Author Topic: Questions for PJ Braun  (Read 14744 times)


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Re: Questions for PJ Braun
« Reply #125 on: February 24, 2014, 03:28:56 PM »
muscletech had anotesten and nortesten (19-nor prohormone) when they first started up and they also had the ephedra-based Hydroxycut back in the day.

VPX also made some injectible designer steroids such as gangsta test and a few others. VPX had one hell of a lineup and I believe Jake (the owner) used to run an underground lab as well before he started VPX.

Yeah I remember VPX's line with all the dumb names like Their M1T was called Monster Test and the ganster Test, The syngex was a good product. I never remember muscletech selling PH's but def remember VPX's line


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Re: Questions for PJ Braun
« Reply #126 on: February 24, 2014, 03:31:32 PM »
I still don't see your point at All. They are simply manufacturing and marketing a line of good products.

I've never heard them claim to be innovators or the first ones bringing a product to market....never.

Consumers want their products to be sold and BSL sells to the consumers. Everyone is happy. Even if they do risk getting products discontinued down the line....who cares? Bullshit PEDs laws to begin with.

I don't see the problem at All. I'm surprised you of all people arent more anti-PEDS-regulations

Not against prohormones or designer steroids at all,just in the video PJ comes across like these are substances they innovated, their PCT product does seem innovative but that is alll I saw that was innovative. All these compounds came from Julias vida and have been on the market for years. They are expensive as well. how is 1$ a cap a good deal? They used to sell M1T 90 methylgels for 20$ a bottle or superdrol 60 caps for 20$. You can buy 1,000 Dbol tabs for around 100$ or if you don;t want a product that converts to estrogen and has no DHt conversion buy Turinabol 1,000 tabs for 350$. These guys are getting Turinabol like gains.

I am in no way against designer steroids but if your selling them I hope they have a good lawyer just incase. This is their bread and butter without those hormones that company wouldn't be in business. I understand the whole business and it is very hard to start a profitable company without selling prohormones or designer steroids. The only successful companys I know of got going doing the same thing so I am not hating but these companys did it when they were legal, some did it when it was Grey area and it worked for awhile but once the FDA finally bans the products the company loses about 75% of their income. I guarantee 75% of their products selling are the hormones and the PCT product. Ih those get discontinued their going to hit hard times. I respect the marketing strategy. I would do the same thing because that is how a supplement company breaks into the market. You have to be very careful these days though it was easier when these products were legal or Grey area.

This is what will happen. seen it many times. some dumb teen will get ahold of these hormones and get all sick have to go to the hospital because their liver or kidneys are failing they get jaundice then they complain to the FDA and then eventually the FDA gets enough complaints wich dosn't take many and they come down on the company. They get a letter from the FDA giving them a warning and maybe 30 days to get rid of remaining stock and the game is over. No hate like I said. I would start the same way but to sketchy these days. I went through this years ago! I used to sell supplements locally and on-line so I am just telling you how it went for me and many others. hell I think 80% of our sales were PH's and designer steroids.