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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 06:34:04 PM

Title: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 06:34:04 PM
Fat ass lying ċunt trashes MAGA and takes repeated cheap shots at our President under the camouflage of praising her warmongering, two-faced father before his body's even buried. Typical paper Republican who loves big-government, tax & spend liberal governments like the one headed by Bathhouse Barry (who was in the audience and nodding approvingly at every word, along with his fellow ċocksucker Bill Klinton) and uses a solemn occasion to absolutely trash everything half the country voted for. Of course CNN lovingly reported this whole event with relish and barely-concealed excitement.

Updated to replace the original video, which was removed.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 06:34:59 PM
Straight to the depths of Hell is where this coward's going. Can't wait til she joins him. Worthless fucking ċunt.

Make America Great Again - Fuċk John McCain
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 01, 2018, 06:46:37 PM
So basically from what I've read in the last couple days, it looks like some of the last words John McCain spoke on Earth were taking shots at Trump.

Also, Meghan McCain and Barack Obama used his funeral as an opportunity to bash Trump while standing with John McCain's fucking corpse.

......but Trump is the asshole.  Right.


TRUMP 2020
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Desolate on September 01, 2018, 06:47:13 PM

Fuck the McCains.

Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 06:49:12 PM
So basically from what I've read in the last couple days, it looks like some of the last words John McCain spoke on Earth were taking shots at Trump.

Also, Meghan McCain and Barack Obama used his funeral as an opportunity to bash Trump while standing with John McCain's fucking corpse.

......but Trump is the asshole.  Right.


TRUMP 2020

These guys are part of the establishment Trump vowed to get rid of. Of course they hate him. You throw some poison on a nest of cockroaches and shine a light on them, they're quick to scatter and regroup somewhere else in your building. "Worked" for the American people? He served in the military 50 years ago and for that, we're grateful. Beyond that, he got an inflated salary to sit at his desk and vote on a few bills here and there and give a lot of speeches. He's a joke. Picking Sarah Palin as his VP was a mistake even he acknowledged in his book earlier this year, which took shots at her all over the place. He literally turned on everyone that didn't get him the results he wanted or disagreed with him. Fuċking loser couldn't even best George W. Bush in the 2000 primaries. He banned the Palins from his funeral too, for good measure.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Desolate on September 01, 2018, 06:51:28 PM
I adore the new fake love between the Bush family and the McCain family. ::)
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 06:52:11 PM

Fuck the McCains.

Muzzie boy Bathhouse Barry got it right with his ad about McCain in 2008:

Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 06:52:51 PM
I adore the new fake love between the Bush family and the McCain family. ::)
No mention of the Klinton Presidential lie-bury being built with Enron $$ he got through his campaigns in the 1990s.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Mr.1derful on September 01, 2018, 06:54:35 PM
John "Songbird" McCain.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 06:55:08 PM
They have to nerve to attack Trump because his steel tariffs are supposedly hurting American companies like Harley Davidson?

But in 2008, Obama pointed out McCain was at the forefront of just that:

"Not long ago, a couple hundred thousand Berliners made a lot of noise for my opponent. I'll take the roar of 50,000 Harleys any day," McCain said.

The announcer then states: "But when it comes to his record, American-made motorcycles like Harleys don't matter to John McCain. Back in Washington, McCain opposed a requirement that the government buy American-made motorcycles. And he said all buy-American provisions were quote 'disgraceful.' Surprised? You shouldn't be. This is the same John McCain who supported billions in tax breaks for companies who ship American jobs overseas. It's time to hear the roar of a strong American economy again, and stop John McCain from shipping our jobs overseas."

Obama's campaign is broadcasting the 60-second ad in York, Pa., in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, and in Wisconsin, where Harley-Davidson is headquartered. York is home to Harley's largest motorcycle manufacturing plant and played host to McCain the day the ad debuted. (
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 01, 2018, 06:58:02 PM
These guys are part of the establishment Trump vowed to get rid of. Of course they hate him. You throw some poison on a nest of cockroaches and shine a light on them, they're quick to scatter and regroup somewhere else in your building. "Worked" for the American people? He served in the military 50 years ago and for that, we're grateful. Beyond that, he got an inflated salary to sit at his desk and vote on a few bills here and there and give a lot of speeches. He's a joke. Picking Sarah Palin as his VP was a mistake even he acknowledged in his book earlier this year, which took shots at her all over the place. He literally turned on everyone that didn't get him the results he wanted or disagreed with him. Fuċking loser couldn't even best George W. Bush in the 2000 primaries. He banned the Palins from his funeral too, for good measure.

McCain was a war hero but you can only coast on that reputation for so long.   What you do after that matters too.

The reality is that he betrayed his party as a Senator and most importantly he betrayed his constituents.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 01, 2018, 07:04:18 PM
Fat ass lying ċunt trashes MAGA (@ around :30) and takes repeated cheap shots at our President under the camouflage of praising her warmongering, two-faced father before his body's even buried. Typical paper Republican who loves big-government, tax & spend liberal governments like the one headed by Bathhouse Barry (who was in the audience and nodding approvingly at every word, along with his fellow ċocksucker Bill Klinton) and uses a solemn occasion to absolutely trash everything half the country voted for. Of course CNN lovingly reported this whole event with relish and barely-concealed excitement.

Add in what Obama and Biden said and it all of the sudden it became a political pulpit to trash Trump.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Mr.1derful on September 01, 2018, 07:04:37 PM
McCain was a war hero but you can only coast on that reputation for so long.   What you do after that matters too.

The reality is that he betrayed his party as a Senator and most importantly he betrayed his constituents.

His nickname was "Songbird" for a reason.  A hero he was not.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 01, 2018, 07:05:56 PM
Same shit happened at Aretha Franklins memorial as well with those racist bastards.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Desolate on September 01, 2018, 07:08:03 PM
And why the fuck was Clinton at Aretha Franklin's funeral? ???

Is he still trying to pass himself off as America's first black president? ::)
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 07:10:03 PM
Same shit happened at Aretha Franklins memorial as well with those racist bastards.
Yeah, I saw it. I couldn't sit through more than 5 minutes before switching it off.

