Author Topic: PCT and Going back on  (Read 2113 times)


  • Getbig III
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PCT and Going back on
« on: December 05, 2016, 11:32:27 PM »
Hey guys, been a while since I've posted here. I recently started a PCT and was wondering if i go back on and decide to pct again, does that mean i shouldn't worry so much about permanent shut down (hypogonadism)? I was on cycle since i turned 18 till 21. So around 3 years none stop. I ran every compound. When i decided to PCT i waited 1 week for compounds to leave my system. Afterwards, i did 40mg nolva, with 10,000 units of hcg and some asin which took around 4 weeks in total. The following day i started my SERM PCT which consisted of 20mg of nolva with 100mg of clomid ED for 4 weeks now. I was thinking of extending it to 8-10 weeks. Is it possible to tell if i recovered without blood tests? If not when should i take blood tests to confirm?

The reason I am doing a PCT is because I'm studying aviation and i wanted to make sure that my body can recover itself even after a crazy 3 year blast. Also, i need come off before i get tested, and when i get a job for the airlines i have to be completely off because they make sure pilots aren't using any drugs or hormones since they invest alot of money in them. So recovery is crucial for me.
Also i had severe acne on cycle since the day i started injecting hormones, 4 weeks into PCT and still getting some but finallllyyy getting better.


  • Getbig III
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Re: PCT and Going back on
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2016, 08:40:46 AM »
Hey guys, been a while since I've posted here. I recently started a PCT and was wondering if i go back on and decide to pct again, does that mean i shouldn't worry so much about permanent shut down (hypogonadism)? I was on cycle since i turned 18 till 21. So around 3 years none stop. I ran every compound. When i decided to PCT i waited 1 week for compounds to leave my system. Afterwards, i did 40mg nolva, with 10,000 units of hcg and some asin which took around 4 weeks in total. The following day i started my SERM PCT which consisted of 20mg of nolva with 100mg of clomid ED for 4 weeks now. I was thinking of extending it to 8-10 weeks. Is it possible to tell if i recovered without blood tests? If not when should i take blood tests to confirm?

The reason I am doing a PCT is because I'm studying aviation and i wanted to make sure that my body can recover itself even after a crazy 3 year blast. Also, i need come off before i get tested, and when i get a job for the airlines i have to be completely off because they make sure pilots aren't using any drugs or hormones since they invest alot of money in them. So recovery is crucial for me.
Also i had severe acne on cycle since the day i started injecting hormones, 4 weeks into PCT and still getting some but finallllyyy getting better.

1. If you were taking any kind of decanoate or undecanoate even enanthate really in any decent dose 1week wouldn't be long enough to start pct and all that pct would have been a waste
2. Blood tests are pointless while taking pct since they artificially increase your bodies natural production
3. Certain drugs can be detected over a year after using them so you wanna check that


  • Getbig V
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Re: PCT and Going back on
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2016, 07:59:48 PM »
Start over.  Do two weeks of HCG.  4 weeks of clomid.  2 weeks into the clomid star four weeks of aromasin.  Take a month off and get bloods. 


  • Getbig III
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Re: PCT and Going back on
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2016, 11:59:25 PM »
Damn... i was using test e and deca on my final blast. How long does it usually take to clear out before i can commence HCG?
Also, it's been over 64 days since my last injection. So wouldn't it be a waste to do HCG and shut myself down again assuming i have recovered at least partially? Because i have been doing this PCT for crazy long now.
You don't combine nolva with clomid? I know asin is good, but does it really help if I'm using nolva and clomid together?


  • Getbig III
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Re: PCT and Going back on
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2016, 01:51:19 AM »
Hey guys, been a while since I've posted here. I recently started a PCT and was wondering if i go back on and decide to pct again, does that mean i shouldn't worry so much about permanent shut down (hypogonadism)? I was on cycle since i turned 18 till 21. So around 3 years none stop. I ran every compound. When i decided to PCT i waited 1 week for compounds to leave my system. Afterwards, i did 40mg nolva, with 10,000 units of hcg and some asin which took around 4 weeks in total. The following day i started my SERM PCT which consisted of 20mg of nolva with 100mg of clomid ED for 4 weeks now. I was thinking of extending it to 8-10 weeks. Is it possible to tell if i recovered without blood tests? If not when should i take blood tests to confirm?

The reason I am doing a PCT is because I'm studying aviation and i wanted to make sure that my body can recover itself even after a crazy 3 year blast. Also, i need come off before i get tested, and when i get a job for the airlines i have to be completely off because they make sure pilots aren't using any drugs or hormones since they invest alot of money in them. So recovery is crucial for me.
Also i had severe acne on cycle since the day i started injecting hormones, 4 weeks into PCT and still getting some but finallllyyy getting better.

Do they really test you for juice? Anti-doping tests are pretty expensive. Isn't it the usual recreational drug tests like weed, coke, etc.?


  • Getbig III
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Re: PCT and Going back on
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2016, 10:25:46 AM »
Do they really test you for juice? Anti-doping tests are pretty expensive. Isn't it the usual recreational drug tests like weed, coke, etc.?

They test you for everything because they already invest alot of money in you, you're carrying lives of hundreds of people and you're driving a machinery worth hundreds of millions. Actually they test you often, every half year to a year. That's in Canada, in the US rules are a bit different


  • Getbig III
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Re: PCT and Going back on
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2016, 10:32:25 AM »
They test you for everything because they already invest alot of money in you, you're carrying lives of hundreds of people and you're driving a machinery worth hundreds of millions. Actually they test you often, every half year to a year. That's in Canada, in the US rules are a bit different

Depends on how much you were using, half life means levels are Half of what they were initially by that time

200 mg of deca becomes 100mg in x amount of days 14-18 ish cant remember you also have to take into account the stacking effect over that time period gram a week and your looking at removing 1500 mg ish from your blood 18 days 750mg another 18 days 375 18 more 165 etc

That's not counting any other drugs but its reasonable to believe you'd need to get blood concentration below natural figures before you're body will consider creating its own lh\fsh to stimulate testicular function

Looking at anywhere from 2 to 4 months to clear for genuinely coming off everything dose dependant, another year from the point to pass a test, you could always down a litre of water and take a diuretic I know a guy that past tests this way for a long time before getting caught


  • Getbig III
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Re: PCT and Going back on
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2016, 10:38:42 AM »
Do they really test you for juice? Anti-doping tests are pretty expensive. Isn't it the usual recreational drug tests like weed, coke, etc.?
I believe steroids would be classed a "mind altering drug" under the current circumstances


  • Getbig II
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Re: PCT and Going back on
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2016, 09:54:35 AM »