Author Topic: 240,enjoy.  (Read 2887 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: 240,enjoy.
« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2006, 11:15:08 PM »
240 has actually got alot of respect from me due to the fact that he calmly answers every single challenge with shitloads of explainations and (possible) proof; hes not just some dumb kid spouting off a bunch of crap blindly. he was actually a repub/bush fan before he (unlike 99% of skeptics) actually took the time and looked into everything himself, made a decision based upon mountains of evidence he deemed worthy, then and only then made claims.

all you haters are mostly just regurging waht youve been told and havent actually looked into ANYTHING you just are to ignorant to actually go through stuff yourselves and make your own decisions. whether he proves to be right or not in the end, at least 240 has put a shitload of effort into actually researching for himself. that puts him way ahead of anyone challenging him who didnt do anything but watch fox news for a few hours.

while i personally dont necessarily agree with all his conclusions, i would love for any of you haters to explain to me the WTC7 situation.

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Re: 240,enjoy.
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2006, 11:29:58 PM »
thanks matrix.

People should realize that even if the pentagon, the towers, norad- even if all that had zero questions - there would still be WTC7.

World Trade Center 7 was big- 47 stories of steel skyscraper.  It fell suddenly at 5;20 PM when American was driving home from work and News was getting ready for the most watched 6 pm news cycle in history, so not many people saw it. 

FIRE - No steel building has ever fallen from fire.  Ever.  just on 9/11.  Many buildings, including the madrid windsor building, have burned for 24 hours, completely engulfed, and they still stand.  This building had two small fires (one in Rudy's office lol)

OWNER - Silverstein, the owner, went on PBS and said they decided to "pull it", a phrase used frequently in the demolition field meaning to bring down a building.

TENANTS - FBI. CIA. Sec Srvc. SEC.  Enron Investigation. Mayors office.  Private money funds.  These are the firms in WTC7.  NO WAY you could have wired this building for bombs with these groups not knowing it.

ON 9/11 - they knew that WTC7 was coming down at 11:30 AM.   Rudy said he was told.  How the F?  It was evacuated, it sat from 1130 til 520, when fires were almost out.  Suddenly it fell.

It fell in 6.2 seconds.  into its own basement.  Physically impossible from fire.
Molten steel, like on WTC1 and 2 was found under the building. No plane hit this one though, just debris and a little fire.

NOW - the kicker - NIST and FEMA won't address why this modern skyscraper fell.   They know whatever they come up with will be very implausible, as anyone with a brain will either say explosives, or refuse to answer :)

CNN - CNN brass has banned its anchors from ever showing WTC7 falling.  Ever.  Why the heck would they do this?

Why doesn't the white house look at WTC7 and realize something shady is going on and ORDER an investigation?  Why does it take 441 days of protests from widows for them to do a quickie inevstigation?

WTC7 is the smoking gun.  it's been 61 months and no expert will put the cause in writing.  FEMA can't.  NIST won't.  Media can't play it.  Does this smell like a coverup to anyone?

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Re: 240,enjoy.
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2006, 11:34:05 PM »

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Re: 240,enjoy.
« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2006, 11:38:03 PM »
This building in spain burned AFTER 911.

It was very hot.  it burned for 24 hours.  Flames licked up the side of the building.  (Remember that the world trade towers' fires were almost out when they fell.  fires were oxygen starved, and people were photographed waving for help in that big ass airplane gash. 

Anyway, here it eh building during and after the fire.  If a building can take this much of a pounding, why wouldn't the towers?  Remember, the plane at WTC took out 4 floors per building.  Somehow those 4 floors leveled all 110 floors?

I jsut don't buy it.  This is what fire does to buildings:

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Re: 240,enjoy.
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2006, 11:41:13 PM »
Here you see the building that was hit this week in NYC, compared with WTC7.

See how big at tall WTC 7 is?  (47 stories plus penthouse, vs. 50 for the apartment building hit this week).

The fires at the bulding the other day were actually bigger than what WTC7 saw on 911.  Why is it that WTC was in its own basement in under 7 seconds, and at this apartment building, people are back to normal life, watching tv in their homes right now?


  • Getbig V
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Re: 240,enjoy.
« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2006, 11:49:02 PM »
Why is it that WTC was in its own basement in under 7 seconds, and at this apartment building, people are back to normal life, watching tv in their homes right now?

b/c we saw fit that it be so.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 240,enjoy.
« Reply #31 on: October 15, 2006, 12:02:19 AM »
People should realize that even if the pentagon, the towers, norad- even if all that had zero questions - there would still be WTC7.

this is exactly my situation. what the hell happened with that building? i remember clear as day watching it fall on TV..i remember thinking why the hell did that one fall? i remember peter jennings saying 'it was too damaged they must have had to bring it down'.
this was perfectly reasonable to me, until i found out recently that the official story was that it was a 'victim' of 911 and that a building that size could not have been wired and brought down so perfectly in a single day or so. you have the simultaneous situation of it supposedly being a 'victim' whilst at the same time silverstein being on video saying he 'pulled it'. 

the fact that no one will offer an explaination for this has made me question the entire thing.

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Re: 240,enjoy.
« Reply #32 on: October 15, 2006, 12:15:16 AM »
Plus - in case anyone says "maybe they decided that day to bring it down after the attacks", you'd have to look past these things:

1) There were dozes of floors of federal govt offices, and only two small pockets of fire.  Would the SEC sign off on such a takedown, since so many of their records were destroyed that day?

2) A demolition takes weeks to prepare.  They had hours.  We would have seen fifty guys working all day long do make ths happen.

3) Don't you need permits to blow up buildings?

4) Lots of NYC lost power when that building fell. They typically turn off power grids when blowing up buildings sitting on top of them.

5) Is it dangerous to carry hundreds of pounds of explosives into a building which is on fire? LMAO...

6) There were firefighters, reporters, etc walking around nearby when it fell.  Courtesy would have been to ask them to scoot back so they didn't get covered with debris.

7) Silverstein collected nearly $500M of insurance money for "building falling due to fire damage".

8) etc etc etc.  You add your own reason :)

NIST has 10,000 scientists and engineers and they can't come up with how it fell.  How weird is that?  WTC was a controlled demolition IMO.  No other explanation.  And if WTC was a controlled demo, you can follow the logic that it was done ahead of time - a govt building was wired with bombs for um, no reason? Come on...  The logic dominoes will lead you to the firms in WTC knowing about the building collapses.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 240,enjoy.
« Reply #33 on: October 15, 2006, 12:19:38 AM »
ahhahaha. i await answers to those questions. none will come 8)

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Re: 240,enjoy.
« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2006, 12:29:50 AM »
ahhahaha. i await answers to those questions. none will come 8)

lol... I know dude.  Some people will call me a stupid idiot or make a crack about space aliens and Elvis.  It's what they've been conditioned to do.  Or the people who issued the original request to mock it will not respond.  The good thing is that others read getbig, and hopefully this sunday a few new people will start researching it and find their own truths.

And for those who continue to say they believe it was fire - I like to ask them: "If you had to bet your life savings on whether it was fire damage, or controlled demolition, where would your money be?"  Even if they lie to me, they'll likely think about it and know that even though it defies what they've been taught about the good people that protect us, their eyes and science say something else.

This shit is fun.  history is happening.  In ten years, everyone will know it was an inside job.  It's hard now, because some are scared, some haven't seen enough evidence, and some refuse to even consider a possibility.  But once they walk into a classroom, a home, a mall, a store, and they are the only one in the room who still believes the official story, they'll see how us 911 Skeptics once felt :)