Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Matt C on July 19, 2006, 12:49:27 AM

Title: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Matt C on July 19, 2006, 12:49:27 AM
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: gordiano on July 19, 2006, 01:02:39 AM

I know Tom Prince was under this delusion and I don't think he is the only one.  Muscletech seems to want us to believe that women would go for Branch Warren or Dave Henry (the blonde with him in the ad was probably standing on her knees in order to appear shorter than him).  Possibly their target market has a double digit IQ or are just virgins and don't know any better.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: dzulboy on July 19, 2006, 01:04:00 AM
blonde on her knees     lmao
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Mydavid on July 19, 2006, 01:17:14 AM
HOLY SMOKES, this is a great let's see...a couple of guys i was with before Hans had just normal ex-husband was a Marine so he was in shape, but kinda little compared to me and the guy before Hans was totally HAIRY and a big guy, but not muscular...when i met Hans, i was like "OH MY GOD, HE HAS MUSCLES WHERE NO ONE ELSE HAS" fact, he was pretty much in shape the entire time i was with him, even when he passed...i enjoyed EVERY bit of his body and thought that there would be no other type that I'd be attracted to EVER...well, love works in mysterious ways, because my husband now is big and tall but nothing like a "PRO" bodybuilders body and i find him just as sexy  :P.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Mydavid on July 19, 2006, 01:43:51 AM
I find it refreshing that a tall woman can see beyond a man's height (Hans being 5'9).  Not that that is short, but it proves that not every woman's ideal is 6'5.  Hans was a freak, but I would be ok with having his physique, minus the insane vascularity.

I guess for me, after i was done with hubbie #1, i told myself that i wanted a man to make me feel small...that's when hairy dude came in...he was well over 6' and had a good sized beer drinkin' belly on him...when i met Hans, yes he was shorter, but his shoulder width and entire body size made me feel very comfortable and somewhat small if you know what i mean. Don't get me wrong, my husband now does not have a "bad" body, just not a muscular one.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: sculpture on July 19, 2006, 01:45:33 AM
Yates facially looked dreadful during the latter part of his ugly reign.

Health, virility, all this eschewed.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: MCWAY on July 19, 2006, 01:57:27 AM
I'm curious if any pro thinks that women find their physiques attractive?  ???

I know Tom Prince was under this delusion and I don't think he is the only one.  Muscletech seems to want us to believe that women would go for Branch Warren or Dave Henry (the blonde with him in the ad was probably standing on her knees in order to appear shorter than him).  Possibly their target market has a double digit IQ or are just virgins and don't know any better.

Maybe 1% of women are attracted to a pro size physique (if that).  The kicker is that far less than 1% of men can provide this, so it's a good match.

Most pros show signs of acromegaly.  I had girls at my place tell me that Gunter looked good, but even he would look better if he dropped about 100 pounds of muscle (and hopefully reverses some of the GH sides if that is possible).

I just watched the new Gary Strydom DVD from  In the DVD a woman who saw him train in the venice pit asked if he was married and felt his arm.  A moment later a younger woman got a picture with him and felt his arm.  None of this was faked (at least it didn't look it at all).  Gary is a tall, classy looking guy and as massive as he is, just isn't as grotesque as most pros, physique wise.

Check out his myspace and check out the comments from younger girls:

I don't doubt at all that this guy can get his share of young hotties with ease.  Isn't sex appeal supposed to be some part of working out?  Yeah, yeah - do it for yourself.  But by virtue of looking good for yourself, you would think others would agree with your standard.


Mostly comments from male bodybuilding enthusiasts as would be expected.

When precisely did bodybuilding stray from being about balance and health and looking good to just being a freakshow?  1970?  Maybe earlier?

Pros who I would aspire to be of the new age would be Milos, Chris Cook, and Dennis Newman, and some others.  Most I almost feel sorry for because I don't think acromegaly is reversible.

Bob Paris said he wanted to prove it was possible to care about health and balance and looking good while also being a bodybuilder.  Check out any old footage of him.  He always had the right idea.

The "Get big muscles; get the girls" adage has been used since the days of Charles Atlas. Remember the scene in Pumping Iron where Arnold Schwarzenegger has THREE girls around him: one grasping each leg, lustingly gazing upon him and a third one propped on his shoulders?

I thought that myself, when I was a kid. Of course, most of the guys I saw with big muscles were pro wrestlers. The guy that got the girls on WWF Superstars was the late "Ravishing" Rick Rude. Rude has two versions of what he called the "Rude Awakening", The first was his finishing move on an opponent, also known as a neckbreaker. The second was performed post-match, as follows:

Rude's manager, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, would pull a woman from the audience and ask her canned questions, regarding how privileged she was to be in the ring with Rude. After, obligatorily answering "Yes" to those questions, she would get the green light from "The Brain" to enjoy herself. After which, The Ravishing One would proceed to bust some slob (that is, french-kiss) the young lass, simultaneously lowering her to the ring. With the woman swooning in near-orgasmic bliss, Heenan would declare, "We have another winner!!", while Rude would stand over her, doing his famous gyrations.

Funny you should mentioned the guys on MuscleTech. It seems that their supplements have a patented "Jungle Fever" effect on black bodybuilders, as white girls can't seem to stop pawing them, once they join Team MuscleTech. The interesting thing is that the company actually has one black woman on staff, Alicia Marie (co-holder of the Ms. Muscle & Fitness title). But for some strange reason, she doesn't feel like fondling Darrem Charles, David Henry, or Johnnie Jackson.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Bluto on July 19, 2006, 02:16:14 AM
I'll have to go with Mars' sig on this one

When girls like your body go back to the gym

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: MCWAY on July 19, 2006, 02:23:04 AM
I'll have to go with Mars' sig on this one

When girls like your body go back to the gym

......and keep doing what you're doing!!

