get his ass fucked right up via punches, baton, taser, you name it. BUT HE DIDNT, the cop still tried to control the situation with simple control holds.

I pray to god that youre never in a life or death situation, you will make the WRONG choice.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: visualizeperfection on February 26, 2014, 07:09:14 AM
and also my sincerest sympathies to that cop and his family, I pray to god I am never in the situation were I have to take a life out of fear for my own.

I truly hope that cross he has to bear doesnt keep him up at night.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (
Post by: woodman on February 26, 2014, 07:10:13 AM
F450.. You sound like an idiot...guess you were on the wrong end of a confrontation w/ a cop..why center mass- you are taught to shoot to stop..shhot him in the leg- guess you watch a lot of fantasy tv...warning shot- most departments ban these....the bad guy obviously wasn't right as instead of just running away continued to smash a uniformed cops  head into the cement..what happens when the cop blacks out. Oh the bad guy will just surrender..nope he's taking the cops gun and finishes him off..guy's judgement was off due to the alcohol and it cost him his life
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Icelord on February 26, 2014, 07:10:23 AM
I'm going to miss SimpleSimon. PIP.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: doison on February 26, 2014, 07:11:18 AM
Darwin Award winner, he had previously assaulted a cab driver too

Police...appreciated by conservatives, paid for by the liberal police state
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: anabolichalo on February 26, 2014, 07:14:46 AM
why did the man fight the police man?

one time police people gave me a bad beating, they destroyed several teeth in my mouth

then after all was done they find they actually beat the wrong person

they never even paid my dental bill :(

but at least i'm still alive
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: anabolichalo on February 26, 2014, 07:19:32 AM
Police...appreciated by conservatives, paid for by liberals.  
police is a "necessary evil", without them we are in medieval times where anything can happen as you leave your house at night

sometimes they fuck people up that didnt have it coming but you gotta use common sense, keep your eyes open and make sure you are always far away from them then you should be ok

a lot of cops in my gym, they are just a bber like you and me at the end of the day
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: 240 is Back on February 26, 2014, 07:32:24 AM
Police...appreciated by conservatives, paid for by liberals. 

liberals are sitting at home, collecting welfare.

conservatives are at work, paying taxes.

Conservatives pay for cops.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Ropo on February 26, 2014, 07:33:12 AM
Except Zimmerman wasn't a cop!

So what? He has a right to defend his life like anybody in USA, and Trayvon lost, just like this moron who certainly earn his share of bullets. World will be better place without stupids like those two. Case closed.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: visualizeperfection on February 26, 2014, 07:34:40 AM
liberals are sitting at home, collecting welfare.

conservatives are at work, paying taxes.

Conservatives pay for cops.

yeah exactly I didnt what he was trying to say.

im a white christian conservative american and I know that I pay a shit ton of taxes.

oh wait, all conservatives are millionaire oil refinery owning tax evaders haha. oh brother.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Thespritz0 on February 26, 2014, 07:36:31 AM
the camera man should have "assisted" the cop perhaps nobody would have died or maybe 2 instead of 1  ;D
BEST thing you've said in ages!!! ;)
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: anabolichalo on February 26, 2014, 07:41:46 AM
BEST thing you've said in ages!!! ;)
well it's tricky maybe could have got both shot that way

but if he had pulled the fella off the police man then the police would have been able to stand up and smack him around with his batton ;D

i would guess ???
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: bradistani on February 26, 2014, 07:42:34 AM
Darwin Award winner, he had previously assaulted a cab driver too

he learnt the hard way  :)
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Ropo on February 26, 2014, 07:46:43 AM
why did the man fight the police man?

one time police people gave me a bad beating, they destroyed several teeth in my mouth

then after all was done they find they actually beat the wrong person

they never even paid my dental bill :(

but at least i'm still alive

Can't you read? The whole incident has been written in words right at the front of your eyes, and you ask why he fight the police?

1. because he was an imbecile, just like you, and that is the basic reason
2. because he was beating a taxi driver over the argument, and beating people in USA is against a law
3. he try to flee from the scene, and this of duty cop try to arrest him because of that, and because he was an imbecile, like you.

Do this clear the situation for you at all? No, because you are an imbecile. I bet you somehow earn that beating of yours anyway, maybe you look like imbecile, who needs some beating?
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (
Post by: irishdave on February 26, 2014, 07:48:06 AM
Friggin liberal bastard filming it...that's an aggressive stance..he says about the cop trying to maintain control over the perp...has no clue just another video jockey thinking they know what's going on..makes me sick listening to these idiots! Am glad I am no longer on the job!

