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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Coach is Back! on December 07, 2015, 01:51:43 PM

Title: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 07, 2015, 01:51:43 PM

Yes, this is recent. lol
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Royalty on December 07, 2015, 02:11:25 PM
Wow. He let it fly. Damn!
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on December 07, 2015, 02:20:03 PM
Wonder if Ralph Peters would be willing to deal with the backlash of his own ideas?
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: TheShape. on December 07, 2015, 02:58:06 PM
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on December 07, 2015, 03:02:25 PM

Yes, this is recent. lol

And that's why he was fired from Fox News along with Stacy Dash ;D
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Rambone on December 07, 2015, 03:06:01 PM

And that's why he was fired from Fox News along with Stacy Dash ;D
Not fired. Suspended for 2 weeks
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: OneMoreRep on December 07, 2015, 03:06:44 PM

Yes, this is recent. lol

Yeah... I'm not a fan of Obama, but to think that calling the POTUS a pussy on national television is ok to do is just a little much.

Proclaiming that we should be doing more is easier said than done. The same cries were heard after 9/11 and what ended up happening? I'll tell you. We ended up dropping missiles on a bunch of empty mountains in Afghanistan and then went after Sadam Hussein (a man that had nothing to do with those attacks and had no weapons of mass destruction) and as a result spent over a decade trying to "bring Democracy" into Iraq and Afghanistan and crippling our economy to the point of practically no return.

International politics/Foreign Policy is not easy. It isn't easy for Obama, nor was it easy for Bush or just about any other President.

You have a lot of countries that hate ISIS, rightfully so. Lets see what happens before we assume Obama is the only one capable of acting. His acting will cost all of us (literally all Americans) a lot of money. Sure, contractors that probably will make out very well if we dive right in, but what about the tax dollars this kind of thing will cost us?

...and I'm a Republican,
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Fortress on December 07, 2015, 03:07:29 PM
Obama is a pussy. But worse still, he's a Muslim.

A Muslim president of a democratic nation. Complete and total contradiction.

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on December 07, 2015, 03:08:05 PM
Not fired. Suspended for 2 weeks

Once the calls come in....kiss him goodbye.  The suspension will be followed by a firing.  You simply can't call the President of the United States a pussy without reciprocity
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: OneMoreRep on December 07, 2015, 03:17:07 PM
Stacey Dash made similar remarks when she reacted to Obama's speech by stating: "I felt like he could give a shit -- excuse me, like he could care less."

I would have actually cared for her comments, but since she is too stupid to realize that it's "couldn't care less", I chucked it up to the fact that she is an actress with very little mental capacity, albeit incredibly good looking.

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Parker on December 07, 2015, 03:19:04 PM
Yeah... I'm not a fan of Obama, but to think that calling the POTUS a pussy on national television is ok to do is just a little much.

Proclaiming that we should be doing more is easier said than done. The same cries were heard after 9/11 and what ended up happening? I'll tell you. We ended up dropping missiles on a bunch of empty mountains in Afghanistan and then went after Sadam Hussein (a man that had nothing to do with those attacks and had no weapons of mass destruction) and as a result spent over a decade trying to "bring Democracy" into Iraq and Afghanistan and crippling our economy to the point of practically no return.

International politics/Foreign Policy is not easy. It isn't easy for Obama, nor was it easy for Bush or just about any other President.

You have a lot of countries that hate ISIS, rightfully so. Lets see what happens before we assume Obama is the only one capable of acting. His acting will cost all of us (literally all Americans) a lot of money. Sure, contractors that probably will make out very well if we dive right in, but what about the tax dollars this kind of thing will cost us?

...and I'm a Republican,
There was a retired Navy officer that spoke on The President a few months back. He didn't have any real kind words to say. And another one, who had a book out.
It seems that there is a rift that has grown between the military and the President. It seems that the military just wants to handle the business, or has a lot issues with how President Obama wants/is handling ISIL as well other issues foreign and domestic.
This rift is growing even more, with the gun violence and the police shootings.
What we may see here is the widening of the gulf even more. How much? Who knows. But when you have weak leadership/central government and a strong military, things happen.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: The True Adonis on December 07, 2015, 03:19:45 PM
What more can be done?  They have obliterated ISIS with thousands and thousands of airstrikes.  Stopped terror plots.  Disrupted communications.  Gathered vast amounts of intel.

Obama even called for Congress to authorize a declaration of war.  What more can be done?

Republicans are some dumb sons of bitches.  
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: OneMoreRep on December 07, 2015, 03:32:49 PM
There was a retired Navy officer that spoke on The President a few months back. He didn't have any real kind words to say. And another one, who had a book out.
It seems that there is a rift that has grown between the military and the President. It seems that the military just wants to handle the business, or has a lot issues with how President Obama wants/is handling ISIL as well other issues foreign and domestic.
This rift is growing even more, with the gun violence and the police shootings.
What we may see here is the widening of the gulf even more. How much? Who knows. But when you have weak leadership/central government and a strong military, things happen.

I don't think the military knows what to do with ISIS. These guys are not centralized in one single spot making them easy targets. They're scattered and hide under the guise of civilians. Like sleeper cells, they get the call and react.

We've tried tactics like this before (see the hunt for Osama Bin Laden) and it cost us Billions of tax dollars and a decade's worth of failed attempts before we finally killed the piece of shit.

The real issue stems from the fact that Obama has been cutting military spending since he entered office (See: ( and the high-ranking brass of the military, in turn, hates his guts and take jabs at him whenever possible.