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Mars on July 19, 2006, 02:38:46 AM
Best quote ever.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Dorian 01 on July 19, 2006, 02:57:45 AM
I'll have to go with Mars' sig on this one

When girls like your body go back to the gym

Exactly. Stop all this "BUT WOMEN..." this and that. Who gives a shit. And it's much more than 1% who like the bodybuilder type. Probably more like 15-35%
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: onlyme on July 19, 2006, 04:44:42 AM
 ;D You tell me if this is sexy and will any women, dog, goat, sheep or relative find this sexy.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on July 19, 2006, 05:04:49 AM
It's unfortunate but for most woman sexy means more than just the body.  First off if your an ugly f*ck it will not matter much how good your body is, it will help you though, Ive banged chicks with great body's but not so good of looks and thats all it was.....a banging.  See women look for a combo of qualities in men.... looks, physique, ability to provide, being able to talk and laugh with them, future aspirations, not being a dork, loyalty.....and a bunch of of other crap that gives them that warm, fuzzy feeling.

Not to say some don't want to get with some handsome, muscled up guy for some wild sex from time to time, but those freaks are more rare.  Most need to be wined and dined for a while at least a couple times, before it gets to that.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Slick Vic on July 19, 2006, 05:07:13 AM
I have heard on numerous occasion from women that a body the size as, say, Tom Prince or Ronnie Coleman, is 'ugly' and 'gross'. I'm sure some men hit the gym to look more appealing to women, but I'm also sure that it's to build the body of a Mark Wahlberg type. The closest "bodybuilding physique" I've heard women say that they like is that of an Arnold. Probably 'cause his physique looks more pleasing to the eye than those that look grotesque - can you say Dave Palumbo?
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on July 19, 2006, 05:17:09 AM
I think to a lot of women especially ones not famaliar with gym culture tend to see the guy as either very vain or compensating for something.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: jaejonna on July 19, 2006, 05:30:09 AM
Girls like guys with abs and a fat wallet
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: jaejonna on July 19, 2006, 05:34:52 AM
I personally think that initially guys start to do it to get on the radar with women...but once they get to the point where they are starting to really fill out, it is more a personal drive to be bigger, more jack.

Girl: "you look fine already!"

Guy: "I wanna look like that !" (points to MD cover)

Girl: "Dont ever look like that babe...ewwww thats soooo gross!!"
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Slick Vic on July 19, 2006, 05:37:11 AM
Girls like guys with abs and a fat wallet
You hit the nail right on the head!  :D
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Slick Vic on July 19, 2006, 05:39:58 AM
Girls like guys with a fat wallet
There's a saying....

Women that treat men as large, generous bank accounts deserve men who treat women as stupid, sexual playthings.  :D
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: muscleforlife on July 19, 2006, 05:50:59 AM
Sometimes when I read this board, I realize how young some of the posters are.

When boys grow into men and start dating women instead of girls, they will find women are able to financially take care of themselves.
I teach my daughters to earn your own money, don't depend on anyone to take care of you, take care of yourself.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: jaejonna on July 19, 2006, 05:52:44 AM
Sometimes when I read this board, I realize how young some of the posters are.

When boys grow into men and start dating women instead of girls, they will find women are able to financially take care of themselves.
I teach my daughters to earn your own money, don't depend on anyone to take care of you, take care of yourself.


When we are talking about women, we usaually dont mean you.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: muscleforlife on July 19, 2006, 06:02:07 AM
When we are talking about women, we usaually dont mean you.

I used your quote to seque into my post.  I didn't mention any names.

your ability to resist replying to me is amusing.  Such a baby.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: BroadStreetBruiser on July 19, 2006, 06:08:46 AM
"Sandra" you seem like the type of woman that needs to be introduced to a set of carpeted stairs after a night of violent anal.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: jaejonna on July 19, 2006, 06:20:49 AM
I used your quote to seque into my post.  I didn't mention any names.

your ability to resist replying to me is amusing.  Such a baby.


Oh Sandra, what you and alot of other posters do is think that people who read the boards actually care about your guile and sophistication. I used to be like that, you know get in arguments with others about a topic and try to map out a logical reason which refutes what the other has to say. And if encountered with nonsense, I would also point them out as being 'childish' or 'immature'.

Let me break it down like this....


Just keep going to those industry parties with derek anthony, greg valentino, and the other no names...You such a fan its sickening...

Whats a matter, no man in your life ? what is a woman of your age doing on a board like this ?? Tryin to land some cock or something ?? Yeah you just scream classy.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: littleguns on July 19, 2006, 06:31:13 AM
Personally I think that woman that are really uneducated about the innertickings of Bodybuilding will generally go with a more streamlined look, your Jean Caludes, Matthew McConahay, Christian Bales having the notion of...he uses steriods, he must have a small di$k

On a side note Tom Prince hit on my wife in a Pollo Tropical in WPB many years ago, typical "Hey baby" yada wife told him to fuck off. My husband is probably 100 lbs lighter and twice the man you will ever be! Classic
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Kegdrainer on July 19, 2006, 06:39:14 AM
all that being said, most guys with a bodybuilders type body generally have hot girlfriends, or are with women that are also into weightlifting. 

I never got into weightlifting for the sake of looking good.  I really just wanted more functional strength.  The added mass is nice and all, but given the choice I would rather look like Brad Pitt in Snatch or fight club than look like Ronnie or Gunter or Marcus. 
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 19, 2006, 07:27:01 AM
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 19, 2006, 07:29:56 AM
all that being said, most guys with a bodybuilders type body generally have hot girlfriends, or are with women that are also into weightlifting. 

I never got into weightlifting for the sake of looking good.  I really just wanted more functional strength.  The added mass is nice and all, but given the choice I would rather look like Brad Pitt in Snatch or fight club than look like Ronnie or Gunter or Marcus. 

it's easier to have brad pitt's physique than to achieve Ronnie or Gunter. otherwise, every scrawny nerds outthere would walk around with mountainous Pecs and Cobra Lats
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: jaejonna on July 19, 2006, 07:34:40 AM
HUGEPECS, why for art thou meltdowneth ??
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: ribonucleic on July 19, 2006, 07:46:31 AM
Two cents from a 39 year old man married for 8 years. [Which may make me more or less credible to you on this subject.]

Lots of people would like to eat this cheeseburger.


Very few people would like to eat this cheeseburger.


Yes, there are muscle groupies to whom, say, Gunther Schlierkamp is the hottest man to walk the face of the earth. [Though even they would find their ardor considerably diminished during the off-season.] But they are few in number and - it must be said - a little unsavory. Their male counterpart would be the guy who wants a skinny woman with huge fake tits - no other qualifications necessary. Even other men have little respect for him. Still, if the only thing holding Alexxx back from manifesting Cutler-like size is fear of not being able to find a girlfriend, he should go for it. He'll still be able to find one.

