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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: BBSSchlemiel on September 25, 2023, 05:38:20 AM

Title: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on September 25, 2023, 05:38:20 AM
Couldn’t Mike just get a job and forget bodybuilding? These two were in bad shape in this video.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: BB on September 25, 2023, 05:46:43 AM
Post I made a bit back, where I tired to chart Mike's downfall -

" Speaking of good articles, this one is great - .

You can map Mike's downfall from it.

He was using amphetamines from the late 70's - onward. He had no problem with them because they made him productive, and if he was productive then there is no problem was his line of thought.

“I was in love with being conscious – amphetamines have that effect on a lot of people. I’d read the literature on amphetamines and had never heard of any long-term physical damage, but I did know that it could possibly result in acute episodes of psychosis. I saw no problem for me because I was convinced I was focused enough and that my use was channeled in a positive direction.

“I didn’t think there was anything wrong in taking stimulants to make me work as hard as I was. A lot of people drink coffee and smoke cigarettes to stay stimulated and be productive. I was a productive genius, but I had lost sight of the fact that the body and the mind have limitations.”

Late 70's, very close to the 1980 Olympia, his mother is very sick, near death it looks like.

He almost burns himself out training for 1979 and 1980 contests.

He loses the 1979 Overall Mr. O to Zane, and goes 5th at the 1980, behind Zane and Arnold.

After the 80 O, he leaves everything having to do with Weider and The IFBB. By 1982, he's almost broke.

Early 83, Nautilus / Jones hire him and Ray for promo work. They separate after about 1/2 a year, he makes up with Weider, but leaves in late 1983 to work for start up "Workout" magazine.

He ups the amphetamines to deal with the workload.

1985 looms, and his financial backers fold "Workout". He also loses his father, who, he was tremendously close to. Cathy Gelfo would leave later that year also.

From 1985 - 1990 it would be a string of arrests and hospital commitments. "

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 06:28:26 AM
Couldn’t Mike just get a job and forget bodybuilding? These two were in bad shape in this video.

methzer was a lazy slob. He could've moved on from bodybuilding and did domething else but the fact is methzer wasn't even smart. He dropped out of college, dropped out of the air force and that whole bs of him being a pre med student was just a lie. He applied but quickly dropped out of that too. methzer, like Yates, only had bodybuilding to fall back on. He had no other worthy qualifications. So he just kept selling the HIT kool side and kept changing it by reducing the frequency in order to sell to the gulliable and the lazy. He just copied other people's ideas and repackaged it as Heavy Dooty. A name that George Synder came up with, not methzer. methzer was so desperate to be the next Joe Weider as to promote his way of training and sell that philosophical bs he kept pushing which was nothing but him regurgitating Ayn Rand's nonsense. methzer really thought he was way more important than he actually was. His methods have never produced a champion and NO, Yates does not count. methzer should've kept writing for Weider. At least it was a nice steady income but methzer thought he could make his own magazine company. Well that failed before it even begun. The guy was a total loser.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 06:30:30 AM
Post I made a bit back, where I tired to chart Mike's downfall -

" Speaking of good articles, this one is great - .

You can map Mike's downfall from it.

He was using amphetamines from the late 70's - onward. He had no problem with them because they made him productive, and if he was productive then there is no problem was his line of thought.

“I was in love with being conscious – amphetamines have that effect on a lot of people. I’d read the literature on amphetamines and had never heard of any long-term physical damage, but I did know that it could possibly result in acute episodes of psychosis. I saw no problem for me because I was convinced I was focused enough and that my use was channeled in a positive direction.

“I didn’t think there was anything wrong in taking stimulants to make me work as hard as I was. A lot of people drink coffee and smoke cigarettes to stay stimulated and be productive. I was a productive genius, but I had lost sight of the fact that the body and the mind have limitations.”

Late 70's, very close to the 1980 Olympia, his mother is very sick, near death it looks like.

He almost burns himself out training for 1979 and 1980 contests.

