Author Topic: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board  (Read 5966 times)


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Re: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board
« Reply #50 on: April 09, 2007, 04:42:40 AM »
I gained close to 40lbs in 2 months, mainly water I'm sure, but all the same.  Tell me 30-40lbs in 2 months isn't laughable.  That was on a mediocre diet.  It's a joke man.
My diet didn't support the muscle I had at the time, plus I didn't cycle right.  No, I'm not mad I lost that 2 cent sorry ass gear weight...aha
Hope that helps.
Was it lean gain?


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Re: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board
« Reply #51 on: April 09, 2007, 06:54:11 AM »
I don't exactly hate all people who use gear, though I do make generalizations.
Jealous of someone who looks worse than me and taking shots every day to get there, that's kind of tough. could you envy someone who relies soley on drugs to build any kind of decent...or mediocre physique?It's not a moral thing, it's just so simple to gain muscle on gear there really is no challenge.  I find it laughable when guys walk around like they achieved something great by taking some dbol and putting on 20lbs of bloat...ahah  It's honestly pathetic and everything I'm not about.  Bodybuilding should be about pushing yourself and getting past plateaus, etc.  What it's become today is a complete joke.
Drugs are so abundant in gyms today, it makes me shake my head every time I enter Gold's.  Everyone and their "hardcore" training, bloated to shit, "I compete" attitude.  These guys can't attain squat without drug use, or at least 8 of 10.  To me, these people are  weak individuals who need something to validate some kind of accomplishment, so drugs are an easy way to get some kind of attention with little work, yet many still look like horseshit.  Have some integrity and see what you really have, stop the drugs and get real man.
Point is, anyone can get semi jacked on gear, so what.  Nobody cares, just like nobody gives a shit I'm natural/clean.  I know what I've accomplished without the use of drugs and even it if were 5lbs. of muscle, I know it's all me.  Something most juicers will never know.
So, it's not a moral thing, but more like, where is the accomplishment in gaining some shitty size with mass quantities of drugs?  Like I've said, Gaining muscle on steroids is like getting fat from eating pizza, neither are very hard.
Croatch on...
Regardless, you do realize that there is a natural board, don't you? If you take pride in being natural then thats your business. Just like if I choose to jab my ass its my business. I sure as heel don't need some jackass making moral judgements about me. If I were to judge you, I would say that you are nothing but a skinny boned jackass that takes pride in making gains as slowly as humanly possible. Did you refuse your polio shot as a child too because of your "I never take drugs and never will" attitude? Your clean...good for you. I sauce...good for me. But I don't disrespect you for it and I ask for the same in return. As for your little analogy, don't think that by taking AAS that you will automatically gain muscle very easily. You still need to train very hard, eat properly, take suppliments, rest, etc. You have lots to learn in the bbdg world my friend. Stick to the natural board.



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Re: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board
« Reply #52 on: April 09, 2007, 09:01:50 AM »
But I don't disrespect you for it and I ask for the same in return. As for your little analogy, don't think that by taking AAS that you will automatically gain muscle very easily. You still need to train very hard, eat properly, take suppliments, rest, etc. You have lots to learn in the bbdg world my friend. Stick to the natural board.
Here's one, try doing it without and see how far you can get.  Just a simple challenge from a skinny clown.  I'd be, most who juice can't do squat without it.  That's the point.  Many people train hard, but the fact is, I could train half as hard and my diet could be mediocre and I'd make crazy gains with the right gear.  It's a crutch, plain and simple.  This is why I don't respect it.  If people really wanted to see what "they're" capable of, they would take nothing.  At least then if you're bigger/more cut than someone, you would know it's you and not your steroid blend of the week.  I'll admit, training without drugs isn't for everyone.  Good luck.
but you said that "any douchebag could gain muscle on these" yet you failed when you tried.

So what is it that is lower than a douchebag?
If I gained a total of 35lbs, I would guess there was probably a 15lbs lean gain easily.  Believe me, with my diet, etc today, I'd put on an easy 20lbs of muscle in one year, no problem.  I don't cause I choose not to.  I wouldn't feel any satisfaction in knowing it was a magic pill that got me there, yes magic.
Was it lean gain?
Actual muscle gains.