That said, if you want to know what kind of physique the majority of women are attracted to, just follow the money. The romance novel industry is a multi-billion dollar enterprise whose executives spare no effort in taking the pulse of their consumers to better tailor their cheap fantasies for them. My sources tell me that the cover model de jour is some guy named John DeSalvo. So here it is: American women's idea of the perfect male physique:


Doubt he could win even a local NPC show.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 19, 2006, 08:04:31 AM
HUGEPECS, why for art thou meltdowneth ??

it's just the way I see it, my man
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Slick Vic on July 19, 2006, 08:08:25 AM
Now that looks good!

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: muscleforlife on July 19, 2006, 08:22:22 AM
Oh Sandra, what you and alot of other posters do is think that people who read the boards actually care about your guile and sophistication. I used to be like that, you know get in arguments with others about a topic and try to map out a logical reason which refutes what the other has to say. And if encountered with nonsense, I would also point them out as being 'childish' or 'immature'.

Let me break it down like this....


Just keep going to those industry parties with derek anthony, greg valentino, and the other no names...You such a fan its sickening...

Whats a matter, no man in your life ? what is a woman of your age doing on a board like this ?? Tryin to land some cock or something ?? Yeah you just scream classy.


I keep telling you, as long as you reply to me, it shows you care.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Captain Equipoise on July 19, 2006, 09:44:37 AM

Though I agree with you the 'do it for yourself and fuck everyone else' attitude, it's sometimes not practical walking around carrying 260lbs. of lean muscle, I've been up to that size, my lower back was hurting, had no energy, felt lethargic all the time, even now at 249 I still feel a bit sluggish. And I'm not even that big or built compared to pro's, you get my drift? And you're right it's pretty much effortless to maintain a lean 200-220lb. physique in comparison to 250, 260, etc.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: The Showstoppa on July 19, 2006, 09:50:42 AM
I never got into weightlifting for the sake of looking good. 

Well it's a good damn thing. hahaha
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 19, 2006, 10:13:49 AM
Well it's a good damn thing. hahaha

he's lying. he got to weightlifting so that he could get laid more often.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: bmacsys on July 19, 2006, 10:16:35 AM
The guys from years ago had the look woman would appreciate, Zane, Arnold etc... I don't think any of the so called "mass monsters" would appeal to to many women.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 19, 2006, 10:18:08 AM
The guys from years ago had the look woman would appreciate, Zane, Arnold etc... I don't think any of the so called "mass monsters" would appeal to to many women.

that's because Mass Monsters dont give a fcuk what bitches think about their physique
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: bmacsys on July 19, 2006, 10:22:00 AM

that's because Mass Monsters dont give a fcuk what bitches think about their physique

Thats just their excuse for never getting any ass.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 19, 2006, 10:23:14 AM
I personally think that initially guys start to do it to get on the radar with women...but once they get to the point where they are starting to really fill out, it is more a personal drive to be bigger, more jack.

Girl: "you look fine already!"

Guy: "I wanna look like that !" (points to MD cover)

Girl: "Dont ever look like that babe...ewwww thats soooo gross!!"
Great post. Excellent!
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 19, 2006, 10:24:07 AM
Thats just their excuse for never getting any ass.

I'm sure those guys get laid more than we think.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: J.P. Says... on July 19, 2006, 10:28:03 AM
I love the cheeseburger analogy!
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 19, 2006, 11:11:46 AM

 Who cares what women think of your physique...bottom line it doesnt matter if you're a slob or have a body of a god. women like and WANt to be treated like pigs. They really do and I cant wait to count the women who will chime in and tell me differently as if only THEY arent like that...the point is...the better you treat a woman...the more the despise you. Women HATE men who are good to them...they ADORE men who treat them like filthy good for nothing tricks.

 ALL...not some or most or a few or 'the ones with low self esteem'...ALL women want to be treated like pigs. They just eat it up...give a woman lots of will get NONE back. Give a woman ZERO respect...they will worship the ground you walk on.

 You'll fall into the 'friend' zone or ''like my brother or something'' zone if you are good to women...but if they hate your guts...they still want to or would fcuk you. Quit worrying about physique types...its not about that...its about how shitty you treat them...thats what keeps them interested.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: ribonucleic on July 19, 2006, 11:19:03 AM
Who cares what women think of your physique...bottom line it doesnt matter if you're a slob or have a body of a god. women like and WANt to be treated like pigs. They really do and I cant wait to count the women who will chime in and tell me differently as if only THEY arent like that...the point is...the better you treat a woman...the more the despise you. Women HATE men who are good to them...they ADORE men who treat them like filthy good for nothing tricks.

 ALL...not some or most or a few or 'the ones with low self esteem'...ALL women want to be treated like pigs. They just eat it up...give a woman lots of will get NONE back. Give a woman ZERO respect...they will worship the ground you walk on.

 You'll fall into the 'friend' zone or ''like my brother or something'' zone if you are good to women...but if they hate your guts...they still want to or would fcuk you. Quit worrying about physique types...its not about that...its about how shitty you treat them...thats what keeps them interested.

You're going to make a good father someday.  ::)
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 19, 2006, 11:27:03 AM

 Thats 1!

 Am I not telling the truth?
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: alexxx on July 19, 2006, 11:28:33 AM
Bump: REad about Matt homoerotic fantasies later.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: lifterguy on July 19, 2006, 11:40:51 AM
What people always forget when debating this issue is that there is a big difference between what a bodybuilder looks like in street clothes / off season vs. what he looks like on stage or in a magazine.  A lot of women turned off by the oiled-up competition look might find the same guy very appealing in a casual setting.  Of course in a setting like that, face, eyes, personality and other factors come into play too.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: bmacsys on July 19, 2006, 11:49:15 AM

I'm sure those guys get laid more than we think.