This. I hate these fuckers
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: anabolichalo on February 26, 2014, 07:48:24 AM
Can't you read? The whole incident has been written in words right at the front of your eyes, and you ask why he fight the police?

1. because he was an imbecile, just like you, and that is the basic reason
2. because he was beating a taxi driver over the argument, and beating people in USA is against a law
3. he try to flee from the scene, and this of duty cop try to arrest him because of that, and because he was an imbecile, like you.

Do this clear the situation for you at all? No, because you are an imbecile. I bet you somehow earn that beating of yours anyway, maybe you look like imbecile, who needs some beating?
thanks for the cliffs i dont read all that shit, i have imbeciles like you summarize it
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: visualizeperfection on February 26, 2014, 07:49:05 AM
thanks for the cliffs i dont read all that shit, i have imbeciles like you summarize it

haha.. well played halo
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Ropo on February 26, 2014, 08:03:12 AM
why center mass? why not shoot him in the leg? What exactly does the cop think his job is. This is not a fuckin warzone. Shit pull your weapon fire a shot into the air and tell the offender to get on the ground. here we have a cop exhibiting the same hubris and poor impulse control present in most criminal and unfortunately most cops are like this. Being a cop is the closest you can get to being a fuckin criminal without actually being one.

I hate cops. I wish every single on of them and their families everything bad that could ever happen to a person. The mentality of a police officer is disgusting and only a disgusting wayward bastard would choose that occupation. If you truly wanted to help people you'd be an EMT or a firefighter not a useless public servant suckling from the teat of taxpayer.

Condolences to the family of that dead unfortunate bastard.

Why not? If you are beating someone who you met on the street, you will lost your right to keep on living altogether, and anyone can shot you like a rabid dog if they feel like it and to save your victims life. Basically it is simple as that. In USA with megazillion of these cases already, even the stupidest fucking idiot should know how it ends if you fight with the police, and this piece of crap was still trying? Idiots like that are better off dead. You can hate police as much you like, but you will fucking love to see them, when someone will be beating living shit out of you..
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Ropo on February 26, 2014, 08:07:19 AM
thanks for the cliffs i dont read all that shit, i have imbeciles like you summarize it

At least I can read, and not being just sitting there with my thumb in my ass and asking stupid questions like a retard. 
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on February 26, 2014, 08:22:58 AM
Friggin liberal bastard filming it...that's an aggressive stance..he says about the cop trying to maintain control over the perp...has no clue just another video jockey thinking they know what's going on..makes me sick listening to these idiots! Am glad I am no longer on the job!

If the cop is doing nothing wrong, he has nothing to worry about by getting filmed.  It could even help exonerate him from a wrongful brutality case.

Why would you be against documenting the truth?
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Twaddle on February 26, 2014, 08:29:20 AM
Good shot!   :)
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Trapper_Slapper on February 26, 2014, 10:19:11 AM
congratulations, youre the dumbest fuck on this entire board.

You're clueless to say the least, leg shot? Warning shot? Do you think the guy beating his head in was fucking around? Were they having a tickle party that got out of hand? No, the stupid dead idiot was actively trying to inflict serious bodily injury on the cop that was doing his job, and up until that point he was doing by presenting the least amount of force needed for that situation. The second mr. dead got squirly he was fair game to get his ass fucked right up via punches, baton, taser, you name it. BUT HE DIDNT, the cop still tried to control the situation with simple control holds.

I pray to god that youre never in a life or death situation, you will make the WRONG choice.

Nicely put.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Trapper_Slapper on February 26, 2014, 10:20:49 AM
And I wish the bitch "intervened" like she wanted, so her ass could catch a couple rounds too.

Hippies. ::)
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: sancho ed on February 26, 2014, 10:46:43 AM
why center mass? why not shoot him in the leg? What exactly does the cop think his job is. This is not a fuckin warzone. Shit pull your weapon fire a shot into the air and tell the offender to get on the ground. here we have a cop exhibiting the same hubris and poor impulse control present in most criminal and unfortunately most cops are like this. Being a cop is the closest you can get to being a fuckin criminal without actually being one.