He loses the 1979 Overall Mr. O to Zane, and goes 5th at the 1980, behind Zane and Arnold.

After the 80 O, he leaves everything having to do with Weider and The IFBB. By 1982, he's almost broke.

Early 83, Nautilus / Jones hire him and Ray for promo work. They separate after about 1/2 a year, he makes up with Weider, but leaves in late 1983 to work for start up "Workout" magazine.

He ups the amphetamines to deal with the workload.

1985 looms, and his financial backers fold "Workout". He also loses his father, who, he was tremendously close to. Cathy Gelfo would leave later that year also.

From 1985 - 1990 it would be a string of arrests and hospital commitments. "

Productive genuis? What was he a genuis about, exactly? I always 😆 when I hear that old meth head was some sort of  "genuis." Meth certainly makes a person very delusional.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 06:34:37 AM
"From 1985 - 1990 it would be a string of arrests and hospital commitments. "

Yeah, my favorite story is of methzer running into a bank then hiding under one of the desks because he thought Arnold had sent assassins after him. He was arrested and taken to the loony bin after that incident. So much for this "productive genuis" 😆 🤣 😂
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on September 25, 2023, 06:48:33 AM
Freaking brutal folks! Thanks for thoroughly answering my question.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: bigbychoices on September 25, 2023, 06:58:14 AM
rmj11 you are spot on bout mentzer!! Thanks for all that. I hope others read it and understand . Mentzer really did think he was something. He had nothing else to fall back on. He thought he was gonna be another Arnold. Not even fucking close!!  Weider was trying to get Mike acting jobs and no one wanted him. He was so desperate for success but he never got it. He tried to keep selling his bunk workout style to newbies and fat lazy slobs. They were dumb enough to believe it.  Poor Ray he wasn't like his brother but he did worship him and followed him. Neither one was very bright . Ray got so bad because his kidneys were shot and both their hearts were too all from so much steroid use.  Both had decent builds for sure but not in comparisons to the amount of drugs they took. Mike lost his mind and it was not due to Arnolds win. ( although that did help lol)  It was from his meth use. Ray didn't lose his mind because he wasn't doing meth His body failed him.  It is to bad for both of them and to the bodybuilding community as a whole.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on September 25, 2023, 07:01:11 AM
Mentzer probably got all legal prescriptions from the doc. But at some point, perhaps when they restricted sales he went to regular fope dealers and increased his dose to very abusive levels. I think most can take Adderal or the like in regularly prescribed doses and be fine. It's when you mess up your sleep schedule that things turn strange, peeking through the blinds to look for black helicopters and things like that. That's my theory with the drugs and Mentzer. My friends is an old IV meth addict, stopped like 40 years ago. It still haunts his dreams, it's calling for him. Says when he turns 70 he will for sure shoot half a gram.

Then he really went nuts trying to apply Ayn Rand's philosophy to weight lifting. He should have followed whatever science was there at the time
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on September 25, 2023, 07:25:11 AM
So Dorian was a bum too? Didn’t he say, like so many others, including Jay Cutler, that he went into bodybuilding because it is an individual sport, and that he didn’t want to be in a sport in which his teammates could fail him? Hahaha! As if he or other bodybuilders were athletically inclined and talented in the first place? Freaking lulz bros!
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: IroNat on September 25, 2023, 07:27:39 AM
The Mentzer Bros. took it to failure and beyond.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: wes on September 25, 2023, 07:32:22 AM
Sounds like Mike pissed in you guys Cheerios!!  ;D

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: BB on September 25, 2023, 07:58:14 AM
So Dorian was a bum too? Didn’t he say, like so many others, including Jay Cutler, that he went into bodybuilding because it is an individual sport, and that he didn’t want to be in a sport in which his teammates could fail him? Hahaha! As if he or other bodybuilders were athletically inclined and talented in the first place? Freaking lulz bros!

Years ago, Greg Valentino mentioned how shocked he was to see Dorian out of his mind on something (ecstasy) dancing around to "Shiny Disco Balls", half naked with glow sticks at the old Sound Factory during an afterparty. Later Dorian had the infamous London Real podcast episode where he admitted being into psychedelics, and vision questing, etc....