There is no perfect solution to these types of situations. The idea that we should bomb first and ask questions later has failed us in the past and we've had to pay dearly as a result (think Afghanistan and how we had to rebuild their nation, when Osama was in Pakistan all along).

I say we take a calculated approach to things. But fuck do I know, I'm just a former marine turned gay financier.

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: hardgainerj on December 07, 2015, 03:38:21 PM
There was a retired Navy officer that spoke on The President a few months back. He didn't have any real kind words to say. And another one, who had a book out.
It seems that there is a rift that has grown between the military and the President. It seems that the military just wants to handle the business, or has a lot issues with how President Obama wants/is handling ISIL as well other issues foreign and domestic.
This rift is growing even more, with the gun violence and the police shootings.
What we may see here is the widening of the gulf even more. How much? Who knows. But when you have weak leadership/central government and a strong military, things happen.
war is a business
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: SF1900 on December 07, 2015, 03:42:52 PM
war is a business

There is a cartoon GIF of a military guy firing a gun. As the shells are popped from the gun, they turn into gold coins and fall into the pocket of the politician standing behind him.

I can't seem to find the gif.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 07, 2015, 03:47:29 PM
Once the calls come in....kiss him goodbye.  The suspension will be followed by a firing.  You simply can't call the President of the United States a pussy without reciprocity

The word is repercussion dipshit
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: oldschoolfan on December 07, 2015, 04:00:34 PM
the amount of money we spent on iraq is mind boggling.  2 trillion dollars !!!

thats fucking crazy.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: spiro on December 07, 2015, 04:22:07 PM
What more can be done?  They have obliterated ISIS with thousands and thousands of airstrikes.  Stopped terror plots.  Disrupted communications.  Gathered vast amounts of intel.

Obama even called for Congress to authorize a declaration of war.  What more can be done?

Republicans are some dumb sons of bitches.  

You're a dumb son of a bitch the guy was on point with everything he said. You don't think Obama is holding back on these people? Like the guy said he does more for ghetto trash shows more emotion for Muslim prisoners. He talks like white republicans are the enemy.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: drkaje on December 07, 2015, 04:27:09 PM
We only respond to sensationalism these and have tolerated/encouraged disrespect of the office.

Can't blame the guy for going that far to get attention.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: 240 is Back on December 07, 2015, 04:27:19 PM
the same people that cheerlead this = the same people that cheerlead trump.

he can make fun of the handicapped, laugh about women's periods... they don't give a shit.  They're immature people who loved bill clinton was he was banging girls, loved to brag about their whoring and drugging days, and today, moved up in tax brackets so they feel the need to lecture others how to live.

their political convictions are thin.  they stand for whatever is 'in'.  They could back a populist like trump just as easily as a conseravtive like Cruz... cause the negativity they feel against what they used to be (morally corrupt democrat) is what they still see in the mirror each day.  They HATE what they WERE not too long ago.  Not referring to any getbiggers, just people in general.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Dokey111 on December 07, 2015, 04:28:21 PM
Everyone wants to be Trump now.  What if Trump turns out to be the biggest pussy of them all?

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: spiro on December 07, 2015, 04:30:46 PM
Muslims attack kill a hundred people the president brings up the crusades to shift the blame to Christians. He is a fucking pussy. He's gutless. He's on the wrong side on just about every single issue. At least trump is pro American with Obama you don't know what Sid he's really on.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Desolate on December 07, 2015, 04:34:33 PM

The Kenyan Muslim who used to eat dogs. ::)

Somehow this guy is The President of the United States. :(

It's unfuckingbelievable. ::)
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: polychronopolous on December 07, 2015, 04:42:49 PM
Donald Trump Calls for ‘Complete Shutdown Of Muslims Entering the United States’


Presidential candidate Donald Trump is calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

In a statement released Monday, Trump pointed to a poll from Center for Security Policy to show that segments of the Muslim population detest Americans.

According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing “25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad” and 51% of those polled, “agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.”

Trump reiterated in the statement that America must understand radical Islam before allowing Muslims into the country.

Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.

However, lopsided majorities of Americans strongly oppose the migration of Muslims to the United States.

The federal government is set to increase their population in the United States up to 6.2 million by 2030. For example, a record 680,000 migrants from Muslims countries were granted Green Cards from 2009 to 2013. Also, two million people from Muslim-majority countries were admitted to the United States since the jihad atrocity on 9/11, 2001.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: spiro on December 07, 2015, 04:43:14 PM
Think of all the shit Obama does to impede the military. He hires minority women in every position he can lol. Has the first tranny working in the white house. Hires that racist shit for brains Loretta Lynch. First thing she says after the latest terrorist attack "we will punish people for speaking badly against Islam" it's unreal you seriously have to be a stone cold retarded to be a democrat right now. 100s of Hebrew murdering each other every day. Hebrew gets killed by a white cop now they got these assholes attention. And then he invites clock boy black professor to the white house to praise them. He never gives one ounce to the other side.

Look at all the thug race hustlers Obama has working for him. Loretta Lynch all Sharpton Eric holder. Look at the crazy bitch who is always running her mouth Nancy Pelosi. It's the biggest joke I have ever seen in my life. Democrats equals shit for brains.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: SF1900 on December 07, 2015, 04:43:35 PM

The Kenyan Muslim who used to eat dogs. ::)

Somehow this guy is The President of the United States. :(

It's unfuckingbelievable. ::)

Who has bigger guns you or Obama?

