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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Bluto on June 28, 2006, 02:01:54 PM

Title: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bluto on June 28, 2006, 02:01:54 PM
From what I've read, Arnold's got a son, born 1993, I think he should pick up bodybuilding now, Arnold was about his age when he started out I'm sure!

It's time for Arnold JR, the next Mr Olympia! I'm sure that in 7 years or so he will be ready, and hopefully Ronnie has retired by then!
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: dseiler on June 28, 2006, 02:10:56 PM
Arnold is smart enough to keep his son away from competitive BB.

And I am sure his son was raised smart enough to know that Daddy casts a LONG shadow.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bluto on June 28, 2006, 02:14:07 PM
What else would he do? If you got Arnold's genetics, you should be forced to do bodybuilding. By law.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: fathead on June 28, 2006, 02:18:44 PM
He'd be the most critisized fuck in the history of the sport.  Wait until the trustfund money then start. good luck junior.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: MikeThaMachine on June 28, 2006, 02:19:26 PM
I would expect his son to be in shape and lift weights but i don't see him getting into serious competitive BBing.

Oh yeah.............. yet another gay thread by Bluto ;D
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Slick Vic on June 28, 2006, 02:22:01 PM
Arnold is smart enough to keep his son away from competitive BB.

And I am sure his son was raised smart enough to know that Daddy casts a LONG shadow.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bluto on June 28, 2006, 02:28:10 PM
I think this is a legitimate subject to discuss, maybe that' is what's required to take bodybuilding to the next level, the perfect genes.

Never before has there been bodybuilders, mating with bodybuilders... what would've happen for example if Ronnie had a kid with Gates...

And if that's not enough, the kids should get growth hormone at an early age.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: New York on June 28, 2006, 02:45:29 PM
That would be kind of cool if Arnold's son competed, because currently Sergio Jr. has been hitting a couple show's! Maybe a Sergio vs Arnold the new generation could be at hand. 8)
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: body88 on June 28, 2006, 02:52:10 PM
Haha his son has an edjucation. That automatically would enable him to understand how pointless pro bodybuilding is!!!!! My money is on Harvard then a movie carreer.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bluto on June 28, 2006, 03:05:44 PM
Haha his son has an edjucation. That automatically would enable him to understand how pointless pro bodybuilding is!!!!! My money is on Harvard then a movie carreer.

if it would be pointless they wouldnt be doing it
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: body88 on June 28, 2006, 03:14:14 PM
if it would be pointless they wouldnt be doing it

Bodybuilding is 100 percent pointless. Put your body through hell for chump change. When Arnold was doing it, it was a different era. Different sport. Today guys take so much shit. They take if for nothing.

The only people who make money are the top 5 of the sport. They make peanuts compared to other sports.

The costs of competing to ones health at the highest level are just to high.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bluto on June 28, 2006, 03:18:06 PM
Bodybuilding is 100 percent pointless. Put your body through hell for chump change. When Arnold was doing it, it was a different era. Different sport. Today guys take so much shit. They take if for nothing.

The only people who make money are the top 5 of the sport. They make peanuts compared to other sports.

The costs of competing to ones health at the highest level are just to high.

to you it is pointless, to others it is not.
there's many sports where there's no money and where it's health risks.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: body88 on June 28, 2006, 03:20:04 PM
That is true. I should say imo it is pointless. Listen I love working out and I love the gym. I just cannot get into what these guys go through for nothing.

What other sports are the risks so high and returns so low?
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bluto on June 28, 2006, 03:22:06 PM
there's little or no money in most sports. and there's great sacrifices as in health risks, loss of job, time spent, less time with family etc etc

i guess if you're not into the competitive side of it, want to achieve etc you cannot understand it and what drives these people.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: body88 on June 28, 2006, 03:25:32 PM
there's little or no money in most sports. and there's great sacrifices as in health risks, loss of job, time spent, less time with family etc etc

i guess if you're not into the competitive side of it, want to achieve etc you cannot understand it and what drives these people.

Fair enough.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on June 28, 2006, 03:28:30 PM
From what I've read, Arnold's got a son, born 1993, I think he should pick up bodybuilding now, Arnold was about his age when he started out I'm sure!

It's time for Arnold JR, the next Mr Olympia! I'm sure that in 7 years or so he will be ready, and hopefully Ronnie has retired by then!