I hate cops. I wish every single on of them and their families everything bad that could ever happen to a person. The mentality of a police officer is disgusting and only a disgusting wayward bastard would choose that occupation. If you truly wanted to help people you'd be an EMT or a firefighter not a useless public servant suckling from the teat of taxpayer.

Condolences to the family of that dead unfortunate bastard.

stupidest. post. ever.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Rami on February 26, 2014, 10:58:53 AM
the camera man/woman seemed atleast mildly retarded
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: galeniko on February 26, 2014, 11:01:47 AM
Whenever I watch one of these vids that ends in the perp getting killed, I always wonder whether they started out that day ever dreaming it would end like that - know what I mean?

nah they think they can just walk over everyone, and then boom,they get eventualy owned.

last time i checked we dont have a single world leader who bases his power on martial arts or that sort of stuff.

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: SamoanIrishman on February 26, 2014, 11:17:34 AM
congratulations, youre the dumbest fuck on this entire board.

You're clueless to say the least, leg shot? Warning shot? Do you think the guy beating his head in was fucking around? Were they having a tickle party that got out of hand? No, the stupid dead idiot was actively trying to inflict serious bodily injury on the cop that was doing his job, and up until that point he was doing by presenting the least amount of force needed for that situation. The second mr. dead got squirly he was fair game to get his ass fucked right up via punches, baton, taser, you name it. BUT HE DIDNT, the cop still tried to control the situation with simple control holds.

I pray to god that youre never in a life or death situation, you will make the WRONG choice.

Thank you. What a fucktard.

Getting his head bounced off the sidewalk and you want a warning shot though he have him MULTIPLE verbal warnings? Leg shot? Oh and end up shooting his own legs as they were intertwined in the struggle.

You know what fuck it..why didn't the cop do the Vulcan neck thingy or some Jedi hand waving shit or maybe just drop to his knees and pray for Jesus to some down and ask they guy nicely.

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: wes on February 26, 2014, 11:26:20 AM
I don`t always fight the cops when drunk,but when I do,I wear Kevlar!
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Fortress on February 26, 2014, 11:39:14 AM
why center mass? why not shoot him in the leg? What exactly does the cop think his job is. This is not a fuckin warzone. Shit pull your weapon fire a shot into the air and tell the offender to get on the ground. here we have a cop exhibiting the same hubris and poor impulse control present in most criminal and unfortunately most cops are like this. Being a cop is the closest you can get to being a fuckin criminal without actually being one.

Dear satan you're an idiot. Police are taught to only pull their firearm if they fear mortal danger (or to preserve life). And in doing so, centre of mass is always the target. Warning shot? In the leg? Ridiculous. The officer says he feared he was losing consciousness and his positioning was that of mortal danger. He was WELL WITHIN HIS LEGAL AND ETHICAL RIGHT to do what he did.

As soon as we're in a compromised position and there is intent and an ability to carry out the threat, lethal force is absolutely warranted.

This officer was doing everything straight and legal. By-the-book, as it were. From his mounting positioning (and verbal commands) to his immediate reach for his weapon upon falling to the submission position, it was textbook.

Once again someone makes a fatal error of judgement. Likely caused, at least in part, through alcohol consumption.

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (
Post by: woodman on February 26, 2014, 12:05:28 PM
If the cop is doing nothing wrong, he has nothing to worry about by getting filmed.  It could even help exonerate him from a wrongful brutality case.

Why would you be against documenting the truth?
not against documenting it! Against the liberal Botards that comment about the cop using force
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 26, 2014, 12:08:39 PM
why center mass? why not shoot him in the leg? What exactly does the cop think his job is. This is not a fuckin warzone. Shit pull your weapon fire a shot into the air and tell the offender to get on the ground. here we have a cop exhibiting the same hubris and poor impulse control present in most criminal and unfortunately most cops are like this. Being a cop is the closest you can get to being a fuckin criminal without actually being one.

I hate cops. I wish every single on of them and their families everything bad that could ever happen to a person. The mentality of a police officer is disgusting and only a disgusting wayward bastard would choose that occupation. If you truly wanted to help people you'd be an EMT or a firefighter not a useless public servant suckling from the teat of taxpayer.

Condolences to the family of that dead unfortunate bastard.

You are a complete idiot. That was a completely clean and justified shooting. Shoot him in the leg? Shoot into the air? He has just as much access to that weapon as the cop. Let me give you some really good advice. If a cop is trying to cuff you to arrest you don't resist.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: doison on February 26, 2014, 12:14:04 PM
yeah exactly I didnt what he was trying to say.

im a white christian conservative american and I know that I pay a shit ton of taxes.

oh wait, all conservatives are millionaire oil refinery owning tax evaders haha. oh brother.

