Author Topic: IN REGARDS TO KAMI  (Read 3669 times)


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« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2012, 05:34:32 AM »
After some reflecting I think I have been too harsh on the guy.  Maybe my expectations were a little too high.  I am still stuck thinking about getting overfilled Pharma quality vials that GH15 preached about.  The fact is, China GH is China GH.  Is it Pharma?  No.  Does it still do the job?  Yes.

Another fact is Kami was very frothcoming in admitting the error with the December batch and came through with a reshipment.  He was very honest with the reshipment stating that Chinese GH is never going to be like pharma.  He set expectations that I failed to listen to.  I was still stuck thinking I wanted pharma grade.

Fact #3.  Kami never once stated that Kigs were pharma grade.  That is what GH15 told us.  Kami priced the Kigs the same as the blue tops which should have been a clue to us that they were not pharma grade.  But Kami did admit that they were underfilled and that was an error he fixed.

Fact #4.  He could have fucked off and hidden and changed his name, he had nothing to lose, but he didn't.  He stayed in business and proceeded to correct any issues.

Fact #5 Unlike some dealers he is always prompt with his emails.  Always replied, always keep me up to date and that was a good thing.

This whole mail order scene is a difficult one to navigate.  You can go by what people say online, but as you can see you can have 100 posts and 50 will be positive and 50 will be negative.  Lots of people with agendas out there.  All you can do is trust the people who's reviews you are reading and trust the dealer you buy from.

Will I recomend or not recomend Kami?  This is not my job or place.  This is up to you.  Do you need to send $5000 in at once?  Maybe not.  Start small.  Order a couple kits, try them and see how they work.  If you like it, order more.  if you don't, then move on.
Build a relationship with him and any dealer you will be buying from.  Get to know the man behind the email address.  Build trust and they will treat you well.

All in all Kami is not a bad person.  If anything he went far and beyond what 99% of other dealers would have.  Most would have taken our money and ran, but he didn't.  He tried to fix it.  Will he make 100% of us happy 100% of the time?  probably not.  But you also need to reset your expectations about GH.

If you want chinese GH, then send $100-$150 per kit.  Expect chinese GH, it might be 5,6 7,8, 9, or 12 IU for all you know.  No one is running standard tests against the labs, no one is running quality assurance each batch.  It is up to your as a consumer to realize what you are getting.

If you want and expect Pharma grade, then raise more money, find a legit source and expect to pay $300-$900 per kit.  But again, know your source.  Know what to expect.

There are a lot of guys online with killer physiques who built them 100% off of Chinese GH and chinese AAS.  So can you.  Good sources will be around for a while.

So Kami, I apologize if I was too harsh on you.  That was not fair of me.  I needed to reset my expectations and so should everyone looking to get into the GH game.

Yes gh15 really diid hype up kigtropin saying they were double dosed and the best thing since sliced bread


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2012, 05:36:51 AM »

I was saying we were wrong for blindly beleiving gh15's conspiracies.

You seem like a good guy and you've given some good advice.


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2012, 02:19:38 PM »

I was saying we were wrong for blindly beleiving gh15's conspiracies.

You seem like a good guy and you've given some good advice.

lol @ widow seem like a good guy

talking shit about the best sources who have been here for DECADES in order to benefit his personal agenda

he just locked the kigtropin thread.. this should tell u something.


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« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2012, 08:07:20 PM »
I don't even know who the fuck kami is but if you guys really think GH acts like magic of course you will think his gear blows

"no one" had a great post explaining this, yes gh changes your physique fast but come on with the 7 days bullshit claiming you will not even be able to recognize yourself

give yourself some time with any drugs


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« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2012, 11:55:44 PM »
KAMIS TAIS ARE SHIT as well...stay away...3 vials in and nothing plus test on promuscle shows hardly nay gh in them...2


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« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2012, 03:56:17 AM »

I was saying we were wrong for blindly beleiving gh15's conspiracies.

You seem like a good guy and you've given some good advice.

thanks. hard to tell sometimes. much appreciated.I have people that will vouch that all I did was give a referral! and I never made a dime! just trying to help people get high quality gear


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« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2012, 04:03:06 AM »
lol @ widow seem like a good guy

talking shit about the best sources who have been here for DECADES in order to benefit his personal agenda

he just locked the kigtropin thread.. this should tell u something.

Brother the thread should of been posted on the site Kami is a source on. Not here on getbig! getbig is not a open source board! I did this as a favor to pellius. I aloready deleted the first one and allowed one more thread just to see if people received new product and like I said I did it as a favor to pellius because he OPM'ed me politely. But in all cases like this the complaint should stay on the board where the source posts his list.You should know that. what if strngo got way backed up and had a alot oof people waiting is thhat soomething that should be posted on getbig?  NO it should be posted on the site he sources on.This is not a open source board. it is ok to talk about the quality of sources gear or HGH but if there is a delay problem it should get posted on the board they source on.


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« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2012, 04:04:49 AM »
KAMIS TAIS ARE SHIT as well...stay away...3 vials in and nothing plus test on promuscle shows hardly nay gh in them...2

your the man! slinpimp is the HGH pro! I wish he tried the original kigs that were suppsoe to be the best ever!


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2012, 04:35:37 AM »
Yeah i also want to thank Slin because 1 day after i ordered 1 kit of kigs to try it out he comes out and say it bullshit. I contacted the guy who sold it to me after trying 10iu's and he returned my money, so nothing lost there except WU fees. So, Tkx Slin  ;D