It's alright. The American people aren't that stupid and we're not going to reward the millionaires and elite politicians and lobbyists at those events by voting for their surrogates in November or in 2020. This President is busy closing huge deals with nation-states as we speak to level the playing for America's workers and raw materials manufacturers while keeping foreign threats on a very short leash and filling entire stadiums with his electrifying rallies, like the one in Indiana a couple of days ago that was packed to the rafters. He'll continue naming people by name and calling out the dirtbags who are sabotaging the American peoples' agenda, even his attorney general Jeff Sessions and anyone else who gets smart and talks out both sides of their mouth (Comey, Amarosa, etc.). Guy's a lion, not scared of anyone. I guess that happens when you're self-funded and wealthy and don't need to suck peoples' asses to get votes like McCain did.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 07:11:20 PM
And why the fuck was Clinton at Aretha Franklin's funeral? ???

Is he still trying to pass himself off as America's first black president? ::)
Good photo op, and his daughter is planning a run for political office. She'll need black voters with short memories to vote for her father's legacy, even though more black people went to prison or lived on food stamps under Clinton and Obama than under this President or any other that I know of. Clinton introduced "mandatory minimums" that kept blacks in jail for sentences they complain about and blame Trump for.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Straw Man on September 01, 2018, 07:13:43 PM
Considering the vile shit that that fat bloated chickenhawk in the White House said about McCain I'd say she went lightly on him

Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Desolate on September 01, 2018, 07:17:32 PM
Good photo op, and his daughter is planning a run for political office. She'll need black voters with short memories to vote for her father's legacy, even though more black people went to prison or lived on food stamps under Clinton and Obama than under this President or any other that I know of. Clinton introduced "mandatory minimums" that kept blacks in jail for sentences they complain about and blame Trump for.

And let's not forget Hillary calling African-American youth "Super Predators" back in 1996. :)
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Straw Man on September 01, 2018, 07:31:14 PM
And let's not forget Hillary calling African-American youth "Super Predators" back in 1996. :)

out of context it seems like Hillary would fit in perfectly with Trump and the Trumptards on this board

in context maybe not so much

The "superpredators" line comes from a 1996 speech in New Hampshire, where Clinton spoke in support of the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which her husband, Bill Clinton, had signed in to law.

"We’re making some progress," Clinton said. "Much of it is related to the initiative called ‘community policing.’ Because we have finally gotten more police officers on the street. That was one of the goals that the president had when he pushed the crime bill that was passed in 1994."

Provisions of the act included a ban on some assault weapons, more funding for community policing and an expansion of the death penalty. The legislation, which was championed by Bill Clinton as a way to reduce the number of African-Americans being killed in drug-related incidents, has drawn criticism in recent years for sending disproportionate numbers of African-Americans to prison.

The "superpredator" remark, which Priebus and Trump referenced, was in the same speech a few lines later.

"But we also have to have an organized effort against gangs," Hillary Clinton  said in a C-SPAN video clip. "Just as in a previous generation we had an organized effort against the mob. We need to take these people on. They are often connected to big drug cartels, they are not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids that are called superpredators — no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first, we have to bring them to heel."

The full context of this incident does link children and superpredators, but nowhere in the speech does she directly label African-American youth this way.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 07:35:45 PM
out of context it seems like Hillary would fit in perfectly with Trump and the Trumptards on this board

in context maybe not so much
Indeed, she never specifically named a particular demographic nor linked them to the legislation.

But much as Trump has been accused of using dog whistles to trash Hispanics with his repeated attacks on MS-13 and those who criticize ICE, the same can be said of Hillary's speech. Who joins inner city gangs? Who shoots themselves to death in Chicago and other big cities every weekend? Who overwhelmingly is convicted of drug- and gang-related offenses?

The meaning was unmistakable. Even black liberals who love Clinton and his wife feel that speech singled them out.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Irongrip400 on September 01, 2018, 07:42:40 PM
I've never been to a funeral where someone used it as a soap box to talk about anyone other than the person you're supposed to be eulogizing.  Not sure how or why this went off the rails.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 01, 2018, 08:12:16 PM
And let's not forget Hillary calling African-American youth "Super Predators" back in 1996. :)

Lets not forgot Trump calling Mexicans animals.... just like Hillary called Black youths super predators. For the really ignorant, both of those statements are true. For those of us who like to read things in context, it's totally different. But since when does the truth matter?  :) And other than Straw, this thread is full of the who's who of right wing nuts on this board. It's like a pro bowl thread of Trumpsters.. just a few players missing.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 01, 2018, 08:17:04 PM
Lets not forgot Trump calling Mexicans animals.... just like Hillary called Black youths super predators. For the really ignorant, both of those statements are true. For those of us who like to read things in context, it's totally different. But since when does the truth matter?  :) And other than Straw, this thread is full of the who's who of right wing nuts on this board. It's like a pro bowl thread of Trumpsters.. just a few players missing.

Donald Trump did not call all Mexican animals.  He was referring to MS-13 and he was right.

I never saw the "super predator" comment so I don't know the context.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 08:19:54 PM
Lets not forgot Trump calling Mexicans animals.... just like Hillary called Black youths super predators. For the really ignorant, both of those statements are true. For those of us who like to read things in context, it's totally different. But since when does the truth matter?  :) And other than Straw, this thread is full of the who's who of right wing nuts on this board. It's like a pro bowl thread of Trumpsters.. just a few players missing.
Either we're all right wing nuts or you guys are outnumbered because the rest of the country doesn't share your one-world, open-border, tax & spend, pro-MS13 (lol@ you being cop), pro-BLM, pro-MeToo, anti-Trump, anti-American, anti-flag, anti-anthem, anti-conservative extreme far left agenda that almost bankrupted the country for 8 years.

I'm proud of my President and that he calls worthless piece of shit like you as enemies of our people, which you undoubtedly have proven yourself to be repeatedly on this board. People like you are a cancer eating away at the body politic and social fabric of our country. But we're taking you down, one election at a time.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 08:21:28 PM
Donald Trump did not call all Mexican animals.  He was referring to MS-13 and he was right.

I never saw the "super predator" comment so I don't know the context.
Here you go.

This is the hero of the little pedophile-loving fuckheads on the Left?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 01, 2018, 08:33:31 PM
Either we're all right wing nuts or you guys are outnumbered because the rest of the country doesn't share your one-world, open-border, tax & spend, pro-MS13 (lol@ you being cop), pro-BLM, pro-MeToo, anti-Trump, anti-American, anti-flag, anti-anthem, anti-conservative extreme far left agenda that almost bankrupted the country for 8 years.