I meant that conservatives appreciate them but they enforce the police state of the liberal agenda.  Everyone knows liberals don't pay taxes.  I didn't realize I had to include that explanation
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: anabolichalo on February 26, 2014, 12:14:13 PM
should have shot him in his hand that way he would be neutrilizedn without death

shot to the leg can easily kill you
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: oldtimer1 on February 26, 2014, 12:18:03 PM
Another idiot comment. Aim for the hand as you're being hit in the face. I guess you never shot a gun in your life. I would like to have you mounted punching you in the face and see if you can hit my hand. Odds are as you are firing off shots trying to accomplish that I will take that guy away and put one in your head.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: SamoanIrishman on February 26, 2014, 12:22:10 PM
I think A's comment was tongue in cheek man. If not then I say its a toss up between prayer and a grazing earlobe shot that could have ended this differently  ;)
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: anabolichalo on February 26, 2014, 12:26:35 PM
Take a look around. The majority of the youth roam the streets dealing in drugs, sex and violence, thinking these things have no real effect on life. Crimes without real punishment. An uncaring, unfeeling generation without knowledge of self. This is the future of our nation, the future of our people. Do you think hatred and evil will go unpunished? The world is now feeling the heat, from flames it has kept burning since the beginning of civilization. You and I are just a small part of God's plan. The evil men of this world have applied every method possible to deceive its occupants. And each time with greater success than anticipated. But no more, God will begin to overcome this evil. I represent the truth to the people. Without truth, nothing is sacred. The lie-that's what the devil is all about. You know that, that's why you're here. The truth is, we all play a grave role in our own destruction. Your money. Your lifestyles. The things that people value and covet so dearly are the bait that lures them out of the light. Through the love of others I have power. They use what you fear against you. Your fear of death, your fear of imprisonment. Where in this world is anyone safe from death? You see the lies you've been told? The path you take is not your own. Have you ever thought about how precious a life is? How difficult it is to create? How loosely and easily it can be taken away? Brothers, help me. Help me to do what's right. Help me to stop the slaughter of our children. Help me to put an end to the disrespect and the dishonor of our most valuable resource: the black woman. Help me put an end to the destruction of the young mind through the use of drugs, alcohol. Help me to build up a population of great thinkers. People who create change through thoughtfulness and spirituality. Will you choose that truth? Will you? Will you choose the light over the darkness? Hold it, stay where you are. Will you choose life?
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: SamoanIrishman on February 26, 2014, 12:37:13 PM
Your rant reminded me of one of my favorite speeches -

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Simple Simon on February 26, 2014, 01:39:29 PM
Take a look around. The majority of the youth roam the streets dealing in drugs, sex and violence, thinking these things have no real effect on life. Crimes without real punishment. An uncaring, unfeeling generation without knowledge of self. This is the future of our nation, the future of our people. Do you think hatred and evil will go unpunished? The world is now feeling the heat, from flames it has kept burning since the beginning of civilization. You and I are just a small part of God's plan. The evil men of this world have applied every method possible to deceive its occupants. And each time with greater success than anticipated. But no more, God will begin to overcome this evil. I represent the truth to the people. Without truth, nothing is sacred. The lie-that's what the devil is all about. You know that, that's why you're here. The truth is, we all play a grave role in our own destruction. Your money. Your lifestyles. The things that people value and covet so dearly are the bait that lures them out of the light. Through the love of others I have power. They use what you fear against you. Your fear of death, your fear of imprisonment. Where in this world is anyone safe from death? You see the lies you've been told? The path you take is not your own. Have you ever thought about how precious a life is? How difficult it is to create? How loosely and easily it can be taken away? Brothers, help me. Help me to do what's right. Help me to stop the slaughter of our children. Help me to put an end to the disrespect and the dishonor of our most valuable resource: the black woman. Help me put an end to the destruction of the young mind through the use of drugs, alcohol. Help me to build up a population of great thinkers. People who create change through thoughtfulness and spirituality. Will you choose that truth? Will you? Will you choose the light over the darkness? Hold it, stay where you are. Will you choose life?
Rev Saviour?
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: bigmc on February 26, 2014, 01:45:42 PM
why center mass? why not shoot him in the leg? What exactly does the cop think his job is. This is not a fuckin warzone. Shit pull your weapon fire a shot into the air and tell the offender to get on the ground. here we have a cop exhibiting the same hubris and poor impulse control present in most criminal and unfortunately most cops are like this. Being a cop is the closest you can get to being a fuckin criminal without actually being one.

