Author Topic: HYPEREMIA ADVANTAGE - KNS SUPPLEMENTS  (Read 32630 times)


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #175 on: December 25, 2007, 10:41:02 AM »
Van to answer your question, the bottle, for a product runs about 30 cents for 275cc, bottles and a protein bottle about 60 cents a pop.The lids are 20cents, and the scoopers are 5 cents.Then the label runs anywhere from 5 cents,to 20 cents depending on how many colors you use, how big the label is, and how many labels you print.Sothe materials to make a bottle of protein is around $1.25, -$1.75, after shipping costs.
Now raw materials can get expensive if they are real.Kre-Alkalyn is $50, per kilo, L-Arginine is $27 per kilo, AAKG $30 per kilo,L-Glutamine is $14 per kilo,Creatine monohydrate $5 per kilo, Creatine Ethyl Ester $8 per kilo,Leucine $28 per kilo, Valine $23 per kilo,Iso-Leucine $24 per kilo,L-Norvaline $275 per kilo,Whey Protein Isolate $6 per lb, Whey protein concentrate 80% $4.50 per lb
These prices are if you but 1000 + kilos

Milos, why doesnt your webiste have a listing of the ingredients of the products you are selling? Do they contain Waxy Maze?


  • Getbig II
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« Reply #176 on: December 25, 2007, 03:04:52 PM »
I am sorry Milos, I think you are a good guy, but this is just a bunch of crap...

"Average male has 5 liters of blood (females have about 4)...At rest that blood is distributed throughout the body and follows certain path - normally supplying the body with physiological order of importance (what is needed the most is being on higher list of physiological priorities)...and simply organs and other tissues take preference over the skeletal muscle AT REST..."

The above is true

"So, when body is NOT physical (when we are resting) about 12-18% of total blood goes to our muscles and the rest is distributed ELSEWHERE (as I said - according to physiological importance at that moment)...
Also, note that this 5 liters of blood are circulating quite slowly..."

Also true

"Well, when we start being more physically active...we start "moving" and using our "motors" ( read: MUSCLES) - our hearts start pumping a bit faster and as a result - blood start circulating that much faster and somewhat different...No longer certain organs, systems or tissues prevail in "need for blood" internal physiological war body is having on a daily bases..."

There is no war, the brain parenchyma will always recieve precedent for blood, reguardless of how much you exercise.

"Now body faces extreme shock - WEIGHT RESISTANCE TRAINING and should I say: INTENSE KIND of weight training only BODYBUILDING could create...and as a result OUR MUSCLES start winning the war and getting high on the list of "physiological importance for blood" list..."

Absoultely not. The reason you feel a "pump" is that your muscles are contracting the veins, which themselves do not have a smooth muscle layer, there is less blood pooling in the veins, as a result, you feel the pump, since there is more continuous flow. This physiological importance does not change, this is a huge myth. Prove me otherwise.

"More and more blood follow the path to OUR MUSCLES!! Each muscle contraction, every rep, every set and every exercise increases the need for blood...Higher the intensity - higher the blood flow...
NEW #1 - PHYSIOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE winer is certainly SKELETAL MUSCLE AT WORK and soon we have MAJOR BLOOD FLOW into the area of our body which is engaged the most = OUR MUSCLES!!!"

This is assuming that increased blood flow will cause the torn actin and myosin fibers to heal quicker and expand. This is actually FALSE. If you look at spinal cord injury victims and there rehabilitation, they use Occulsion Training, which is basically physically stopping blood flow to a group of muscles (through a BP cuff) and then working the muscle. Actually restricting blood flow during training, will upregulate receptors, which make them much more receptive to growth. Go to pub med and read about this.

"Well, as science has discovered: HYPEREMIA (INCREASED BLOOD FLOW TO THE PART OF THE this instance OUR MUSCLES) reaches incredible 80% blood flow to the muscle with up to 20 times faster circulation!!!


If you want to deliver something to your muscles WHEN DO YOU THINK IS THE BEST TIME?

Before training when only 15 % of the blood is in the muscle?
After the training when blood is leaving your muscles...or MAYBE (???)