Yeah, I am sure. Its easy when that number is ZERO. :D
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 19, 2006, 12:09:17 PM
Who cares what women think of your physique...bottom line it doesnt matter if you're a slob or have a body of a god. women like and WANt to be treated like pigs. They really do and I cant wait to count the women who will chime in and tell me differently as if only THEY arent like that...the point is...the better you treat a woman...the more the despise you. Women HATE men who are good to them...they ADORE men who treat them like filthy good for nothing tricks.

 ALL...not some or most or a few or 'the ones with low self esteem'...ALL women want to be treated like pigs. They just eat it up...give a woman lots of will get NONE back. Give a woman ZERO respect...they will worship the ground you walk on.

 You'll fall into the 'friend' zone or ''like my brother or something'' zone if you are good to women...but if they hate your guts...they still want to or would fcuk you. Quit worrying about physique types...its not about that...its about how shitty you treat them...thats what keeps them interested.

Case in point.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Spike on July 19, 2006, 12:19:25 PM
I attract a lot of strippers(shizz I mean dancers ;)) it probably has a lot to do with where I live but there are not a lot of bodybuilders around here and the 'exotic look' type tend to stick together...I am like 260 right now, compete around 215(pics posted) point is that the more far off from 'society norms' I get the more I seem to attract that 'type'

i.e.----the dancers with tatoo'd eye make-up, huge tee o' bitties, money, bit older than me, do feature shows,etc.

my girl now loves BB'ing but she liked WWF type of look before hand---freaks attract freaks!!!!
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 19, 2006, 12:22:34 PM

 Yea see me and HUGEPECS finally agree on something...

 You know about this right, player? I know the sistas all up in the hood are with their broke ass non working weed slingin loser piece of siht trolls who smack them around and it aint no different in my that!

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 19, 2006, 12:53:44 PM
Though I agree with you the 'do it for yourself and f**k everyone else' attitude, it's sometimes not practical walking around carrying 260lbs. of lean muscle, I've been up to that size, my lower back was hurting, had no energy, felt lethargic all the time, even now at 249 I still feel a bit sluggish. And I'm not even that big or built compared to pro's, you get my drift? And you're right it's pretty much effortless to maintain a lean 200-220lb. physique in comparison to 250, 260, etc.

I agree with you. but I wanna experience that 250 to 260 lbs lean physique, and I'm sure my bitch will probably leave my ass for that. Either way, I just dont want guys to think that their primary reason to workout is to get bitches to worship them. I'm fcuking crazy about bodybuilding and I wont let any worthless bitches telling me what I should look like. Again, FCUK 'EM
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Captain Equipoise on July 19, 2006, 01:09:06 PM
I attract a lot of strippers(shizz I mean dancers ;)) it probably has a lot to do with where I live but there are not a lot of bodybuilders around here and the 'exotic look' type tend to stick together...I am like 260 right now, compete around 215(pics posted) point is that the more far off from 'society norms' I get the more I seem to attract that 'type'

i.e.----the dancers with tatoo'd eye make-up, huge tee o' bitties, money, bit older than me, do feature shows,etc.

my girl now loves BB'ing but she liked WWF type of look before hand---freaks attract freaks!!!!

I know exactly what you mean bro, rippers LOVE the muscle, and apreciate probably more then anybody else.
True what you said freaks attract freaks.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: NeverTrustABlonde on July 19, 2006, 01:17:17 PM
I attract a lot of strippers(shizz I mean dancers ;)) it probably has a lot to do with where I live but there are not a lot of bodybuilders around here and the 'exotic look' type tend to stick together...I am like 260 right now, compete around 215(pics posted) point is that the more far off from 'society norms' I get the more I seem to attract that 'type'

i.e.----the dancers with tatoo'd eye make-up, huge tee o' bitties, money, bit older than me, do feature shows,etc.

my girl now loves BB'ing but she liked WWF type of look before hand---freaks attract freaks!!!!

i hate to admit this..... but you have a point
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Earl1972 on July 19, 2006, 01:47:03 PM
I think to a lot of women especially ones not famaliar with gym culture tend to see the guy as either very vain or compensating for something.

holy shit I agree with you on something :o

hot chicks especially the ones that workout like big muscular guys, probably not pro size (atleast today's pros with their huge waist lines) for the most part but bigger than average for sure

the fat ugly ones who know they aren't worthy convince themselves that he's vain or whatever so they sleep better at night ::)

these were the girls always talking shit about the hot popular cheerleader in high school :)

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: ribonucleic on July 19, 2006, 01:54:38 PM
these were the girls always talking shit about the hot popular cheerleader in high school

Thank God we here at getbig don't indulge in that kind of immature behavior.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Earl1972 on July 19, 2006, 03:26:29 PM
Thank God we here at getbig don't indulge in that kind of immature behavior.

yes thank god  ;)

good stuff Matt :)

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Dorian 01 on July 19, 2006, 04:47:08 PM
Yea see me and HUGEPECS finally agree on something...

 You know about this right, player? I know the sistas all up in the hood are with their broke ass non working weed slingin loser piece of siht trolls who smack them around and it aint no different in my that!

I see this happen all the time with friends and their women. The bitch gets out of some relationship with a guy who cheated on her and beat on her for years, that abusive guy has even allegedly had a midget dick in some cases, then she's with a nice guy and breaks up with him after a few months.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 19, 2006, 05:01:46 PM

 I'm telling ya's like that all the time.

 Who here has seen the's an 80's classic. 'Last American Virgin'. In the movie...the girl keeps going for the bastard prick who used/abused her...while the humble nice guy treated her like gold and nursed her back to health after the bastard dumped her cuz she got knocked up and had an the nice guy treated her like a queen to find out at the end of th emovie...the girl goes right back to the prick and the nice guy got OWNED!

 Life aint no movie I know but thats how it always is. Women will always want the bad boy rebel...forget muscles, wallet size, your car...thats all dust in the wind. Women eat up being treated like a gimp whore btich with a spoon...lap it all right up. Treat them like an equal...treat them w/ respect...treat them like a queen they will hate your guts and lose repect for you by the second. it's a fact. More consistent than gravity.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: bmacsys on July 19, 2006, 05:10:12 PM
It's interesting that all of the "techniques" from "dating expert" (who is uglier than sin) David Deangelo involve treating a woman poorly or breaking down her self esteem until she feels insecure enough that the only way she can redeem it in her mind is to sleep with you.  In his newsletter entitled "Attracting women and keeping them attracted" he provides you with such amazing gems such as (actual quote):

"teasing her about her shoes being ugly."