Why in God's name would ANYONE want their kids to compete in bodybuilding. I'm quite sure Arnold is smart enough to not let his son compete!
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: alexxx on June 28, 2006, 03:30:18 PM
Arnold's son will one day get juiced up and come on stage with me to the olympia where I will place first and he second.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: alexxx on June 28, 2006, 03:31:13 PM
Why in God's name would ANYONE want their kids to compete in bodybuilding. I'm quite sure Arnold is smart enough to not let his son compete!

Nah Arnold would let him compete its Maria who will probably be against it.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bast175 on June 28, 2006, 03:33:10 PM
it is clear that Maria takes GH with that jawline of hers.

Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on June 28, 2006, 03:58:42 PM
for some reason i dont think the money aspect will be a big concern to arnold's son ::)
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bluto on June 28, 2006, 04:06:52 PM
good point
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: alexxx on June 28, 2006, 04:20:43 PM
for some reason i dont think the money aspect will be a big concern to arnold's son ::)

What makes you say that?  ;D
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: timfogarty on June 28, 2006, 04:34:52 PM
Arnold was relatively poor.   Arnold's son is a rich kid with one or more trust funds.   Arnold is new money, but Maria is old money (well for the US).

Rich kids rarely excell in sports.  To excell at anything requires thousands of hours of hard work.  Poor kids see sports as a way out.  Rich kids don't need a way out.  They have lots to occupy their day.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: sean on June 28, 2006, 05:46:08 PM
sad but true.  I'd hate to see him wind up as a True Hollywood Story.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bast175 on June 28, 2006, 05:48:07 PM
he'll probably stay low key.. go to a private college to learn how to invest his daddy's money.. then just play with Arnold's money when he's older.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: IFBBwannaB on June 28, 2006, 06:08:41 PM
Arnold was relatively poor.   Arnold's son is a rich kid with one or more trust funds.   Arnold is new money, but Maria is old money (well for the US).

Rich kids rarely excell in sports.  To excell at anything requires thousands of hours of hard work.  Poor kids see sports as a way out.  Rich kids don't need a way out.  They have lots to occupy their day.

Yes and no,your point is valid BUT what about those rich kids that look around and understand from where all of this come.And want to get thier own money/respect ,they got motivation and means to do it.
Its basicly the oposite version of the poor kid who have no motivation because he see's his parents bust thier ass and get nowhere.

I wouldnt say rich kids are all lazy fucks,you got poor and rich fuckups...all depends on how you educate your kid and what he have inside his brain.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Superman on June 28, 2006, 06:11:36 PM
His son has some big shoes to fill.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: 240 is Back on June 28, 2006, 06:20:56 PM
i just chirped Patrick on the nextel.  he had a glass full of cristal, a mouth full of model and a nose full of powder, but assured me that he's doing okay.   
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: timfogarty on June 28, 2006, 06:45:11 PM
Yes and no,your point is valid BUT what about those rich kids that look around and understand from where all of this come.And want to get thier own money/respect ,they got motivation and means to do it.

there are lots of rich kids accomplishing great things on their own, but there is a big difference between being successful and being a superstar in sports or say the arts.   while there are a few pro athletes who are sons of pro athletes, it is very rare.   I think there is an economic reason for that.  to be the best in your field takes thousands and thousands of hours of practice.  if you're a child who is too poor, you don't have thousands of hours to practice because you have to help the family get by.  If you're well off, your parents are going to want you to be well rounded and do things other than just practice your sport.

Look at professional baseball over the last 100 years.  Today, most of the players seem to be hispanic.  More specifically, the largest group seems to be Caribbean.   A while back, it was Central American.  before that, blacks seem to dominate baseball.  But did you know there was a time where the Irish dominated pro ball in the US?  At another time it was Jews.  Another time it was the Italians.   This correlates well with the immigration and economic status of these groups.   Newly arrived immigrants were too poor to have their kids do something frivolous as practice throwing a ball.  But a generation or two later, they were economically secure enough for their kids to become good enough in sports to play professionally.  But as these groups moved into the middle class, they discouraged their kids from spending too much time playing ball, and encouraged their kids to study to go to college, etc.

to become the best in anything requires an enormous amount of time.  because they have other priorities, sometimes priorities set by their parents, rich kids generally don't have the time to become the best in a sport.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Beener on June 28, 2006, 08:02:33 PM
Arnold was relatively poor.   Arnold's son is a rich kid with one or more trust funds.   Arnold is new money, but Maria is old money (well for the US).