DURING THE TRAINING - when up to 80% of the BLOOD is...where...???

Oh - IN EXACT MUSCLE YOU ARE TRYING TO BUILD and doing all your heavy lifting after day, week after week...month after month...should i even say - year after year...or for some even decade after decade - with MEDIOCRE results at best!

So, don't you think that IF YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU COULD POSSIBLY ACCOMPLISH when you have 80% of your blood in exact muscles you are trying to build and YOU ACT UPON IT - you would possibly IMPROVE like never before (or like all the athletes I am preparing who keep shocking the world with FAST IMPROVEMENTS)?

If you PREPARE your blood correctly (sound diet plan in general + 30 minutes BEFORE training knowing WHICH NUTRIENTS TO TAKE that will in synergy with YOUR WORKOUT DRINK insure that YOUR BLOOD IS ANABOLIC/ANTI-CATABOLIC BOMB - filled with maximal amount of anabolic and anti-catabolic nutrients as well as TIMELY RELEASED anabolic and anti-catabolic hormones...What do you think WILL HAPPEN?

Especially IF YOU TRAIN in this GIANT SETS FASHION where you fly from one exercise to the next, changing numerous training variables, performing mixture of lifts, using various grips, angles, tempo...repetition protocols, speeds...etc?

Well, you guessed it - YOU GET MR. OLYMPIA IN A MAKING...


Would you want to send FED-EX, Airmail envelope to someone as the best and fastest way of 'sending' the envelope?

Well, PLEASE - do not send EMPTY ENVELOPE - you are paying HIGH PRICE for: NOTHING!!!

Make sure you stuff the envelope...and at the same time understand that IF YOU ARE SENDING EMPTY BLOOD to the muscle (your best friend who is anxiously awaiting to OPEN your gift envelope) - you are doing the same thing!

For "stuffing" your muscle envelope go to:"

The above is just a bunch of muckracking. On a serious note, Milos what article did you read to come up with this, and also, did you radiotype blood to measure its flow to get the exact percentages? I really doubt that you did... I am surprised more of these supplement companies don't have lawsuits against them.




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« Reply #177 on: December 25, 2007, 03:11:55 PM »

By the way, Milos, your website incorrectly lists the CA sales tax as 7.75%; it is currently 8.25%. You might want to change it. FTB would not like that...

Milos' gym in in Orange County, he is correct on the sales tax. LA sales tax is 8.25%.


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #178 on: December 25, 2007, 04:30:46 PM »
slin pre training is way more effective than post, humlog pref

no one

  • Getbig V
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« Reply #179 on: December 25, 2007, 08:00:25 PM »
slin pre training is way more effective than post, humlog pref

that's ignorant.

and coming from someone who obviously has never used it at either time.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #180 on: December 25, 2007, 11:53:32 PM »
Van to answer your question, the bottle, for a product runs about 30 cents for 275cc, bottles and a protein bottle about 60 cents a pop.The lids are 20cents, and the scoopers are 5 cents.Then the label runs anywhere from 5 cents,to 20 cents depending on how many colors you use, how big the label is, and how many labels you print.Sothe materials to make a bottle of protein is around $1.25, -$1.75, after shipping costs.
OK, that's the material but what about the mixing/capping/filling costs by the contract manufacturer? I'm sure it depends on how big of a run you do but approximately?

Milos is probably looking for distributors to pick up the product and then it will be much cheaper through them.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #181 on: December 26, 2007, 12:01:05 AM »

This is assuming that increased blood flow will cause the torn actin and myosin fibers to heal quicker and expand. This is actually FALSE. If you look at spinal cord injury victims and there rehabilitation, they use Occulsion Training, which is basically physically stopping blood flow to a group of muscles (through a BP cuff) and then working the muscle. Actually restricting blood flow during training, will upregulate receptors, which make them much more receptive to growth. Go to pub med and read about this.
Milos has mentioned that he tried the Japanese "Kaatsu" training, which is occlusion training. Didn't care for it. But that's a VERY good point you are making.