Shallow, manipulative tactics for losers who can't attract women on their own merits.

Then again, what kind of guys make up the majority of David's readership?  :-\

FYI, the newsletter was never meant for secure and handsome men who actually have something to offer a woman by being himself and showing her respect.  The men who need such techniques have no choice at all.  Being extreme is the only chance they will have (if they even have that).  One of my friends introduced me to David's work but I do look at the majority of it as pretty pathetic.

If a woman is attracted to you - physically - there is very little, if anything, you can do WRONG.  If a woman is not attracted to you, there is very little, if anything, you can do RIGHT.

Feel this.

Picture two scenarious: a hot and super intelligent girl you know comes up to you one day wearing jogging pants and with her hair being a complete mess and says "Wanna go?".  Second, a girl you are not attracted to comes up to you wearing an elegant dress and gives you a present and announces she would like to see more of you, sleep with you, or whatever.

Who do you choose?

Thought so.  ;)

No game required, see?  And don't even pretend that women respond to physical attractiveness any differently than men do or consider it a lower consideration.  That is as mythical as unicorns and leprechauns and George Bush's intelligence.

The only "technique" I employ is being forward.  If a woman is attracted to me and is interested and available for whatever it is I may be interested in she will go for me.  Just as I would go for a girl who I'm interested in if she simply asked.  The end.  There is no "game" required.  Just be forward, have the balls to strike up a conversation, and you may be very surprised how high your success rate is.

If a woman is completely oblivious to me and showing no interest, I don't even bother changing this and I really don't care.  Taking the "path of least resistance" paints my life.

"If something is hard, it's not worth doing." - Homer Simpson

In short, all else being equal (key, key, key), I will obviously go for a girl who poses no challenge.


And you should too.  Drama and mental chess is stupid.  I'll have none of that thank you.  :)

On the topic of women (or people in general) being attracted to confidence, here is the low down:

Confidence is attractive not mostly for what it IS, but for what it ISN'T.  Being entertaining or socially gregarious can be great and all, but not entirely necessary.  By being personally self confident there are many things you are not: you are NOT insecure, you are NOT jealous, and you are NOT filled with hate and anger.  You don't need to be the man of the hour, but having a quiet confidence and being happy with yourself goes a LONG way.

Trust me.

In short, for any male reading this who struggles with finding dates or what have you, stop thinking about what's wrong with you and start thinking about what's right with you.

I can only speak from experience, but I honestly don't think women want to be treated poorly.  The ones who do have more issues than a three year subscription to Muscle & Fitness.  Don't worry about trying to "fix" them because there are enough asshole guys out there to give them what they want (verbal or physical abuse, being cheated on for years, etc, etc).

Also, women like fit men in string tank tops.  ;D

Just wear one and tell me you don't get at least one compliment a day doing so.  ;)

Matt, you think too much for a bodybuilder. Or anyone for that matter! ;)
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on July 19, 2006, 05:36:50 PM
I'm telling ya's like that all the time.

 Who here has seen the's an 80's classic. 'Last American Virgin'. In the movie...the girl keeps going for the bastard prick who used/abused her...while the humble nice guy treated her like gold and nursed her back to health after the bastard dumped her cuz she got knocked up and had an the nice guy treated her like a queen to find out at the end of th emovie...the girl goes right back to the prick and the nice guy got OWNED!

 Life aint no movie I know but thats how it always is. Women will always want the bad boy rebel...forget muscles, wallet size, your car...thats all dust in the wind. Women eat up being treated like a gimp whore btich with a spoon...lap it all right up. Treat them like an equal...treat them w/ respect...treat them like a queen they will hate your guts and lose repect for you by the second. it's a fact. More consistent than gravity.

I have been in a relationship with a woman like blockhead describes, some are very much like this it is true. Those things have happened to me 

I can say for sure not all woman are that way......I think  :-\
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 19, 2006, 05:40:19 PM

 You dont are WRONG! All of them are like that...

 They all have eating disorders, they all have low self esteem and they all have psychological issues and have a primal need to be treated like siht from the men they choose...

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Yev33 on July 19, 2006, 06:13:31 PM
I have seen it proven time and time again, if you want a woman's attention (attractive woman's) you have to be a bit of an a**hole, not a complete jerk, just enough to let them know that yes I am intrested but only on my own terms.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Kegdrainer on July 19, 2006, 06:16:56 PM
Well it's a good damn thing. hahaha

you're right.  If i got into it for that, i would have ended up like derek anthony
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Captain Equipoise on July 19, 2006, 06:21:22 PM
I have seen it proven time and time again, if you want a woman's attention (attractive woman's) you have to be a bit of an a**hole, not a complete jerk, just enough to let them know that yes I am intrested but only on my own terms.

Agree 100% it's that confident cockiness that gets em ;)
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: 240 is Back on July 19, 2006, 06:22:20 PM
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: figgs on July 19, 2006, 06:43:44 PM
I was amazed to read about a story from Bob Paris' book Gorilla Suit when he was in an ice cream shop with a friend and while he was headed for the bathroom he noticed two young girls giggling at him and he ignored it until on his way back he saw those same girls talking to his friend. As he approached the table they walked away, still giggling, and he asked what that was all about. His friend said that they told her that he (Bob) would be a be a real looker if he didn't have all those garosss muscles. I was surprised by this because not only did Bob Paris have the most aesthetic physique in bodybuilding history but he dressed like a successful man, very cool and appropriate. Even with those qualities (along with him not even being anywhere near modern pro mass) he was still viewed as a disgusting freak.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Yev33 on July 19, 2006, 06:47:18 PM
I was amazed to read about a story from Bob Paris' book Gorilla Suit when he was in an ice cream shop with a friend and while he was headed for the bathroom he noticed two young girls giggling at him and he ignored it until on his way back he saw those same girls talking to his friend. As he approached the table they walked away, still giggling, and he asked what that was all about. His friend said that they told her that he (Bob) would be a be a real looker if he didn't have all those garosss muscles. I was surprised by this because not only did Bob Paris have the most aesthetic physique in bodybuilding history but he dressed like a successful man, very cool and appropriate. Even with those qualities (along with him not even being anywhere near modern pro mass) he was still viewed as a disgusting freak.

