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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Matt C on April 18, 2006, 12:18:20 AM

Title: Gary Strydom - Coming back?
Post by: Matt C on April 18, 2006, 12:18:20 AM
Is he?
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: 240 is Back on April 18, 2006, 12:26:44 AM
strydom is gonna flirt with the ny pro or one of the 5 ifbb scrub shows, then make a flying leap to the Priest & Prince show :)
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: BayGBM on April 18, 2006, 05:37:04 AM
He has little incentive to compete these days.  Not much money to be won in masters contests and he may not be willing to kiss ass enough to be a judge favorite.

As for why he still’s part of his lifestyle.  If you have to get old, this is the way to do it.
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: jaejonna on April 18, 2006, 05:40:21 AM
Not for nothing , I heard he has some awesome Myspace pics now
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: littleguns on April 18, 2006, 05:56:56 AM
Some people need to use juice to keep the T Levels elevated after abusing AAS....heck if it is now truly prescribed, why not take advantage of this.

Let me say I have no knowledge of who uses and doesn't and I am not saying this is the case with Gary...

I would love to see him back in competition
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: HeartofSteel on April 18, 2006, 10:06:55 AM
I just seen a recent pic of Gary and let me tell you... he looks amazing & he'll be at the Colorado!

Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: 240 is Back on April 19, 2006, 10:08:58 AM
The Colorado Pro will be a nice springboard to Strydom's assault on the Night of Champions!
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: littleguns on April 19, 2006, 10:25:11 AM
I hope so.  It will be good to see him back on stage.

Judging from both sets of his recent pictures, in one he was juicing, but in the next set he took it to another level.  I know he's rich, but I don't see the point of getting that jacked at his age if he doesn't plan to compete.

Could also be he's smart and doesn't want to get picked on by us getbiggers for shrinking down to 180...
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: freeagain on April 19, 2006, 11:58:33 AM

the poor guy .. juicin at his age... feelin like a million dollars .. swole as a c'unt and ripped to the max... libido out of control and prolly bangin chicks 20 years his junior.... please someone rescue him from the nightmare !  ::)

Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: BayGBM on April 19, 2006, 12:31:46 PM
the poor guy .. juicin at his age... feelin like a million dollars .. swole as a c'unt and ripped to the max... libido out of control and prolly bangin chicks 20 years his junior.... please someone rescue him from the nightmare !  ::)

 ;D  Don’t you feel just terrible for him?  I do.  Maybe we can start a charity to save him from those horrors...?  Quick!  Call FEMA!
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: Al-Gebra on April 19, 2006, 12:37:09 PM
The Colorado Pro will be a nice springboard to Strydom's assault on the Night of Champions!

it'll be good to see him on an NY stage.
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: body88 on April 19, 2006, 01:08:47 PM
Matt he could be taking alot less than you think
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: body88 on April 19, 2006, 01:32:11 PM
True. Either way he is killing himself for nothing. He should focus on modeling and advertisments with his look.

Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: rufjunk on April 19, 2006, 01:40:34 PM
This is none of our business but for someone to go back to using anabolics to "look better" and post pictures of himself on the internet is lame.

Maybe some people already do do this, but there are inadequacies in his life if he's turning to anabolics and trying to regrain his shape if this is all he has going.

Again, I said it's none of my business, but when I look at his pictures I see some one who hasn't learned anything from bodybuilding, he just lifts weights and pours his self esteem into his apperance. I haven't heard anything about his professional life, just all of a sudden after not training forever, he's tryiing to "go back to the past" and reshape his life.

This isn't the route.

I hope he's doing this for general health and he could willfully drop it for some thing more important, for him to turn to anabolics and think he's going to turn his life around now is ludicrus.

I wince when I look at his pictures.

This isn't a joke.

That's why bodybuilding can be detrimental. I wish him the best.

I wish I could compare this "mistake" to something more serious, like an aged football veteran tryign to regain his form and get back into the NFL when he's 55 because his wife left him. This is what I'm afriad of. If Gary's life is great and he's doing this for general health, why is he posting pictures of himself on the internet, much less in certain positions where he hides his muscle shape. Look at his chest. He should be improving in his life, not triyng to go back to the past and have the same body.

I can't stress enough that if I'm wrong, so be it. I'm just afriad I'm not and there are people here who have the same "inadequacies" and post shit like, "this is how an old guy is supposed to look".
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: rufjunk on April 19, 2006, 01:48:01 PM
I would honestly take more pride in seeing Gary Strydom the person, whether his physique is in contest shape or not, whether you can see his obliques or if he has 20 inch arms. Why is he wearing jeans and sunglasses and why is he making a return to anabolics after so long?

This is actually tragic.