Milos is making a ton of assumptions with his theory. I would have no problem with it if he just said this is a theory of his and that he has found that these feeding patterns have worked for him. But he is so cock-sure and tries to make anyone who questions it look like an idiot who doesn't THINK!  :D
He says by not taking these aminos you are wasting your time in the gym. How come Ronnie and Dorian and etc grew to such proportions then, at such a rate?

There are some studies on pubmed on pre-workout amino/carb feedings and how they increase protein synthesis acutely but this doesn't necessarily mean the net protein gain is bigger over time.


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #182 on: December 26, 2007, 01:21:21 AM »
that's ignorant.

and coming from someone who obviously has never used it at either time.

no you obviously havent used it

pre workout humlog 5iu and doing some serious real food protein and real food carb intake is the way to go

no one

  • Getbig V
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« Reply #183 on: December 26, 2007, 11:59:49 AM »
no you obviously havent used it

pre workout humlog 5iu and doing some serious real food protein and real food carb intake is the way to go

i have forgotten more about insulin use than you will ever know.

you are someone who regurgitates what he reads and has no real world experience with what he is talking about.

that's ok though- it puts you in good company with other 98% of the people who post on this board.

show me why using insulin is better pre is so much better than than post. you can't. nobody can say without a single doubt pre is better than post.

there is a benefit to using it at both times, but to say one is better than the other is ignorant.

furthermore- why 5 i.u? is that the magic amount > why not 10? 8? 15?

'real food'? why not liquid?

your talking about something you know nothing about.

sorry to break it to you.



  • Getbig III
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« Reply #184 on: December 26, 2007, 02:17:36 PM »

He says by not taking these aminos you are wasting your time in the gym. How come Ronnie and Dorian and etc grew to such proportions then, at such a rate?

Well, sir, I think it's time we discussed some truths about bodybuilding...


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #185 on: December 26, 2007, 04:43:14 PM »
Van ,most manufactures shoot to make 30% profit in manufacturing is the norm.However with the price of protein constantly going up, its hard to get 30% profit on protein.If its real protein not junk.Plus you have to compete and bid on jobs against other manufactures so when its all said and done sometimes you only make 10% profit, but the PO( purchase order ) may be $50,000 -$500,000, or even more.What I do is try to make a clients whole line of supplements, this way I may make only 10% on the protein ,but make 50% on the fat burners, creatine, or what ever else they may need.

Its all a numbers game ,sometimes you might even just break even one  product just to get a big account, so you can make a there whole line of supplements.This way it keeps your employees busy, increases your buying power so you get a better price on raw materials.Then you build a good relationship with the big account, so now they come to you for all of there products.

Most of the time the real money makers for manufatures is Fat burners, hormones, Creatine product, and L-glutamine- amino acid products.THERE IS NO MONEY IN PROTEIN, IF THE PROTEIN IS WORTH A DAM!!!!!!.The customer usually grinds you down on price, and there are alot of other manufactures who will always do a run cheaper then you.

The problem is when a company grinds down a manufacturer on price, guess what, the manufacture starts cutting corners just to make a profit. I do manufacture protein for about 16 companies right now, but my price is my price.I just tell them you get what you pay for .On fat burners I manufacture for about 41 diffrent companies, alot of them overseas.
There are alot of small companies, that do fat burners for palces like truck stops, and 7-11" s and they sell a shit load of fatburners -caffiene pills.
Some of these small companies no one has ever heard of find there "niche" or market, and they really do well.I make a supplement line for a company who only sells supplements to beauty salons, no shit. This guy does extremely well, he sells 5000-10,000 bottles of fatburners a month.Best of all his profit margins is $20 per bottle.I laughed at him when he wanted us to bid on a job for him until I got his second order for 10,000 bottles 30 days after his first 5000 bottle order.


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #186 on: December 26, 2007, 10:23:09 PM »
Milo's how can we see these the ingredients you put into these products? If they are so great, show us the ingredients, and what research did you do to back up these claims.Anybody can put BCAAS or Amino Acids in a product, and tell you its the best.What kind of delivery system are you using,? What are you using to dialate the muscle cell to take in more nutrients?