I hate cops. I wish every single on of them and their families everything bad that could ever happen to a person. The mentality of a police officer is disgusting and only a disgusting wayward bastard would choose that occupation. If you truly wanted to help people you'd be an EMT or a firefighter not a useless public servant suckling from the teat of taxpayer.

Condolences to the family of that dead unfortunate bastard.

i hope you are trolling

if you are serious

you should refrain from passing your genes on
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Simple Simon on February 26, 2014, 01:48:05 PM
i hope you are trolling

if you are serious

you should refrain from passing your genes on
I dont think hes old enough to be on here.

Sounds like teenage angst.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: bigmc on February 26, 2014, 01:49:16 PM
I dont think hes old enough to be on here.

Sounds like teenage angst.

im not sure if he realises that pulling your gun and firing warning shots into the air

can be a little difficult when someone is pounding your head into the pavement

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Wolfox on February 26, 2014, 01:53:01 PM
One of the biggest negs of carrying a gun. You can't take the risk of losing a fist fight and being put unconscious. You don't know what the guy will do with your gun... you just can't risk it.

Horrible situation. Horrible police officer should have waited for backup since he obviously can't handle arresting someone who resists.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: visualizeperfection on February 26, 2014, 01:53:06 PM
I dont think hes old enough to be on here.

Sounds like teenage angst.

Fuck authority homie!

Drop beats not bombz!!

smoke weed every day etc.

its sad this current generation of youths (late teens early 20's) are less than 5 years my jr. yet I feel that the gap is biggest it has ever been.

I blame technology, namely social media. It was much better when it was just music as the counter culture. Were fucked, to say the least.

im not sure if he realises that pulling your gun and firing warning shots into the air

can be a little difficult when someone is pounding your head into the pavement

not to mention being legitimately afraid for your life.

knocked unconscious+gun removed= somebody is handing his wife a folded flag.

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: visualizeperfection on February 26, 2014, 01:54:15 PM
One of the biggest negs of carrying a gun. You can't take the risk of losing a fist fight and being put unconscious. You don't know what the guy will do with your gun... you just can't risk it.

Horrible situation. Horrible police officer should have waited for backup since he obviously can't handle arresting someone who resists.

whos to say he wasnt waiting. shit turns south.

ultimately, he won.

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: anabolichalo on February 26, 2014, 01:55:13 PM
classic mistake from the attacker

true warrior doesnt ground and pound

but ground and maul

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: SamoanIrishman on February 26, 2014, 01:55:50 PM
Cop loses either way. Shoot the guy crushing him or goes to jail for killing some little 5yr old at a playground with the falling bullets from his "warning shots up in the air"   ::)
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Radical Plato on February 26, 2014, 02:39:03 PM
nah they think they can just walk over everyone, and then boom,they get eventualy owned.

last time i checked we dont have a single world leader who bases his power on martial arts or that sort of stuff.

Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Irongrip400 on February 27, 2014, 08:05:10 AM
Whenever I watch one of these vids that ends in the perp getting killed, I always wonder whether they started out that day ever dreaming it would end like that - know what I mean?

Like it would be cool to see a clip of them that morning, eating eggs or whatever not knowing that in a few hours they'll be getting 6 shots to the torso for running at police with a screwdriver  ;D

Exactly what I was thinking. And, reading the account of the story makes it that more "real". Dude was hammered, and made a bad choice that cost him his life. I got no beef with how the cop handled it, but I do feel a bit sorry for the dude and his wife.
Title: Re: Man decides it is a good idea to start beating a cop, gets shot and killed (vid)
Post by: Agnostic007 on February 27, 2014, 08:22:05 AM
From a professional standpoint there were more than one opportunity presented to the officer to handcuff the subject. At one point he has a wrist lock and I thought he was about to stand, extend the subjects arm and force him onto his stomach which is a pretty standard technique however he just lets go of the wrist altogether. Having said that, the comments from the couple filming are pricesless and in less than 5 seconds epitomize every cop hating douchbag on this site with the classic" Thats a very aggressive stance" statement. I can see several of our residents saying the very same thing while they stand there and do nothing.... Sums it up pretty well