In hindsight,  he was real friendly with Cormier when he came to the States, so it shouldn't be that shocking he was into things.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on September 25, 2023, 08:29:25 AM
Years ago, Greg Valentino mentioned how shocked he was to see Dorian out of his mind on something (ecstasy) dancing around to "Shiny Disco Balls", half naked with glow sticks at the old Sound Factory during an afterparty. Later Dorian had the infamous London Real podcast episode where he admitted being into psychedelics, and vision questing, etc....

In hindsight,  he was real friendly with Cormier when he came to the States, so it shouldn't be that shocking he was into things.

My friend told me he saw him in a club.

Dorian seems somewhat intelligent, but possibly, like many competitive bodybuilders, he has mental problems.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 09:13:54 AM
My friend told me he saw him in a club.

Dorian seems somewhat intelligent, but possibly, like many competitive bodybuilders, he has mental problems.

I was a fan of Yates in his bodybuilding days. Straight to the point, no nonsense, hard working and very determined guy. He then retired from bodybuilding and was ill for a long time, mostly from the huge amounts of drugs he was on. He kind of disappeared for a few years then rumours began to circulate that Yates was out seen partying in clubs and whatnot. Midlife crisis I think. He did all those mind alternating drugs which destroyed the Yates I had admired by becoming this hippy dippy "we are all one" new age conspiracy theorist. He now believes that 911 was an inside job and that the lolocaust..I mean..the holocaust didn't happen.

He now contradicts a lot what he had stated back in his bodybuilding days. He calls his training system DYHIT when back in the day he actually never called it hit. He's jumping on the methzer band wagon to make money from his bodybuilding legacy. Nothing wrong with that since he's going to milk that until the day he dies because, like methzer before him, what else does he have? Like methzer, he has no real qualifications so he makes money by selling his own line of supplments which he rebrands now and again (Dorian Yates approved, DY Nutrition, Shadowline) and gives out personal training/seminars. He released his autobiography in recent years which tells the same story about his bodybuilding career like it did in a warrior's story. Yawn...heard it all before.

Now he doesn't even train because of the injuries he sustained by listening to that no good crack pot methzer. Dorian gets easily sucked in by these types of goons and it cost him.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 25, 2023, 09:18:44 AM
I was a fan of Yates in his bodybuilding days. Straight to the point, no nonsense, hard working and very determined guy. He then retired from bodybuilding and was ill for a long time, mostly from the huge amounts of drugs he was on. He kind of disappeared for a few years then rumours began to circulate that Yates was out seen partying in clubs and whatnot. Midlife crisis I think. He did all those mind alternating drugs which destroyed the Yates I had admired by becoming this hippy dippy "we are all one" new age conspiracy theorist. He now believes that 911 was an inside job and that the lolocaust..I mean..the holocaust didn't happen.

He now contradicts a lot what he had stated back in his bodybuilding days. He calls his training system DYHIT when back in the day he actually never called it hit. He's jumping on the methzer band wagon to make money from his bodybuilding legacy. Nothing wrong with that since he's going to milk that until the day he dies because, like methzer before him, what else does he have? Like methzer, he has no real qualifications so he makes money by selling his own line of supplments which he rebrands now and again (Dorian Yates approved, DY Nutrition, Shadowline) and gives out personal training/seminars. He released his autobiography in recent years which tells the same story about his bodybuilding career like it did in a warrior's story. Yawn...heard it all before.

And yet you embrace the pathological liar,  Arnold.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 09:20:28 AM

And yet you embrace the pathological liar,  Arnold.

Does Arnold actually lie or just exaggerate? Besides, Arnold doesn't have any mental problems. Yates does and methzer definitely did.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Kwon on September 25, 2023, 09:26:39 AM
Couldn’t Mike just get a job and forget bodybuilding? These two were in bad shape in this video.

