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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Wiggs on April 24, 2014, 06:44:09 PM

Title: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Wiggs on April 24, 2014, 06:44:09 PM
I'm having a real problem accepting American women and their multitude of moral, ethical and personality flaws. I know I'm not perfect by any means. But I do try to lead a righteous lifestyle. And I follow dietary laws of Bible (no pork, no seafood without scales, no non-split hove animal with doesn't chew its cud) and most importantly following the Ten Commandments. Nothing unreasonable.

Perhaps it's because I'm older and tolerate much less than I would 10 years ago, but it seems as of over the last year, I'll date and leave a woman really fast if it doesn't go my way. I find this to be a troubling trend. I don't think what I'm asking for is unreasonable, perhaps I need to hang out in Churches? It's getting quiet frustrating and I'm starting to feel guilty about it. Yes, I am a beautiful man with glasses. I've always been able to get 8s and up (except when I went through my fat, depressed stage). But it is no longer just about looks. I must be able to tolerate living with this woman. She must live by the same principles, she must be Hebrew, she should be classy, she should have domestic skills or be willing to learn. No children preferred but I'll accept her having 1 little Hebrew, but that's it. She must work.

The bad part in all this is I could pull ass all day especially with me in decent shape but I don't want just empty fornication. I'm done with that. I want something real, but I'm not settling. I think I may have to find a Hebrew female from another country or I should move outta Vegas because I think it's jaded me. We are notorious for having wack ass broads.

Ahhhhh. That felt good to get out. Thanks for listening.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 24, 2014, 06:48:55 PM
Maybe work on the spanish then move to central or South America and search for females of the wandering Afro-Latino-hebrew tribes in that general vacinity?
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Vince B on April 24, 2014, 06:49:15 PM
The path to redemption? Throw away that Bible and embrace empty fornication. Bliss will follow. The righteous do not inherit the earth.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: TEH boob on April 24, 2014, 06:51:23 PM

You're in the city of sin, not the city of God.

Although the city of God might be a bit rougher  ;)

List your pros and cons. Be honest. You're either not looking in the right places or you're not yet up to par for the kind of woman you want.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Wiggs on April 24, 2014, 06:53:26 PM

You're in the city of sin, not the city of God.

Although the city of God might be a bit rougher  ;)

List your pros and cons. Be honest. You're either not looking in the right places or you're not yet up to par for the kind of woman you want.

I think this. And I know what I need to do to fix it. Thanks for the great advise and who would have thought it'd come from a woman. Thanks woman. (j/k)
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: wolfrittner on April 24, 2014, 06:55:08 PM
Well, nothing wrong with being picky. Jus don't make the mistake and settle for seconds. If she isn't the right one ,then don't waist your time. You probably gathered lots of experience over time with chicks and you don't have passions for bullshit anymore.You Don't have to go anywhere to find the women.she will find you when the time is right. You are just a little choosey, so its going to take some time. But it will happen. Why should you get of easy?lol
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Wiggs on April 24, 2014, 06:57:23 PM
Well, nothing wrong with being picky. Jus don't make the mistake and settle for seconds. If she isn't the right one ,then don't waist your time. You probably gathered lots of experience over time with chicks and you don't have passions for bullshit anymore.You Don't have to go anywhere to find the women.she will find you when the time is right. You are just a little choosey, so its going to take some time. But it will happen. Why should you get of easy?lol

Because I'm Wiggs?  :'(
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on April 24, 2014, 07:02:25 PM
Do you go to church?  You might have a better chance of finding a good woman either at the Sunday service or at some church-sponsored event.

Alternatively, try volunteering regularly and see if you meet a nice lady through that.

It can be tough to hurry the process along though.... you always seem to find someone when you're not really looking.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: WalterWhite on April 24, 2014, 07:03:07 PM
Stick with self sufficient, well educated, professional women. They are far too busy for drama/games and don't rely on you to fill every need.  If you can't find a plethora of them in Vegas think about the Atlanta area or one of the major cities in Texas.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Vince B on April 24, 2014, 07:14:02 PM
I'm having a real problem accepting American women and their multitude of moral, ethical and personality flaws. I know I'm not perfect by any means. But I do try to lead a righteous lifestyle. And I follow dietary laws of Bible (no pork, no seafood without scales, no non-split hove animal with doesn't chew its cud) and most importantly following the Ten Commandments. Nothing unreasonable.

Perhaps it's because I'm older and tolerate much less than I would 10 years ago, but it seems as of over the last year, I'll date and leave a woman really fast if it doesn't go my way. I find this to be a troubling trend. I don't think what I'm asking for is unreasonable, perhaps I need to hang out in Churches? It's getting quiet frustrating and I'm starting to feel guilty about it. Yes, I am a beautiful man with glasses. I've always been able to get 8s and up (except when I went through my fat, depressed stage). But it is no longer just about looks. I must be able to tolerate living with this woman. She must live by the same principles, she must be Hebrew, she should be classy, she should have domestic skills or be willing to learn. No children preferred but I'll accept her having 1 little Hebrew, but that's it. She must work.

The bad part in all this is I could pull ass all day especially with me in decent shape but I don't want just empty fornication. I'm done with that. I want something real, but I'm not settling. I think I may have to find a Hebrew female from another country or I should move outta Vegas because I think it's jaded me. We are notorious for having wack ass broads.

Ahhhhh. That felt good to get out. Thanks for listening.

Let's see, Wiggs. You live in Vegas, have access to the internet and have to ask Getbiggers for help? No one can help you if you can't figure out how to find someone special. If you don't have anyone that means there is a lonely woman out there because of you. I have to tell you that your diet and beliefs are a limitation. You probably think they are a benefit but extremes are never that attractive. You have literally painted yourself into a corner because of your beliefs. That means you have to find someone with the same beliefs and good luck with that. Once you factor in your other traits such as bodybuilding the set of available candidates for Wiggs will approach zero.
Go online and search for what you want.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: TheShape. on April 24, 2014, 07:16:46 PM
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Icelord on April 24, 2014, 07:17:10 PM
If one is sane, they have character flaws. If they don't have character flaws, they have mental issues. The one thing that binds them together is their inflated sense of entitlement. The world - by which I mean men - owes them everything just because they were born with a slimy hole between their legs. True story.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Wiggs on April 24, 2014, 07:17:13 PM
Let's see, Wiggs. You live in Vegas, have access to the internet and have to ask Getbiggers for help? No one can help you if you can't figure out how to find someone special. If you don't have anyone that means there is a lonely woman out there because of you. I have to tell you that your diet and beliefs are a limitation. You probably think they are a benefit but extremes are never that attractive. You have literally painted yourself into a corner because of your beliefs. That means you have to find someone with the same beliefs and good luck with that. Once you factor in your other traits such as bodybuilding the set of available candidates for Wiggs will approach zero.
Go online and search for what you want.