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: spiro on December 07, 2015, 04:44:38 PM
Good for Trump he's the only one who can keep the whole thing for burning down. He might be a little brash but we need that. Things have gone waaaaay to far to the left.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: spiro on December 07, 2015, 04:49:52 PM
I can understand if you're a queer or a minority and you support Obama ya I can kind of see that. He constantly props your people up. But to be a white male and have any respect for this guy well the best part of you ran down the crack of your mamas ass.

The white people who I see supporting Obama are liberal hippies and overly educated social justice warriors. Both types I could really do with out. Oh and people who hate guns lol.

Makes me sick. I see these people on Facebook lol I can always predict who's going to be an zero supporter. People I would never really trust. Something is missing from these people.

Blows my mind to see a guy like TA support the clown. He knows the danger of the dindus.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on December 07, 2015, 05:00:32 PM
The word is repercussion dipshit

Maybe you should go back to high school and get your diploma.... ::)
Reciprocity (social psychology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In social psychology, reciprocity is a social rule that says we should repay, in kind, what another person has provided us.[1] That is, people give back the kind of treatment they have received from you. By virtue of the rule of reciprocity, we are obligated to repay favors, gifts, invitations, etc. in the future. If someone invites us to their birthday party and buys us a gift, we are expected to do the same when the time for their birthday comes. This sense of future obligation associated with reciprocity makes it possible to build continuing relationships and exchanges. Reciprocal actions of this nature are important to social psychology as they can help explain the maintenance of social norms.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: The_Iron_Disciple on December 07, 2015, 05:03:38 PM
Good for Trump he's the only one who can keep the whole thing for burning down. He might be a little brash but we need that. Things have gone waaaaay to far to the left.

Trump will do more harm than good. Trust me. The man is a ticking time-bomb. Is that who you want running your country ? Is that who you want making big decisions that will impact millions of people ?
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: SF1900 on December 07, 2015, 05:07:44 PM

Maybe you should go back to high school and get your diploma.... ::)
Reciprocity (social psychology)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In social psychology, reciprocity is a social rule that says we should repay, in kind, what another person has provided us.[1] That is, people give back the kind of treatment they have received from you. By virtue of the rule of reciprocity, we are obligated to repay favors, gifts, invitations, etc. in the future. If someone invites us to their birthday party and buys us a gift, we are expected to do the same when the time for their birthday comes. This sense of future obligation associated with reciprocity makes it possible to build continuing relationships and exchanges. Reciprocal actions of this nature are important to social psychology as they can help explain the maintenance of social norms.

I understand with both words (reciprocity and repercussion) mean, but how are you using it in the sentence below?

"You simply can't call the President of the United States a pussy without reciprocity."

What is being reciprocated by calling the president a pussy?  ???
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: pellius on December 07, 2015, 05:20:51 PM
Yeah... I'm not a fan of Obama, but to think that calling the POTUS a pussy on national television is ok to do is just a little much.

Proclaiming that we should be doing more is easier said than done. The same cries were heard after 9/11 and what ended up happening? I'll tell you. We ended up dropping missiles on a bunch of empty mountains in Afghanistan and then went after Sadam Hussein (a man that had nothing to do with those attacks and had no weapons of mass destruction) and as a result spent over a decade trying to "bring Democracy" into Iraq and Afghanistan and crippling our economy to the point of practically no return.

International politics/Foreign Policy is not easy. It isn't easy for Obama, nor was it easy for Bush or just about any other President.

You have a lot of countries that hate ISIS, rightfully so. Lets see what happens before we assume Obama is the only one capable of acting. His acting will cost all of us (literally all Americans) a lot of money. Sure, contractors that probably will make out very well if we dive right in, but what about the tax dollars this kind of thing will cost us?

...and I'm a Republican,

"We ended up dropping missiles on a bunch of empty mountains in Afghanistan and then went after Sadam Hussein (a man that had nothing to do with those attacks and had no weapons of mass destruction) and as a result spent over a decade trying to "bring Democracy" into Iraq and Afghanistan and crippling our economy to the point of practically no return."

"Empty mountains"? Not quite. Al Queda's training camp was in Afghanistan and we destroyed it. The attack on Iraq (over a year after 9/11) had nothing to do with 9/11. And do you really think that the US economy, the largest in the world, is crippled to the point of "practically" no return?
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: OneMoreRep on December 07, 2015, 05:47:47 PM
"We ended up dropping missiles on a bunch of empty mountains in Afghanistan and then went after Sadam Hussein (a man that had nothing to do with those attacks and had no weapons of mass destruction) and as a result spent over a decade trying to "bring Democracy" into Iraq and Afghanistan and crippling our economy to the point of practically no return."

"Empty mountains"? Not quite. Al Queda's training camp was in Afghanistan and we destroyed it. The attack on Iraq (over a year after 9/11) had nothing to do with 9/11. And do you really think that the US economy, the largest in the world, is crippled to the point of "practically" no return?

We dropped missiles on many empty mountains. The source is what we were after (Osama) and we didn't find him until 2011, and this is only after dropping about $4 to $6 trillion on the entire campaign (Iraq + Afghanistan War + Intelligence needed to find him in Pakistan).

The attack on Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, but if not for 9/11, we wouldn't have been there. What ammunition would have Bush had to get in there? Suspicion of Weapons of Mass Destruction? That was the biggest waste of time, money and American lives, ever. We had no business invading that country, none. Let the damn Arabs figure that shit out.