Rich kids rarely excell in sports.  To excell at anything requires thousands of hours of hard work.  Poor kids see sports as a way out.  Rich kids don't need a way out.  They have lots to occupy their day.

Thats such a load of bull. Rich kids have just as big a chance. You do waht you like whether you got money or not.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Ex Coelis on June 28, 2006, 08:08:05 PM
Thats such a load of bull. Rich kids have just as big a chance. You do waht you like whether you got money or not.

Ashbury pricks always raped our rugby team - 'course our team was shit . . .
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bluto on June 29, 2006, 12:50:36 AM
have to agree with tim here
and to be the best on getbig, do take a long time, a generation ago, nobody in my family would've had 5 stars
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Faust on June 29, 2006, 01:34:23 AM
Timfogarty has a point.

While rich kids have as much chance to excell, maybe even more. Most of the time they do not have the drive to put in the hard work. They often have a more diverse upbringing (spend more time on school, different kinds of sports, parties, playing computergames,...) so it's harder to stay focussed. But if they have the drive it's very well possible.

The genetic thing is important however. If you'r dad and mom were good athletes, it's almost 100% sure you'll excell as well. There was an eugenic experiment with olympic athletes done on this.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: timfogarty on June 29, 2006, 01:42:51 AM
There was an eugenic experiment with olympic athletes done on this.

yeah, I believe Jesse Owens ( got in the way of that experiment.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Faust on June 29, 2006, 02:34:59 AM
yeah, I believe Jesse Owens ( got in the way of that experiment.
Wrong. It was way after WW2, i think in the 70s.

They took sperm samples from nobel prize winners and olympic athletes, and gave it to women who needed it. There was a strong correlation between athletic performance, also a correlation with intelligence (higher IQ) but some kids lacked the drive to do anything with it.

For ethical reasons the experiment was stopped.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: timfogarty on June 29, 2006, 03:00:47 AM
They took sperm samples from nobel prize winners and olympic athletes, and gave it to women who needed it. There was a strong correlation between athletic performance, also a correlation with intelligence (higher IQ) but some kids lacked the drive to do anything with it.

One guy, Robert Klark Graham (, tried to run a sperm bank for geniuses from 1980 to 1999.  218 children were born.  and since the children currently range in age from 26 to 7, its kind of hard to say whether the program "worked" or not.  The program closed down with the death of Graham. 

And while governments forced sterilized the mentally disabled well into the 1970s, the type of eugenics ( you're talking about is almost always associated with the Nazis and racial superiority, and therefore has been avoided by governments and institutions.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Faust on June 29, 2006, 03:08:03 AM
One guy, Robert Klark Graham (, tried to run a sperm bank for geniuses from 1980 to 1999.  218 children were born.  and since the children currently range in age from 26 to 7, its kind of hard to say whether the program "worked" or not.  The program closed down with the death of Graham. 
Yeah, i think that was the thing i read about. The conclusions in that article were summed up in my previous post. So i'd say it "worked" to a certain degree. Of course the mother's genes and the child's upbringing play an important role as well, but there certainly was a correlation. Both in athletic ability / IQ number.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: hipolito mejia on June 29, 2006, 05:14:55 AM
I heard the kid likes cycling and soccer.......

maybe his grandson could be in to b.b?
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: jaejonna on June 29, 2006, 05:58:53 AM
im sure arnolds son has more money than Ronnie and Jay Cutler combined, and knows that unlike his dad , he doesnt need to build a physique to get him places....
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Cleanest Natural on June 29, 2006, 01:02:11 PM
Arnold was relatively poor.   Arnold's son is a rich kid with one or more trust funds.   Arnold is new money, but Maria is old money (well for the US).

Rich kids rarely excell in sports.  To excell at anything requires thousands of hours of hard work.  Poor kids see sports as a way out.  Rich kids don't need a way out.  They have lots to occupy their day.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Condor on June 29, 2006, 03:33:06 PM
there's little or no money in most sports. and there's great sacrifices as in health risks, loss of job, time spent, less time with family etc etc

i guess if you're not into the competitive side of it, want to achieve etc you cannot understand it and what drives these people.