You can't please everybody
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: bmacsys on July 19, 2006, 06:51:41 PM

Because of this I'm not really a calming presence and if anything come across as anxious or nervous because I always have 30 hours of work to do in a 24 hour period.  I'm always on the go and I've been giving a lot of thought lately to slowing down.  I haven't updated my website in over a month but I've still found tons of things to occupy my time with so I'm just as busy.

Sounds like you could be obsessive and probably couldn't slow down even if you actually wanted too.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: castor troy on July 19, 2006, 07:15:37 PM
u said ice cream store, sounds like offseason and carrying more pounds than usual.  also ice cream stores are usually for little girls who dont care as much about hard worked body . just go to gorcery and buy ur own icecream.

ironic thing is very fit girls or girls who workout and care about their physiques in most cases know and chat with bodybuilders at the gym.  the not so visually impressive girls are the ones who have misconceptions of bodybuilders and thus repulsed.

also it's those off season or fatty bodybuilder wannabes or powerlifters that the girls are grosssed out by.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Yev33 on July 19, 2006, 07:23:52 PM
It's very devastating to a female ego to hear that their boyfriend or husband gets more compliments on his looks than her.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: muscleforlife on July 19, 2006, 07:34:31 PM
It's interesting that all of the "techniques" from "dating expert" (who is uglier than sin) David Deangelo involve treating a woman poorly or breaking down her self esteem until she feels insecure enough that the only way she can redeem it in her mind is to sleep with you.  In his newsletter entitled "Attracting women and keeping them attracted" he provides you with such amazing gems such as (actual quote):

"teasing her about her shoes being ugly."


Shallow, manipulative tactics for losers who can't attract women on their own merits.

Then again, what kind of guys make up the majority of David's readership?  :-\

FYI, the newsletter was never meant for secure and handsome men who actually have something to offer a woman by being himself and showing her respect.  The men who need such techniques have no choice at all.  Being extreme is the only chance they will have (if they even have that).  One of my friends introduced me to David's work but I do look at the majority of it as pretty pathetic.

If a woman is attracted to you - physically - there is very little, if anything, you can do WRONG.  If a woman is not attracted to you, there is very little, if anything, you can do RIGHT.

Feel this.

Picture two scenarious: a hot and super intelligent girl you know comes up to you one day wearing jogging pants and with her hair being a complete mess and says "Wanna go?".  Second, a girl you are not attracted to comes up to you wearing an elegant dress and gives you a present and announces she would like to see more of you, sleep with you, or whatever.

Who do you choose?

Thought so.  ;)

No game required, see?  And don't even pretend that women respond to physical attractiveness any differently than men do or consider it a lower consideration.  That is as mythical as unicorns and leprechauns and George Bush's intelligence.

The only "technique" I employ is being forward.  If a woman is attracted to me and is interested and available for whatever it is I may be interested in she will go for me.  Just as I would go for a girl who I'm interested in if she simply asked.  The end.  There is no "game" required.  Just be forward, have the balls to strike up a conversation, and you may be very surprised how high your success rate is.

If a woman is completely oblivious to me and showing no interest, I don't even bother changing this and I really don't care.  Taking the "path of least resistance" paints my life.

"If something is hard, it's not worth doing." - Homer Simpson

In short, all else being equal (key, key, key), I will obviously go for a girl who poses no challenge.


And you should too.  Drama and mental chess is stupid.  I'll have none of that thank you.  :)

On the topic of women (or people in general) being attracted to confidence, here is the low down:

Confidence is attractive not mostly for what it IS, but for what it ISN'T.  Being entertaining or socially gregarious can be great and all, but not entirely necessary.  By being personally self confident there are many things you are not: you are NOT insecure, you are NOT jealous, and you are NOT filled with hate and anger.  You don't need to be the man of the hour, but having a quiet confidence and being happy with yourself goes a LONG way.

Trust me.

In short, for any male reading this who struggles with finding dates or what have you, stop thinking about what's wrong with you and start thinking about what's right with you.

I can only speak from experience, but I honestly don't think women want to be treated poorly.  The ones who do have more issues than a three year subscription to Muscle & Fitness.  Don't worry about trying to "fix" them because there are enough asshole guys out there to give them what they want (verbal or physical abuse, being cheated on for years, etc, etc).

Also, women like fit men in string tank tops.  ;D

Just wear one and tell me you don't get at least one compliment a day doing so.  ;)
Nice to see a man who is mature enough to understand how relationships work.
I agree with your analysis that women who want to be treated like dirt have serious issues.
The males who prey on this type of women and think that is how life is have serious issues also.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: muscleforlife on July 19, 2006, 07:37:42 PM
You dont are WRONG! All of them are like that...

 They all have eating disorders, they all have low self esteem and they all have psychological issues and have a primal need to be treated like siht from the men they choose...

Are you saying that all the women you are related to are like that?  Your mother, sister, cousin, aunt?
You are using a huge brush to paint a negative picture of women worldwide.

Do tell me how you traveled the world extensively and come about this knowledge.
I would love to see your hard facts and data to your statements up.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: figgs on July 19, 2006, 07:57:00 PM
Yep, I would say so.  But now that I'm aware of this I'm still going to make an effort to slow down.  I'm going to try really hard and hopefully things work out.

I know!  Tell me about it...that story was a shock to me.

In everything he did from displaying his physique to how he dressed to how he walked to how he talked, Mr. World Bob Paris always has, and always will, look like class:


I agree. He must be my greatest idol. His story is really fascinating. I wish I could carry on his efforts in the sport for myself. The efforts to create and make known the art in bodybuilding rather than a race to build the most muscle.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Luv2Hurt on July 19, 2006, 08:03:53 PM
Yeah theblockhead sounds very angry, I would agree lots of issues there. Sounds like he's been burned bad lately.

He thinks he's a little too gangsta for his own good  ::).........he's young and imature it's to be expected.......we will cut him some slack for that.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: alexxx on July 19, 2006, 08:14:45 PM
Two cents from a 39 year old man married for 8 years. [Which may make me more or less credible to you on this subject.]