I even hear about how he's been training trying to regain his old form.

The pictures, the stories, the sunglasses with jeans and his hair all leave me to believe he's doing this some wrong reason thinking he's putting his life back together.

He's not.

and please don't encourage him if you think this is "cool dude". Many people do tragic things after demonstrating what he's doing. Again, I don't know about his personal life, but you have to take that into account where you hear about him and see this new photos.

There's nothing different between him thinking he's putting his life back together through anabolics, a hair peice, sunglasses, and jean layouts and the gay guy from MTV's true life thinking steroids will make all the gay guys at the club be in love with him. It's all the same psychological faults. He'll always feel the same way about himself, what's going to happen when he puts on 50 more pounds and his life is the exact freakign same? That's why this shit can be serious.
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: Al-Gebra on April 19, 2006, 01:52:02 PM
Gary's got a very good head on his shoulders, and is as healthy as a horse.

whatever you say, Doctor. ::)
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: rufjunk on April 19, 2006, 01:54:03 PM
Fortunately (for Gary), he's a multi-millionaire, and has more money than he'll ever need. You've got to understand that when you have a passion for something, and you are still able to successfully do that "something", it's kind of hard not to do it, nor should you have to. Gary's got a very good head on his shoulders, and is as healthy as a horse.

I'm glad he has a good head on his sholders.

I think the multi-millionaire stat is irrelevant. What does that have to do with anything? Does that means he's successful because he has money, this gives him more confidence and he won't fall into the same faulty thought processes?

Anyway, I'm being pretty annoying. But I'm glad he's healthy. It's hard not to notice all of these other things going around, all of a sudden some guy whose an ex-pro battling with his "muscle" statistics blows up and posts internet pictures. You don't really hear anything about his personal life.
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: Billy Rosewood on April 19, 2006, 01:58:19 PM
Hey Sean,

When can we expect to see you back in your American Gladiators outfit.  Are you available for weddings/bar mitzvahs?
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: rufjunk on April 19, 2006, 02:00:34 PM
I can understand the speculation, but it's kind of hard to conjure up any theories without ever having met the guy or talked to him, ya know? Anyway, the guy loves to bodybuild, so he contiunes to do so. Nobody questioned Vince Taylor (who happens to be 3 years older) and his comeback.

Good point.

I'm always quick to jump into the self-apperance = self self worth card.

It's just what popped into my head when reading about him and seeing his beach pictures.

Also I've never met Vince Taylor nor Gary but I still fel we all have the right to be concerned and pass judgement. I'm concerned about him, if my concerns are totally wrong than so be it, my goal to help is still the same. I also have no clue about Vince Taylors return or why he returned, his situation might be be different.
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: LuciusFox on April 19, 2006, 02:02:29 PM
 Gary looks great!
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: bigdumbbell on April 19, 2006, 02:03:18 PM
he and derek anthony get their wigs from the same vendor?
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: Al-Gebra on April 19, 2006, 02:05:57 PM
Hey Sean,

When can we expect to see you back in your American Gladiators outfit.  Are you available for weddings/bar mitzvahs?

Sean won't be returning to dinner theater as he's working on establishing himself as a health professional--I'm sure you've seen his authoritative ("expert") comments on Gary's physical and psychological state in this thread.

Edit: Matt sorry for dicking around in your thread . . .
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: Palpatine Q on April 19, 2006, 02:08:01 PM
Good point.

I'm always quick to jump into the self-apperance = self self worth card.

It's just what popped into my head when reading about him and seeing his beach pictures.

Also I've never met Vince Taylor nor Gary but I still fel we all have the right to be concerned and pass judgement. I'm concerned about him, if my concerns are totally wrong than so be it, my goal to help is still the same. I also have no clue about Vince Taylors return or why he returned, his situation might be be different.

You are aware this is a BODYBUILDING board, right? 

Self appearance = Self worth is kinda the status quo.
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: rufjunk on April 19, 2006, 02:09:39 PM
One thing I think that's interesting is it's usually something inside of us that prompts us to change the outside.

I wonder what happened to Gary that prompted him to change his appearance.

Maybe he's always been the same inside and his appearance has just changed due to lack of training. But isn't that a bad thing?

If this wasn't the case, wouldn't some one be content with themselves even if their body wasn't massive?

I just feel it's a trap. Sometimes you feel bad about something and think changing your appearance will fix everything, then you look that way and accomplish your goal and nothing has changed. I always think that bodybuilding because of emotion and a desire to impress will get you nowhere. Emotions change as will your goals, if you love training you'll always come back to it and do it. Maybe that's what Gary's doing, I don't know.