Our economy is still trying to recover from all of the madness. We still have 18 Trillion in debt, more than any other country in the world. We largely base our view of economies by way of GDP, but GDP is not the most accurate indicator of a thriving economy (China's artificial inflation of their GDP can tell you that) and Standard & Poor's credit rating of the US is at a AA (granted Moodys & Fitch claims otherwise), but our economy would be much better off if not for the last decade of wartime.

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: AbrahamG on December 07, 2015, 06:51:16 PM
I understand with both words (reciprocity and repercussion) mean, but how are you using it in the sentence below?

"You simply can't call the President of the United States a pussy without reciprocity."

What is being reciprocated by calling the president a pussy?  ???

One can always appreciate taking an opportunity to publicly humiliate Vince G. CMSFGWMABCDEFG.  In this case at least he was on the correct side of the argument no matter how badly
he butchered the Kings English.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Mr.1derful on December 07, 2015, 07:20:54 PM
What more can be done?  They have obliterated ISIS with thousands and thousands of airstrikes.  Stopped terror plots.  Disrupted communications.  Gathered vast amounts of intel.

Obama even called for Congress to authorize a declaration of war.  What more can be done?

Republicans are some dumb sons of bitches.  

Obama hasn't done shit against ISIS.  He's used them as a proxy to try overthrow Assad, while pretending to fight them. 

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 07, 2015, 08:02:24 PM
I understand with both words (reciprocity and repercussion) mean, but how are you using it in the sentence below?

"You simply can't call the President of the United States a pussy without reciprocity."

What is being reciprocated by calling the president a pussy?  ???

He means repercussions or ramifications.....not reciprocity.

Obviously swallowing semen dulls the intellect. Look at True Adonis, he gives a few more homeless guys head and he will be posting like Gib.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 07, 2015, 08:16:18 PM
What more can be done?  They have obliterated ISIS with thousands and thousands of airstrikes.  Stopped terror plots.  Disrupted communications.  Gathered vast amounts of intel.

Obama even called for Congress to authorize a declaration of war.  What more can be done?

Republicans are some dumb sons of bitches.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: SF1900 on December 07, 2015, 08:16:57 PM
One can always appreciate taking an opportunity to publicly humiliate Vince G. CMSFGWMABCDEFG.  In this case at least he was on the correct side of the argument no matter how badly
he butchered the Kings English.

Im still trying to decipher what the sentence means lol
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: SF1900 on December 07, 2015, 08:17:58 PM
He means repercussions or ramifications.....not reciprocity.

Obviously swallowing semen dulls the intellect. Look at True Adonis, he gives a few more homeless guys head and he will be posting like Gib.

I agree that he meant repercussions or ramifications.

But he seems intent that he was right, so I am very curious his thought process regarding the sentence.

This ought to be good.  :D :D
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 07, 2015, 08:24:16 PM
I agree that he meant repercussions or ramifications.

But he seems intent that he was right, so I am very curious his thought process regarding the sentence.

This ought to be good.  :D :D

No thought process behind it.

Vince Felchbum trying to sound erudite and ending up sounding more like True Adonis.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: chaos on December 07, 2015, 08:37:11 PM
the same people that cheerlead this = the same people that cheerlead trump.

he can make fun of the handicapped, laugh about women's periods... they don't give a shit.  They're immature people who loved bill clinton was he was banging girls, loved to brag about their whoring and drugging days, and today, moved up in tax brackets so they feel the need to lecture others how to live.

their political convictions are thin.  they stand for whatever is 'in'.  They could back a populist like trump just as easily as a conseravtive like Cruz... cause the negativity they feel against what they used to be (morally corrupt democrat) is what they still see in the mirror each day.  They HATE what they WERE not too long ago.  Not referring to any getbiggers, just people in general.
Which side are you on?
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: gib on December 07, 2015, 08:40:53 PM
Obama is a pussy. But worse still, he's a Muslim.

A Muslim president of a democratic nation. Complete and total contradiction.

And you guys elected him. God bless America!
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: 240 is Back on December 07, 2015, 08:53:47 PM

Why is fox news scared to cover this?   I keep seeing 'free beacon' and 'wnd' and 'prisonplanet' and 'infowars' from you.

Why isn't fox - you know, the trusted name in news - why won't they talk about it?   Cause it's not true, or because they're in bed with obama?
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 07, 2015, 10:02:59 PM
Why is fox news scared to cover this?   I keep seeing 'free beacon' and 'wnd' and 'prisonplanet' and 'infowars' from you.

Why isn't fox - you know, the trusted name in news - why won't they talk about it?   Cause it's not true, or because they're in bed with obama?

See Drudge. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: 240 is Back on December 07, 2015, 10:06:03 PM
See Drudge. Hope this helps.

REPORT: Drudge Funneled At Least 30 Million Visitors To Conspiracy Websites In The Last Year

By directing millions of visitors to these websites, Drudge is providing critical financial and reputational support to publications that argue 9/11 was an inside job, FEMA is building concentration camps and President Obama was not born in the United States.

*hope this helps*
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on December 07, 2015, 10:30:04 PM

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 07, 2015, 10:38:59 PM
REPORT: Drudge Funneled At Least 30 Million Visitors To Conspiracy Websites In The Last Year

By directing millions of visitors to these websites, Drudge is providing critical financial and reputational support to publications that argue 9/11 was an inside job, FEMA is building concentration camps and President Obama was not born in the United States.