Nice try Satan. I'll see you in Armageddon m o t h e r f u c k e r.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 24, 2014, 07:34:29 PM
Nice try Satan. I'll see you in Armageddon m o t h e r f u c k e r.

In the end the chosen Hebrews will have their boots on the necks of their former oppressors, it has been foretold.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: SF1900 on April 24, 2014, 07:40:37 PM
Wiggs, my brother, I feel your pain. I have practically given up on relationships. Not many decent women out there. Maybe I have trust issues.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: chaos on April 24, 2014, 08:08:40 PM
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Vince B on April 24, 2014, 08:42:05 PM
Nice try Satan. I'll see you in Armageddon m o t h e r f u c k e r.

Well, Wiggs. It should be obvious but you are oblivious that you have to change! You are not going to find someone suitable and also attractive. You need to cleanse yourself of the accumulated baggage that is slowly sinking you.

The first step to salvation is to start dating women who like you. Go from there. If you persist in looking for your soul mate you will continue to be depressed and gloomy because even if she is out there you are unlikely to find her.
If you need help with a profile for a singles site let me know.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: tbombz on April 24, 2014, 08:48:47 PM
Acts 10:9-16 ESV

The next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to pray. And he became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while they were preparing it, he fell into a trance and saw the heavens opened and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by its four corners upon the earth. In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. And there came a voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.”  But Peter said, “By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.” And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has made clean, do not call common.”  This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.

I'm having a real problem accepting American women and their multitude of moral, ethical and personality flaws. I know I'm not perfect by any means. But I do try to lead a righteous lifestyle. And I follow dietary laws of Bible (no pork, no seafood without scales, no non-split hove animal with doesn't chew its cud) and most importantly following the Ten Commandmen

ts. Nothing unreasonable.

Perhaps it's because I'm older and tolerate much less than I would 10 years ago, but it seems as of over the last year, I'll date and leave a woman really fast if it doesn't go my way. I find this to be a troubling trend. I don't think what I'm asking for is unreasonable, perhaps I need to hang out in Churches? It's getting quiet frustrating and I'm starting to feel guilty about it. Yes, I am a beautiful man with glasses. I've always been able to get 8s and up (except when I went through my fat, depressed stage). But it is no longer just about looks. I must be able to tolerate living with this woman. She must live by the same principles, she must be Hebrew, she should be classy, she should have domestic skills or be willing to learn. No children preferred but I'll accept her having 1 little Hebrew, but that's it. She must work.

The bad part in all this is I could pull ass all day especially with me in decent shape but I don't want just empty fornication. I'm done with that. I want something real, but I'm not settling. I think I may have to find a Hebrew female from another country or I should move outta Vegas because I think it's jaded me. We are notorious for having wack ass broads.

Ahhhhh. That felt good to get out. Thanks for listening.
you know the answer, brother. There are plenty of good women in Vegas. Find one at church if you need to. Always plenty of women dressed in their finest looking for a good God- fearing man of Christ to wed.  

By the way, Christ is the fulfillment of all those laws given by Moses.  You can eat pork, seafood, chicken, its all good. ... read the passage above this

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: tbombz on April 24, 2014, 09:00:10 PM
Matthew 15:1-2, 10-11, 15-20 ESV

Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.” And he called the people to him and said to them, “Hear and understand:  it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”  But Peter said to him, “Explain the parable to us.” And he said, “Are you also still without understanding?  Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled?  But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.  For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.  These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.”
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on April 24, 2014, 09:15:06 PM
Find a solid church Wiggs. I have a lot of issues with many modern Christian churches, but you sometimes its a decent place to meet women with your same values.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 24, 2014, 09:20:31 PM
The path to redemption? Throw away that Bible and embrace empty fornication. Bliss will follow. The righteous do not inherit the earth.

Or maybe he can just jump into one of your time machines and do curls until jumps into another dimension ::)
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Vince B on April 24, 2014, 09:32:22 PM
Or maybe he can just jump into one of your time machines and do curls until jumps into another dimension ::)

That reminds me. I have to do some modifications and reassemble the machine. Then I will have another go at building my arms bigger. That way I can't blame the equipment.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: polychronopolous on April 24, 2014, 09:35:55 PM
Or maybe he can just jump into one of your time machines and do curls until jumps into another dimension ::)

Haha that's pretty good  :D
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: titusisback on April 24, 2014, 10:18:42 PM
I've always been able to get 8s and up

I remember you only posting a pic of a big nose hoe and she was a 3, maybe 4  ::)
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 24, 2014, 10:29:34 PM
That reminds me. I have to do some modifications and reassemble the machine. Then I will have another go at building my arms bigger. That way I can't blame the equipment.

Yes Vince, just pour some gas at the top of the flux capacitor and fire that baby up. Soon you should be on your way to a 15" arm.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: pedro01 on April 24, 2014, 10:34:00 PM
Born again Christians are like ex-smokers. Cant just be happy doing there own thing.

Wiggs - it is not your place to judge others. That's above your pay grade.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 24, 2014, 10:41:55 PM
Born again Christians are like ex-smokers. Cant just be happy doing there own thing.

Wiggs - it is not your place to judge others. That's above your pay grade.

You're confused. That's athiests.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: SF1900 on April 24, 2014, 10:46:34 PM
You're confused. That's athiests.

No, thats religious people. Last I checked, atheists were not knocking at my door trying to convert me or reading sermons in the NYC subway. I have never once been approached by an atheist on the bus. But damn have I been approached by religious zealots on the bus giving me pamphlets to their church. Remember, that was Fred Phelps and his crew picketing at dead soldiers funerals saying that they are going to hell for going against gods words. Where were the atheists picketers?

Most people can identify a handful of times when they have been approached by a religious person trying to convert them. How many of those same people have been approached by atheists trying to convert them?

Those were the religious people. They just cant do their own thing. Always trying to spread the good word and handing out pamphlets.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Master Blaster on April 24, 2014, 10:52:21 PM
Dude, you are putting up all kinds of crazy restrictions on the women you'll date

First of all, they can eat what ever the fuck they want and you better keep your fucking mouth closed about that. Don't ever tell a woman she can't eat something.

Second, she's in charge. Sorry, but that's a happy marriage. That's how it works.

Third: refer to one and two
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 24, 2014, 10:56:52 PM

No, thats religious people. Last I checked, atheists were not knocking at my door trying to convert me or reading sermons in the NYC subway. I have never once been approached by an atheist on the bus. But damn have I been approached by religious zealots on the bus giving me pamphlets to their church. Remember, that was Fred Phelps and his crew picketing at dead soldiers funerals saying that they are going to hell for going against gods words. Where were the atheists picketers?

Most people can identify a handful of times when they have been approached by a religious person trying to convert them. How many of those same people have been approached by atheists trying to convert them?

Those were the religious people. They just cant do their own thing. Always trying to spread the good word and handing out pamphlets.