I'm proud of my President and that he calls worthless piece of shit like you as enemies of our people, which you undoubtedly have proven yourself to be repeatedly on this board. People like you are a cancer eating away at the body politic and social fabric of our country. But we're taking you down, one election at a time.

And you are a right wing nut who imagines you are in the majority... of course.. to realize you are in the minority might just mean you aren't exactly spot on in your positions..
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 01, 2018, 08:34:07 PM
Here you go.

This is the hero of the little pedophile-loving fuckheads on the Left?

Cool thanks.

So after giving it a listen, it sounds like she is saying that the teens and young adults that are in gangs are super predators.

We all know that those gang members are mostly black and hispanic.  Sounds like she's was right (for once and probably never again).  Fuck be upon her.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 08:38:49 PM
And you are a right wing nut who imagines you are in the majority... of course.. to realize you are in the minority might just mean you aren't exactly spot on in your positions..
You're taking a page from the CNN playbook and pigeonholing anyone who doesn't agree with you as a nutcase. It's a classic case of libeling your opponents in order to tar their reputation and render anything they say unworthy of a hearing. Nobody here agrees with your ridiculous and false mischaracterisations about me or the other people who share my views here besides nether_animal's dozens of gimmick accounts, dearth at their forefront. Straw Man is certainly liberal but not everything he says is garbage and he doesn't resort to personal attacks (for the most part). The "trumptards" thing has basically lost any kind of meaning due to over-use by hashtag warriors on Twitter, so I take no offense to that particular label.

If your side is right, why did you lose the election in 2016? Even Trump himself admitted it was Hilary's to lose. With 40 years of political experience under her belt, the entire minority votes in the country (which is a massive amount of voters), every mainstream media outlet in her corner blasting an endless cacophany of supportive messages and ratcheting up the destroy-Trump narrative in a way that had never been seen before in American political history, and basically women of all colors behind her, she still couldn't beat a guy with zero political experience who slept with women behind his wife's back and hosted beauty pageants while running a real estate conglomerate. That's hilarious and pathetic at the same time. Why did she lose by over 75 electoral votes? That's not a narrow margin or even close to it. You got your asses kicked like they'd never been kicked before, considering who was running against you.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 08:39:53 PM
Cool thanks.

So after giving it a listen, it sounds like she is saying that the teens and young adults that are in gangs are super predators.

We all know that those gang members are mostly black and hispanic.  Sounds like she's was right (for once and probably never again).  Fuck be upon her.
The irony is she's done everything in her power to backpedal from those statements ever since. Sorry, it's all on tape. We know how the Clintons really feel about blacks, having lived in peace-loving and tolerant Arkansas all those years. More limousine liberals who coddle blacks that they'd never live within driving distance of. The Left in a nutshell.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: usmcdevildoc on September 01, 2018, 08:41:54 PM
Either we're all right wing nuts or you guys are outnumbered because the rest of the country doesn't share your one-world, open-border, tax & spend, pro-MS13 (lol@ you being cop), pro-BLM, pro-MeToo, anti-Trump, anti-American, anti-flag, anti-anthem, anti-conservative extreme far left agenda that almost bankrupted the country for 8 years.

I'm proud of my President and that he calls worthless piece of shit like you as enemies of our people, which you undoubtedly have proven yourself to be repeatedly on this board. People like you are a cancer eating away at the body politic and social fabric of our country. But we're taking you down, one election at a time.

Yea let's get some more witches including Trump Jr. and the milk toast Kushner!!!! Lol
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 01, 2018, 08:44:15 PM

Yea let's get some more witches including Trump Jr. and the milk toast Kushner!!!! Lol
You posted this 4 times today. Is there a secret meaning to it or is it just some senseless nonsense like what the geniuses who respond to Trump's tweet spew every day and all day.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Desolate on September 01, 2018, 08:46:15 PM
The irony is she's done everything in her power to backpedal from those statements ever since. Sorry, it's all on tape. We know how the Clintons really feel about blacks, having lived in peace-loving and tolerant Arkansas all those years. More limousine liberals who coddle blacks that they'd never live within driving distance of. The Left in a nutshell.


Everyone knows what she was saying... even the lefty loons.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 01, 2018, 10:23:55 PM
The whole funeral was an example of political stockholm syndrome.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 02, 2018, 01:42:44 AM
The whole funeral was an example of political stockholm syndrome.

Trump owns their minds.  The hate and jealousy is real.  He is succeeding where they have failed.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Hypo on September 02, 2018, 03:10:44 AM
How sad to ruin a legacy of a man who dedicated his life to the service of his nation (military and political) only for his daughter to sling mud at someone he didn't agree with.

Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Griffith on September 02, 2018, 03:13:01 AM
What personal issues did she have with Trump?

Her father's funeral was not the place to make political speeches.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Bevo on September 02, 2018, 03:16:57 AM
How’s John McLain these days?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Royalty on September 02, 2018, 03:59:07 AM
How’s John McLain these days?

He is in L.A. throwing Hans Gruber off of a building
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Powerlift66 on September 02, 2018, 04:02:17 AM
Just shows how childish and stupid people can really be. Playing to the cry-baby extreme-left at a fruit-cakes funeral.
Matters not really to anyone w/ a mind of their own, comical actually...
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Mr.1derful on September 02, 2018, 04:55:07 AM
Did John's ISIS friends attend the service?  

Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: oldgolds on September 02, 2018, 07:57:58 AM
Fat ass lying ċunt trashes MAGA (@ around :30) and takes repeated cheap shots at our President under the camouflage of praising her warmongering, two-faced father before his body's even buried. Typical paper Republican who loves big-government, tax & spend liberal governments like the one headed by Bathhouse Barry (who was in the audience and nodding approvingly at every word, along with his fellow ċocksucker Bill Klinton) and uses a solemn occasion to absolutely trash everything half the country voted for. Of course CNN lovingly reported this whole event with relish and barely-concealed excitement.

She's angry that conservatives shitcanned her dad for the last 2 years.....McCain was a war hero, true....But that's all he was and he simply 'rode that horse' for his entire life.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: balzac on September 02, 2018, 02:00:14 PM
Same shit happened at Aretha Franklins memorial as well with those racist bastards.


