Author Topic: Lybian Militias attack U.S. embassy in Benghazi  (Read 24528 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Lybian Militias attack U.S. embassy in Benghazi
« Reply #250 on: September 22, 2012, 03:42:38 AM »
U.S. envoy Christopher Stevens, killed by terrorists in Libya.
Libya ambassador Chris Stevens killed: U.S. warships headed to Libyan coast as Obama says 'justice will be done'
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula urges jihadists to expel U.S. embassies from Muslim nations  
President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden attend ceremony of return of Libyan fallen to U.S.
Khadafy's wife, children flee Libya for Algeria, government announces
Obama speaks out on situation in Libya, says 'this violence must stop'
Libyan rebels flee after Moammar Khadafy troops seize key town

The facts as they’ve emerged point inescapably to the conclusion that America suffered the country’s worst terrorist attack since 9/11 in the consular assault that killed four Americans in Libya.

The intense quality of the violence, including the use of heavy weaponry, suggested as much from the start. Yet fully nine days passed before President Obama’s spokesman clearly admitted the truth — while suggesting it should have been obvious to the public all along.

“It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack,” press secretary Jay Carney told reporters aboard Air Force One.

Self-evident? Not exactly.

While Obama spoke of “acts of terror” in his initial statement on the attack, his administration went to great lengths to paint the episode as an outburst triggered by fury over the movie trailer that insulted the Prophet Muhammed.

Most visibly, United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice insisted on Sunday: “Our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo,” where mobs first set upon an American embassy.

Eventually, she added, the action in Libya “seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons.”

Obama stuck to emphasizing the video as a driving force even after Carney acknowledged that a terror attack had taken the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three colleagues. Said the President, whose reelection campaign has touted his role in killing Osama Bin Laden:

“I don’t want to speak to something until we have all the information. The natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests.”

On Friday, it then fell to Secretary of State Clinton to endorse that the U.S. is, in fact, dealing with an act of terror, not a deadly temper tantrum.

That same day, administration officials speaking as anonymous sources revealed that at least 50 people, many wearing masks, some on gun trucks, participated in the assault in Benghazi.

Accounts in the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times described the attackers taking command of the consular compound, setting a building ablaze with diesel fuel, driving the Americans to a hoped-for safehouse and ambushing them there with mortar fire.

Away from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, no organized enemy has pulled off an orchestrated attack against the U.S. of this magnitude since 9/11. The assault is part of Obama’s record, one that demands far more presidential candor.

VIA NY Daily News.   

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Re: Lybian Militias attack U.S. embassy in Benghazi
« Reply #251 on: September 22, 2012, 07:36:09 AM »
AP: Benghazi consulate attack was led by 50 masked men using “military: tacticsUpdate.....
 Hotair ^ | 6:36 pm on September 21, 2012 | Allahpundit

Posted on Saturday, September 22, 2012 9:13:20 AM by Ernest_at_the_Beach

Update: Libyan officials “absolutely convinced” attack was planned
I don’t want to inch too far out on the limb here, but I’m starting to suspect that this was preplanned.

U.S. intelligence indicates that 50 or more people, many of them masked, were responsible for the Sept. 11 assault on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi. Gun trucks provided added firepower. The attackers set up a perimeter, controlling access in and out of the compound. A first wave of attacks sent the Americans fleeing to a fallback building, where a second group of extremists beset them with precise mortar fire.

Intelligence reports were still coming in, but officials told The Associated Press that what may have initially seemed like a protest over an anti-Islam movie that had spun out of control now showed the hallmarks of a more sophisticated operation.

In a country coming off a civil war, a level of battlefield savvy does not prove the attack on the compound was planned well in advance. How much planning went into the operation and whether it could have been detected or prevented remain unanswered questions, officials said.

I’ve made this point before, but the debate we’re mired in over how “preplanned” the operation was is so stupid that it’s worth making again. Isn’t it more damning of the administration if the attack was planned in a few hours rather than a few weeks? If your consulate is smack dab in the middle of an area that’s teeming with jihadist groups that are heavily armed, battle-seasoned, and able to operate with impunity thanks to a barely functioning central government, then it’s incumbent upon the State Department to provide strong security at the consulate. You can’t rely on U.S. intelligence to detect and disrupt a plot in advance, since there are too many militias to keep close tabs on and there won’t necessarily be much “advance” time. You need armed troops prepared for the worst already in place. What did we get instead? Ask the Wall Street Journal:

U.S. officials issued alerts and ordered security precautions in neighboring Egypt ahead of protests and violence on Sept. 11, but largely overlooked the possibility of trouble at other diplomatic postings in the region.