*hope this helps*

Is politico one of them? lol. It's a lib rag. Explain.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: pellius on December 07, 2015, 10:48:05 PM
Trump will do more harm than good. Trust me. The man is a ticking time-bomb. Is that who you want running your country ? Is that who you want making big decisions that will impact millions of people ?

I love when a complete stranger says, "Trust me."
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: pellius on December 07, 2015, 11:31:42 PM
We dropped missiles on many empty mountains. The source is what we were after (Osama) and we didn't find him until 2011, and this is only after dropping about $4 to $6 trillion on the entire campaign (Iraq + Afghanistan War + Intelligence needed to find him in Pakistan).

The attack on Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, but if not for 9/11, we wouldn't have been there. What ammunition would have Bush had to get in there? Suspicion of Weapons of Mass Destruction? That was the biggest waste of time, money and American lives, ever. We had no business invading that country, none. Let the damn Arabs figure that shit out.

Our economy is still trying to recover from all of the madness. We still have 18 Trillion in debt, more than any other country in the world. We largely base our view of economies by way of GDP, but GDP is not the most accurate indicator of a thriving economy (China's artificial inflation of their GDP can tell you that) and Standard & Poor's credit rating of the US is at a AA (granted Moodys & Fitch claims otherwise), but our economy would be much better off if not for the last decade of wartime.


Yes, we dropped bombs on some empty mountains and some populated mountains. A friend that was one of my training partners got shot and killed in one of those empty mountains. And, yes, we did not find OBL but so what? Nothing is guaranteed. We destroyed their base training camp and put OBL on the run and we got him. Just we eventually get everyone we are looking for.

What would you have done or think should have been done after the 9/11 attack?

As far as or invasion of Iraq. People have very short memories. We had a cease fire agreement with Iraq following the first Gulf War. An agreement that Hussein continued to violate. In our attempt to enforce the no fly zones (to keep him from killing the Kurds which he has done before) Iraq shot at our planes almost daily. Even one such attack is considered an act of war. Hussein continuously violated the UN resolutions, sixteen of them. We kept drawing lines in the sand and Hussein continued to ignore them. Bush stood before the UN Security Council and stated that if the UN did not enforce the security council resolutions then the U.S. would. A final resolution, Resolution 1441, as a last opportunity to comply with the disarmament agreement and the various terms of the cease fire agreement the Security Council passed this Resolution with a unanimous vote, 15-0, including Russia and Syria. This Resolution had wider support than the Resolution passed authorizing the first Gulf War which was unique in it's vast world wide support.

When Saddam Hussein called our bluff and ignored Resolution 1441 he signed his death warrant. His dealings with Clinton convinced him that America was weak. After all, he was able to ignore all the warnings and Resolutions throughout the Clinton administration without consequences. But Bush was no Clinton.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: 240 is Back on December 08, 2015, 12:01:14 AM
Is politico one of them? lol. It's a lib rag. Explain.

youre changing the subject.

Drudge links to plenty of 911 CTer sites.   Are they reliable?
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: pellius on December 08, 2015, 12:28:47 AM

I also want to address the Iraqi WMD issue as a separate topic because, again, people have short or selective memories.

It is true that we did not know as a matter of fact that Iraq was at the time in possession of WMDs. We would have to had invaded their country to determine that because he kicked out the inspectors. So why did we think he did?

Well, we know for a fact that Iraq had in the past possessed WMDs because he used them -- against his own people, the Kurds and against the Iranians.

We knew he had ambitions to develop nuclear weapons and build a nuclear reactor because he built one, with the help of the French, which was destroyed by the Israelis in 1981. The Osirak reactor. Predictably, Israel was condemned for this act as they will be when they destroy Iran's nuclear reactor if they should get one. Hussein also was very clear about ruling the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, and controlling the entire regions oil supply. He had a huge incentive to develope, and be willing to use, WMDs.

In addition to the U.S., ALL the major intelligence agencies: Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel, and France, believe that Hussein had, has, or was developing WMDs. Bill and Hillary Clinton at the time believed that Hussein had WMDs in addition to Kerry, Pelosi, Daschle, Gore, Kennedy, Rockefeller... indeed 77 of the Senators at the time. Very few remember that Hans Blix, who headed the inspection team, discovered chemical rocket warheads in a bunker in Baghdad. Something that was big news at the time. The inspectors were subsequently expelled from Iraq by Hussein.

So let me ask you, and be honest, did you believe at the time that Hussein had and/or actively developing WMDs? If not, what did you know at the time that ALL the intelligence agencies as well as the majority of the Senate and Congress did not know and how did you know it?

Violation of every single UN Security Resolutions, possession and use of WMDs in the past, developing a nuclear reactor, invading and attacking his neighbors, open designs for a "Greater Iraq" and controlling the Middle East oil supply, kicking out the inspectors.

To avoid war all Hussein would have had to do is exactly what Libya did after we invaded Iraq and Gaddafi saw the writing on the wall. He opened his country to inspections. We gave Hussein a lot of warnings. Endless warnings and lines in the sand. Don't you remember how long it dragged on? How we stood there endlessly with our ships and troops parked and ready to go?

He called our bluff.

And we had "no business" invading Iraq?

You can still disagree with our invasion of Iraq, and in retrospect you may be right, but to say that we had no compelling reasons or no business or that Bush lied is just simply not true.