"grab em by the titties"
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Fortress on September 02, 2018, 03:37:10 PM
Same shit happened at Aretha Franklins memorial as well with those racist bastards.

I know. It’s crazy, these leftist cucks and traitors. They’re scrambling like rats. They feel the tide turning.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: mphgrove on September 02, 2018, 04:25:43 PM
The level of rage displayed here in the case of a funeral situation is the reason voters in the middle are likely to show up and resist. Whatever the policies or ideologies under debate, my prediction is a fairly big reversal come November. We need to wait and see, could be misreading the pulse but that’s my guess.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 04:41:01 PM
The level of rage displayed here in the case of a funeral situation is the reason voters in the middle are likely to show up and resist. Whatever the policies or ideologies under debate, my prediction is a fairly big reversal come November. We need to wait and see, could be misreading the pulse but that’s my guess.
There's no "blue" wave coming. The Left could've pulled that off if their elected representatives hadn't attacked a federal agency that protects their idiotic, tone-deaf asses and demanded that it be abolished, thus costing thousands of federal workers their jobs and worsening an already-terminal illegal immigration problem the country's been struggling with for 30 years with no light at the end of the tunnel. Piling untimely moves one after the other, they've also failed to create or define a program that's easy to understand, appeals to Trump's base (for without them, they can't sweep a kitchen floor, let alone the Congress), and is an improvement on an already-roaring economy. Finally, they've gone on the record defending people who have no right to be in the country and putting their interests ahead of the people who already live here. Their one and only "trump" card is - Donald Trump's past infidelities and controversially populist statements at his rallies.

You cannot budge the American right or middle to the left with a platform that threadbare and incoherent. They have a self-admitted socialist who just took office in the Bronx and isn't even 30 years old. The party's in disarray. The media failed them two years ago and it'll fail them again as Americans increasingly tune out of the MSM and either watch Fox News or no news at all. When you turn on CNN, MSNBC, or any of the other big networks, within 5 seconds you hear the word "Trump", "Mueller," "Michael Cohen," or "Storm Daniels." It's like one endless episode of Big Bang Theory that never ends. The elites, as usual, have misread their public.

McCain was not a war hero. He was a soldier who served his country bravely and was captured, tortured, and eventually released. They don't give medals to just anyone in the military; you have to have a track record of saving peoples' lives, putting your own in danger, or being injured badly in the line of duty (which he was). As a politician, he had no scruples and sided with whichever way the prevailing wind was blowing. He was not a staunch conservative. These cheap, tasteless, and vicious attacks by his family against our President, as well as their incomprehensible snub of him while inviting former leaders, most of them liberal Democrats, to the service, is an unmistakable lurch to the gutter on the part of his family and the establishment Republicans that people rejected 2 years ago. They banned the Palins from attending, despite the fact that Sarah Palin was his VP PICK 10 YEARS AGO. Articles reviewing his memoirs mention how hurt she was by his vitriolic comments about her and how she cost him the race.

This guy even voted against MLK day in 1986 and had to suck black peoples' asses 10 years ago to try to get their votes. He was the true definition of a political con-man, a snake, and a guy skating by on a record that was never great in the first place. If Hell exists, he's certainly burning there right now for the wars he pushed so hard for and left so many injured or killed in doing.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: mphgrove on September 02, 2018, 04:45:25 PM
Bla, bla, bla, bla. As are many, tired of the rants and those who encourage by tweet or however. I don’t know for sure about a blue wave. Said we need to wait and see.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 04:46:43 PM
Bla, bla, bla, bla. As are many, tired of the rants and those who encourage by tweet or however. I don’t know for sure about a blue wave. Said we need to wait and see.

This is how the Left responds to everything in a nutshell. It's why you lost and why you'll lose again. You're not listening to anyone but yourselves.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 02, 2018, 04:59:05 PM
How sad to ruin a legacy of a man who dedicated his life to the service of his nation (military and political) only for his daughter to sling mud at someone he didn't agree with.


Pathetic? Calling a POW a loser for getting captured even though you did everything you could to avoid service... now THAT is pathetic by any real American's standards
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Fortress on September 02, 2018, 05:00:35 PM
Pathetic? Calling a POW a loser for getting captured even though you did everything you could to avoid service... now THAT is pathetic by any real American's standards

Trumpster hasn’t one fuck to give these self-serving traitors.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 02, 2018, 05:01:57 PM
Trumpster hasn’t one fuck to give these self-serving traitors.

bone spurs.. he has plenty
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 02, 2018, 05:03:29 PM
When Trump is tweeting nonsense, the Right say the people who complain are snowflakes. When the left give him back some of his medicine, they are out of line. Typical right wing hypocrites
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 05:22:54 PM
When Trump is tweeting nonsense, the Right say the people who complain are snowflakes. When the left give him back some of his medicine, they are out of line. Typical right wing hypocrites
You have no program. No platform. No solutions, besides removing this guy from office because you don't like him and his social media persona. The Left can't counter the positive things that have been done in a record short period under his management, despite being stymied by a sputtering and prohibitively expensive inquisition by a self-styled investigator (at taxpayer expensive, now in the millions), an irredeemably hostile Congress, a monolithic media that despises him and everything he does, and treason-minded Republicans like Susan Collins, Paul Ryan, and John McCain putting sticks in the gears whenever he calls on their support to pass legislation within the extremely restrictive framework of the American legislature.

The people don't care about his tweets; maybe 1% of the country reads them. The rallies, the MAGA shirts, the ongoing and strong support (which is growing) of him among his base and those in the middle repelled by the idea of abolishing ICE or granting permanent residency to illegal aliens as well as the tone-deaf cacophony blaring out of every mainstream media outlet and the hatred emanating from foreign countries towards the United States all guarantee he's getting another term and any sweeping of the house and senate in two months is a pipe dream existing only in the smokey brains of liberal think tanks, ethnic activists pushing identity politics, and the elites at CNN.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: SF1900 on September 02, 2018, 05:24:47 PM
Nothing more entertaining than watching so callled political getbig experts argue about politics.

Comedy gold!!  ;D ;D ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 05:26:12 PM
Nothing more entertaining than watching so callled political getbig experts argue about politics.