The State Department chose to maintain only limited security in Benghazi, Libya, despite months of sporadic attacks there on U.S. and other Western missions. And while the U.S. said it would ask Libya to boost security there, it did so just once, for a one-week period in June, according to Libyan officials.

The U.S. didn’t seriously consider sending in the military during the attack. It summoned rapid-response teams of Marines only after the U.S. ambassador was dead. State Department officials said they doubted the Pentagon could have mobilized a rescue force quickly enough to make a difference during the fighting. The Pentagon waited for guidance from State, which is responsible for diplomatic security, a senior military official said…

The apparent lapses extended to firefighting equipment. Rescue attempts at the main building were thwarted in part by the absence of smoke-protection masks and fire extinguishers, said Libyan guards.

To repeat: Insofar as some sort of sophisticated attack on the consulate was foreseeable from the day the building opened, it was “preplanned” — and yet, presumably to keep a “light footprint” in the area and not antagonize local jihadists with an American “occupation” presence, Chris Stevens was left essentially defenseless. The Libyans who own the villa rented by U.S. diplomats told Reuters they were shocked to see how few precautions were taken, basically nothing beyond the kind of security cameras and barbed wire that middle-class Benghazians already use. There weren’t even concentric rings of security to defend the building if/when the outer wall was first breached.

Here’s House Armed Services Committee chair Buck McKeon tenderly noting, “You hate to think that the president would purposely mislead the American people, but it sure looks like it to me.” Exit question: Has anyone come up with a solid explanation yet for how this militia knew Stevens was at the consulate that night? He wasn’t based in Benghazi, remember; the embassy is in Tripoli. He was there temporarily, and yet somehow the local jihadis caught him at just the right moment. Amazing how they managed to put together a “spontaneous” attack on a night when Stevens just happened to be in town, huh?

About 100 attackers carried out a “coordinated assault” last week on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, intelligence sources tell Fox News, further discrediting earlier Obama administration claims that the deadly attack was a “spontaneous” outburst in response to an anti-Islam film.

Fox News’ sources say the attack came in two waves and involved rocket-propelled grenades, as well as mortar fire, and both the consulate and safe house were attacked seemingly with inside knowledge.

Libyan officials are now “absolutely convinced” the attack was preplanned, sources say, adding to recent indications that Al Qaeda was involved, specifically a former Guantanamo detainee named Sufyan Ben Qumu.

It’s as self-serving for Libyan officials to believe it was preplanned as it is for U.S. intel to believe it was spontaneous, as it slightly mitigates their failure to defend the consulate. But the facts sure are on their side. A hundred attackers, in two separate waves? Sounds like the only thing that was “spontaneous” about this was the tip they got from inside the consulate that Stevens was in the building.

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Re: Lybian Militias attack U.S. embassy in Benghazi
« Reply #252 on: September 22, 2012, 08:12:06 AM »
CNN Reveals Finding Ambassador Christopher Stevens' Journal And Discloses Reporting With It

Posted: 09/22/2012 10:26 am EDT Updated: 09/22/2012 10:37 am EDT






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Anderson Cooper, CNN, Libya, Video, Chris Stevens, Christopher Stevens, Cnn Ambassador Journal, Cnn Chris Stevens, Cnn Stevens Journal, J Christopher Stevens, Libya Attack, Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens, The Backstoy, Media News

NEW YORK -- Anderson Cooper revealed Friday night that CNN had found U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens' personal journal following the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed him and acknowledged the network used the journal in its reporting without previously disclosing the source.

On Wednesday on his show, "Anderson Cooper 360," Cooper told Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) that "a source familiar with Ambassador Stevens' thinking told us that in the months before his death he talked about being worried about the never-ending security threats that he was facing in Benghazi and specifically about the rise in Islamic extremism and growing al Qaeda presence." The source, Cooper continued, "also mentioned [Stevens] being on an al Qaeda hit list."

But what Cooper didn't reveal at the time was that CNN's sourcing was tied, at least partially, to Stevens' thinking as written in his personal journal.

The Huffington Post reached out to CNN Friday afternoon after receiving a tip that the network may have obtained Stevens' journal. CNN had no immediate comment, but referred to Cooper's comments after they aired.

On Friday's "Anderson Cooper 360," which airs at 8 p.m., Cooper acknowledged the network had obtained the journal and that it played a role in CNN's reporting.

On Wednesday of this week, we reported that a source familiar with Ambassador Stevens' thinking said in the months before his death, Ambassador Stevens talked about being worried about what he called the never-ending security threats in Benghazi.
 We also reported that the ambassador specifically mentioned the rise in Islamic extremism, the growing Al Qaeda presence in Libya and said he was on an Al Qaeda hit list. The information for that report, like all of CNN's reporting, was carefully vetted. Some of that information was found in a personal journal of Ambassador Stevens in his handwriting.