That's what I really like anyway. Just training and not caring about anything else. Sometimes I go out of the way not to even look in the mirror, it's nice, but I don't want to be complacent. I get a kick just out of hauling ass, plus I'd just be pissed if I didn't look my best but even that shouldn't matter. I feel like I need to envelop myself in some other activity after I'm done training, that way my days are much shorter and it's easier to stay focused and pay my dues while enjoying weights.
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: Al-Gebra on April 19, 2006, 02:12:37 PM
One thing I think that's interesting is it's usually something inside of us that prompts us to change the outside.

I wonder what happened to Gary that prompted him to changed his appearance.

Maybe he's always been the same inside and his appearance has just changed due to lack of training. But isn't that a bad thing?

If this wasn't the case, wouldn't some one be content with themselves even if their body wasn't massive?

I just feel it's a trap. Sometimes you feel bad about something and think changing your appearance will fix everything, then you look that way and accomplish your goal and nothing has changed. I always think that bodybuilding because of emotion and a desire to impress will get you nowhere. Emotions change as will your goals, if you love training you'll always come back to it and do it. Maybe that's what Gary's doing, I don't know.

That's what I really like anyway. Just training and not caring about anything else. Sometimes I go out of the way not to even look in the mirror, it's nice, but I don't want to be complacent. I get a kick just out of hauling ass, plus I'd just be pissed if I didn't look my best but even that shouldn't matter. I feel like I need to envelop myself in some other activity after I'm done training, that way my days are much shorter and it's easier to stay focused and pay my dues while enjoying weights.

I am waiting for Dr. Sean Freud's response with bated breath . . .
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: rufjunk on April 19, 2006, 02:17:09 PM
You are aware this is a BODYBUILDING board, right? 

Self appearance = Self worth is kinda the status quo.

And I think that's the problem.

Muscle ads cater to that. Like the skinny guy getting blown away while the big guy gets the girl. Crap like that.

Either way this is not a good thing.

I think it would be interesting to have a "bodybuilding" and a "philosophic" section of the message board. For those who associate self worth with apperance, they're just falling into a round-about cycle. You'll never be pleased 100% with apperance, therefore you'll always strive to keep looking better and you'll never be comfortable with yourself. That's why you have to change your thought processes. You have to change the inside as well as the outside. Just changing one without the other isn't changing at all, that shit is just temporary. It's like going on the zone diet and losing weight, than going back to eatting normally. The person never changed, their apperance did but their nutritonal intake remained the same, plus their confidence will probably be wrecked after that.

One thing I think that's humerous is the normal public is repulsed by some of the muscular physiques while most of us strive to be these massive monsters. We aren't catering to be accepted or to live up to other peoples expectations, we're just doing what we want and what makes us feel the best.

I think of it as being passionate about something, you just do it because you love it, there are more important things but when you accomplish what you need to, you move on an dominate in something else. You don't see Arnold still competing. He's the freaking governor. Same goes for Lou Ferrigno, he tried to be an actor, but at least he switched fields and tried to succeed in something else.

"If all you've learned from bodybuilding is more bodybuilding than you haven't learned a thing"
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: Al-Gebra on April 19, 2006, 02:26:12 PM

As for Gary, look at the reaction he is getting from the ladies:

Obviously he has that myspace set up for a reason.  I'm sure he loves getting those comments.

I'm surprised that Dr. Sean Freud doesn't think Gary's being juvenile . . .

He's on Myspace? Getting comments from 20-somethings?

Perhaps he's regressing? Hasn't really adjusted to "grown-up" life? 

 . . . maybe someone should write a book. 
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: rufjunk on April 19, 2006, 02:26:33 PM
All I know is, is that if I were one of the top guys from the late 80's / early 90's and I was scanning over the field of competitors today, I wouldn't hesitate jumping back in the mix and claiming my piece of the pie.

That's a good point.

But is he competing?

I think it's a difference scenario.

This is sorta funny to think about but when's the last time you saw Ronnie Coleman post pictures of himself on a beach?

Competing is a great thing man. I hope he dominates. He deserves to dominate after the many years of training he's gone through. I hope he focues 100% on his competition goals and succeeds. There's no point in half assing it. If this is the avenue he wants to take, so be it, I think it would be interesting for him to shut off all distractions and just come back and own in the professional field. After that I hope he dominates in soemthing else too. What's the point in not being the best in something and just constantly training over such a long haul, isn't it better to just devote 100% of your attention to your goals, succeed, and then make new ones and do that?

Why the lay off? Why now? What's the goals? etc?
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: rufjunk on April 19, 2006, 02:29:17 PM
Not to go on a big rant but changing my appearance absolutely changed the things I was lacking on the inside - or thought I was lacking at least.  The reality is that the world is shallow.  Girls would never give me the time of day before I started weight training, and now that is a non issue in my life.