If Mentzer had won that 1980 contest instead of Arnold, i'm certain he would still be alive today

Losing to Arnold made him spiral down
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 25, 2023, 09:36:53 AM
Does Arnold actually lie or just exaggerate? Besides, Arnold doesn't have any mental problems. Yates does and methzer definitely did.

He lies. And he’s a hypocrite.

Example: Arnold was photographed in public without a mask a couple days after he made this video.....

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 09:46:59 AM
If Mentzer had won that 1980 contest instead of Arnold, i'm certain he would still be alive today

Losing to Arnold made him spiral down

methzer could have never won the 1980 olympia. Arnold was not the guy to beat for meth head as he didn't have a chance against Arnold. Not a chance. It was Zane. That was the man methzer needed to beat but he couldn't. Zane had placed first in the 1979 olympia with methzer second. To think that methzer was going to come in and, in his own words, "Not only am I going to win this contest, but I’m going to beat Arnold Schwarzenegger as well!" along with Zane is just ludicrous. methzer came in bad shape. He displayed a deflated chest, undeveloped back, narrow clavicles, a fat ass, overdeveloped hips, small arms and his protruding stomach. He was no match for Zane let alone Arnold. Hence why he came 5th and that was too good for the whiney manlet. He let that contest really get to him and relived it every night for the rest of his days. Productive genuis my ass.

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: beakdoctor on September 25, 2023, 09:47:59 AM
If Mentzer had won that 1980 contest instead of Arnold, i'm certain he would still be alive today

Losing to Arnold made him spiral down

Whether you like him or hate him, you have to admit that Arnold has lived life like no other. And it's due to a combination of drive, ambition,  intelligence,  and charm. Arnold would've been great at anything.  He was a millionaire before Pumping Iron because of his business and real estate interests.

Trying to compare yourself or compete with a person like Arnold is going to lead to failure about 100% of the time.

Everybody kissed his ass back in the 70's when bodybuilding was limited to Venice Beach and there were only a few dozen bodybuilders of any note. He was the party and they were all along for the ride. As he left bodybuilding behind (somewhat) and reached greater success in film and attempting to break into Hollywood is when they all lost their shit over 1980. All of em. Their big mistake, especially Mike, was thinking he was going to be the "next Arnold" and realizing it was never going to happen.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 09:55:50 AM
He lies. And he’s a hypocrite.

Example: Arnold was photographed in public without a mask a couple days after he made this video.....

Ah, this old chest nut. You Yanks and you're so called freedumbs. Arnold was specifically stating to those that "freedom comes obligations and responsibilities."

“Yeah, you have the freedom to wear no mask. But you know something, you’re a schmuck for not wearing a mask because you’re supposed to protect the fellow members around you."

There was a pandemic after all.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 09:58:09 AM
Whether you like him or hate him, you have to admit that Arnold has lived life like no other. And it's due to a combination of drive, ambition,  intelligence,  and charm. Arnold would've been great at anything.  He was a millionaire before Pumping Iron because of his business and real estate interests.

Trying to compare yourself or compete with a person like Arnold is going to lead to failure about 100% of the time.

Everybody kissed his ass back in the 70's when bodybuilding was limited to Venice Beach and there were only a few dozen bodybuilders of any note. He was the party and they were all along for the ride. As he left bodybuilding behind (somewhat) and reached greater success in film and attempting to break into Hollywood is when they all lost their shit over 1980. All of em. Their big mistake, especially Mike, was thinking he was going to be the "next Arnold" and realizing it was never going to happen.

Coe, Walker, Zane are still crying about it to this day. Satly losers. Arnold showed them up for who they really are.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 25, 2023, 10:04:50 AM
Ah, this old chest nut. You Yanks and you're so called freedumbs. Arnold was specifically stating to those that "freedom comes obligations and responsibilities."

“Yeah, you have the freedom to wear no mask. But you know something, you’re a schmuck for not wearing a mask because you’re supposed to protect the fellow members around you."

There was a pandemic after all.

Hi Arnold.

Why did you lie about not attending your father’s funeral in Pumping Iron?