Comedy gold!!  ;D ;D ;D  ;D
While you watch and contribute as good as nothing to the discussion. Yeah, that's a pretty good two-step we've got going on.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: mphgrove on September 02, 2018, 05:32:58 PM

This is how the Left responds to everything in a nutshell. It's why you lost and why you'll lose again. You're not listening to anyone but yourselves.

I agree that listening to “only yourselves” is a big problem. Both left and right are guilty of this and I see it daily because my own life surrounds me with both sides, and most of the time there is no real dialog.

I am just tired of the mean spirited nature of it all, especially at a time of grieving (you don’t respect this particular man but many Americans do). I will debate any and all issues but hopefully not with anger
Examples of areas where I agree with Trump:
Need for law enforcement
Need for new approaches to immigration
Putting emphasis on well being of American workers
Business deregulation
Examples of areas where I differ with him:
Messing with the environment
Repealing Affordable Care Act
Always “putting down” the rest of the world
Being tolerant of racism and incivility

Recently I have concluded that (for me) character IS important, along with effectiveness. You can get too low.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 02, 2018, 05:35:54 PM

I agree that listening to “only yourselves” is a big problem. Both left and right are guilty of this and I see it daily because my own life surrounds me with both sides, and most of the time there is no real dialog.

I am just tired of the mean spirited nature of it all, especially at a time of grieving (you don’t respect this particular man but many Americans do). I will debate any and all issues but hopefully not with anger
Examples of areas where I agree with Trump:
Need for law enforcement
Need for new approaches to immigration
Putting emphasis on well being of American workers
Business deregulation
Examples of areas where I differ with him:
Messing with the environment
Repealing Affordable Care Act
Always “putting down” the rest of the world
Being tolerant of racism and incivility

Recently I have concluded that (for me) character IS important, along with effectiveness. You can get too low.

Good post
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 05:36:39 PM

I agree that listening to “only yourselves” is a big problem. Both left and right are guilty of this and I see it daily because my own life surrounds me with both sides, and most of the time there is no real dialog.

I am just tired of the mean spirited nature of it all, especially at a time of grieving (you don’t respect this particular man but many Americans do). I will debate any and all issues but hopefully not with anger
Examples of areas where I agree with Trump:
Need for law enforcement
Need for new approaches to immigration
Putting emphasis on well being of American workers
Business deregulation
Examples of areas where I differ with him:
Messing with the environment
Repealing Affordable Care Act
Always “putting down” the rest of the world
Being tolerant of racism and incivility

Recently I have concluded that (for me) character IS important, along with effectiveness. You can get too low.

In light of that, I apologize for pigeonholing you in the liberal box. It seems you're more center than the other prevailing extremes on this board.

But the lack of mature and honest dialogue or willingness to compromise you mentioned is due to an immovable agenda being pushed by the Left. 92% of media coverage of Trump, whether online, print, or television, is negative and one-sided. Virtually every guest or talking head on those shows has similar views to the anchor and the producers. I get it, it's their business model. But as long as that kind of skewed narrative overwhelms the country's media, a civil discourse at the grassroots or legislative level is impossible. Trump contributes to it, as does Fox News, but theirs is increasingly a defensive battle against a strong tide of anti-Americanism coming, sadly, from a significant portion of the American population. As long as people demonize him and anyone who supports him to the point where they're subject to jeers, taunts, or attacks just for wearing a hat with his campaign slogan on it (wrote a thread about that below), things won't improve. They'll get worse.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: R.A.M. on September 02, 2018, 05:46:46 PM
That funeral had the biggest Crooks in this country all in one spot.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 05:49:52 PM
That funeral had the biggest Crooks in this country all in one spot.
It's okay. The country was watching and saw who was in the front row and who got center stage media coverage when their turn came to give a speech that had little to do with the man in the wooden box and a lot to do with taking back the House in November. We've been fooled before but this time it's different. 8 years of Bathhouse Barry cured a lot of former center-left people of their romance with the Left and its destructive one-world agenda. We'll never truly control our country - only businesses and old money can do that - but having a solidly conservative supreme court and a no-nonsense, straight-talking, go-ahead-and-try-me President who's turned the old alliances on their heads, thrown out deals that hurt U.S. interests, and told tin-pot dictators that if they break his trust, he'll turn their country in a parking lot with nuclear-tipped tomahawks is good enough for me.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 02, 2018, 05:56:49 PM
There's no "blue" wave coming. The Left could've pulled that off if their elected representatives hadn't attacked a federal agency that protects their idiotic, tone-deaf asses and demanded that it be abolished, thus costing thousands of federal workers their jobs and worsening an already-terminal illegal immigration problem the country's been struggling with for 30 years with no light at the end of the tunnel. Piling untimely moves one after the other, they've also failed to create or define a program that's easy to understand, appeals to Trump's base (for without them, they can't sweep a kitchen floor, let alone the Congress), and is an improvement on an already-roaring economy. Finally, they've gone on the record defending people who have no right to be in the country and putting their interests ahead of the people who already live here. Their one and only "trump" card is - Donald Trump's past infidelities and controversially populist statements at his rallies.

You cannot budge the American right or middle to the left with a platform that threadbare and incoherent. They have a self-admitted socialist who just took office in the Bronx and isn't even 30 years old. The party's in disarray. The media failed them two years ago and it'll fail them again as Americans increasingly tune out of the MSM and either watch Fox News or no news at all. When you turn on CNN, MSNBC, or any of the other big networks, within 5 seconds you hear the word "Trump", "Mueller," "Michael Cohen," or "Storm Daniels." It's like one endless episode of Big Bang Theory that never ends. The elites, as usual, have misread their public.

McCain was not a war hero. He was a soldier who served his country bravely and was captured, tortured, and eventually released. They don't give medals to just anyone in the military; you have to have a track record of saving peoples' lives, putting your own in danger, or being injured badly in the line of duty (which he was). As a politician, he had no scruples and sided with whichever way the prevailing wind was blowing. He was not a staunch conservative. These cheap, tasteless, and vicious attacks by his family against our President, as well as their incomprehensible snub of him while inviting former leaders, most of them liberal Democrats, to the service, is an unmistakable lurch to the gutter on the part of his family and the establishment Republicans that people rejected 2 years ago. They banned the Palins from attending, despite the fact that Sarah Palin was his VP PICK 10 YEARS AGO. Articles reviewing his memoirs mention how hurt she was by his vitriolic comments about her and how she cost him the race.

