hahah, yes Clavin's "Pink Power Pump" coming to a supplement store near you.
Gene didn't have my "Pink Power Pump" during our workout!
Gene, is it true that you are the guy who was arrested last week for jerking off in the men's locker room of your gym?
bullshit.....gene isn't allowed in the men's locker room...
I think this was his newest gym. There have been rumors of a ginger poof being kicked out of gyms all across Fairfield County for soliciting men in the locker rooms.
Maybe Calvin vouched for him?
Well, they are an item so it wouldn't surprise me.
The jealousy that we don't ask you to work out with us reeks through your post's.
I'm easing back into the gym. Once last week, shooting for twice this week. I should be back up to speed by 2011.
Haha,lemme guess-arms and chest
In the swing of things I usually do legs on Monday but seeing as my motivation level is at 0 right now, I'm leaning towards chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs on a Mon-Fri thing.
i hope a barbell leans ontop of you soon
Pffft! Pfffft! Pffft!
Gene didn't bring his camera again STella!
STellas married, she's leading you and Gene on, you guys need to focus on ~flower~, it's proven she puts out and as long as you stay at opposite ends you guys could probably throw a mad DP on her without being gay.
I'm scared ~flower~ might hut me