Author Topic: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......  (Read 16507 times)


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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #125 on: September 05, 2011, 09:21:44 AM »
Absence of evidence does not support the negative claim.

Do you understand how hard it is to prove something? Proof of the world as we know it can be seen and read in countless books and library's. Proof of religion and god as truth cannot be seen or read anywhere. Saying something is true does not make it true. I hope you understand this. And saying that something can be true because it has not yet been proven as not true is as anti-logical as one can get.

You believe god and religion is true, you prove it please. You can not ask somebody to un-prove your theory and you yourself not do anything and/or not present any facts to support your story.

Man kind has been working for centuries to explain our world and we have come a far end. Religion has not been anble to prove 1 single thing in the past 2000 years. The only argument within religion is 'I feel it is true and until it is proven otherwise it must be true'. Logic of 5 year old children.

Faith and belief have psychological importance in peoples survival, that is the reason people still believe.

There is NO REASON to think god is real and that he created our brain or anything. None what so ever. If one thinks there is please present the facts.

Yes, I agree, except exchange 'bible' with 'creator' with regard to the statement you're replying to.


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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #126 on: September 05, 2011, 09:48:26 AM »
How is it possible that someone can even say this?

There is no, I repeat no, empirical evidence that any religious book is based on reality and/or history. Therefore it can be called fiction just like any other piece of work not based on reality.

If someone thinks there is evidence then they do not understand empirical research and need further information.

Religion is purely based on peoples own imagination. Not that there is by default nothing wrong with it but it is pure imagination.

Many good reasons to believe are found as peoples depth of information decreases. Less knowledge=more religion in general.

More knowledge=less religion as people realize that there is no evidence supporting any statements in any religious book.

As for science being the state-of-affairs as of now, it is the only logical and responsible way of thinking. We know as much as we know at this moment and until we find a better way of explaning things that make sense and is supported with abbundand facts, we will use the latest way of explanation (theory).

Science is progressive and self-evaluative. Religion is passively dominant and never changes in general.

Therefore science is the way of developing all fronts and religion is there to fill the need of our combined primitive human psyche. After all how can we change so much in couple hundred years when we are developing for last 200k years in natures unfriendly enviroment where human kind did not understand most of its parts.

Not understanding=imagining own explanations.
First off dude you've completely missed the boat on what I'm saying never said the bible was based on evidence the bible is pure rhetoric fact.
Part 1 As far as evidence goes, the bible never was about imperical evidence that does not mean it's impossible for it to be right about shit even if it's cryptic. As even I said it's open for debate and does not take the place of fact.
Part 2 religion is religion the bible is not religion or vice versa there very separate, the bible is a cultural document that has stayed in it's current state for nearly 2000 years, and it's a staple in most of western society as a result. It's value is purely in it's ability to culturally unify over 2 billion people.
Part 3 It's a myth that science in the only way of thinking, which is a totally false. Science is has some very deep limits, that any educated person is aware of. Simply put you can't prove everything, as you can't see everything and since science is based on observation, you can only prove what you can see.
Aside from that science has a dependency on logic, which ironically humans are really really really inept with as proven by psychology.
Part 4 Science is progressive which is another serious problem, science does not judge whether or not it's current view is harmful to society, simply it is imperical and only holds to what is seen as objective and true at the time.

Anyhow you did nothing to disprove my main point which is you can't disprove logic with belief and you can't disprove  
belief with logic. Very basic philosophy, it's people inability to understand this which makes me feel that science(really pseudo science) is quickly turning into a major religion.

Natural Man

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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #127 on: September 05, 2011, 09:50:36 AM »
you guys should read the bible, both OT andNT, because obviously you didnt, or only read small scatered parts when kids with a not developed enough brain and comprehension.
 Then, once you re done tell us what you truly think. But you sound like you re only repeating stuff other people told you.

If at least you had read it, you wouldnt condemn/depict it the way you do , which is systematically pejorative, even if you didnt believe in it. I dont know anyone who really read the bible from start to finish and who despised or questionned it.

Only atheists people who were endoctrinated by their parents to say the bible is de facto moronic talk the way you guys do.

If you re not baffled by some of the things that are written in it (especially by the way the apparitions of god are depicted) it means you didnt read it, period.


  • Getbig V
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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #128 on: September 05, 2011, 09:55:54 AM »
you guys should read the bible, both OT andNT, because obviously you didnt, or only read small scatered parts when kids with a not developed enough brain and comprehension.
 Then, once you re done tell us what you truly think. But you sound like you re only repeating stuff other people told you.

If at least you had read it, you wouldnt condemn/depict it the way you do , which is systematically pejorative, even if you didnt believe in it. I dont know anyone who really read the bible from start to finish and who despised or questionned it.

Only atheists people who were endoctrinated by their parents to say the bible is de facto moronic talk the way you guys do.

If you re not baffled by some of the things that are written in it (especially by the way the apparitions of god are depicted) it means you didnt read it, period.

Read it and parents are theists.


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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #129 on: September 05, 2011, 10:07:00 AM »
Not true. In my case I have read the bible, Qur'an and other religious books. Went to church, tempels, mosques and listened hundreds of times and talked with people countless times.

Still there is nothing that is any proof god is real. None.

Why is there even a debate over religion?

I can say I believe in a rock and it would be true following the logic of religion. No proof I would have to give.

Problem comes when people act as if religion is true and have impact on others.