Lots of people would like to eat this cheeseburger.


Very few people would like to eat this cheeseburger.


Yes, there are muscle groupies to whom, say, Gunther Schlierkamp is the hottest man to walk the face of the earth. [Though even they would find their ardor considerably diminished during the off-season.] But they are few in number and - it must be said - a little unsavory. Their male counterpart would be the guy who wants a skinny woman with huge fake tits - no other qualifications necessary. Even other men have little respect for him. Still, if the only thing holding Alexxx back from manifesting Cutler-like size is fear of not being able to find a girlfriend, he should go for it. He'll still be able to find one.

That said, if you want to know what kind of physique the majority of women are attracted to, just follow the money. The romance novel industry is a multi-billion dollar enterprise whose executives spare no effort in taking the pulse of their consumers to better tailor their cheap fantasies for them. My sources tell me that the cover model de jour is some guy named John DeSalvo. So here it is: American women's idea of the perfect male physique:


Doubt he could win even a local NPC show.

You know me so well!  :'(
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Earl1972 on July 19, 2006, 09:12:02 PM
u said ice cream store, sounds like offseason and carrying more pounds than usual.  also ice cream stores are usually for little girls who dont care as much about hard worked body . just go to gorcery and buy ur own icecream.

ironic thing is very fit girls or girls who workout and care about their physiques in most cases know and chat with bodybuilders at the gym.  the not so visually impressive girls are the ones who have misconceptions of bodybuilders and thus repulsed.

also it's those off season or fatty bodybuilder wannabes or powerlifters that the girls are grosssed out by.

sounds about right

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 20, 2006, 10:26:08 AM

 I see where you are going w/ that MattC...excellent post.

 I wouldnt say I'm bitter or jaded...well, maybe a little but all of this is just my observation of my past relationships...firends/family/coworkers/peers' relationshsips...pop culture and just all around paying attention to things. Women 10 out of 10 times want to be with the cowboy and will do anything to please their cowboy. A nice guy will get shit on by them again...10 out of 10 times.

 Men who are good...good men shouldnt even bother trying to make a chick SEE that they are the ones they should be with...we have that problem to w/ trying to fix ro 'change' cant make a whore into a housewife...but all houseqives wanted to be treated like whores. Booya!
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Ex Coelis on July 20, 2006, 10:38:21 AM
I couldn't give a shit if women find my physique sexy. I'd rather be a monster of a beast. It's more important to train and look how you want to than to please some tramps with lower back tattoos.

Besides, when I get married I'll be with someone who loves me for who I am and not how I look.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 20, 2006, 10:42:43 AM
I couldn't give a shit if women find my physique sexy. I'd rather be a monster of a beast. It's more important to train and look how you want to than to please some tramps with lower back tattoos.

Besides, when I get married I'll be with someone who loves me for who I am and not how I look.
Good luck with that one BIG POPPA...I hope the girl is just as passionate about the BB lifestyle as you are...if not I hope she's the coolest most laid back accepting chick on the planet...otherwise the relationship will NOT work...a BlockHead knows.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: MCWAY on July 20, 2006, 10:57:05 AM
Who cares what women think of your physique...bottom line it doesnt matter if you're a slob or have a body of a god. women like and WANt to be treated like pigs. They really do and I cant wait to count the women who will chime in and tell me differently as if only THEY arent like that...the point is...the better you treat a woman...the more the despise you. Women HATE men who are good to them...they ADORE men who treat them like filthy good for nothing tricks.

 ALL...not some or most or a few or 'the ones with low self esteem'...ALL women want to be treated like pigs. They just eat it up...give a woman lots of will get NONE back. Give a woman ZERO respect...they will worship the ground you walk on.

 You'll fall into the 'friend' zone or ''like my brother or something'' zone if you are good to women...but if they hate your guts...they still want to or would fcuk you. Quit worrying about physique types...its not about that...its about how shitty you treat them...thats what keeps them interested.

I beg to differ. As I've stated before, it's the head cases that act that way. They get abused (psychologically, physically, and/or sexually); thus, they get "programmed" to believe such treatment is the status quo. I call them the "Jenny" types, based on the girl from the movie, Forrest Gump. Many of these types find worth only in their bodies (which is why they give up the booty so easily).

I've known women that would slap the taste out your mouth, if you dared treat them the way you're describing. I've seen both sides of the coin, which is why I no longer hold the opinion that you do now.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 20, 2006, 11:05:16 AM

 N-gga PLEASE! There aint a woman alive walking thisplanet that wouldnt accept being treated like a pig...they all say that on paper but when it comes down to it...they will sell their soul tobe w/ the bad boy cowboy...

 Even girls who werent raised like 'Jenny' from that movie...ALL are like her. They crave the badboy loser piece of dogshit lowlife loser. It has, is and will always be like that...

 I hope I never have a daughter...
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: MCWAY on July 20, 2006, 11:22:18 AM
N-gga PLEASE! There aint a woman alive walking thisplanet that wouldnt accept being treated like a pig...they all say that on paper but when it comes down to it...they will sell their soul tobe w/ the bad boy cowboy...

 Even girls who werent raised like 'Jenny' from that movie...ALL are like her. They crave the badboy loser piece of dogshit lowlife loser. It has, is and will always be like that...

 I hope I never have a daughter...

I don't know on what planet you reside, but here on Earth, there are plenty of women who would tell you where to go, how to get there, and give you a boost, if you tried that crap with them. You have the same cracked attitude about women I had over 10 years ago. You think that maintaining such an assumption about women gives you license to act like a jerk, much easier than maturing and doing what a man is supposed to do, with regards to the ladies.

The reason you don't want a daughter is because you would have the responsibility of keeping her away from guys with your current attitude. I have two daughters and I refuse to think that any man should treat them like garbage. They will learn that any males that come down the pike should (and WILL) treat them with respect. Those males will learn that, too, the easy way or the hard way.