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 11:50:46 AM
Hi Arnold.

Why did you lie about not attending your father’s funeral in Pumping Iron?

No lie. Just a story.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Gym Rat on September 25, 2023, 12:14:41 PM
Ah, this old chest nut. You Yanks and you're so called freedumbs. Arnold was specifically stating to those that "freedom comes obligations and responsibilities."

“Yeah, you have the freedom to wear no mask. But you know something, you’re a schmuck for not wearing a mask because you’re supposed to protect the fellow members around you."

There was a fake pandemic after all.

Im glad you know what the clown was thinking...
He's a demturd at heart and a loud mouth who said what he said, he can handle the backlash. (The rapist)...
He's got no right telling anyone to do anything...
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 25, 2023, 12:37:02 PM
No lie. Just a story.

It’s funny to watch you condemn Mentzer, and then rush to defend a very dishonest Arnold 😂

Arnold embarrassed himself in front of the world...

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 25, 2023, 02:13:34 PM
Has anyone seen Rmj11 ? ? 

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 02:48:04 PM
Im glad you know what the clown was thinking...
He's a demturd at heart and a loud mouth who said what he said, he can handle the backlash. (The rapist)...
He's got no right telling anyone to do anything...

So you defy medical science and think the pandemic was fake? OK  🙄
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 02:48:46 PM
It’s funny to watch you condemn Mentzer, and then rush to defend a very dishonest Arnold 😂

Arnold embarrassed himself in front of the world...

Arnold is an entertainer. He doesn't take himself that seriously. But you're too dense to see that.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 02:49:23 PM
Has anyone seen Rmj11 ? ? 


Has anyone seen you?
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 25, 2023, 02:52:17 PM
Has anyone seen you?

Arnold: “You can’t get 250 grams of protein from 10 steaks...  that why I take my special protein powder. Concentrated. 80% protein... pow. it makes my biceps pop.”

LOL. Pathetic.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 25, 2023, 03:03:30 PM
Arnold is an entertainer. He doesn't take himself that seriously. But you're too dense to see that.

Too dense? 😂😂😃

There was NOTHING entertaining about Arnold on the Apprentice. Nothing. It was a disaster.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Megalodon on September 25, 2023, 03:04:18 PM
The intrinsic undercurrent of Mike Mentzer's potato had always resided within him. Cognizant of the relentless erosion of his non-potato faculties, the 1980 Olympia provided a pretext to ascribe all forthcoming conduct, which he foresaw unfolding in the years to come, to that singular event.  :P
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 03:06:18 PM
Too dense? 😂😂😃

There was NOTHING entertaining about Arnold on the Apprentice. Nothing. It was a disaster.

And as I stated it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. It's just a tv show. Stop getting so triggered.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 03:07:04 PM
Arnold: “You can’t get 250 grams of protein from 10 steaks...  that why I take my special protein powder. Concentrated. 80% protein... pow. it makes my biceps pop.”

LOL. Pathetic.

Yet you fell for it.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 25, 2023, 03:11:31 PM
Yet you fell for it.

Arnold’s Celebrity Apprentice = worst ratings ever 😂

What the fuck was Arnold rambling about?
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: BlackMetallic on September 25, 2023, 03:39:22 PM
Whether you like him or hate him, you have to admit that Arnold has lived life like no other. And it's due to a combination of drive, ambition,  intelligence,  and charm. Arnold would've been great at anything.  He was a millionaire before Pumping Iron because of his business and real estate interests.

Trying to compare yourself or compete with a person like Arnold is going to lead to failure about 100% of the time.

Everybody kissed his ass back in the 70's when bodybuilding was limited to Venice Beach and there were only a few dozen bodybuilders of any note. He was the party and they were all along for the ride. As he left bodybuilding behind (somewhat) and reached greater success in film and attempting to break into Hollywood is when they all lost their shit over 1980. All of em. Their big mistake, especially Mike, was thinking he was going to be the "next Arnold" and realizing it was never going to happen.