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #187 on: December 26, 2007, 10:49:45 PM »
The guy is a top 10 Olympia contender, the proof is the pudding. Plus his "crew" are some really big dudes.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #188 on: December 26, 2007, 10:55:53 PM »
Milo's how can we see these the ingredients you put into these products? If they are so great, show us the ingredients, and what research did you do to back up these claims.Anybody can put BCAAS or Amino Acids in a product, and tell you its the best.What kind of delivery system are you using,? What are you using to dialate the muscle cell to take in more nutrients?

I don't like proprietary blends


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #189 on: December 27, 2007, 08:34:05 AM »
Milo's how can we see these the ingredients you put into these products? If they are so great, show us the ingredients, and what research did you do to back up these claims.Anybody can put BCAAS or Amino Acids in a product, and tell you its the best.What kind of delivery system are you using,? What are you using to dialate the muscle cell to take in more nutrients?

dilating the muscle cell doesnt even make sense, cell mediated transport has numerous enzymes, second messangers, g coupled enzymes, they just dont take up everything.


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #190 on: December 27, 2007, 09:25:08 AM »
The reason companies put Proprietory blends on a label is 1) so other companies cannot copy there formulations 2) because there product is cheap and they put alot of the less expensive ingredient, and less of the more expensive ingredient.BSN is the king of proprietory blends, that is why they are getting sued .
Using some propreitory blends is smart though because if you have a patened formulation, all some one has to do is change one molecule, or of ingredient, and they can get around your patend.
In this industry there is very few leaders only followers.If you make a great product and it sells well, within a month there will be 10 compies making a product just like yours
Example I was the first company to come out with a time released protein back in 1995.Designer Protein, AST aswell as many others laughed at the idea.Now every protein on the market including those 2 compnies I mentioned have time released protein.
They all thought Instantised and fast absorbing protein was they way to go then, but they were wrong!!!!!
God didnt make instantised chicken breasts, or instantised steak did he ??????????No
God created proteins in animals that would digest over time to fuel our muscles for several hours.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #191 on: December 27, 2007, 12:14:36 PM »
Protein blends have been around a lot longer than since 1995. Just because you call it "time released" doesn't mean it was anything new. Same with Milos' supposedly new idea. EAA/BCAA/carb blends have been around forever. Same shit, different name/marketing.

Most of the time proprietary blend is used to dupe the public, making them think most of it is the expensive ingredients. Like with Nitrotech: label said "contains 96% whey isolate". Yeah, but how much? Could've been a few milligrams for all we know.


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #192 on: December 28, 2007, 06:31:02 AM »
Van yes protein blends have been longer then 1995, but none of them were truly time released.Some compnies just blend 3 or 4 diffrent proteins together and claim they are time released.The only was to truly time release a protein is to change its molecular structure.Usually this conmsists of agglomerating the protein so it has larger particles.The way to do this is after the Whey protein is finished, and has no impurities in it.Lactose and all the other crap that in sweet dairy Whey naturally has before being triple micro filtered.
To Agglomerating a protein you take the protein after its done and you spray it with Lecithin, by doing this is creates diffrent size protein particles.Because Lecithin is a emulsifier,when it is sprayed with a mist over protein.If you emulsify the protein correctly you can have up to seven diffrent types of paricles so they will break down over a period of 4-6 hours( with Milk Isolate, Beta Casseins, and Egg Protein.)
So in 1995 I did create the first"true " time released protein

Nitro Tec, probasbly doesnt have any 97% protein in it at all.The FDA allows a company to make a claim as long as what they are claiming is within 10% of what in the actual product.So they could just have 90% Whey protein in there product, and say its 96%.But if you do the math Nitro Tech is only about a 72% WPC. A 28.5 grams serving only has 20 grams of protein.So it may contain 97% WPI, but very little if they only have 20 grams of protein in a 28.5 scoop serving


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #193 on: December 30, 2007, 10:31:18 PM »
I think Milos is letting this thread die.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #194 on: December 30, 2007, 11:44:24 PM »
I think Milos is letting this thread die.

obviously when he is faced with knowledgeble people he hides, he hasnt adressed my or so of tthe other comments. its an obvious redflag for his supplements.