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Royalty on December 08, 2015, 01:38:01 AM
Yes, we dropped bombs on some empty mountains and some populated mountains. A friend that was one of my training partners got shot and died in one of those mountains. And, yes, we did not find OBL but so what? Nothing is guaranteed. We destroyed their base training camp.

What would you have done or think should have been done after the 9/11 attack?

As far as or invasion of Iraq. People have very short memories. We had a cease fire agreement with Iraq following the first Gulf War. An agreement that Hussein continued to violate. In our attempt to enforce the no fly zones (to keep him from killing the Kurds which he has done before) Iraq shot at our places almost daily. Even one such attack is considered an act of war. Hussein continuously violated the UN resolutions, sixteen of them. We kept drawing lines in the sand and Hussein continued to ignore them. Bush stood before the UN Security Council and stated that if the UN did not enforce the security resolutions then the U.S. would. A final resolution, Resolution 1441, as a last opportunity to comply with the disarmament agreement and the various terms of the cease fire agreement. The Security Council passed this Resolution with a unanimous vote, 15-0, including Russia and Syria. This Resolution had wider support then the Resolution passed authorizing the first Gulf War.

When Saddam Hussein called our bluff and ignored Resolution 1441 he signed his death warrant. His dealings with Clinton convinced him that America was weak. After all, he was able to ignore all the warnings and Resolutions throughout the Clinton administration without consequences. But Bush was no Clinton.

Good post
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: SuperTed on December 08, 2015, 05:04:31 AM
Obama hasn't done shit against ISIS.  He's used them as a proxy to try overthrow Assad, while pretending to fight them. 


Assad said that US strikes on IS were ineffective and that IS's expansion has only weakened since Russia joined the conflict -

LOL @ America. :-\
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Powerlift66 on December 08, 2015, 06:12:37 AM
Obama is a pussy. But worse still, he's a Muslim.

A Muslim president of a democratic nation. Complete and total contradiction.

My new F'ing hero!

Obama is a Muslim, pussy... That speech the other night was just about one of his worst.
Slapping down Americans, pumping up Muslim community... Total stupid prick...
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Option D on December 08, 2015, 06:20:48 AM
Nothing like coming to getbig for a healthy dose of "stupid as fuck"... good morning and goodbye
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: oldschoolfan on December 08, 2015, 06:39:45 AM
Think of all the shit Obama does to impede the military. He hires minority women in every position he can lol. Has the first tranny working in the white house. Hires that racist shit for brains Loretta Lynch. First thing she says after the latest terrorist attack "we will punish people for speaking badly against Islam" it's unreal you seriously have to be a stone cold retarded to be a democrat right now. 100s of Hebrew murdering each other every day. Hebrew gets killed by a white cop now they got these assholes attention. And then he invites clock boy black professor to the white house to praise them. He never gives one ounce to the other side.

Look at all the thug race hustlers Obama has working for him. Loretta Lynch all Sharpton Eric holder. Look at the crazy bitch who is always running her mouth Nancy Pelosi. It's the biggest joke I have ever seen in my life. Democrats equals shit for brains.

great post spiro i used to be a dummycrat to ,  growing up could never vote for one again
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: OneMoreRep on December 08, 2015, 06:54:19 AM
P.S. Pellius, You know I like you friend, but you probably also know that what I don't like is to take part in conversations regarding both Politics and Religion. I want what's best for the average American, not special interests groups, contractors or the military industrial complex. I want every common person to have more money after their checks are ravaged by taxes. I want more of our tax dollars to go into building cities up (and sometimes repairing them, as in the case of Detroit). I want less war and I want the US to spend more time on itself, versus strategic angling of our foreign interests.

Because of these things, I am not going to take part in these types of conversations. You know where I stand, but to go back and forth when there is never a truly "correct" answer is simply futile.

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: pellius on December 08, 2015, 02:53:19 PM
P.S. Pellius, You know I like you friend, but you probably also know that what I don't like is to take part in conversations regarding both Politics and Religion. I want what's best for the average American, not special interests groups, contractors or the military industrial complex. I want every common person to have more money after their checks are ravaged by taxes. I want more of our tax dollars to go into building cities up (and sometimes repairing them, as in the case of Detroit). I want less war and I want the US to spend more time on itself, versus strategic angling of our foreign interests.

Because of these things, I am not going to take part in these types of conversations. You know where I stand, but to go back and forth when there is never a truly "correct" answer is simply futile.


Well, of course I would like an opportunity for a rebuttal and further discussion but I will respect your wishes as both view points has been exhaustively presented.

I hope all is going well and that your body is holding up on the mat. There is no denying that I am well past my physical prime.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: OneMoreRep on December 08, 2015, 06:15:33 PM
Well, of course I would like an opportunity for a rebuttal and further discussion but I will respect your wishes as both view points has been exhaustively presented.

I hope all is going well and that your body is holding up on the mat. There is no denying that I am well past my physical prime.

That makes two of us.

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: TuHolmes on December 08, 2015, 06:26:31 PM
I always find it hilarious when people resort to name calling certain people.

Obama may be a pussy, but he's a pussy that's the leader of the free world who doesn't care what other people think.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Mr.1derful on December 08, 2015, 07:26:54 PM

I also want to address the Iraqi WMD issue as a separate topic because, again, people have short or selective memories.

It is true that we did not know as a matter of fact that Iraq was at the time in possession of WMDs. We would have to had invaded their country to determine that because he kicked out the inspectors. So why did we think he did?