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Re: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board
« Reply #53 on: April 09, 2007, 05:50:51 PM »
I'm proud to be a juicer, and on top of that, I take only Test, now tell me it is easy for me to get to where I want to be? Given it is 50x easier but I still go threw the motions to achieve my body just like you.


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Re: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board
« Reply #54 on: April 09, 2007, 05:56:54 PM »
I'm proud to be a juicer, and on top of that, I take only Test, now tell me it is easy for me to get to where I want to be? Given it is 50x easier but I still go threw the motions to achieve my body just like you.
That's the point, you go through the motions, I put heart into my training/diet, etc.  For the last 5 years or so, I didn't just...go through the motions, I pretty much made training my lifestyle with pretty much zero deviations.  Few people have the dedication needed to attain anything worthwhile without drugs and that's ok, it's honestly not for everyone.  Good luck with your test.


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Re: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board
« Reply #55 on: April 09, 2007, 06:00:38 PM »
That's the point, you go through the motions, I put heart into my training/diet, etc.  For the last 5 years or so, I didn't just...go through the motions, I pretty much made training my lifestyle with pretty much zero deviations.  Few people have the dedication needed to attain anything worthwhile without drugs and that's ok, it's honestly not for everyone.  Good luck with your test.

uh, just becuase someone is using steroids does not mean they dont do everything to the T. There are many people who are far more dedicated than you, natural or not.


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Re: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board
« Reply #56 on: April 09, 2007, 08:52:35 PM »
uh, just becuase someone is using steroids does not mean they dont do everything to the T. There are many people who are far more dedicated than you, natural or not.
Yes, one is Ronnie Coleman, the other is Jay Cutler.  But not many more..haha  Basically, no deviations on training or diet for a long ass time.  Years without a cheat meal, etc.  Sorry, you can't top my dedication.  There are some who do or are as dedicated, but it's impossible to really surpass what is perfect.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board
« Reply #57 on: April 09, 2007, 11:10:14 PM »

You ever heard the old saying that the ones who are the loudest are the ones who are the worst violators?

The more you spout, the less respect anyone has for you - regardless of subject matter.

Sorry, truth hurts.
Are you saying you're not going to respect me in the morning? I'm such a slut, sorry.

"The ones who are loudest are the ones who are the worst violators."
Did you make that up.  In 31 years, I've never heard that.  If a board of people I don't know have less respect for me, I think I'll be able to go on in my life.  Thanks though.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board
« Reply #58 on: April 09, 2007, 11:43:20 PM »
I made up that specific phrase, but not the concept.

It's called confidence. If you have it, you don't have to say anything. You show it by what you do and what you are.

This is a lesson you need to learn in your 32nd year.
If you knew me, I'm the last one to talk about lifting or other things I do.  This just happens to be a bb website and drugs are just something I think are garbage.  I only mention my gains to prove a point in posts and to belittle 2 cent steroid gains.  For example, someone just gained 15lbs from some dbol, I say awesome, I gained 50+ without drugs, but awesome on that dbol man...ahah
You see how that works, it's kind of a one up, shut up, type comment.  Again, what I do and most other do isn't even the same thing really.  I agree though, some clown boasting about what he can lift, etc is foolish.  Nothing screams insecurity more than saying, "Look what I can do, someone look at me."
Sure you don't care about my opinion, big deal, but what about everyone elses?

And if you don't care about their opinion, why should they care about yours?
Good point.  I'm sure they don't care about mine, which has been made clear in many posts...haha
Yeah, this is a message board.  I post for amusement and laughs.  If people like what I say, great, if not, even better.  I just try to let people know what is and isn't a great feat.  Far too many people confuse crazy drug use with a big accomplishment.  I'm here to say, no, there really is nothing you should be proud of because it's just too damn easy.
Hope that cleared up a few points.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Croach, Please go to natural BBing board
« Reply #59 on: April 09, 2007, 11:53:20 PM »
You did it again.

i think i did it again
i made you believe
were more then just friends
oh baby baby
it might seem like a crush
but it doesnt mean
that im serious
cause to lose all my senses
that is just so typically me
oh baby baby
Oops, I did it again.