Author Topic: Your New Venture  (Read 1983 times)


  • Getbig V
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Your New Venture
« on: December 21, 2006, 11:33:32 PM »
I hope you don't mind me starting a new thread to respond. The other one was about pyramid schemes, and imo not the appropriate thread to be discussing a network mktg. company.

Thanks....after I turn in my sales, it should be enough for me to be a Senior Associate and once my team gets their sales in, I'll be Director.  Hopefully I can accomplish this by Febuary.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 

Being back in the MLM is actually the most frightening thing ever as I have not been in one for over 5 years

That's ok, It's like riding a bike. If your initial foundation was solid, it should all come back to you.

and especially this weekend as I bought out an indoor booth this weekend at the Fairground Square for a coordination point for my team.

Trade shows are fabulous training grounds. Especially for new members on your team. That's like a crash course where they can acquire the skills and learn how to speak about their business with others. A trade show with a lot of traffic can help a part time person learn in 2 -3 days, what it might otherwise take them 6 months to master.
Right now, I'm pretty tired from running back and forth and I'm glad that the booth is finally finished with the exception of a chair.

{smile} I know the feeling. That's where the members of your team come in. Helping hands make the load much lighter. It's like lifting a 2,000 lb boulder. you can't do it by yourself, but if you have  20 people each doing a bit of lifting, the load is more bearable. With 200 people, it's a piece of cake, ...and with 2,000 people, you'll be tossing that boulder like it was a marble. Just focus on the end result, to re-fuel you when you feel a little tired.   

Once I get all of my salespeople on my mail list manager, I'll have more control over operations and will be able to send them out to areas of opportunity.

Whatever you do, don't lose sight of the fact that your people are really a volunteer army.

Technically I'm still under Team Fortune International but I like being more independent from the group and do my own thing.  I still have to report to them and etc but MLM is about being an "independent associate".

That's because your company's compensation plan is a 'breakaway' model.

I would however caution you from deviating away from the system.

I still use the same general MLM techniques such as 3 way call conference sales and using referrals and leads but I also like doing Skypecast Teleseminars Ebay advertisements.  Overall, its work but not really much as I simply give out brochures and flyers and let the product sell itself.

BTW, what happenned to Synergy.  I see you're promoting some sort of gas saver product

My Synergy network is still there. I actively built with Synergy for 2 ½ yrs, and it is built. My work is done. {lol}  That business will continue to grow and expand into other areas of it's own volition without me having to be there. Customers who use the products can order whatever they want when they want directly from their own retail accounts.

Now the focus of my network, is in helping people, and businesses to save money on their fuel costs. The cost of fuel, and the availability of fuel has the biggest impact on our economy, more so than any other commodity, and has the biggest impact on the household budget than any other. It's not a discretionary purchase. It's not like choosing between the $20 shirt or the $200 shirt. We have no choice but to use fuel to get from point A to point B. And if our tanks are on empty, we HAVE to buy it, ...regardless of the going price.

In addition, we have a growing problem with global warming, ...coupled with a poor economic forecast.

There's a convergence of factors taking place that spells a golden opportunity for those who recognize it, but more importantly... for those who ACT ON IT.

Again, it comes down to TIMING. The timing of the product, the timing of the company, the timing of the opportunity. All these factors converging at once was something I felt should not be ignored, ...and as it turns out, so did alot of other people around the world.

There were a few companies that entered the arena trying to take advantage of this convergence, I examined them all, and chose Fuel Freedom. Over the past year, these other companies have been folding or have been shut down.

Fuel Freedom isn't my company, it's simply a company with which I am affiiated, and am using as a vehicle to provide people with an opportunity to change their lives, and achieve whatever goals or aspirations they have for themselves. For some, it's simply to save money on their fuel costs, for others, it's an opportunity to possibly get their gas for free, for others still, it's the ability to make an additional $500 a month or more in additional income, a source of seed capital for possible investments that the cheque they get from their day jobs doesn't allow, or it's the ability to send their kids to private school instead of public school, or possibly, it is a potential safety net against uncertain economic winds. I can't even begin to know what people may want to achieve for themselves. I do however know, that the  Fuel Freedom opportunity is a vehicle they can use to achieve it.

Right now the focus of our team is to expand the distribution channels around the world and the opening up of new markets globally for our products. We have the exclusive rights to market these products which are unlike any other product on the market. and we're staking our flag around the globe... and as those markets start to grow, people all over the world can be freed from the fear of escalating fuel prices. Right now our flagship product frees people from the fear of high gas prices. For those who use our products, it's like filling up their tanks at $1.50/gallon while every other station gas station around town is at $2.00/gallon.The challenges these products address are global ones, and they're not going away.

In January, we'll be launching a new product with the ability to significantly impact the world's water supply.

As I've always said, there are 2 types of people. Those who pay to use products & services they love, ...and those who are paid when they use the products & services they love.

But again, it comes down to Timing, Timing, Timing