And being in the right place at the right time
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 25, 2023, 03:50:59 PM
Poor Arnold.

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 03:54:52 PM
Poor Arnold.

He shrugged it off and carried on. No biggie.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 03:55:41 PM
Arnold’s Celebrity Apprentice = worst ratings ever 😂

What the fuck was Arnold rambling about?

Yet he didn't end his career.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: robcguns on September 25, 2023, 06:04:11 PM
Has anyone seen Rmj11 ? ? 


Yeah seen him and his mother sucking cocks at the local truck stop recently. Two aids riddled whores.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 25, 2023, 06:11:21 PM
Yeah seen him and his mother sucking cocks at the local truck stop recently. Two aids riddled whores.

You didn't complain at the time. In fact you very much enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Irongrip400 on September 25, 2023, 06:11:43 PM
Has anyone seen Rmj11 ? ? 


Anybody know why he did Bobby Lupo?
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on September 25, 2023, 06:35:08 PM
I was a fan of Yates in his bodybuilding days. Straight to the point, no nonsense, hard working and very determined guy. He then retired from bodybuilding and was ill for a long time, mostly from the huge amounts of drugs he was on. He kind of disappeared for a few years then rumours began to circulate that Yates was out seen partying in clubs and whatnot. Midlife crisis I think. He did all those mind alternating drugs which destroyed the Yates I had admired by becoming this hippy dippy "we are all one" new age conspiracy theorist. He now believes that 911 was an inside job and that the lolocaust..I mean..the holocaust didn't happen.

He now contradicts a lot what he had stated back in his bodybuilding days. He calls his training system DYHIT when back in the day he actually never called it hit. He's jumping on the methzer band wagon to make money from his bodybuilding legacy. Nothing wrong with that since he's going to milk that until the day he dies because, like methzer before him, what else does he have? Like methzer, he has no real qualifications so he makes money by selling his own line of supplments which he rebrands now and again (Dorian Yates approved, DY Nutrition, Shadowline) and gives out personal training/seminars. He released his autobiography in recent years which tells the same story about his bodybuilding career like it did in a warrior's story. Yawn...heard it all before.

Now he doesn't even train because of the injuries he sustained by listening to that no good crack pot methzer. Dorian gets easily sucked in by these types of goons and it cost him.

In my early 20's, Dorian was my idol. Yes, it is lulzy, but he was my favorite bodybuilder, and after reading Warrior's Story, I viewed him as an underdog that made something of himself against odds, which is what he actually did. Although, thankfully, I was not destined to be an IFBB pro-bodybuilder, I loved the gym, and the book inspired me to train hard.

However, in the past decade, I grew very tired of him after seeing him in various interviews saying the same stuff over and over. I tend to have a dim view on people who habitually use drugs and indulge in eastern mysticism and hippy mumbo jumbo. I view them as people who cannot face the world as it is, with all of its unpleasantness and unfairness. So they choose to get high and dismiss much of what is consequential in this world. That's why you'll hear some talk of "energy" and "vibrations".

I realized he is not good at training others. Everyone featured in videos training at his gym were put through the exact same routines he used for himself, which shows he doesn't care or know how to individualize training. And his reasoning for only one set to failure being better than multiple sets not done to failure, with a rep or two in reserve, which is the same as Mentzer's, is flawed. Although it can work, it has not been proven to be better.

I don't think Dorian is a bad guy though. I just grew tired of him. I do think he showed some decent self reflection in some interviews, which is something I highly respect in people.

I tend to get fatigued from nearly all celebrities or well-known people in any niche. I even grew tired of seeing and hearing about John Meadows even though he seemed like a good guy. Mike O'hearn is yet another man whose mere mention makes me feel fatigued (I also hate him).

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: obsidian on September 25, 2023, 08:12:35 PM
He now believes that 911 was an inside job and that the lolocaust..I mean..the holocaust didn't happen.
He's right though. 911 was an inside job. The more you look into it the more obvious it becomes. Where's the plane in the attached Pentagon footage?

