Author Topic: Honestly, what the hell is going on here?  (Read 5905 times)


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Re: Honestly, what the hell is going on here?
« Reply #50 on: January 16, 2008, 10:04:08 AM »
You're such a complete moron, WRONG BUBBA WRONG... "Suspicious" is open to wrong doing, it does NOT insinuate anything definitively.  Maybe there is maybe there is not.  Questionable is a synonym of Suspicous.  Get a clue of my context when I said I don't know for sure ::) DuH... Get that right and I'll move on to the other pure BS you posted.

sus·pi·cious      /səˈspɪʃəs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[suh-spish-uhs] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1.   tending to cause or excite suspicion; questionable: suspicious behavior.
2.   inclined to suspect, esp. inclined to suspect evil; distrustful: a suspicious tyrant.
3.   full of or feeling suspicion.
4.   expressing or indicating suspicion: a suspicious glance.


sus·pi·cion      /səˈspɪʃən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[suh-spish-uhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1.   act of suspecting.
2.   the state of mind or feeling of one who suspects: Suspicion kept him awake all night long.
3.   an instance of suspecting something or someone.
4.   state of being suspected: under suspicion; above suspicion.
5.   imagination of anything to be the case or to be likely; a vague notion of something.
6.   a slight trace, hint, or suggestion: a suspicion of a smile.
–verb (used with object)
7.   Nonstandard. to suspect.
[Origin: 1250–1300; ME < L suspīciōn- (s. of suspīciō), equiv. to suspīc- (var. s. of suspicere to look from below, suspect) + -iōn- -ion]

—Synonyms 2. doubt, mistrust, misgiving. Suspicion, distrust are terms for a feeling that appearances are not reliable. Suspicion is the positive tendency to doubt the trustworthiness of appearances and therefore to believe that one has detected possibilities of something unreliable, unfavorable, menacing, or the like: to feel suspicion about the honesty of a prominent man. Distrust may be a passive want of trust, faith, or reliance in a person or thing: to feel distrust of one's own ability.


Suspicion insinuates wrong doing.  Especially in the context of how you used the word.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Honestly, what the hell is going on here?
« Reply #51 on: January 16, 2008, 02:19:59 PM »
Ozmo. A large   part of a forum is to dicuss others thoughts on happenings of the day week....etc.
It is a valid thread that berserker started and one that is common in thought for sure.  (Where the hell did mccain come from all of a sudden)!!!

Putting it out there for others thoughts was the point....and please accept that using the word fishy or unusual or suspiscious is a term all of americans have had to use these last 8 years.  IE:   Everything looks suspiscious :o

Makes for good reading and sometimes good learning

Berserker seems like a smart kid with a fast why antagonize him? we are lucky to have an active board here. 8)


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Re: Honestly, what the hell is going on here?
« Reply #52 on: January 16, 2008, 07:00:24 PM »
Ozmo. A large   part of a forum is to dicuss others thoughts on happenings of the day week....etc.
It is a valid thread that berserker started and one that is common in thought for sure.  (Where the hell did mccain come from all of a sudden)!!!

Putting it out there for others thoughts was the point....and please accept that using the word fishy or unusual or suspiscious is a term all of americans have had to use these last 8 years.  IE:   Everything looks suspiscious :o

You preaching to the choir about the last eight years.  Suspicious is an understatement IMO.

You might want to try and read the whole conversation.  I admit that i went after his goat.  But not immediately.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Honestly, what the hell is going on here?
« Reply #53 on: January 16, 2008, 11:22:16 PM »
Ozmo, you're still an idiot.  To find the connotation you look at what i said and If I said I did not know what does that say you idiot?  It means you can focus on QUESTIONABLE!!!!!!!!!! Yes it includes the possibility of wrong doing it ALSO when you look at MY FULL CONTEXT OF WHAT I SAY is open for all possible answers.


Why can't you take my word for, why do you have to sit here and tell me what I'm thinking when I know full goddamned well what I am thinking!!!!!!!!!  I simply never intended on the chemtrail or any suspicion posted as a definitive accusation.  I DID NOT EVER INDEND IT SO AND I BELIEVE ME SAYING I DO NOT KNOW ILLUSTRATES THAT AS MUCH AS I CAN,  ::) NOT TO MENTION, I'M TELLING YOU OVER AND OVER THAT'S NOT WHERE I'M COMING FROM YET YOU FUCKING KNOW MORE ABOUT WHAT I HAVE IN MY HEAD THAN WHAT I AM POORING OUT ON THE BOARD.  FOR THE LASTGODDAMNED TIME YOU IDIOT FUCK, WHEN I HAVE AN ACCUSATION AND I KNOW FOR SURE SOMETHING IS FUCKED, I WON'T POSE IT AS A QUESTION, I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I SEE AND WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Honestly, what the hell is going on here?
« Reply #54 on: January 16, 2008, 11:25:32 PM »
You preaching to the choir THE CHOIR MY ASS  ::)about the last eight years.  Suspicious is an understatement IMO.

You might want to try and read the whole conversation.  I admit that i went after his goat.  But not immediately.
ADMIT YOUR VENDETTA AGAINST Suspicion, YOU BIAS FUCK.  OH the CRIME, imagine being suspicious of election goings!  Ozmo must be right on the money, can you imagine wrong doing in an election????? BWHAHHWHHAHHakhsjkahjkdh fjasjfhduKJASDfkajhf 

 yes unfuckingheardof huh???  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Honestly, what the hell is going on here?
« Reply #55 on: January 16, 2008, 11:29:44 PM »
I admit that i went after his goat.  But not immediately.
bullshit, you were fishing right off the bat and you know it.  I knew you would be which is why I tried at first to play it with humor and a cheesy, but alas you in predictable fashion had to fish harder in an attempt to get a strike and you got your strike, I'm melting down and in typical troll fashion you play it perfect, grab the high ground and tell me to calm down...  Such has been the way of the troll for a long time.