We came upon the journal through our reporting and notified the family. At their request, we returned that journal to them. We reported what we found newsworthy in the ambassador's writings. A reporter followed up on what we found newsworthy, as I said, in the ambassador's writings.

Shortly after 1 a.m. Saturday, CNN published an un-bylined story online with more details about the journal, saying it was found "on the floor of the largely unsecured consulate compound where [Stevens] was fatally wounded." From the story:

CNN notified Stevens' family about the journal within hours after it was discovered and at the family's request provided it to them via a third party.
 The journal consists of just seven pages of handwriting in a hard-bound book.

For CNN, the ambassador's writings served as tips about the situation in Libya, and in Benghazi in particular. CNN took the newsworthy tips and corroborated them with other sources.

A source familiar with Stevens' thinking told CNN earlier this week that, in the months leading up to his death, the late ambassador worried about what he called the security threats in Benghazi and a rise in Islamic extremism.

CNN has done extensive reporting in the 10 days following the consulate attack and had senior international correspondent Arwa Damon reporting on the ground in Benghazi shortly after the attack. And according to the un-bylined article, CNN only used the journal for "tips" and therefore the "source familiar with Ambassador Stevens' thinking" is not Stevens' own writing.

But it's still unclear to what extent the journal played into CNN's reporting, and most importantly, why the network did not reveal having seen it until Friday night on air. It's also not unclear why CNN did not immediately return the journal to the authorities investigating the attack. (The State Department did not immediately offer comment Friday regarding the journal).

"We came upon the journal through our reporting and notified the family," a CNN spokeswoman told The Huffington Post late Friday night. "At their request, we returned it to them. We reported on what we found newsworthy in the Ambassador's writings."

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Re: Lybian Militias attack U.S. embassy in Benghazi
« Reply #253 on: September 22, 2012, 12:38:15 PM »
Six Libyan security forces 'executed' in Benghazi

A Libyan demonstrator holds up a gun as others flash the victory sign and a car burns in the background near the headquarters of the hardline Islamist group Ansar el-Sharia in Benghazi. Six members of Libya's security forces were killed, apparently "executed," after clashes in Benghazi pitting protesters against a defence ministry brigade, a Libyan medical examiner told AFP Saturday.

AFP - Six members of Libya's security forces were killed, apparently "executed," after clashes in Benghazi pitting protesters against a defence ministry brigade, a Libyan medical examiner told AFP Saturday.
"From the nature of the wounds it is clear that the six were executed," the medical examiner said on condition of anonymity, adding that four of them were shot in the head while the others were shot in the chest as well as the head.
An official at the prosecutor's office confirmed the toll.

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Re: Lybian Militias attack U.S. embassy in Benghazi
« Reply #254 on: September 23, 2012, 09:54:36 AM »
Posted on September 23, 2012 1:21:06 AM EDT by Nachum

Forget the 3 AM phone call. Obama couldn’t even be trusted with an 11 PM phone call. They say that only a man with a clear conscience, or no conscience at all, can sleep this way. But hey, he had to be rested for the next fundraiser and the next party. Jay-Z and Beyonce, unlike dead ambassadors and Libyan militias, actually matter.

Fox News’ Special Report informed us that Barack Obama knew of the attack on the Libyan consulate within 90 minutes of it beginning. There is no doubt that Obama knew that the attacks involved AK-47s, along with Rocket propelled grenades. He knew that his ambassador was in grave danger and yet knowing all of this, and not knowing the status of Ambassador Stevens, Obama allegedly went quietly to bed

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Re: Lybian Militias attack U.S. embassy in Benghazi
« Reply #255 on: September 23, 2012, 10:05:26 AM » a conservative online political magazine, edited by David Horowitz

told on a second hahahahahaahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahaah sorry  :D :D :D :D

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Soul Crusher

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Re: Lybian Militias attack U.S. embassy in Benghazi
« Reply #257 on: September 24, 2012, 08:13:01 PM »
Sacking of Benghazi consulate “a catastrophic intelligence loss”
 Hotair ^ | 12:01 pm on September 24, 2012 | by Ed Morrissey

Posted on Monday, September 24, 2012 10:54:28 PM by Ernest_at_the_Beach

Among the more obvious catastrophes of the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi — the loss of a dedicated diplomat in J. Christopher Stevens and three brave Americans who tried to defend the station — is perhaps a more significant loss for our counter-terrorism operations in the region. The New York Times reported last night that the CIA considers the loss of the Benghazi consulate as “a catastrophic intelligence loss,” which prompts even more questions about security for the site:

The attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans has dealt the Central Intelligence Agency a major setback in its intelligence-gathering efforts at a time of increasing instability in the North African nation.