Regarding the Holocaust, why the need to constantly remind people under threat of prison to accept everything said about it? Why all these museums everywhere? Why are there few Holodomor museums? Why do Jews deny or minimize their involvement in the Holodomor? Many more Christian Caucasians died in WW2 than Jews. But why so few museums for these victims? If you look into Hitler and Churchill you find out they may have been Rothschild agents. Hitler had some Jewish heritage as well.

It seems to me WW1 and WW2 were Brother Wars with the agenda to kill off as many Caucasians in Europe as possible. The Holocaust was then used to create sympathy for Jews so they could create Israel. And to this day the Holocaust is used as a weapon against Caucausians so they can't criticize Jews about anything. If Jews talk about flooding Europe with Africans they can't be criticized because that would be an Anti-Semitic act.

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 25, 2023, 10:06:58 PM
You didn't complain at the time. In fact you very much enjoyed it.

Why have you stopped posting under your HikingRobert account?
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 26, 2023, 12:55:44 AM
"From 1985 - 1990 it would be a string of arrests and hospital commitments. "

Yeah, my favorite story is of methzer running into a bank then hiding under one of the desks because he thought Arnold had sent assassins after him. He was arrested and taken to the loony bin after that incident. So much for this "productive genuis" 😆 🤣 😂
Arnold totally owned his feeble mind. I have never seen another athlete, bodybuilding or beauty pageant competitor ever meltdown as big as Mentzer after a loss.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Royalty on September 26, 2023, 02:07:03 AM
Arnold totally owned his feeble mind. I have never seen another athlete, bodybuilding or beauty pageant competitor ever meltdown as big as Mentzer after a loss.


That pageant was 43 years ago.

Move on with your life.

Oh wait,  just start another thread about Mentzer with a gimmick account 🙄
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Kwon on September 26, 2023, 02:25:08 AM
If Arnold hadn't won 1980 im sure Mentzer wouldn't have gone Potato
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on September 26, 2023, 03:09:16 AM
If Arnold hadn't won 1980 im sure Mentzer wouldn't have gone Potato

Having to win a bodybuilding show so a man doesn’t wind up a lunatic is pathetic.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Megalodon on September 26, 2023, 03:35:21 AM
Mentzer was Salieri.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Kwon on September 26, 2023, 06:25:59 AM
Having to win a bodybuilding show so a man doesn’t wind up a lunatic is pathetic.

Mentzer was Salieri
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: bigbychoices on September 26, 2023, 06:48:16 AM
 Arnold did not lie about his fathers funeral. Just lied about the facts. He couldn't make the long flight. His doctors ordered was to not fly. He had recently broken his knee and was in a cast. That long of a flight would have caused blood clots to form ( blood already thick from steroids) and it was a danger to him. So he did not go because of that. NOT because he was focused on training.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on September 26, 2023, 07:20:01 AM
Ordinary people also went nuts due to the 1980 Olympia. Think about it, it was 40 years ago and (some) people still care about it. Like on getbig.

Arnold was and is special. His whole life story is amazing. BUT when he gives these "willpower" lectures does he not know you can't really change your personality? We aren't a blank page book when we are born. Even today when friends complain about another person I ask, "is he going to change?"

I thought Mentzer was amazing as a kid, how he went against the grain but even then I knew he was missing something by advocating once every 2 weeks training. Or that eating an apple was enough to add another pounbd of muscle, it something like that, can't remember the exact details.

Dorian said what went wrong with him after his career. Clinical depression. He turned to drugs like so many do, like I myself have done. But these psychedelics have a tendency to turn out people a certain way. There's a theory they were banned because people went all anti-war due to this class of drugs. Maybe there is something to it. We have a couple of people on here who changed due to psychedelics. If stimulants had stayed almost over the counter like they were things might have turned out different in society in some aspects. Perhaps radically different.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 26, 2023, 07:34:07 AM
Why have you stopped posting under your HikingRobert account?