No, they just file lawsuits because they're all butt hurt because they're miserable and they hate seeing people at peace with themselves. Athiests and liberals, two of the most miserable bastards on earth.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: SF1900 on April 24, 2014, 11:02:47 PM
No, they just file lawsuits because they're all butt hurt because they're miserable and they hate seeing people at peace with themselves. Athiests and liberals, two of the most miserable bastards on earth.

File lawsuits because stupid religious politicians cant get it through their thickheads that there is separation of church and state and the govt cannot endorse a specific religion. Thus, they are not allowed to put religious artifacts on govt property. That is when lawsuits get filed. How hard is it for religious politicians to understand that?

Second, you have met me. I am an atheist. I am not miserable. How do you explain that? I actually know many atheists who are quite happy in life and do great things. A few of my friends are atheists and are very happy.

But I understand youre trying to troll, as you have stated to me  that you know atheists can do good things and are good people. This is GB after all. Trolling is the name of the game.  :D :D
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 24, 2014, 11:05:52 PM

File lawsuits because stupid religious politicians cant get it through their thickheads that there is separation of church and state and the govt cannot endorse a specific religion. Thus, they are not allowed to put religious artifacts on govt property. That is when lawsuits get filed. How hard is it for religious politicians to understand that?

Second, you have met me. I am an atheist. I am not miserable. How do you explain that? I actually know many atheists who are quite happy in life and do great things. A few of my friends are atheists and are very happy.

But I understand youre trying to troll, as you have stated to me  that you know atheists can do good things and are good people. This is GB after all. Trolling is the name of the game.  :D :D

You need to pay closer attention. They file lawsuits even when on private property.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: SF1900 on April 24, 2014, 11:11:33 PM
You need to pay closer attention. They file lawsuits even when on private property.

Link me to the article where atheists filed lawsuits over private property?

Why did you not respond to my question when I asked you how I am miserable because I am an atheist? I await your analysis about my miserable life.  :D :D
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Coach is Back! on April 24, 2014, 11:25:07 PM

Link me to the article where atheists filed lawsuits over private property?

Why did you not respond to my question when I asked you how I am miserable because I am an atheist? I await your analysis about my miserable life.  :D :D

Ok, I'll let you know tomorrow. I'll post a shit load of links as well.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on April 24, 2014, 11:25:45 PM
Wiggs you need to keep this sort of faggotry to yourself.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: SF1900 on April 24, 2014, 11:28:35 PM
Ok, I'll let you know tomorrow. I'll post a shit load of links as well.

Yet, you keep ignoring my question. If youre going to make a generalized statement such as all atheists and liberals are miserable, at least back it up lol.

I await the links.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Teutonic Knight on April 24, 2014, 11:54:04 PM
Analbolichalos 'baby mama' is free  :D, why not asking Leopold for her phone #.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: bigmc on April 25, 2014, 12:30:23 AM
Born again Christians are like ex-smokers. Cant just be happy doing there own thing.

Wiggs - it is not your place to judge others. That's above your pay grade.

x 2

they need to stfu and get on with their lives
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: pedro01 on April 25, 2014, 01:43:57 AM
Dude, you are putting up all kinds of crazy restrictions on the women you'll date

First of all, they can eat what ever the fuck they want and you better keep your fucking mouth closed about that. Don't ever tell a woman she can't eat something.

I agree - never get between a woman and the food she loves.

Out here in Thailand, some of the stuff they cook with smells bad. Well not bad. Terrible. I mean really stinks. It smells so bad it'd knock a fly off a bucket of shit from 50 meters. I swear - this stuff makes dung beetles vomit.

Anyway - some wise western guys that marry here ban this 'condiment' from their houses. Effectively dictating to their spouse that they cannot eat their favorite foods.

That never ends well.

Me? I just eat it too. In for a penny...

Has to be said though - smelliest food probably goes to the Danes and that white cheese that smells like dog shit.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: anabolichalo on April 25, 2014, 02:49:56 AM
wiggs you are a wealthy black man

why not retire, move to your ancestors african country, live like a king there and marriage a pure village girl
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: pedro01 on April 25, 2014, 03:10:31 AM
wiggs you are a wealthy black man

why not retire, move to your ancestors african country, live like a king there and marriage a pure village girl

Because she won't be a Christian
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Archer77 on April 25, 2014, 03:16:17 AM
You've got standards and know what you want in a woman, brother.   Dont compromise those values one damn bit or you'll be miserable.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: pedro01 on April 25, 2014, 03:19:20 AM
You've got standards and know what you want in a woman, brother.   Dont compromise those values one damn bit or you'll be miserable.

Read the OP again - he's already miserable
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Archer77 on April 25, 2014, 03:20:09 AM
Read the OP again - he's already miserable

 ;D  more miserable.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: _bruce_ on April 25, 2014, 03:22:59 AM
Your religious beliefs are partially obsolete.
The bible carries info varying from fiction to truth to supernatural. Lots of changes were made to the holy book because Christianity had to be softened up.
God's creation is not bound to a book which got corrected by control freaks.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: DroppingPlates on April 25, 2014, 06:02:27 AM
So in short, you have certain standards and you can't find the right candidate, correct?
Well, here the same, but what kind of mentoring do you need?
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Irongrip400 on April 25, 2014, 06:05:10 AM
Wiggs, answer your PM!
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: spiro on April 25, 2014, 06:31:48 AM
Who cares what they eat. That's the last thing you should care about.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Frank Clairmonte on April 25, 2014, 06:37:39 AM
Wiggs, stay away from woman with children!!!!!!!! :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: anabolichalo on April 25, 2014, 06:40:46 AM
Wiggs, stay away from woman with children!!!!!!!! :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
there is a horrible reason to why they are now single mom

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: DroppingPlates on April 25, 2014, 06:45:06 AM
Wiggs, stay away from woman with children!!!!!!!! :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

and don't produce them.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: CalvinH on April 25, 2014, 06:51:41 AM
Wiggs, stay away from woman with children!!!!!!!! :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

Wiggs is not 22's not that easy.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: DroppingPlates on April 25, 2014, 06:56:29 AM

Wiggs is not 22's not that easy.

It sucks :-\
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on April 25, 2014, 06:57:46 AM
Wiggs, stay away from woman with children!!!!!!!! :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

Wiggs, stay away from a Children!!
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: anabolichalo on April 25, 2014, 07:00:16 AM
honestly i have given it a lot of thought

and i'm just not sure if a girlfriend is worth it compared to cheap hookers

i find being a regular customer of one hooker can give a lot of type of emotional benefits you get from a girlfriend (you know talking to them as a person and having some laughs and cries)

sure it's all a lie but who knows what is in a woman's mind anyway, she doesn't even know most of times

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: DroppingPlates on April 25, 2014, 07:18:38 AM
Children, stay away from Wigglelot
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Vince B on April 25, 2014, 07:24:18 AM
For two years now Wiggs was convinced the world as we know it was ending. Now he is working and looking for a wife. He is truly blessed.