Among the more than two dozen American personnel evacuated from the city after the assault on the American mission and a nearby annex were about a dozen C.I.A. operatives and contractors, who played a crucial role in conducting surveillance and collecting information on an array of militant armed groups in and around the city.

“It’s a catastrophic intelligence loss,” said one American official who has served in Libya and who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the F.B.I. is still investigating the attack. “We got our eyes poked out.”

Before we go farther, has the FBI actually begun investigating the scene of the “crime”? According to CBS News this morning, the answer is no:use it for broadcast. Shouldn’t that raise a few questions about the American response to this attack, too, that State can ignore?

The NYT analysis of this attack shows even further how silly the initial administration spin was. The station had been compromised, something Stevens apparently knew, as was their fallback safe house, which he discovered far too late. That strongly suggests that the terrorist network(s) that conducted this attack had significant data on the American mission in the eastern part of Libya, and attacked it not just for reasons of prestige. These networks have begun operating much more openly since the US-led NATO military mission deposed Moammar Qaddafi, and the CIA needed to keep track of groups like al-Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb and Ansar al-Sharia.

Now that we know that this station was critical to American intelligence efforts in an area rife with the kind of terrorist networks we have been fighting for the last eleven years, one has to ask why it was left so poorly secured. That question was relevant even without the CIA connection, as the terrorist networks had already made Benghazi an unsafe place for the US to conduct normal diplomatic tasks. If this was as critical an intelligence post as the NYT report suggests, the weak security arrangements can only be seen as staggeringly incompetent — and worthy of a major Congressional investigation.

The bottom line, though, is that we’ve lost an important post to keep track of the radical Islamists set loose by the NATO intervention Obama championed. It’s nothing short of a “catastrophe” for American security.>

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Re: Lybian Militias attack U.S. embassy in Benghazi
« Reply #258 on: September 25, 2012, 06:38:24 AM »

September 24, 2012, - 3:30 pm

US Amb to Libya Stevens Reduced Embassy Security b/c Didn’t Want to Offend Muslims
By Debbie Schlussel

Chris Stevens and three others died in Libya because Stevens didn’t want to offend Muslims by having adequate security. Putz.

The attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and the murder of the U.S. Ambassador and three others is the fault not only of Hillary Clinton’s State Department–which was responsible for security and screwed it up big-time–but also the fault of Ambassador Christopher Stevens. The comedy of errors began with him, as he felt that adequate security might offend the savage Muslims he helped put into power. Stevens wanted to avoid the appearance of a “militarized U.S. presence” and instead, show “faith” in Libya’s newly installed animals. Whatta moron! It’s truly disgusting. Three lives other than his own paid the ultimate price for Stevens’ political correctness.

They Were Murdered Because . . .

. . . This Dhimmi Idiot Didn’t Want to Offend Muslims w/ Adequate Security

Current and former officials said the security choices in Benghazi reflected efforts by Mr. Stevens to maintain a low-profile security posture and show faith in Libya’s new leaders, despite questions about their ability to rein in heavily armed bands of militants. Officials say Mr. Stevens personally advised against having Marines posted at the embassy in Tripoli, apparently to avoid a militarized U.S. presence.

The security plan for the consulate also reflected confidence Mr. Stevens felt in a city where he worked for months with rebels battling Moammar Gadhafi’s rule. State Department officials said he didn’t consult with Washington before traveling to Benghazi, located in an area that has become notorious for its volatile mix of Islamist militancy and heavy weaponry.

Total dumbass!

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Re: Lybian Militias attack U.S. embassy in Benghazi
« Reply #259 on: September 26, 2012, 04:13:26 AM »
Libyan president to NBC: Anti-Islam film had 'nothing to do with' US Consulate attack
NBC News ^ | Sept. 26, 2012 | NBC News staff
Posted on September 26, 2012 3:12:50 AM EDT by Free ThinkerNY

An anti-Islam film that sparked violent protests in many countries had "nothing to do with" a deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi earlier this month, Libya's president told NBC News.

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' Ann Curry, President Mohamed Magarief discounted claims that the attack was in response to a movie produced in California and available on YouTube. He noted that the assault happened on Sept. 11 and that the video had been available for months before that.

"Reaction should have been, if it was genuine, should have been six months earlier. So it was postponed until the 11th of September," he said. "They chose this date, 11th of September to carry a certain message."

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