Well, we know for a fact that Iraq had in the past possessed WMDs because he used them -- against his own people, the Kurds and against the Iranians.

We knew he had ambitions to develop nuclear weapons and build a nuclear reactor because he built one, with the help of the French, which was destroyed by the Israelis in 1981. The Osirak reactor. Predictably, Israel was condemned for this act as they will be when they destroy Iran's nuclear reactor if they should get one. Hussein also was very clear about ruling the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, and controlling the entire regions oil supply. He had a huge incentive to develope, and be willing to use, WMDs.

In addition to the U.S., ALL the major intelligence agencies: Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel, and France, believe that Hussein had, has, or was developing WMDs. Bill and Hillary Clinton at the time believed that Hussein had WMDs in addition to Kerry, Pelosi, Daschle, Gore, Kennedy, Rockefeller... indeed 77 of the Senators at the time. Very few remember that Hans Blix, who headed the inspection team, discovered chemical rocket warheads in a bunker in Baghdad. Something that was big news at the time. The inspectors were subsequently expelled from Iraq by Hussein.

So let me ask you, and be honest, did you believe at the time that Hussein had and/or actively developing WMDs? If not, what did you know at the time that ALL the intelligence agencies as well as the majority of the Senate and Congress did not know and how did you know it?

Violation of every single UN Security Resolutions, possession and use of WMDs in the past, developing a nuclear reactor, invading and attacking his neighbors, open designs for a "Greater Iraq" and controlling the Middle East oil supply, kicking out the inspectors.

To avoid war all Hussein would have had to do is exactly what Libya did after we invaded Iraq and Gaddafi saw the writing on the wall. He opened his country to inspections. We gave Hussein a lot of warnings. Endless warnings and lines in the sand. Don't you remember how long it dragged on? How we stood there endlessly with our ships and troops parked and ready to go?

He called our bluff.

And we had "no business" invading Iraq?

You can still disagree with our invasion of Iraq, and in retrospect you may be right, but to say that we had no compelling reasons or no business or that Bush lied is just simply not true.


The war in Iraq had zero to do with phantom weapons of mass distraction and everything to do with Saddam selling his oil for Euros.  If you threaten the U.S dollar's position as world reserve currency, you get bombed illegally by Uncle Sam.  Same thing with Gaddafi. 
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: chaos on December 08, 2015, 08:23:55 PM
P.S. Pellius, You know I like you friend, but you probably also know that what I don't like is to take part in conversations regarding both Politics and Religion. I want what's best for the average American, not special interests groups, contractors or the military industrial complex. I want every common person to have more money after their checks are ravaged by taxes. I want more of our tax dollars to go into building cities up (and sometimes repairing them, as in the case of Detroit). I want less war and I want the US to spend more time on itself, versus strategic angling of our foreign interests.

Because of these things, I am not going to take part in these types of conversations. You know where I stand, but to go back and forth when there is never a truly "correct" answer is simply futile.

Excellent post.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: pellius on December 08, 2015, 09:00:38 PM
I always find it hilarious when people resort to name calling certain people.

Obama may be a pussy, but he's a pussy that's the leader of the free world who doesn't care what other people think.

Oh, Obama cares plenty about what people think. A lot of the decisions he is currently making is not motivated by right and wrong or for the good of the country but for his legacy.

Calling the President a pussy is a crude insult and should not be uttered in public and on national TV but it's not just name calling. It is crass term identifying him as a coward and weak which is what he is. When you compare him with leaders like (whether you support them or not) Netanyahu or Putin the difference is glaring. He's like a boy among men.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: The Ugly on December 08, 2015, 09:03:02 PM
Oh, Obama cares plenty about what people think. A lot of the decisions he is currently making is not motivated by right and wrong or for the good of the country but for his legacy.

Calling the President a pussy is a crude insult and should not be uttered in public and on national TV but it's not just name calling. It is crass term identifying him as a coward and weak which is what he is. When you compare him with leaders like (whether you support them or not) Netanyahu or Putin the difference is glaring. He's like a boy among men.

I'd take this guy over anyone since Reagan.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: pellius on December 08, 2015, 09:11:17 PM
The war in Iraq had zero to do with phantom weapons of mass distraction and everything to do with Saddam selling his oil for Euros.  If you threaten the U.S dollar's position as world reserve currency, you get bombed illegally by Uncle Sam.  Same thing with Gaddafi. 

Some say the same thing about Iran. Of course, if Iraq did develop nuclear weapons and used them or sold them to terrorist who will definitely use them you would blame the US for not connecting the dots. Same with current day Iran.

When it comes to WMDs there's no wiggle room. And there is a huge difference between the US, France and Britain having WMDs  and countries like Pakistan, North Korea, Russia. It's like the difference between allowing cops to carry guns and allowing the Crips to carry guns.

It's not the weapons per se but rather who has them. And there's a huge difference as to whether they are used or not and WHY they are used. It's one thing to drop an A bomb on a totalitarian regime and to win and end the war and quite another to nuke the only free and Democratic nation in the region because you think Jews are devils.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: pellius on December 08, 2015, 09:26:48 PM
I'd take this guy over anyone since Reagan.

Netanyahu is the greatest world leader currently in office today.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Walter Sobchak on December 08, 2015, 09:37:51 PM
Oh, Obama cares plenty about what people think. A lot of the decisions he is currently making is not motivated by right and wrong or for the good of the country but for his legacy.