The trouble with some blokes is that they wouldn't know good advice if it hit them on the head!
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: dyslexic on April 25, 2014, 08:13:50 AM
Hind sight is always 20/20 ~

It's not easy to get it right the first time. By the time we've learned, we would like to do it all over again... but unfortunately, it is usually too late.

This is why I have mad respect for members of the younger generation that will listen.. and learn from our mistakes. They are more likely to be successful and make good decisions, but finding a kid that will listen to his peers is nearly impossible.

As far as women, sometimes it's better just to stay alone. Get a dog.

Keep your women friends at a distance. Coffee, dinners... but nothing else. At least not until you figure out what you really want. And here's the kicker: When you are actively looking, it's a desert. When you aren't and you are happy with your life, here she comes, rocking your world.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: pedro01 on April 25, 2014, 08:35:50 AM
For two years now Wiggs was convinced the world as we know it was ending. Now he is working and looking for a wife. He is truly blessed.

The trouble with some blokes is that they wouldn't know good advice if it hit them on the head!

The world WAS ending.

Jesus saved it...
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: DroppingPlates on April 25, 2014, 08:37:18 AM
Hind sight is always 20/20 ~

It's not easy to get it right the first time. By the time we've learned, we would like to do it all over again... but unfortunately, it is usually too late.

This is why I have mad respect for members of the younger generation that will listen.. and learn from our mistakes. They are more likely to be successful and make good decisions, but finding a kid that will listen to his peers is nearly impossible.

As far as women, sometimes it's better just to stay alone. Get a dog.

Keep your women friends at a distance. Coffee, dinners... but nothing else. At least not until you figure out what you really want. And here's the kicker: When you are actively looking, it's a desert. When you aren't and you are happy with your life, here she comes, rocking your world.

Solid advice. In this sense we can learn from women; be selective and take things slowly.

Get a dog, I like this thought.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Frank Clairmonte on April 25, 2014, 08:42:48 AM
How old is Wiggs btw? ???
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: anabolichalo on April 25, 2014, 10:52:17 AM
When you are actively looking, it's a desert. When you aren't and you are happy with your life, here she comes, rocking your world.
horrible truth

wonder how it works
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Tapeworm on April 25, 2014, 11:04:11 AM
Find a nice hebrew girl and settle down.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: anabolichalo on April 25, 2014, 11:05:55 AM
Find a nice hebrew girl and settle down.

my advise tho is to take one that does not exceed 125lbs

telling you it's not easy to retrain an out of control 180lbs hebrew woman
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Army of One on April 25, 2014, 11:06:14 AM
I'm having a real problem accepting American women and their multitude of moral, ethical and personality flaws. I know I'm not perfect by any means. But I do try to lead a righteous lifestyle. And I follow dietary laws of Bible (no pork, no seafood without scales, no non-split hove animal with doesn't chew its cud) and most importantly following the Ten Commandments. Nothing unreasonable.

Perhaps it's because I'm older and tolerate much less than I would 10 years ago, but it seems as of over the last year, I'll date and leave a woman really fast if it doesn't go my way. I find this to be a troubling trend. I don't think what I'm asking for is unreasonable, perhaps I need to hang out in Churches? It's getting quiet frustrating and I'm starting to feel guilty about it. Yes, I am a beautiful man with glasses. I've always been able to get 8s and up (except when I went through my fat, depressed stage). But it is no longer just about looks. I must be able to tolerate living with this woman. She must live by the same principles, she must be Hebrew, she should be classy, she should have domestic skills or be willing to learn. No children preferred but I'll accept her having 1 little Hebrew, but that's it. She must work.

The bad part in all this is I could pull ass all day especially with me in decent shape but I don't want just empty fornication. I'm done with that. I want something real, but I'm not settling. I think I may have to find a Hebrew female from another country or I should move outta Vegas because I think it's jaded me. We are notorious for having wack ass broads.

Ahhhhh. That felt good to get out. Thanks for listening.

One of life's great ironies, random sex is what you crave, then when you have done it for a few weeks you realise it just feels like an empty hollow shell of debauchery.

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: DroppingPlates on April 25, 2014, 11:21:22 AM
horrible truth

wonder how it works

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: falco on April 25, 2014, 12:49:32 PM
Put an add on craiglist: "want classy hebrew who likes dark meat but avoids porc".
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: anabolichalo on April 25, 2014, 01:57:55 PM

didnt watch but read the title

so basically

when standing in a club

you must pretend to be busy talking to acquintances about arms etc

and care not about the women ???
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: DroppingPlates on April 25, 2014, 02:09:40 PM
didnt watch but read the title

so basically

when standing in a club

you must pretend to be busy talking to acquintances about arms etc

and care not about the women ???

Not a matter of pretending, just don't give too much a fuck about how others see you or what they think about you.
Just listen to Gary's videos, his insights make a lot of sense.

(Credits to Tito24 for posting these vids on Getbig for the first time)
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: anabolichalo on April 25, 2014, 02:11:11 PM
Not a matter of pretending, just don't give too much a fuck about how others see you or what they think about you.
Just listen to Gary's videos, his insights make a lot of sense.

(Credits to Tito24 for posting these vids on Getbig for the first time)
well a lot of times bouncers and old freinds start talking my ears off about bodybuilding

and i feel like i am just missingv out on all the women


i dont think the theory works

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Pet shop boys on April 25, 2014, 02:18:02 PM
I'm having a real problem accepting American women and their multitude of moral, ethical and personality flaws. I know I'm not perfect by any means. But I do try to lead a righteous lifestyle. And I follow dietary laws of Bible (no pork, no seafood without scales, no non-split hove animal with doesn't chew its cud) and most importantly following the Ten Commandments. Nothing unreasonable.

Perhaps it's because I'm older and tolerate much less than I would 10 years ago, but it seems as of over the last year, I'll date and leave a woman really fast if it doesn't go my way. I find this to be a troubling trend. I don't think what I'm asking for is unreasonable, perhaps I need to hang out in Churches? It's getting quiet frustrating and I'm starting to feel guilty about it. Yes, I am a beautiful man with glasses. I've always been able to get 8s and up (except when I went through my fat, depressed stage). But it is no longer just about looks. I must be able to tolerate living with this woman. She must live by the same principles, she must be Hebrew, she should be classy, she should have domestic skills or be willing to learn. No children preferred but I'll accept her having 1 little Hebrew, but that's it. She must work.

The bad part in all this is I could pull ass all day especially with me in decent shape but I don't want just empty fornication. I'm done with that. I want something real, but I'm not settling. I think I may have to find a Hebrew female from another country or I should move outta Vegas because I think it's jaded me. We are notorious for having wack ass broads.

Ahhhhh. That felt good to get out. Thanks for listening.

Lay off the marihuana and all the 'ladies " that spend their days bragging and celebrating the 420 loving on facebook ...

Someone worth interacting with loving and respecting would come your way .