The basis of religion is that there is no proof, that's why it's called faith, the whole idea is you can't know in your life time  whether or not there is a god creator or force. So you take the healthy view  and believe even if it's just a deeply imbedded survival mechanism.

It's not about whether or not it's true it's whether or not it has value. No one wants a scientific logical proof as to why they should fuck,  the point of life is to just be and not scrutinize everything. The value comes from the warm feelings, dating options, etcera, that religion can give to you, which even if it's not true people still like believing.


  • Getbig V
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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #130 on: September 05, 2011, 10:24:41 AM »
The basis of religion is that there is no proof, that's why it's called faith, the whole idea is you can't know in your life time  whether or not there is a god creator or force. So you take the healthy view  and believe even if it's just a deeply imbedded survival mechanism.

It's not about whether or not it's true it's whether or not it has value. No one wants a scientific logical proof as to why they should fuck,  the point of life is to just be and not scrutinize everything. The value comes from the warm feelings, dating options, etcera, that religion can give to you, which even if it's not true people still like believing.

The Westboro Baptist Church has set its hateful sights on the movie, "Red State" -- which will be released in theaters later this month -- calling director Kevin Smith "a God-hating clown."

The Church spokesperson says, "God hates fags, God hates fag enablers, therefore God hates Kevin Smith."

Good publicity for the movie mind you.



  • Getbig V
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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #131 on: September 05, 2011, 10:31:49 AM »
adam and steve

Dr Dutch

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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #132 on: September 05, 2011, 10:33:31 AM »
God makes mistakes too. He made Wong Hongs head way too big....


  • Getbig V
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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #133 on: September 05, 2011, 10:34:40 AM »
God makes mistakes too. He made Wong Hongs head way too big....

Useless without pics.

Dr Dutch

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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #134 on: September 05, 2011, 10:35:25 AM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #135 on: September 05, 2011, 10:38:26 AM »
adam and muhammad


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Dr Dutch

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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #137 on: September 05, 2011, 10:41:51 AM »
I had a science teacher in highschool with a head like that. But he wasn't as muscular as Wong Hong. He played the Rolling Stones in class though. That made up for a lot...


  • Getbig V
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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #138 on: September 05, 2011, 10:44:57 AM »
I had a science teacher in highschool with a head like that. But he wasn't as muscular as Wong Hong. He played the Rolling Stones in class though. That made up for a lot...

Kudos for playing the Stones in class, a must for any course curriculum.  :D


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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #139 on: September 05, 2011, 10:46:58 AM »
The Westboro Baptist Church has set its hateful sights on the movie, "Red State" -- which will be released in theaters later this month -- calling director Kevin Smith "a God-hating clown."

The Church spokesperson says, "God hates fags, God hates fag enablers, therefore God hates Kevin Smith."

Good publicity for the movie mind you.

God hates fags, lol you seriously believe any rational minded person believers on gaybashings. Most christians in america are fucking retarted biggots, in europe most biggots are athiest who hate all forms of religion, it's the same game based on ignorance and hate, and nothing to do with religion,


  • Getbig V
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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #140 on: September 05, 2011, 10:49:43 AM »
Childish superstition. Wait 'til MCWAY starts a 30+page thread about Noah's Ark.  ::)


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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #141 on: September 05, 2011, 10:50:03 AM »
you guys should read the bible, both OT andNT, because obviously you didnt, or only read small scatered parts when kids with a not developed enough brain and comprehension.
 Then, once you re done tell us what you truly think. But you sound like you re only repeating stuff other people told you.

If at least you had read it, you wouldnt condemn/depict it the way you do , which is systematically pejorative, even if you didnt believe in it. I dont know anyone who really read the bible from start to finish and who despised or questionned it.

Only atheists people who were endoctrinated by their parents to say the bible is de facto moronic talk the way you guys do.

If you re not baffled by some of the things that are written in it (especially by the way the apparitions of god are depicted) it means you didnt read it, period.
Excellent post

You don't have to believe in God to know that the historical Biblical narative is extremely accurate, and the birth of many nations is still taught in these nations the manner in which they were formed.


  • Getbig V
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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #142 on: September 05, 2011, 10:51:04 AM »
End of days


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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #143 on: September 05, 2011, 10:52:35 AM »
Not true. In my case I have read the bible, Qur'an and other religious books. Went to church, tempels, mosques and listened hundreds of times and talked with people countless times.

Still there is nothing that is any proof god is real. None.

Why is there even a debate over religion?

I can say I believe in a rock and it would be true following the logic of religion. No proof I would have to give.

Problem comes when people act as if religion is true and have impact on others.

I don't think he was talking about a verse here and there, he said from front to back.


  • Getbig V
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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #144 on: September 05, 2011, 10:53:20 AM »
God hates fags, lol you seriously believe any rational minded person believers on gaybashings. Most christians in america are fucking retarted biggots, in europe most biggots are athiest who hate all forms of religion, it's the same game based on ignorance and hate, and nothing to do with religion,

Most Atheists don't hate religion, but want theistic ideologies/teachings to be removed from politics and from being taught in schools as either science or fact.

But, yes I agree about the racial hatred and homophobia amongst religious peoples.


  • Getbig V
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Re: If god created Adam and Eve as the first humans on earth......
« Reply #145 on: September 05, 2011, 10:54:02 AM »
Childish superstition. Wait 'til MCWAY starts a 30+page thread about Noah's Ark.  ::)


What ever happened to him?

Preparing for the Rapture perhaps?