Calling the President a pussy is a crude insult and should not be uttered in public and on national TV but it's not just name calling. It is crass term identifying him as a coward and weak which is what he is. When you compare him with leaders like (whether you support them or not) Netanyahu or Putin the difference is glaring. He's like a boy among men.

+ 1,000,000

When Obozo starts treating all citizens of the U.S. and the presidency with respect, them maybe people will start treating him with respect.

Right now, we have two condescending, petulant, racists living in the White House
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: The Ugly on December 08, 2015, 10:59:25 PM
Netanyahu is the greatest world leader currently in office today.

No question.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: TuHolmes on December 08, 2015, 11:16:23 PM
Oh, Obama cares plenty about what people think. A lot of the decisions he is currently making is not motivated by right and wrong or for the good of the country but for his legacy.

Calling the President a pussy is a crude insult and should not be uttered in public and on national TV but it's not just name calling. It is crass term identifying him as a coward and weak which is what he is. When you compare him with leaders like (whether you support them or not) Netanyahu or Putin the difference is glaring. He's like a boy among men.

Why do you think Obama cares?


He does whatever he wants and has zero repercussions about it.

What has he done that makes you think he cares?
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: pellius on December 09, 2015, 01:09:10 AM
Why do you think Obama cares?


He does whatever he wants and has zero repercussions about it.

What has he done that makes you think he cares?

His legacy. His ego. Wants to be known as the president that ended the war in Iraq regardless of the fact that he was warned that it would leave a vacuum.

Putting off the trial of Bergdahl until after his administration. The trading of terrorist for this traitor was such a colossally bad deal that he wants it buried. The Bergdahl case should have been addressed a year ago. People died looking for that traitor.

It would be more precise that he cares about what "some" people think. He's more concerned as to how he will go down in history and does not care what his opponents thinks of him. He's not running for reelection so it's all about ego and legacy now.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: TuHolmes on December 09, 2015, 09:24:51 AM
His legacy. His ego. Wants to be known as the president that ended the war in Iraq regardless of the fact that he was warned that it would leave a vacuum.

Putting off the trial of Bergdahl until after his administration. The trading of terrorist for this traitor was such a colossally bad deal that he wants it buried. The Bergdahl case should have been addressed a year ago. People died looking for that traitor.

It would be more precise that he cares about what "some" people think. He's more concerned as to how he will go down in history and does not care what his opponents thinks of him. He's not running for reelection so it's all about ego and legacy now.

I disagree. I think people care about money.

He is going to have plenty of it and his family will have plenty of it and he will only be known for one thing in 50 years.

The first black President of the United States.

After that, nothing will matter at all.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: pellius on December 09, 2015, 07:33:40 PM
I disagree. I think people care about money.

He is going to have plenty of it and his family will have plenty of it and he will only be known for one thing in 50 years.

The first black President of the United States.

After that, nothing will matter at all.

Not when you already have a lot money. Then it's acquiring power and legacy.

Of course being the first Black President insures that part of his legacy but I don't think that is enough for him. Would it be enough for you.

But how he wants to remembered and how he will be remembered remains to be seen.

I remember how I use to give Coach a hard time when he claimed early on that Obama was worse than Carter. I felt it was premature. Both Coach and I lived through the regrettable Carter administration and remember the gas lines and "malaise", but Coach turned out to be right.

I still think that Carter is a good and decent man but just wrong on many issues. I'm not so sure about the goodness of Obama and his willingness to make a deal with the devil if it will further his agenda and self interest.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: TuHolmes on December 09, 2015, 08:32:58 PM
Not when you already have a lot money. Then it's acquiring power and legacy.

Of course being the first Black President insures that part of his legacy but I don't think that is enough for him. Would it be enough for you.

But how he wants to remembered and how he will be remembered remains to be seen.

I remember how I use to give Coach a hard time when he claimed early on that Obama was worse than Carter. I felt it was premature. Both Coach and I lived through the regrettable Carter administration and remember the gas lines and "malaise", but Coach turned out to be right.

I still think that Carter is a good and decent man but just wrong on many issues. I'm not so sure about the goodness of Obama and his willingness to make a deal with the devil if it will further his agenda and self interest.

He didn't have those things before... Now he does.

I really don't think he cares that much.

I think he will go about doing what he wants and just keep on doing his thing.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 09, 2015, 08:36:32 PM
Why do you think Obama cares?


He does whatever he wants and has zero repercussions about it.

What has he done that makes you think he cares?

Because he's thin skinned and doesn't take criticism well. His ego won't let it.
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: TuHolmes on December 09, 2015, 08:43:46 PM
Because he's thin skinned and doesn't take criticism well. His ego won't let it.

You seem to have a more personal knowledge of Obamas ego than most.

I really can't say I've seen him be extremely egotistical. At least no more so than anyone else.

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: 240 is Back on December 09, 2015, 08:51:47 PM
Because he's thin skinned and doesn't take criticism well. His ego won't let it.

Trump?   LOL
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Coach is Back! on December 09, 2015, 09:21:21 PM
You seem to have a more personal knowledge of Obamas ego than most.

I really can't say I've seen him be extremely egotistical. At least no more so than anyone else.

What?? lol
Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: Desolate on December 09, 2015, 09:25:09 PM
I know. ::)

Even Obama ass kissers think he is thin-skinned.

Title: Re: Ralph Peters calls Obama a total pussy on live TV
Post by: TuHolmes on December 09, 2015, 10:02:55 PM
What?? lol

What has he done that is so "thinned skinned" or "egotistical" compared to anyone else?