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: DroppingPlates on April 25, 2014, 02:22:18 PM
well a lot of times bouncers and old freinds start talking my ears off about bodybuilding

and i feel like i am just missingv out on all the women


i dont think the theory works

Dude, start listening first before you interpret this saying.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: anabolichalo on April 25, 2014, 02:34:30 PM
Dude, start listening first before you interpret this saying.
ok but first i watch this training video with milos sarcev

if i get freaky muscles i get the girls

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: DroppingPlates on April 25, 2014, 02:38:47 PM
ok but first i watch this training video with milos sarcev

if i get freaky muscles i get the girls


Try plasma expanders ;)
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: doriancutlerman on April 25, 2014, 03:25:23 PM
I'm having a real problem accepting American women and their multitude of moral, ethical and personality flaws. I know I'm not perfect by any means. But I do try to lead a righteous lifestyle. And I follow dietary laws of Bible (no pork, no seafood without scales, no non-split hove animal with doesn't chew its cud) and most importantly following the Ten Commandments. Nothing unreasonable.

Perhaps it's because I'm older and tolerate much less than I would 10 years ago, but it seems as of over the last year, I'll date and leave a woman really fast if it doesn't go my way. I find this to be a troubling trend. I don't think what I'm asking for is unreasonable, perhaps I need to hang out in Churches? It's getting quiet frustrating and I'm starting to feel guilty about it. Yes, I am a beautiful man with glasses. I've always been able to get 8s and up (except when I went through my fat, depressed stage). But it is no longer just about looks. I must be able to tolerate living with this woman. She must live by the same principles, she must be Hebrew, she should be classy, she should have domestic skills or be willing to learn. No children preferred but I'll accept her having 1 little Hebrew, but that's it. She must work.

The bad part in all this is I could pull ass all day especially with me in decent shape but I don't want just empty fornication. I'm done with that. I want something real, but I'm not settling. I think I may have to find a Hebrew female from another country or I should move outta Vegas because I think it's jaded me. We are notorious for having wack ass broads.

Ahhhhh. That felt good to get out. Thanks for listening.

First, lose this "Hebrew" bullshit and the delusion that you're a "beautiful man with glasses."  Last I saw, you were a pretty fat black fellow. 

If you're a Jew, well, Shalom.  If you're not, as I said, the revisionist history crap doesn't endear you to anyone, women alike.  As I've told you before, the notion that black people ruled the world until 2-3 centuries ago, then fumbled all of the marbles is a self-defeating testament to "mighty blackie." 

If I need to explain why, you'll have to try harder indeed to disappoint me; suffice to say, for history to have revised itself so profoundly, so dramatically across the entire globe (the North Americas, Europe, Asia, the greater Russian territories) would entail some SERIOUS white-on-black ass-kicking. 

... Just how did that happen, particularly if "black Hebrews" are "God's chosen people"?

Kibbitzing aside, you don't have a problem with American women.  They have a problem with YOU and your crazy ideas.

My advice?  Get in shape, stop spouting quite so much bullshit to everyone around you (remember, a bar is NOT Getbig) and just relax. 

... and if that doesn't work, order a call girl.  She won't give a flying fuck about Hebrews, aliens, your false prediction of the world's end in 2012 or any other such thing.  All she'll care about is how much you'll pay her for a blowjob.

Have fun with that.

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Vince B on April 25, 2014, 06:15:34 PM
Wiggs is an interesting guy. Trouble is he has been idle for too long and ended up embracing all manner of nonsense from the internet. Not to worry, he was saved by Jesus! Then this hapless warrior wonders how come it is so difficult to find a nice gal.

Everyone else sees it but Wiggs. Goes to show we are all experts re the problems of others but have no clue how to solve our own. DCM summed up Wiggs but I doubt he will part with any of his money on fornication. That means that someone else will have to look after the woman Wiggs isn't seeing!

This is the dude who was in a bunker last year waiting for the planet Nibiru to break up and decimate the earth. Can you imagine any woman tolerating that bullshit every year?
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: visualizeperfection on April 25, 2014, 06:24:01 PM
Wiggs is an interesting guy. Trouble is he has been idle for too long and ended up embracing all manner of nonsense from the internet. Not to worry, he was saved by Jesus! Then this hapless warrior wonders how come it is so difficult to find a nice gal.

Everyone else sees it but Wiggs. Goes to show we are all experts re the problems of others but have no clue how to solve our own. DCM summed up Wiggs but I doubt he will part with any of his money on fornication. That means that someone else will have to look after the woman Wiggs isn't seeing!

This is the dude who was in a bunker last year waiting for the planet Nibiru to break up and decimate the earth. Can you imagine any woman tolerating that bullshit every year?

Fuck off Basile. You deluded old schmoe cocksucker.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: King Shizzo on April 25, 2014, 06:27:47 PM
I'm having a real problem accepting American women and their multitude of moral, ethical and personality flaws. I know I'm not perfect by any means. But I do try to lead a righteous lifestyle. And I follow dietary laws of Bible (no pork, no seafood without scales, no non-split hove animal with doesn't chew its cud) and most importantly following the Ten Commandments. Nothing unreasonable.

Perhaps it's because I'm older and tolerate much less than I would 10 years ago, but it seems as of over the last year, I'll date and leave a woman really fast if it doesn't go my way. I find this to be a troubling trend. I don't think what I'm asking for is unreasonable, perhaps I need to hang out in Churches? It's getting quiet frustrating and I'm starting to feel guilty about it. Yes, I am a beautiful man with glasses. I've always been able to get 8s and up (except when I went through my fat, depressed stage). But it is no longer just about looks. I must be able to tolerate living with this woman. She must live by the same principles, she must be Hebrew, she should be classy, she should have domestic skills or be willing to learn. No children preferred but I'll accept her having 1 little Hebrew, but that's it. She must work.

The bad part in all this is I could pull ass all day especially with me in decent shape but I don't want just empty fornication. I'm done with that. I want something real, but I'm not settling. I think I may have to find a Hebrew female from another country or I should move outta Vegas because I think it's jaded me. We are notorious for having wack ass broads.

Ahhhhh. That felt good to get out. Thanks for listening.
It works both ways my friend. You don't think women have the exact same questions/concerns?

Why do you think the divorce rate is basically 50/50 these days?  Relationships of all levels are crapshoots.

Such is life as a human being. Ups, downs, bliss, and misery.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: The Scott on April 25, 2014, 06:44:19 PM
Wiggs is an interesting guy. Trouble is he has been idle for too long and ended up embracing all manner of nonsense from the internet. Not to worry, he was saved by Jesus! Then this hapless warrior wonders how come it is so difficult to find a nice gal.

Everyone else sees it but Wiggs. Goes to show we are all experts re the problems of others but have no clue how to solve our own. DCM summed up Wiggs but I doubt he will part with any of his money on fornication. That means that someone else will have to look after the woman Wiggs isn't seeing!

