Author Topic: 67yo - too old to cycle?  (Read 13215 times)

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: 67yo - too old to cycle?
« Reply #100 on: October 17, 2007, 10:04:58 AM »
Week 6.  more of the same - strength continues to increase, scale reads 189 (was 180 before cycle) bf still at 12%.  Overall a feeling of wellbeing and optimism.  The pumps during workout are getting to be a little annoying though.  My triceps especially get so pumped that after 2-3 sets i find it difficult to continue.  i only have enough Test left for another 7 weeks.  The way i feel now... i don;t want to stop.  What also worries me is that like some of you said i might have to stay on if my natural test will not kick in.  My endo made it clear he would not prescribe and my gym guy is nowhere to be found.  If anyone has advice how to go about getting more Test please let me know.
Blood test next week.  Will let you know how it went.
Yeah, find you another doctor who will prescribe HRT...not doing so at your age is ridiculous.


  • Getbig V
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Re: 67yo - too old to cycle?
« Reply #101 on: October 17, 2007, 01:10:26 PM »
I got a couple HRT Ph#s ,   I'll get to him....


  • Getbig II
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Re: 67yo - too old to cycle?
« Reply #102 on: October 20, 2007, 08:17:31 AM »
Hey brother,

sounds like you're having a blast.  I'm 48 and have cycled for about 6 years now.  One thing about the water retention or lack of....That usually happens alittle bit later in the cycle as your body starts converting the DHT produced from the test into estrogen.  that is when you will possible notice some bloat.  Your doctor should have let you know about that and about possibly taking an anti-estrogen like Arimidex.  This will keep you from the side effects of the bloating which could include Gyno (bitch tits) and increased BP.  Like Trab said going on AAS is easy, coming off is the trick.  Even at your age it would be better to cycle on and off maybe shorter cycles (10 weeks)  so your receptors don't clog up and stay off for a minimum of 2 or 3 months if  you can make it.  Taking HCG, Clomid and allowing your nuts to grow back before going on another cycle will keep you from messing your body up and needing to stay on for ever.  If the pumps in the gym are too much, cut your reps down and your sets down if you have to....With the extra help you are getting from the Test, you will stay make gains and walk around pumped 24/7.  Just another quick thought.  When you come off, don't be discouraged about losing some strength, pump or sense of well being.  that won't last forever and should be rather mild if you do the Post Cycle Therapy PCT.  Cut your work down alittle in the gym until your body recovers and your natural levels come back up.  And alittle bit of rest never hurt anyone...good luck