Author Topic: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama  (Read 11336 times)

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2013, 10:05:25 PM »
the problem is this...

EVERY minute the networks (Fox and MSN alike) spend covering CHristie... is a minute they're not covering Cruz or Rand or another person that actually reflects conservative beliefs. 

When they give 2 minutes to Obama and 2 minutes to Christie, they're really giving 4 minutes to libs.  And ZERO minutes to actual conservative ideals. 


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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2013, 12:38:31 AM »
Such a ticket really would be unbeatable.  the repub "base" hasn't truly gotten out of bed to vote since 2004.  And even then, the election came down to one state. 

The repubs sat home in 2008 and 2012. 

But hey, I'm sure a pro-climate change, anti-coal, planned parenthood donating, world police, pro-gun control, pro-amnesty, big govt candidate like Christie will change things.

What about the narrative the 2012 was a complete union powered sham, and that Obama used a crony ground game and IRS to suppress dissent and that the majority of people wanted Romney and voted Romney, but Obamas buds counted the results and fudged it about 300k total in Obama's favor in 5 battleground states, thus giving obumma the win?

I wonder also about the narrative that if you put a straight majority vote to the people to keep or get rid fo obama care then it would be gone?

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2014, 05:51:42 PM »
amazing list.  Christie is the most liberal candidate in the repub field, isn't he?

I don't see how any republicans can call him a "good person" or a "good leader" when he is willing to sacrifice so many rights, so much treasure, of the people, in the name of pushing he and obama's liberal agenda for so long.

Maybe these kinda folks believed a lot of evil men were "good leaders" because of their management style... but if the ideology they espouse is pure evil, well, they certainly cannot be "good people".   Impossible.   

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2014, 05:55:49 PM »

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2014, 06:32:49 PM »

We had these same conversations in 2008 and 2012.  Both times, voices like me were saying "Dude, Mccain/Romney is a TOTAL RINO... the base isn't going to vote for him... RUN from this dog and choose an actual conservative!"

We're having that conversation again.  "Dude, Christie is a total RINO, the base isn't going to vote for him.... Run from this dog and choose Cruz in 2016".

But methinks if you were so set on the 08 and 12 choices, that you'll go for that again.  totally cool.

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2014, 08:02:48 PM »
We had these same conversations in 2008 and 2012.  Both times, voices like me were saying "Dude, Mccain/Romney is a TOTAL RINO... the base isn't going to vote for him... RUN from this dog and choose an actual conservative!"

We're having that conversation again.  "Dude, Christie is a total RINO, the base isn't going to vote for him.... Run from this dog and choose Cruz in 2016".

But methinks if you were so set on the 08 and 12 choices, that you'll go for that again.  totally cool.

You had these discussions but then voted for Obama.  You are so full of crap.


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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2014, 08:10:32 PM »
They all suck!!!! :-X

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2014, 08:21:44 PM »
They all suck!!!! :-X

It is a pretty sorry lot overall.  I wish we had better choices across the board.

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2014, 05:51:47 PM »
Why can't that fat bodied slimy walrus looking piece of shit twinkle toed commie coksucker Christie just fuck the hell off already?
Get to hear him on the talk radio shows i listen to blowing Brobama constantly and making himself look like what he is:  400 lbs of chewed bubble gum with a beet red faced head on top. 

When this sweaty fat tub of shit started letting Brobama push his shit in on the regular, I knew he was assured a candidacy in the next election.

I was shocked to see that FL Republican Gov Rick Scott had CHristie speaking with him - 3 days before the election - in a race that is a dead heat.  Piss off the repub base so close to an election when you absolutely need them?

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #34 on: November 02, 2014, 05:56:12 AM »
Christie turned out to be a real pos


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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2014, 07:29:05 AM »
As an 'anti-democrat' ( i refuse to identify as a republican), im not really happy with anyone.

The Pauls are closest to my ideals but even then Ron had some really extreme ideas that sound great on paper but wouldnt work in the modern world.

Hopefully Rand has tempered his idealism a little bit since hes younger and can see how his father got crucified for going so far away from the party line. (Which is pathetic).

Cruz, dont know enough, but seems to be a scumbag to me.

Everyone else are just cloned sheep, bland politicians that blend into a sea of faceless, interchangable RINOs, none of whom have any sort of real political idealism or beliefs, just "whatever you want to hear is what i believe" attitudes.

Fuck Murrican' politics in this day and age. All we have now are spoon fed candidates who all represent the same thing; furthering the interests of whichever the fuck elites/big money donors are behind the scenes trying to get their agendas pushed through, at the expense of the American tax payers and business owners that got them elected in the 1st place.