This is the dude who was in a bunker last year waiting for the planet Nibiru to break up and decimate the earth. Can you imagine any woman tolerating that bullshit every year?

As for his faith (such as it is) I hope it becomes genuine.  As for any woman tolerating him, I suspect it is a far less rare occurrence than one putting up with your desire for a few blue stars.

Lighten up on the young man.  Old guys such as you and I should be dispensing wisdom, not the byproduct of personal malaise such as that you offer up here.  I respect you more than you think, but need you to think more before you post.  That way, the people here will think more of you.  Understand? 

Be well. ;D
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: King Shizzo on April 25, 2014, 06:45:43 PM

As for his faith (such as it is) I hope it becomes genuine.  As for any woman tolerating him, I suspect it is a far less rare occurrence than one putting up with your desire for a few blue stars.

Lighten up on the young man.  Old guys such as you and I should be dispensing wisdom, not the byproduct of personal malaise such as that you offer up here.  I respect you more than you think, but need you to think more before you post.  That way, the people here will think more of you.  Understand? 

Be well. ;D
How old are you? Always thought you were a teeny twat.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Vince B on April 25, 2014, 06:46:56 PM

As for his faith (such as it is) I hope it becomes genuine.  As for any woman tolerating him, I suspect it is a far less rare occurrence than one putting up with your desire for a few blue stars.

Lighten up on the young man.  Old guys such as you and I should be dispensing wisdom, not the byproduct of personal malaise such as that you offer up here.  I respect you more than you think, but need you to think more before you post.  That way, the people here will think more of you.  Understand? 

Be well. ;D

I am giving good advice! I don't dislike Wiggs but I have called him out on his nonsense beliefs before. Anyone who comes to Getbig for dating advice has a few screws loose!
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: The Scott on April 25, 2014, 06:57:29 PM
How old are you? Always thought you were a teeny twat.

Late fifties.   ;D
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: The Scott on April 25, 2014, 07:00:32 PM
I am giving good advice! I don't dislike Wiggs but I have called him out on his nonsense beliefs before. Anyone who comes to Getbig for dating advice has a few screws loose!

Nonsense yes, but to me a genuine faith in Jesus of Nazareth is far from ridiculous and that is what I am hoping for Wiggs.  The rest of the weirdness I agree with.

Often people use forums such as this a pseudo sounding board.  As for women, he will do as he pleases regardless of what others say in this or any other thread.     
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: King Shizzo on April 25, 2014, 07:07:37 PM
Late fifties.   ;D
Oh really? I bet you shot powdered sperm to my shirtless pic then.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Vince B on April 25, 2014, 07:08:42 PM
Nonsense yes, but to me a genuine faith in Jesus of Nazareth is far from ridiculous and that is what I am hoping for Wiggs.  The rest of the weirdness I agree with.

Often people use forums such as this a pseudo sounding board.  As for women, he will do as he pleases regardless of what others say in this or any other thread.     

There are intelligent people who embrace a religion. I accept that. However, dear Wiggs is a special conglomeration of internet bullshit, conspiracies, aliens, shenanigans, end of the world nonsense. Who can save this guy?
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: The Scott on April 25, 2014, 07:10:01 PM
Oh really? I bet you shot powdered sperm to my shirtless pic then.

Now why would I do that, your eminence?
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: King Shizzo on April 25, 2014, 07:13:03 PM
Now why would I do that, your eminence?
I am no longer King Mr. Scott. I had my time as an attention whore.

Why would you do that? Look at my body. It is unisex. Everyone wants a taste.

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: The Scott on April 25, 2014, 07:13:33 PM
There are intelligent people who embrace a religion. I accept that. However, dear Wiggs is a special conglomeration of internet bullshit, conspiracies, aliens, shenanigans, end of the world nonsense. Who can save this guy?

I like to think he can help himself, but there's no harm in taking the basket off the lamp you know.  
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: The Scott on April 25, 2014, 07:15:51 PM
I am no longer King Mr. Scott. I had my time as an attention whore.

Why would you do that? Look at my body. It is unisex. Everyone wants a taste.

I am exclusively heterosexual and as such do not desire even a taste of manflesh (a nod to J.R.R. Tolkien's works).  ;D

Thanks for the smile, Shizzo!
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Wiggs on April 25, 2014, 08:18:58 PM
In the end the chosen Hebrews will have their boots on the necks of their former oppressors, it has been foretold.

Sounds like someone has been reading Revelation. We will led by our leader Yashua THE CHRIST. Yes, by today's terms, Christ is a Negro. It's just something people are gonna have to deal with...or they can burn in hell eternally. Yes, the real Hebrew Israelites are us and we're everywhere. The head Tribe is Judah. These are the American and Carribean Negros. We are known as the Jews...The real ones. No hate, just saying. The information is there and people are waking up to one of the grandest identity frauds in the history of man. Funny thing is, It was all foretold in the Bible. It was also foretold that we would wake up. There's been alot of work to keep this information hidden. I'm sure they have plans in place because it in inevitable that we will want to return to our homeland,Y'Srael and live as a sovereign nation of Hebrews. Needless to say,that's not happening until Christ's return. The NWO armies will try to destroy him with their technologies, painting him as an alien invader. It won't be a very happy day for many especially the ones that take the mark of the beast. It instantly brands you on hell's permanent guest list.

There is no rapture. It's not Biblical doctrine. What is written is that 144,000 Hebrews, 12k from each tribe will go through some sort of change and join Christ to fight and destroy the Anti-Christ and all the evil scum with him including 100 million men armies...Yeah, I could only imagine being chosen and getting to fight alongside Christ to destroy all the evil on the earth. That would be my greatest fantasy I could dream of as a human. Then reign with him 1,000 years on Earth as high priests but in non-human form. By the way outside of the 144,000, doing that special thing, salvation is for everyone but it is of the Jews...meaning us. Now I'm not saying to worship the ground we walk on. Not at all. I'm talking about racism (only outdone by thonged men on this board.) You also need to be following the 10 Commandments. Wake other ignorant Hebrews up as to who they are. We are still under the curse from Deuteronomy 28 and until we all Hebrews come back to God as a people, we will be under a curse as a people. Bottom line is, in the end, Good wins, evil loses, Christ will reign, Hebrews will reign with him, (the ones that aren't still dead waiting the second judgement after the thousand year reign. And everyone else will live that made it.