Not me.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 26, 2023, 07:36:03 AM
He's right though. 911 was an inside job. The more you look into it the more obvious it becomes. Where's the plane in the attached Pentagon footage?

Regarding the Holocaust, why the need to constantly remind people under threat of prison to accept everything said about it? Why all these museums everywhere? Why are there few Holodomor museums? Why do Jews deny or minimize their involvement in the Holodomor? Many more Christian Caucasians died in WW2 than Jews. But why so few museums for these victims? If you look into Hitler and Churchill you find out they may have been Rothschild agents. Hitler had some Jewish heritage as well.

It seems to me WW1 and WW2 were Brother Wars with the agenda to kill off as many Caucasians in Europe as possible. The Holocaust was then used to create sympathy for Jews so they could create Israel. And to this day the Holocaust is used as a weapon against Caucausians so they can't criticize Jews about anything. If Jews talk about flooding Europe with Africans they can't be criticized because that would be an Anti-Semitic act.


Yes and the Reptoids are to blame. 😆
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 26, 2023, 07:36:51 AM
Arnold totally owned his feeble mind. I have never seen another athlete, bodybuilding or beauty pageant competitor ever meltdown as big as Mentzer after a loss.

methzer was mentally weak. He simply just didn't have it.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rambone on September 26, 2023, 08:42:50 AM
I don't think so, sir. In fact, I think he's a cop. Maybe not L.A.P.D., but he's definitely a badge.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Megalodon on September 26, 2023, 10:28:42 AM
Mentzer letting 5th sink in

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: BB on September 26, 2023, 10:56:41 AM


I do kinda enjoy Mike and Ray big dicking the German fella in this. The flex at 5:35 - 5:53 is wonderful, "Mike, let's go to second cigarette please, I don't have $200/hr pay if we get late", and Mike putting him on the pay no mind list.

I'd like to imagine Ray and Mike retiring to a pair of threadbare ez-chairs (probably in brown corduroy) to laugh about how they fucked over that guy that day. "Did you see his face when I reached for the third cigarette? A Marlboro never tasted better.....".

Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rambone on September 26, 2023, 10:57:47 AM
I'd like to imagine Ray and Mike retiring to a pair of threadbare ez-chairs (probably in brown corduroy) to laugh about how they fucked over that guy that day. "Did you see his face when I reached for the third cigarette? A Marlboro never tasted better.....".

Powerful visual!
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Rmj11 on September 26, 2023, 01:10:13 PM
If Arnold hadn't won 1980 im sure Mentzer wouldn't have gone Potato

But he did. Even if Arnold hadn't competed methzer would've still come 4th. Either way methzer would have a breakdown that he never recovered from.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: illuminati on September 26, 2023, 02:34:54 PM
He's right though. 911 was an inside job. The more you look into it the more obvious it becomes. Where's the plane in the attached Pentagon footage?

Regarding the Holocaust, why the need to constantly remind people under threat of prison to accept everything said about it? Why all these museums everywhere? Why are there few Holodomor museums? Why do Jews deny or minimize their involvement in the Holodomor? Many more Christian Caucasians died in WW2 than Jews. But why so few museums for these victims? If you look into Hitler and Churchill you find out they may have been Rothschild agents. Hitler had some Jewish heritage as well.

It seems to me WW1 and WW2 were Brother Wars with the agenda to kill off as many Caucasians in Europe as possible. The Holocaust was then used to create sympathy for Jews so they could create Israel. And to this day the Holocaust is used as a weapon against Caucausians so they can't criticize Jews about anything. If Jews talk about flooding Europe with Africans they can't be criticized because that would be an Anti-Semitic act.


Good post
A lot of truth in what you said.
Title: Re: Did the Mentzer brothers go potato all because Mike lost a show?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 27, 2023, 12:13:42 AM
But he did. Even if Arnold hadn't competed methzer would've still come 4th. Either way methzer would have a breakdown that he never recovered from.
He was already crazy with his 800 calorie diet, meth use and all night cardio sessions while listening to Ayn Rand lectures. It wasn't going to take much to send him over the edge.