This guy even voted against MLK day in 1986 and had to suck black peoples' asses 10 years ago to try to get their votes. He was the true definition of a political con-man, a snake, and a guy skating by on a record that was never great in the first place. If Hell exists, he's certainly burning there right now for the wars he pushed so hard for and left so many injured or killed in doing.

Last night I saw a meme regarding how Nixon pardoned McCain for treason. I had to look it up to see if there was any truth and found this...
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 06:28:32 PM
Last night I saw a meme regarding how Nixon pardoned McCain for treason. I had to look it up to see if there was any truth and found this...
Interesting. Never heard of that bombshell. The media made no mention of it at the time. Now Trump's comments about preferring war heroes that don't get caught makes a lot more sense.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 06:34:18 PM
When the dust settles, history will remember that McCain's daughter used his funeral - a one-time occasion to celebrate his memory and say positive things about his resume - as an excuse to attack the guy who happened to be President at the time, and his supporters by extension with the references to "cheap" political slogans and the MAGA line.

I guess she didn't really like her father that much. As much as I didn't like the guy, there's no way his dying wish was for her to use his own funeral as a bully pulpit to challenge his own party's leader. He was old-school and would not have wanted that whatsoever. She clearly had a lot of rage bottled up in that demented brain of hers and just used this as an occasion to try to embarrass the White House instead of using it for what it was actually meant for, a tribute to John McCain.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: che on September 02, 2018, 06:41:25 PM
When the dust settles, history will remember that McCain's daughter used his funeral - a one-time occasion to celebrate his memory and say positive things about his resume - as an excuse to attack the guy who happened to be President at the time, and his supporters by extension with the references to "cheap" political slogans and the MAGA line.

I guess she didn't really like her father that much. As much as I didn't like the guy, there's no way his dying wish was for her to use his own funeral as a bully pulpit to challenge his own party's leader. He was old-school and would not have wanted that whatsoever. She clearly had a lot of rage bottled up in that demented brain of hers and just used this as an occasion to try to embarrass the White House instead of using it for what it was actually meant for, a tribute to John McCain.

Holy fuck , whose gimmick is this whiny liberal bitch.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 06:42:06 PM
Holy fuck , whose gimmick is this whiny liberal bitch.
What happened to your nether animal account?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: che on September 02, 2018, 06:46:26 PM
What happened to your nether animal account?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 06:49:00 PM
Show me one post I've made that's liberal. I can pull up an entire catalog of yours that fit the description.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: che on September 02, 2018, 06:55:31 PM
Show me one post I've made that's liberal. I can pull up an entire catalog of yours that fit the description.

Go back  and read your posts ,  no way a real  conservative man would whine as much as you do ,there is  no doubt in my mind  that you are 100% a liberal pussy.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 06:56:44 PM
Go back  and read your posts ,  no way a real  conservative man would whine as much as you do ,there is  no doubt in my mind  that you are 100% a liberal pussy.
So basically you've got nothing. Another gimmick who can't back up his own posts. Yawn.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 02, 2018, 07:02:04 PM
Last night I saw a meme regarding how Nixon pardoned McCain for treason. I had to look it up to see if there was any truth and found this...

You found that it wasn't true I would hope. It's not
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 02, 2018, 07:02:51 PM
In light of that, I apologize for pigeonholing you in the liberal box. It seems you're more center than the other prevailing extremes on this board.

But the lack of mature and honest dialogue or willingness to compromise you mentioned is due to an immovable agenda being pushed by the Left. 92% of media coverage of Trump, whether online, print, or television, is negative and one-sided. Virtually every guest or talking head on those shows has similar views to the anchor and the producers. I get it, it's their business model. But as long as that kind of skewed narrative overwhelms the country's media, a civil discourse at the grassroots or legislative level is impossible. Trump contributes to it, as does Fox News, but theirs is increasingly a defensive battle against a strong tide of anti-Americanism coming, sadly, from a significant portion of the American population. As long as people demonize him and anyone who supports him to the point where they're subject to jeers, taunts, or attacks just for wearing a hat with his campaign slogan on it (wrote a thread about that below), things won't improve. They'll get worse.

And he misses the point..
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 07:08:13 PM
And he misses the point..
If you'd like links/videos to support that statistic, I'd be happy to provide it. You can't have two sides coming together when one side is sitting at the bottom of the sea-saw and the other one's suspended in the air and being held hostage above the ground. It's an uneven playing field from the start.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Rusty Trombone on September 02, 2018, 07:30:23 PM
That funeral had the biggest Crooks in this country all in one spot.

Good place for another MOAB
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 02, 2018, 08:05:37 PM
She gave digs to Trump after Trump gave Meghan and family access to his jet for the funeral.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Mr.1derful on September 02, 2018, 08:21:41 PM
That funeral had the biggest Crooks in this country all in one spot.

Would've been a sweet location for a drone hit.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: chaos on September 02, 2018, 08:35:32 PM
When the dust settles, history will remember that McCain's daughter used his funeral - a one-time occasion to celebrate his memory and say positive things about his resume - as an excuse to attack the guy who happened to be President at the time, and his supporters by extension with the references to "cheap" political slogans and the MAGA line.

I guess she didn't really like her father that much. As much as I didn't like the guy, there's no way his dying wish was for her to use his own funeral as a bully pulpit to challenge his own party's leader. He was old-school and would not have wanted that whatsoever. She clearly had a lot of rage bottled up in that demented brain of hers and just used this as an occasion to try to embarrass the White House instead of using it for what it was actually meant for, a tribute to John McCain.
I disagree. I see his last acts as petty and immature. Temper tantrum, fit throwing by McCain towards Trump, holding a vendetta out of spite. Obviously influencing the way he voted as well. He must have passed those attributes onto his children (the ones he associated with). I think at a time like that, it would be to let go of grudges and die in peace, he took that anger and spite to the grave with him.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 09:05:09 PM
I disagree. I see his last acts as petty and immature. Temper tantrum, fit throwing by McCain towards Trump, holding a vendetta out of spite. Obviously influencing the way he voted as well. He must have passed those attributes onto his children (the ones he associated with). I think at a time like that, it would be to let go of grudges and die in peace, he took that anger and spite to the grave with him.
I was trying to be nice. Of course they carried out his wishes at that sham funeral.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 02, 2018, 09:06:01 PM
Petty swamp rats.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 02, 2018, 09:07:36 PM