My son will learn that, too. And, the best way he'll do that is by observing how well I treat his mama, my wife.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: thor_odin on July 20, 2006, 02:54:37 PM
Bodybuilders with sex appeal? What a joke. Vain, unfit and overweight men with shrunken testicles and shrivelled up penises
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: muscleforlife on July 20, 2006, 03:06:37 PM
I don't know on what planet you reside, but here on Earth, there are plenty of women who would tell you where to go, how to get there, and give you a boost, if you tried that crap with them. You have the same cracked attitude about women I had over 10 years ago. You think that maintaining such an assumption about women gives you license to act like a jerk, much easier than maturing and doing what a man is supposed to do, with regards to the ladies.

The reason you don't a daughter is because you would have the responsibility of keeping her away from guys with your current attitude. I have two daughters and I refuse to think that any man should treat them like garbage. They will learn that any males that come down the pike should (and WILL) treat them with respect. Those males will learn that, too, the easy way or the hard way.

My son will learn that, too. And, the best way he'll do that is by observing how well I treat his mama, my wife.

I totally agree with you Mcway.

Maturity has a way of making you see the world as a man who took his lumps and survived versus a boy who is still smarting over his wounds.

People need to look at themselves 5 or ten years from where they are now and realize you change and grow.
Hopefully some people will look back on themselves in 5 or ten years and realize how stupid they have been.

That goes for men and women.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 20, 2006, 03:11:10 PM

 Yea yea yea, all SAY this...and let me gues...yoru man treats you like gold and you NEVER ever went for the badyboy scumbag, right? right?

 All you bicthes SAY poetice epic nonsense like this but you STILL go for the desperado...everytime. More consistent than gravity.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: muscleforlife on July 20, 2006, 03:15:25 PM
Yea yea yea, all SAY this...and let me gues...yoru man treats you like gold and you NEVER ever went for the badyboy scumbag, right? right?

 All you bicthes SAY poetice epic nonsense like this but you STILL go for the desperado...everytime. More consistent than gravity.

I don't have any complaints in my marriage.  Of course I dated my share of bad boys.  But when it came down to starting a family, I knew I wanted and needed love and stability more than lust and unpredictablity.
How old are you?  In this particular thread your pain comes thru by how you speak of women.

Growing up makes you see things differently.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Blockhead on July 20, 2006, 03:37:57 PM

 The ONLY reason you finally picked a decent man to settle down and start a family with is because EVOLUTION kicked in and you knew your biological clock 'was ticking like this' and you knew youhad to make a move for your children born or knew or well, evolution knew the loser shithead dirtbag who used to always cheat on you and smack you across your jaw on a regular basis wasnt going to be able to secure/stabalize the children(born or unborn) so you were willing to settle for the decent guy who CAN secure and stabalize a future.

 You know damn well if it was up to you you'd be with the badboy forever...NO woman appreciates a man who is good to them.

 I'm 27.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: muscleforlife on July 20, 2006, 03:42:28 PM
The ONLY reason you finally picked a decent man to settle down and start a family with is because EVOLUTION kicked in and you knew your biological clock 'was ticking like this' and you knew youhad to make a move for your children born or knew or well, evolution knew the loser shithead dirtbag who used to always cheat on you and smack you across your jaw on a regular basis wasnt going to be able to secure/stabalize the children(born or unborn) so you were willing to settle for the decent guy who CAN secure and stabalize a future.

 You know damn well if it was up to you you'd be with the badboy forever...NO woman appreciates a man who is good to them.

 I'm 27.
Evolution/maturity whatever. I was wise enough to know what I wanted for the rest of my life.  Bad boys wasn't it.
If ever I were single again, I still wouldn't go with a bad boy.  I am way past those types.

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: jaejonna on July 20, 2006, 04:01:15 PM
Imma bad mofo....bizz-nitches can't handle the equipment I work with!! I need a down ass bizzatch!

Bump for Relationships
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Earl1972 on July 20, 2006, 10:16:03 PM

Do you ever find that there are some girls who are completely oblivious to physical appearance, muscle, composure, or whatever else? 

yes and these women look exactly like the guys they go for, like shit :D

Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Mr. Intenseone on July 20, 2006, 10:25:14 PM
HOLY SMOKES, this is a great let's see...a couple of guys i was with before Hans


You're real name isn't Molly is it??  No disrespect, just curious!
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: HUGEPECS on July 21, 2006, 06:04:45 AM
The ONLY reason you finally picked a decent man to settle down and start a family with is because EVOLUTION kicked in and you knew your biological clock 'was ticking like this' and you knew youhad to make a move for your children born or knew or well, evolution knew the loser shithead dirtbag who used to always cheat on you and smack you across your jaw on a regular basis wasnt going to be able to secure/stabalize the children(born or unborn) so you were willing to settle for the decent guy who CAN secure and stabalize a future.

 You know damn well if it was up to you you'd be with the badboy forever...NO woman appreciates a man who is good to them.

 I'm 27.

Agreed. all I have to do now is go home and treat my girl..oops I mean MY BITCH like the true person she's...A BIIIITTTTCH.
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Slin1 on July 21, 2006, 06:55:11 AM
The ONLY reason you finally picked a decent man to settle down and start a family with is because EVOLUTION kicked in and you knew your biological clock 'was ticking like this' and you knew youhad to make a move for your children born or knew or well, evolution knew the loser shithead dirtbag who used to always cheat on you and smack you across your jaw on a regular basis wasnt going to be able to secure/stabalize the children(born or unborn) so you were willing to settle for the decent guy who CAN secure and stabalize a future.

 You know damn well if it was up to you you'd be with the badboy forever...NO woman appreciates a man who is good to them.

 I'm 27.

I think TheBlockHead make a good point, when i think about it it's always been the ladys that i smacked in the face that has say they love me and always whants me back
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: jaejonna on July 21, 2006, 07:08:00 AM
when I find a bitch I be all like, hey bitch..whats up now trying to get banged out ??
Title: Re: Bodybuilders and sex appeal.
Post by: Mydavid on July 21, 2006, 09:03:12 AM
You're real name isn't Molly is it??  No disrespect, just curious!

Good God have mercy!!!!! No, i'm not were the one that knew "them" back in the day, correct? Molly was ex-wife #2, i was just plain old Lisa that showed up in the picture in 1999 and was with him all the way to his death in 2002...never married him and never would, just was a live-in girlfriend for life which happened to be only a bit over 2 years.


PS. as far as i know, Molly is married and living in San Deigo.