Are you talking about recreational sports such as basketball, racquetball, tennis, golf, etc?  Well of course there's no money in those sports, it's not a career.  I think he's referring to the PRO level, and if you compare the pro level of bodybuilding to the pro level of other sports, the returns are merely a fraction.  If you're a pro, there's a lot of money to be had in a lot of sports (boxing, baseball, football, basketball, golf, tennis, racing, hockey, etc, etc.), just not bodybuilding, especially for the health sacrifices that are made.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Bluto on June 29, 2006, 03:36:28 PM
Are you talking about recreational sports such as basketball, racquetball, tennis, golf, etc?  Well of course there's no money in those sports, it's not a career.  I think he's referring to the PRO level, and if you compare the pro level of bodybuilding to the pro level of other sports, the returns are merely a fraction.  If you're a pro, there's a lot of money to be had in a lot of sports (boxing, baseball, football, basketball, golf, tennis, racing, hockey, etc, etc.), just not bodybuilding, especially for the health sacrifices that are made.

I'm talking about most sports in the world, there's not a lot of money to be made in most sports of the Olympics for example, yet year after year, people sacrifice everything to be part of it.

Apparantely they experience and feel something we don't.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: War-Horse on June 29, 2006, 04:34:31 PM
Pro bodybuilding is like the Getbig site.    Pointless, but addictive.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: sarcasm on June 29, 2006, 04:35:45 PM
Pro bodybuilding is like the Getbig site.    Pointless, but addictive.
sounds like your theory on donuts.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: War-Horse on June 29, 2006, 04:40:15 PM
sounds like your theory on donuts.

You must be really fat.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: danielson on June 29, 2006, 04:42:19 PM
What else would he do? If you got Arnold's genetics, you should be forced to do bodybuilding. By law.

Thats like saying if you have Lees genetics, you should be forced to be a jockey. ;D
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Adam Empire on June 29, 2006, 04:44:07 PM
So from what everybody is saying here is that Arnolds son will also be a Mr.O?  (If he loses all his money and becomes Cuban or something...?)
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: Condor on June 29, 2006, 04:59:44 PM
I'm talking about most sports in the world, there's not a lot of money to be made in most sports of the Olympics for example, yet year after year, people sacrifice everything to be part of it.

Apparantely they experience and feel something we don't.

Ok, I see what you mean.  Those people that sacrifice all of that for a shot at a gold medal, with no monetary has to be all heart.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: timfogarty on June 29, 2006, 05:22:45 PM
talk about future bodybuilding star:

Law and Order SVU star Mariska Hargitay, daughter of Mr Unvierse Mickey Hargitay (,+Mickey) and Jayne Mansfield, gave birth to a boy on Wednesday in Los Angeles.  10 pounds 9 ounces (4.8 kilos)
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: THEBERG on June 29, 2006, 06:44:38 PM
there are lots of rich kids accomplishing great things on their own, but there is a big difference between being successful and being a superstar in sports or say the arts.   while there are a few pro athletes who are sons of pro athletes, it is very rare.   I think there is an economic reason for that.  to be the best in your field takes thousands and thousands of hours of practice.  if you're a child who is too poor, you don't have thousands of hours to practice because you have to help the family get by.  If you're well off, your parents are going to want you to be well rounded and do things other than just practice your sport.

Look at professional baseball over the last 100 years.  Today, most of the players seem to be hispanic.  More specifically, the largest group seems to be Caribbean.   A while back, it was Central American.  before that, blacks seem to dominate baseball.  But did you know there was a time where the Irish dominated pro ball in the US?  At another time it was Jews.  Another time it was the Italians.   This correlates well with the immigration and economic status of these groups.   Newly arrived immigrants were too poor to have their kids do something frivolous as practice throwing a ball.  But a generation or two later, they were economically secure enough for their kids to become good enough in sports to play professionally.  But as these groups moved into the middle class, they discouraged their kids from spending too much time playing ball, and encouraged their kids to study to go to college, etc.

to become the best in anything requires an enormous amount of time.  because they have other priorities, sometimes priorities set by their parents, rich kids generally don't have the time to become the best in a sport.

I liked you comment timfogarty, i did and assigment on different ethnic groups dominating sports and i raised the some points that you outlined, in the end i basically concluded that Genetics dont play as a vital role as soical enviroment values or pressures.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: HUGEPECS on June 30, 2006, 11:53:08 AM
Pro bodybuilding is like the Getbig site.    Pointless, but addictive.

Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: bmacsys on June 30, 2006, 01:34:08 PM
What else would he do? If you got Arnold's genetics, you should be forced to do bodybuilding. By law.

Yeah but hise wife doesn't look to good unless you dig a scarecrows genetics.
Title: Re: It's time for Arnold's son!
Post by: War-Horse on June 30, 2006, 07:02:25 PM


Its true tho. :-[                   ;D