Unless it’s almost 2 years after an election that they thought they were sure to win....still whining
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 02, 2018, 10:02:38 PM
Unless it’s almost 2 years after an election that they thought they were sure to win....still whining

So Trump is a Liberal.. that's what you're saying. No one whines as much as he does.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 02, 2018, 10:07:19 PM
So Trump is a Liberal.. that's what you're saying. No one whines as much as he does.
You're giving him too much credit. His indignation at not being treated fairly by the media or people criticizing his executive decisions is more incomprehension at the pygmies questioning his superior decisions than the kind of complaints the Left engages in daily on TV or on his Twitter feed. If they were so sure that he was the idiot they make him out to be, why do they spend all day making photoshops of his photos, attacking his family, or claiming (never with any evidence) that he fraudulently won the election? To me, that's the definition of whining. A guy who thinks you're stupid for not understanding or agreeing with his decisions is just arrogant, maybe even ignorant, but not necessarily whining.

This guy doesn't lose sleep at night over what people say about him. His confidence and sense that he's right about most, if not all, of what he does is truly remarkable and unparalleled. He really truly doesn't give a shit about anyone's opinion, even his wife's. Gotta admit, that's not something you see every day in an elected official. Most do pretzel-like contortions on camera to justify their words and actions when they prove unpopular or politically expensive. This guy will reverse himself alright, but he won't apologize or explain. Then he'll reverse himself again back to his original view.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Hypo on September 02, 2018, 11:57:33 PM
Pathetic? Calling a POW a loser for getting captured even though you did everything you could to avoid service... now THAT is pathetic by any real American's standards

Hope you learn to read. Not calling McCain a loser. But his daughter on the other hand.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 03, 2018, 12:46:35 AM
So Trump is a Liberal.. that's what you're saying. No one whines as much as he does.

Trump just calls the dishonest liberal swamp rats on their bullshit.  They attack him, he puts them in check. 

Previous Republicans were too cowardly to address this stuff head on.  This is one of the reasons that Trump is so beloved by Republicans and Conservatives.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: SF1900 on September 03, 2018, 05:40:06 AM
While you watch and contribute as good as nothing to the discussion. Yeah, that's a pretty good two-step we've got going on.

Damn, I contribute nothing to getbig discussions.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: funk51 on September 03, 2018, 05:55:58 AM
so we are pretty much divided on get big we have those who hate trump's guts and those who hug his nuts...  there is no middle ground... :D but are we not all entertained  ???
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: lilhawk1 on September 03, 2018, 06:04:20 AM
So basically from what I've read in the last couple days, it looks like some of the last words John McCain spoke on Earth were taking shots at Trump.

Also, Meghan McCain and Barack Obama used his funeral as an opportunity to bash Trump while standing with John McCain's fucking corpse.

......but Trump is the asshole.  Right.


TRUMP 2020

Taking shots at Trump?  You really are stupid aren't you?  Do you realize what the draft dodging pussy said about him?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: lilhawk1 on September 03, 2018, 06:06:00 AM
I've never been to a funeral where someone used it as a soap box to talk about anyone other than the person you're supposed to be eulogizing.  Not sure how or why this went off the rails.

Yeah, well we've never had a complete and total piece of shit for president that continually trashes people like he does have we?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Powerlift66 on September 03, 2018, 06:33:41 AM
Yeah, well we've never had a complete and total piece of shit for president that continually trashes people like he does have we?

Im glad Trump pisses of pussies, hysterical...
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: chaos on September 03, 2018, 08:14:04 AM
Taking shots at Trump?  You really are stupid aren't you?  Do you realize what the draft dodging pussy said about him?
And he died with Trumps words echoing through that empty skull of his.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 03, 2018, 08:17:26 AM
Taking shots at Trump?  You really are stupid aren't you?  Do you realize what the draft dodging pussy said about him?

Fuck John McCain and his whole crew.

And he died with Trumps words echoing through that empty skull of his.

Hahaha!  Trump occupies their minds, even in death.  MAGA.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks owns father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: chaos on September 03, 2018, 09:13:09 AM
Fuck John McCain and his whole crew.

Hahaha!  Trump occupies their minds, even in death.  MAGA.
Right? McCain died bitter and vengeful holding onto an imaginary grudge and his family members used that solemn moment to fuel their bitterness and spitefulness towards their president.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: che on September 03, 2018, 09:30:38 AM
Unless it’s almost 2 years after an election that they thought they were sure to win....still whining

You whined about Obama for 8 years  ,so  STFU you hypocritical whiny bitch .
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Yamcha on September 03, 2018, 12:36:11 PM
McCain Funeral
McCain Funeral Part 2 (3D)
McCain Funeral Part 3
McCain Funeral: The Final Chapter
McCain Funeral: New Beginning
McCain Funeral VI: McCain Lives
McCain Funeral VII: New Blood
McCain Funeral VIII: McCain Takes Manhattan
McCain Funeral: The Final Funeral
McCain X

Will you buy the box set?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: funk51 on September 03, 2018, 01:30:17 PM
McCain Funeral
McCain Funeral Part 2 (3D)
McCain Funeral Part 3
McCain Funeral: The Final Chapter
McCain Funeral: New Beginning
McCain Funeral VI: McCain Lives
McCain Funeral VII: New Blood
McCain Funeral VIII: McCain Takes Manhattan
McCain Funeral: The Final Funeral
McCain X
                                                                       he was quite the actor..

Will you buy the box set?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Powerlift66 on September 03, 2018, 02:27:48 PM
So Trump is a Liberal.. that's what you're saying. No one whines as much as he does.

I never see him whine. I see him say what he thinks and makes pussies melt down though?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 03, 2018, 03:55:46 PM
I never see him whine. I see him say what he thinks and makes pussies melt down though?

Then you don't pay attention. He whines constantly about being treated unfairly
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: The Scott on September 03, 2018, 03:58:07 PM
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 03, 2018, 05:19:04 PM
so we are pretty much divided on get big we have those who hate trump's guts and those who hug his nuts...  there is no middle ground... :D but are we not all entertained  ???
Divided typically means split down the middle.