There are TONS of studies out there which show that being taller, more attractive, more built, etc, brings you more success in life.  You could be the most confident person in the world but if you are short and skinny or fat, ugly, etc, you will be discriminated against.  Who is to say I was "lacking" anything?  I just didn't like the treatment I received being 130 pounds and it was not just in my head!  Now I just look normal but don't get overlooked as I used to.  It wasn't something inside of me that was amiss, it was the rest of the world being so shallow.

Gary obviously commands more respect the bigger he gets.  Maybe he likes that but can't duplicate it by himself.  Or maybe he just loves training.  Who knows what his reasons are or what working out means to him.  I can only speak of what it means to me.

As for Gary, look at the reaction he is getting from the ladies:

Obviously he has that myspace set up for a reason.  I'm sure he loves getting those comments.

Your right.

and I just think that's the nature of the beast.

All of those comments and things can be nice but they're hollow.

I don't want friends who like me for my body. I want friends who admire me for the dedication involved in changing my body, not the body itself. Same goes for girls.

They might give you the time of day now, but do you want some one who will give you the time of day just because of your body?

I guess it's good if you just want sex but I'd rather be close to someone who isn't affected by stuff like that. What would happen if my goal was to be Ronnie Coleman, all of a sudden she likes me when I'm smaller but when I reach my goals she doesn't like me anymore?

What if I decided to pursue something else and dedicate my time to that. My body isn't going to be the same forever, it ages, I don't want some shallow chic.
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: Billy Rosewood on April 19, 2006, 02:38:00 PM

If my nephew hires you for a birthday party, can the kids throw pies at you or play pin the tail on the former gladiator?
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: BayGBM on April 19, 2006, 03:16:58 PM
Die for me, bitch!   >:(
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: WiseGuy on April 19, 2006, 04:05:04 PM
All I know is, is that if I were one of the top guys from the late 80's / early 90's and I was scanning over the field of competitors today, I wouldn't hesitate jumping back in the mix and claiming my piece of the pie.

agreed the pros today look like fat pigs.... its good to see Gary come back...

Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: HeartofSteel on April 19, 2006, 04:12:26 PM
Gary is amazing.. I saw him yesterday in the middle of a photo shoot and he took the time to shake my hand and chat for a few seconds, now THAT is what I call a champion!

Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: spotter on April 20, 2006, 06:59:24 PM
he and derek anthony get their wigs from the same vendor?

You got that right Big!!! LOL ;D
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: LuciusFox on April 20, 2006, 11:46:51 PM
Gary is amazing.. I saw him yesterday in the middle of a photo shoot and he took the time to shake my hand and chat for a few seconds, now THAT is what I call a champion!


   Champions chat for a few seconds? ;D
Title: Re: Gary Strydom - juicing for nothing?
Post by: rufjunk on April 26, 2006, 08:56:01 AM
But why, after all these years, does Strydom find a need to put on the posing trunks again?

For several reasons. First of all, Strydom watched closely when the Ben Weider mandate was released last year, citing that bloated belly's would no longer be tolerated, that the small waist, flat tummy and overall aesthetic look would be rewarded. Which, of course, the 6' 1 1/2" Strydom possesses.

"Bodybuilding has turned into mass building," says Strydom, "and it's not something most people, including me, would want to look like. These distended stomachs are ridiculous. Bodybuilding should be about balance; if one bodypart stands out over the rest of the physique, that person should not be rewarded with wins, or high placings.

"I wanted to prove that a big man could still have a small waist, a balanced, aesthetic physique. I weighed 278 pounds today (Friday, April 21) and am tight and grainy with a good, overall flow. I think I look better now than when I won the WBF titles; I weighed 258 then, but wasn't nearly as hard as I am today."

He is admittedly concerned that the credo might not be followed, however. "They didn't use that as a guideline at last year's Mr. Olympia," Strydom says. "But, after watching the Iron Man, and seeing Dexter Jackson win the Arnold again, I feel better about the direction the sport could be going. I'm a big fan of Dexter's physique, and feel I'm a larger version of Jackson...

...My goal is to get back on the Mr. Olympia stage. I want to be in the line-up in Las Vegas, and think I would have a good shot at knocking off some of the people who have placed pretty high in that show."

It seems like Gary's goal is to compete in the Mr. Olympia but why does he have to compete in it in order to prove you can have a balanced physique without an elongated stomach?

He mentioned Dexter Jackson as an example of an existing competitor already with said proportions. I hope he does well, I'm just curious as to his return. The distended guts seems to be one motivating factor but I sincerly doubt it's the sole purpose.