We dont get a choice, they pick out 2 guys who spew opposing bullshit but actually have the same goals, just different ways and jutsifications for doing so. Either way, we get the same result.

Anyone who represents real change is crucifed and laughed out of the race, even by their own party. That right there should show everyone that we dont have a choice. They pick our candidates for us, we just get to select which animal we get to get fucked by.

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2014, 07:47:05 AM »
Cruz, dont know enough, but seems to be a scumbag to me.

I dunno,... both the RINOs and the LIBs would love to see Cruz destroyed, so the field would be composed of centrist moderates.  let's face it, Hilary is probably more conservative than Christie if you look at their bodies of work.  Without a true conservative in the race, an obama/bush/mccain/romney/hilary/christie moderate neocon hybrid will win.  And we get more of the same.

And during his years in office, there hasn't been a bombshell about him.  He's kept his nose clean.  Hes' the ONLY person not crying we need to allow amnesty - I mean Rubio, Christie, Jeb, Palin, Rand Paul, Ryan, they ALL support amnesty for these illegals.

All except Cruz.


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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2014, 09:13:21 AM »
I dunno,... both the RINOs and the LIBs would love to see Cruz destroyed, so the field would be composed of centrist moderates.  let's face it, Hilary is probably more conservative than Christie if you look at their bodies of work.  Without a true conservative in the race, an obama/bush/mccain/romney/hilary/christie moderate neocon hybrid will win.  And we get more of the same.

And during his years in office, there hasn't been a bombshell about him.  He's kept his nose clean.  Hes' the ONLY person not crying we need to allow amnesty - I mean Rubio, Christie, Jeb, Palin, Rand Paul, Ryan, they ALL support amnesty for these illegals.

All except Cruz.
1 or 2 stances does not paint a complete picture.

His voting record is what matters to me.

Rand is closest to my personal beliefs.

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #38 on: April 15, 2015, 10:05:45 AM »
Even OBAMA is better on legalization than Christie:

He said he doesn't like it, but he won't use federal resources to hate on states like COLO and WASH that legalize it.

Contrast that with Christie, who wants to override states' rights.  I guess the only thing worse than Obama/Christie agreeing, is Obama being more consevative on an issue than Christie :(

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2015, 10:41:37 AM »
Only the worst kind of "Republican" could ever get behind Christie, with so much in common with Obama.


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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2015, 09:23:32 PM »
As of right now Hilary is leading all mock polls for next election. IMO the biggest threats to America are Obama, Hilary, and Sharpton in that order. Between race baiting, and lack of a politically dominant leader in this country it is not a great set up for future success.

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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2016, 05:53:42 PM »
If Christie wins the nomination in 2016, Democrats might just celebrate.  I'm not sure all that much will change.

Christie is on record as believing in global warming and, more specifically, that it is man made.  He can NEVER escape this position with base voters.  Ever.  Christie Agrees with Obama

Christie clearly opposes offshore drilling off the coast on New Jersey.   Repubs want to drill, baby, drill!  Christie Agrees with Obama

 Christie has stood with Obama’s EPA- arguably one of the most liberally radical federal agencies- in opposing construction of a new power plant in eastern Pennsylvania.   He hates coal.  HATES COAL!!!!  Christie Agrees with Obama

Abortion issue?  Christie has donated $ to Planned Parenthood.  Christie has since changed his position, but that may be hard to sell to base voters.... suddenly he's a flipflopper?  Compared to lifelong pro-life candidates like Rand, no contest

Foreign intervention?  lol, obama all the way: We ARE the leader in Libya; we MUST be the world's police.  Christie Agrees with Obama

Guns?  No right-to-carry cross-state reciprocity. (Jun 2012) - Favors gun control measures from law-enforcement perspective  Christie Agrees with Obama

Christie was notoriously soft on illegal immigrants, and called it a federal problem.  That's right, he wants the govt to handle it.  Christie Agrees with Obama

NJ Govt has ballooned under Christie - He's not a small govt guy.  Christie Agrees with Obama

Christie has completely capitulated to a federal, Obama-supported educational policy... NCLB all the way, baby!   Christie Agrees with Obama

Christie sounds like the perfect VP choice...

For Hilary!


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Re: Chris Christie Agrees with Obama
« Reply #42 on: May 11, 2016, 10:15:27 AM »

Heading to the hotel...Christie looks like he's agreed to be the bottom :D :D