This is Trump country. This board has far more right wing people than Lefties, it's like a ratio of 8:2.

Sure, if you go to Twitter, it's the opposite. But here, we don't trash the flag, the anthem, or the constitution.

Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: mphgrove on September 03, 2018, 06:07:12 PM
Divided typically means split down the middle.

This is Trump country. This board has far more right wing people than Lefties, it's like a ratio of 8:2.

Sure, if you go to Twitter, it's the opposite. But here, we don't trash the flag, the anthem, or the constitution.


Is 8:2 how we define the Board now? Any bodybuilders? Any bodybuilding fans? Schmoes? Or are those aspects no longer relevant?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Kwon3 on September 03, 2018, 06:27:41 PM
Is 8:2 how we define the Board now? Any bodybuilders? Any bodybuilding fans? Schmoes? Or are those aspects no longer relevant?
A good way to answer that would be this quote posted not too long ago by one of the longest-running users here:

Look, the times are changing. I don't come here as much for bodybuilding. Do I enjoy certain aspects of the industry? Sure. But bodybuilding no longer makes up the momentum on this forum, at least that's what I think. Do we celebrate great bodybuilders here? Sure. But why do we really come here? The camaraderie. I come here to share with all of you. To learn from all of you. To laugh with all of you.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 03, 2018, 06:52:49 PM
Then you don't pay attention. He whines constantly about being treated unfairly

Trump is merely pointing out the truth.

Liberals on the other hand..............

Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 03, 2018, 08:33:07 PM
Trump is merely pointing out the truth.

Liberals on the other hand..............


Was his inauguration crowd bigger, was that true?

Did Obama tap his phone lines, was that "truth"

Was Trump against the Iraq war from the start, was that truth?

Was there really no system to vet refugees from the middle east, was that "truth"?

I could go on about 4000 more times but I realize it doesnt matter. The "truth" for some people just isn't that important
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: chaos on September 03, 2018, 08:40:03 PM
Was his inauguration crowd bigger, was that true?

Did Obama tap his phone lines, was that "truth"

Was Trump against the Iraq war from the start, was that truth?

Was there really no system to vet refugees from the middle east, was that "truth"?

I could go on about 4000 more times but I realize it doesnt matter. The "truth" for some people just isn't that important
Was the truth important to you before Trump took office?
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 03, 2018, 08:40:28 PM
Was the truth important to you before Trump took office?

For decades
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: chaos on September 03, 2018, 08:45:16 PM
For decades
You may be the rare example, but for the vast majority of your liberal friends, like those in the media, it only matters when it's a repub in office.
Quite honestly, Trump could lie about anything he wants as lomg as the economy is kicking, we aren't going in to any new wars and the job market is getting tight.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on September 03, 2018, 08:46:07 PM
Was his inauguration crowd bigger, was that true?  Petty shit, who cares?

Did Obama tap his phone lines, was that "truth"  YES, as long as you don't focus on the word tap.  Obama and his justice department conspired to spy on Trump and his team

Was Trump against the Iraq war from the start, was that truth?  I don't know, probably.

Was there really no system to vet refugees from the middle east, was that "truth"?  YES, there is no way to accrately tell who these people are and what their intentions are.

I could go on about 4000 more times but I realize it doesnt matter. The "truth" for some people just isn't that important

Petty shit, and even that is mostly true.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 03, 2018, 08:48:02 PM
You may be the rare example, but for the vast majority of your liberal friends, like those in the media, it only matters when it's a repub in office.
Quite honestly, Trump could lie about anything he wants as lomg as the economy is kicking, we aren't going in to any new wars and the job market is getting tight.

I am more concerned about my country than my wallet. Most of those who went into the military felt the same way. There are some things bigger and more important than your 401K. But thats just me and a few others.

As far as being liberal, I would love to take one of those tests because (I have taken a few over the years to see where I stand) and I am liberal on some things, I am conservative on others.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: SOMEPARTS on September 03, 2018, 10:25:32 PM
Was his inauguration crowd bigger, was that true?

Did Obama tap his phone lines, was that "truth"

Was Trump against the Iraq war from the start, was that truth?

Was there really no system to vet refugees from the middle east, was that "truth"?

I could go on about 4000 more times but I realize it doesnt matter. The "truth" for some people just isn't that important

TDS exhibit A.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 04, 2018, 09:38:45 AM

TDS exhibit A.

IF pointing out the hypocrisy of a man like Trump and his followers is TDS, I suppose you have a point.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: The Scott on September 04, 2018, 09:39:12 AM
Was his inauguration crowd bigger, was that true?

Did Obama tap his phone lines, was that "truth"

Was Trump against the Iraq war from the start, was that truth?

Was there really no system to vet refugees from the middle east, was that "truth"?

I could go on about 4000 more times but I realize it doesnt matter. The "truth" for some people just isn't that important

Go on then.  Continue with "about 4,000 more times" of such evidence.  Please.  No, really.  Be a Nike nut and just do it. ;D  4,000 more, please. ;D
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: chaos on September 04, 2018, 09:40:36 AM
Go on then.  Continue with "about 4,000 more times" of such evidence.  Please.  No, really.  Be a Nike nut and just do it. ;D  4,000 more, please. ;D
He can't, he was lying, the truth isn't important to him.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 04, 2018, 09:43:09 AM
He can't, he was lying, the truth isn't important to him.

You make no sense. Trumps lies are pretty well documented.

There are 3001 since taking office... easily another grand during the campaign. But hey... they probably got it wrong, he probably tells the truth all the time and the facts are simply wrong...
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: The Scott on September 04, 2018, 09:45:15 AM
He can't, he was lying, the truth isn't important to him.

Agreed, my friend.  For cucktards the truth is nothing more than a pretzel in the making, to be twisted as they and they alone, see fit.  FTN.
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on September 04, 2018, 09:58:10 AM
Agreed, my friend.  For cucktards the truth is nothing more than a pretzel in the making, to be twisted as they and they alone, see fit.  FTN.

Did you skip over my last post Scott
Title: Re: Meghan McCain hijacks own father's funeral to attack Trump and his supporters
Post by: The Scott on September 04, 2018, 10:30:30 AM
Did you skip over my last post Scott

It's the Washington Post, my friend.  Not your fault they're into Pretzel Logic (Steely Dan!), if you will and I don't believe such as them.