Then there's the Second judgement. Satan will be let out for a small while to do his thing again, much shorter time though. After that, Satan will be cast into the lake of Fire as will the Fallen Angels, aka annunaki, alien greys, demons, all those whose name is not found in the Book of Life. If you want to be found in the book of life and live eternally with Christ in Paradise? Follow those 10 Commandments and accept Christ, THE REAL ONE. Yashua, The real Black Christ as your Lord and Savior and study to show yourself approved. These other Christs are False idols. Christ said many would come in his name. These false iconclasted Christ is no different, so yes, his color and how he looks does matter. If it didn't, they wouldn't have changed him white.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Icelord on April 25, 2014, 08:21:07 PM
Those hebrews who have been corrupted by the false prophecies of Mohammed or Farrakhan - or who refuse to recognize any God at all other than Christ our Lord and Savior - will be lost during this renaissance of the human spirit. They will be cast out of the kingdom along with the other non-Hebrew heathens. The conflagration between the righteous chosen tribes and the Devil will not count them among its ranks.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Wiggs on April 25, 2014, 08:26:45 PM
Acts 10:9-16 ESV

The next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to pray. And he became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while they were preparing it, he fell into a trance and saw the heavens opened and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by its four corners upon the earth. In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. And there came a voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.”  But Peter said, “By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.” And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has made clean, do not call common.”  This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.

 you know the answer, brother. There are plenty of good women in Vegas. Find one at church if you need to. Always plenty of women dressed in their finest looking for a good God- fearing man of Christ to wed.  

By the way, Christ is the fulfillment of all those laws given by Moses.  You can eat pork, seafood, chicken, its all good. ... read the passage above this

Sup Taylor, Hope you're doing well. Christ came to fulfill the sacrificial law. That's it. He stated himself, he came to not to change the law but to fulfill them. You're still supposed to follow the 10 Commandments and dietary law. Christians use this as an excuse to eat all that yummy stuff. They also celebrate Pagan Holidays, Easter, Christmas and others. The Bible says not to do this, yet here we are.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: The Scott on April 25, 2014, 08:32:17 PM
Sounds like someone has been reading Revelation. We will led by our leader Yashua THE CHRIST. Yes, by today's terms, Christ is a Negro. It's just something people are gonna have to deal with...or they can burn in hell eternally. Yes, the real Hebrew Israelites are us and we're everywhere. The head Tribe is Judah. These are the American and Carribean Negros. We are known as the Jews...The real ones. No hate, just saying. The information is there and people are waking up to one of the grandest identity frauds in the history of man. Funny thing is, It was all foretold in the Bible. It was also foretold that we would wake up. There's been alot of work to keep this information hidden. I'm sure they have plans in place because it in inevitable that we will want to return to our homeland,Y'Srael and live as a sovereign nation of Hebrews. Needless to say,that's not happening until Christ's return. The NWO armies will try to destroy him with their technologies, painting him as an alien invader. It won't be a very happy day for many especially the ones that take the mark of the beast. It instantly brands you on hell's permanent guest list.

There is no rapture. It's not Biblical doctrine. What is written is that 144,000 Hebrews, 12k from each tribe will go through some sort of change and join Christ to fight and destroy the Anti-Christ and all the evil scum with him including 100 million men armies...Yeah, I could only imagine being chosen and getting to fight alongside Christ to destroy all the evil on the earth. That would be my greatest fantasy I could dream of as a human. Then reign with him 1,000 years on Earth as high priests but in non-human form. By the way outside of the 144,000, doing that special thing, salvation is for everyone but it is of the Jews...meaning us. Now I'm not saying to worship the ground we walk on. Not at all. I'm talking about racism (only outdone by thonged men on this board.) You also need to be following the 10 Commandments. Wake other ignorant Hebrews up as to who they are. We are still under the curse from Deuteronomy 28 and until we all Hebrews come back to God as a people, we will be under a curse as a people. Bottom line is, in the end, Good wins, evil loses, Christ will reign, Hebrews will reign with him, (the ones that aren't still dead waiting the second judgement after the thousand year reign. And everyone else will live that made it.

Then there's the Second judgement. Satan will be let out for a small while to do his thing again, much shorter time though. After that, Satan will be cast into the lake of Fire as will the Fallen Angels, aka annunaki, alien greys, demons, all those whose name is not found in the Book of Life. If you want to be found in the book of life and live eternally with Christ in Paradise? Follow those 10 Commandments and accept Christ, THE REAL ONE. Yashua, The real Black Christ as your Lord and Savior and study to show yourself approved. These other Christs are False idols. Christ said many would come in his name. These false iconclasted Christ is no different, so yes, his color and how he looks does matter. If it didn't, they wouldn't have changed him white.

Ok Vince, I stand corrected sir!  Given Wiggs race based (i.e, skin color) fetish I submit that you may well be correct.  I have hope but so did the ancient Greeks when Pandora let everything else out of the box.

This basing everything upon the color of a person's skin is beyond stupid, it is childishly ignorant and racist.  The color of one's skin is nothing to be ashamed of but then neither is it something to be proud about.  The only race that matters is human.  

Color me blind.  

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Wiggs on April 25, 2014, 08:32:25 PM
Born again Christians are like ex-smokers. Cant just be happy doing there own thing.

Wiggs - it is not your place to judge others. That's above your pay grade.

Of course your supposed to judge others! That's non-sense. If no one judged each other there'd be chaos. What the Bible passage "Judge not lest ye be judged" means, is you don't judge others on things you do. ex: you cheat on your woman all the time. I keep preaching to you how that's wrong and you shouldn't do it but the whole time, I'm doing the same thing.

You should judge people. Judging them corrects unacceptable behavior as a society. We've lost this trait. That's how things are kept in check and societal norms are balanced. We don't do that anymore we are at "anything goes" doorstep. 
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: avxo on April 25, 2014, 08:34:34 PM

Sup Taylor, Hope you're doing well. Christ came to fulfill the sacrificial law. That's it. He stated himself, he came to not to change the law but to fulfill them. You're still supposed to follow the 10 Commandments and dietary law. Christians use this as an excuse to eat all that yummy stuff. They also celebrate Pagan Holidays, Easter, Christmas and others. The Bible says not to do this, yet here we are.

I bet the Bible also says to grab yourself a bag of doritos an all-Rush mixtape, up the weed dose and go to town... right?
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Wiggs on April 25, 2014, 08:41:25 PM
Those hebrews who have been corrupted by the false prophecies of Mohammed or Farrakhan - or who refuse to recognize any God at all other than Christ our Lord and Savior - will be lost during this renaissance of the human spirit. They will be cast out of the kingdom along with the other non-Hebrew heathens. The conflagration between the righteous chosen tribes and the Devil will not count them among its ranks.

Yep, Hebrew Muslims gotta go also. The funny thing is that if they knew the role Black Arabs who were Muslims, played in the slave trade (a very, very, significant role) they'd be nowhere near this religion of peace. They all knew who we were and all agreed to hide it. They will certainly get theirs.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Wiggs on April 25, 2014, 08:42:54 PM
I bet the Bible also says to grab yourself a bag of doritos an all-Rush mixtape, up the weed dose and go to town... right?

You know that it doesn't. Is this an attempt in sarcastic humor?
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: avxo on April 25, 2014, 08:43:57 PM
You know that it doesn't. Is this an attempt in sarcastic humor?