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Re: Honestly, what the hell is going on here?
« Reply #56 on: January 17, 2008, 10:52:36 AM »
McCain magically jumps up to to the top of the polls, and I mean magically, he didn't do anything different.

The reasons given are that the surge is working and people arn't as opposed to McCain keeping the neocon ball rolling in the middle east.  I've heard this reasoning over and over and over.


If that's how Americans feel, but wait, is it????

Fuck NO...

Opinions on Iraq remain relitively unchanged with even more people now saying we should have stayed out

So honestly, what the fuck is this BS.  I hate to cry conspiracy do to the meltdowns it causes but this smells as rotten as 2 week old road kill...

I think we can expect to see fluctuations for the next several weeks.  I watched the South Carolina Republican debate and thought McCain won, with Thompson actually sounding credible for a change.  Part of what this shows is no candidate has separated himself from the pack.  I'm actually rethinking my earlier dismissal of McCain.  I'm going to give him a closer look.   


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Re: Honestly, what the hell is going on here?
« Reply #57 on: January 17, 2008, 07:25:44 PM »
Ozmo, you're still an idiot.  To find the connotation you look at what i said and If I said I did not know what does that say you idiot?  It means you can focus on QUESTIONABLE!!!!!!!!!! Yes it includes the possibility of wrong doing it ALSO when you look at MY FULL CONTEXT OF WHAT I SAY is open for all possible answers.


Why can't you take my word for, why do you have to sit here and tell me what I'm thinking when I know full goddamned well what I am thinking!!!!!!!!!  I simply never intended on the chemtrail or any suspicion posted as a definitive accusation.  I DID NOT EVER INDEND IT SO AND I BELIEVE ME SAYING I DO NOT KNOW ILLUSTRATES THAT AS MUCH AS I CAN,  ::) NOT TO MENTION, I'M TELLING YOU OVER AND OVER THAT'S NOT WHERE I'M COMING FROM YET YOU FUCKING KNOW MORE ABOUT WHAT I HAVE IN MY HEAD THAN WHAT I AM POORING OUT ON THE BOARD.  FOR THE LASTGODDAMNED TIME YOU IDIOT FUCK, WHEN I HAVE AN ACCUSATION AND I KNOW FOR SURE SOMETHING IS FUCKED, I WON'T POSE IT AS A QUESTION, I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I SEE AND WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should see a therapist.

ADMIT YOUR VENDETTA AGAINST Suspicion, YOU BIAS FUCK.  OH the CRIME, imagine being suspicious of election goings!  Ozmo must be right on the money, can you imagine wrong doing in an election????? BWHAHHWHHAHHakhsjkahjkdh fjasjfhduKJASDfkajhf

 yes unfuckingheardof huh???  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

I mean really.  GO outside.  Breath some of that crisp Denver air.

bullshit, you were fishing right off the bat and you know it.  I knew you would be which is why I tried at first to play it with humor and a cheesy, but alas you in predictable fashion had to fish harder in an attempt to get a strike and you got your strike, I'm melting down and in typical troll fashion you play it perfect, grab the high ground and tell me to calm down...  Such has been the way of the troll for a long time.

Look, I'm happy to lock horns with anyone.  I'm more than happy to get in to long drawn out heated debates and point by point wars.  And if you want to continue with insults, it's more than fine with me.  Although, you are getting less entertaining and more tedious now.

REally, I'm not taking the high ground here, you just keep letting yourself sink lower and lower. 

Look at what you posted.  Do you lose your temper this easy in real life?

It's like you give out your goats for free and take no responsibility for the way you act afterwards.  You should seek anger management counseling if you get this spun up over web posting.


Suspicion means what it means.  Do you think that if you meant questionable that perhaps you chose the wrong word?

Just to clear this thing up on the chemtrail thing:

Look at your snippy little attitude, when i went out of my way to go back to a subject i said i was going to find out more about:

You didn't answer jack shit.  We're going in circles here  ::)  save 3 diimensional BS for some kid ok.

You automatically assumed i was talking down to you.

how was i talking down to you?

here's what i said:

Air force bases and public bases do not typically share the same air space, and as air travel increase to and from an airport  or even from an air base (such as when an airbase changes it's primary mission from let's a fighter base to a transport hub) they need to redo the airspace.

As far as size of trails, it could be reasons such as atmospheric conditions, flying at different altitudes (as you can probably surmise, air space is 3 dimensional), or type of jet engine.

How is that talking down to you?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Talk about touchy and defensive. 

You know what i think, i think you're just pissed becuase i'll take your shit and throw it back in your face and you can't handle that.

Well too fucking bad.   You need to build a bridge and GET OVER YOURSELF.


we can go over the rigged election thing later if you like, i don't know what your trip is now, you are the one who brought up elections from this reply of mine:

Has something like this never happened before in politics?   

And you didn't mention elections in the post i responded to.

And stop trying to act all innocent with your " i hate to cry conspiracy..."  and then deny you are actually cry that.

That's just like me saying:

If i was a real bastard I'd call you a  drama queen but, I'm not a real bastard so i won't.   ;)  I wonder if you got what i just did.

is this what you are calling trolling?

That makes too much sense.    :D

My god,  like i said you need to get over your self.