That depends - do you buy by the gram or the kilo?
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Icelord on April 25, 2014, 08:45:48 PM
Yep, Hebrew Muslims gotta go also. The funny thing is that if they knew the role Black Arabs who were Muslims, played in the slave trade (a very, very, significant role) they'd be nowhere near this religion of peace. They all knew who we were and all agreed to hide it. They will certainly get theirs.
Muslims used Africans as their manservants/bodyguards/brute labor for centuries. The worst offenders were the Egyptians but it was widespread. They also sold Africans to the Europeans for use in their colonies, and later to America's rulers of the day. How any self-respecting black man can worship through Islam and pray to a foreign peoples' God is beyond me. It would be like building a memorial to honor the Confederate generals in the middle of Chicago.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Wiggs on April 25, 2014, 08:47:18 PM
Muslims used Africans as their manservants/bodyguards/brute labor for centuries. The worst offenders were the Egyptians but it was widespread. They also sold Africans to the Europeans for use in their colonies, and later to America's rulers of the day. How any self-respecting black man can worship through Islam and pray to a foreign peoples' God is beyond me. It would be like building a memorial to honor the Confederate generals in the middle of Chicago.

Exactly. Don't try to tell them that
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Parker on April 25, 2014, 09:07:21 PM
Yep, Hebrew Muslims gotta go also. The funny thing is that if they knew the role Black Arabs who were Muslims, played in the slave trade (a very, very, significant role) they'd be nowhere near this religion of peace. They all knew who we were and all agreed to hide it. They will certainly get theirs.
Particularly the East African slave trade.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: LiftEaTsLeEpRePeAt on April 25, 2014, 09:07:40 PM
I'm having a real problem accepting American women and their multitude of moral, ethical and personality flaws. I know I'm not perfect by any means. But I do try to lead a righteous lifestyle. And I follow dietary laws of Bible (no pork, no seafood without scales, no non-split hove animal with doesn't chew its cud) and most importantly following the Ten Commandments. Nothing unreasonable.

Perhaps it's because I'm older and tolerate much less than I would 10 years ago, but it seems as of over the last year, I'll date and leave a woman really fast if it doesn't go my way. I find this to be a troubling trend. I don't think what I'm asking for is unreasonable, perhaps I need to hang out in Churches? It's getting quiet frustrating and I'm starting to feel guilty about it. Yes, I am a beautiful man with glasses. I've always been able to get 8s and up (except when I went through my fat, depressed stage). But it is no longer just about looks. I must be able to tolerate living with this woman. She must live by the same principles, she must be Hebrew, she should be classy, she should have domestic skills or be willing to learn. No children preferred but I'll accept her having 1 little Hebrew, but that's it. She must work.

The bad part in all this is I could pull ass all day especially with me in decent shape but I don't want just empty fornication. I'm done with that. I want something real, but I'm not settling. I think I may have to find a Hebrew female from another country or I should move outta Vegas because I think it's jaded me. We are notorious for having wack ass broads.

Ahhhhh. That felt good to get out. Thanks for listening.
I thought you were in to men??/
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Icelord on April 25, 2014, 09:08:04 PM
I thought you were in to men??/
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: visualizeperfection on April 25, 2014, 09:53:51 PM


liftsacklickass is a terrible poster.

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Automation on April 25, 2014, 10:58:27 PM

Your values / beliefs are very unique. Consequently, you are going to struggle to find a women who is compatible with those. If you cannot change, or at least suppress, your values / beliefs, a sane life partner is not on the cards.

However, as it appears to a great majority of people on here that you are insane, perhaps happiness is within your grasp.

Best of luck.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Roger Bacon on April 25, 2014, 11:03:02 PM
I'm considering switching to trannies so I don't have to deal with this bullshit.  They know how to treat a man right.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: visualizeperfection on April 25, 2014, 11:04:55 PM
I'm considering switching to trannies so I don't have to deal with this bullshit.  They know how to treat a man right.

bang session then go throw the football around, refinish some cabinets, beer tasting etc.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Roger Bacon on April 25, 2014, 11:06:20 PM

bang session then go throw the football around, refinish some cabinets, beer tasting etc.


Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: tbombz on April 25, 2014, 11:13:46 PM

Sup Taylor, Hope you're doing well. Christ came to fulfill the sacrificial law. That's it. He stated himself, he came to not to change the law but to fulfill them. You're still supposed to follow the 10 Commandments and dietary law. Christians use this as an excuse to eat all that yummy stuff. They also celebrate Pagan Holidays, Easter, Christmas and others. The Bible says not to do this, yet here we are.
  Read the book of Hebrews. It addresses all of your concerns about transitioning from the Law to Grace. Salvation is by grace through faith. But if you want to follow those rules in Deuteronomy, cool. Just know that  its not required, and that the sum of all the law and all the prophets is to love your God with all your heart, with all you soul, and with all your mind; and to love your neighbor as yourself.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Vince B on April 25, 2014, 11:30:06 PM
  Read the book of Hebrews. It addresses all of your concerns about transitioning from the Law to Grace. Salvation is by grace through faith. But if you want to follow those rules in Deuteronomy, cool. Just know that  its not required, and that the sum of all the law and all the prophets is to love your God with all your heart, with all you soul, and with all your mind; and to love your neighbor as yourself.

Impossible for Wiggs because he considers me the Devil!  ;D
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: visualizeperfection on April 25, 2014, 11:30:51 PM
Impossible for Wiggs because he considers me the Devil!  ;D

get fucked basile
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: tbombz on April 26, 2014, 12:18:04 AM
Matthew 24:36-44 ESV

“But concerning that day and hour   no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,   nor the Son,  but the Father only.  For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.  For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark,  and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.  Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken and one left.  Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one left.  Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.  But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into.  Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

There is no rapture. It's not Biblical doctrine.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Cleanest Natural on April 26, 2014, 12:32:50 AM

you're not yet up to par for the kind of woman you want.

very good advice
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: DroppingPlates on April 26, 2014, 12:46:49 AM
I'm considering switching to trannies so I don't have to deal with this bullshit.  They know how to treat a man right.

Which Getbigger would be your choice, fat alex, true adonis or one of the 2 Vinces?
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: visualizeperfection on April 26, 2014, 12:57:29 AM
Which Getbigger would be your choice, fat alex, true adonis or one of the 2 Vinces?

suggesting mudsharking should be a time-outable offence.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: Vince B on April 26, 2014, 01:00:19 AM
Which Getbigger would be your choice, fat alex, true adonis or one of the 2 Vinces?

Another list Calvin didn't make! No homo.
Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: syntaxmachine on April 26, 2014, 01:13:10 AM
If u have consistently been pulling 8s and up, which I consider young, model types, then you don't need any mentoring although I think our rating system may be different.

Actually, values on the Wiggsonian Scale denote the number of offspring the potential mate has pumped out.

Title: Re: I need some mentoring here guys.
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on April 26, 2014, 01:14:50 AM
Wiggs' response to those who expected this thread to only be about relationships and dating: