Author Topic: What is a good program to start a complete beginner on?  (Read 10236 times)


  • Getbig I
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What is a good program to start a complete beginner on?
« on: July 22, 2017, 04:13:48 PM »
Hey, guys first post here. My brother has been going through a rough patch in his life and wants to start lifting with me as an outlet . I have been working out for awhile and dont want to just throw him on the program im doing (i do mostly powerlifting/strength programs) he wants to be strong but yet wants to do bodybuilding type splits. As a complete noob,  he will get stronger/bigger on almost anything was thinking of just getting him on a standard BB'ing split like i put below and seeing where he goes from there. Is there any actual program that would benefit someone that hasnt touched a weight before? Any advice i appreciate.

monday- chest/back
wednesday - legs
friday- shoulders/arms


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What is a good program to start a complete beginner on?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2017, 12:30:05 AM »
Full body workouts two to three times a week with mostly basic lifts (squat/dl/bench/rows/chinups/OHP)
Just to learn the movements paterns and build a base
After a few months see if he has any weaknesses and imbalances and adress the issues with adding accessory work accordingly.

Thats how i would do if i had to start again from nothing. Wasted a lot of time doing a bro splits.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What is a good program to start a complete beginner on?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2017, 05:08:07 PM »
Agree with heenok to a certain degree.

Full body training  with hitting the larger muscle areas first in a program and working down to the smaller ones. This is a general rule when starting BB'ing. Though nothing is really written in stone. Rushing into a split can be a BB'er worse enemy.


1. Squats
2. BB Row
3. Bench
4. Lateral DB raise
5. Tricep ...French press
6. BB curl

Want to get the body accustomed to a increasing workload, so begin slower with 3X8-10 reps. Either two or three time a week. Allowing at least a full day between workouts, like the mon-wed-fri thing suggested by heenok. This is all basic stuff and has worked for thousands of men over the years.

Some guy's get ahead of themselves and try a split, like the one shown by heenok. That and having too many exercises and sets in those splis.

Good Luck


  • Guest
Re: What is a good program to start a complete beginner on?
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2017, 05:16:31 AM »
Agree with heenok to a certain degree.

Full body training  with hitting the larger muscle areas first in a program and working down to the smaller ones. This is a general rule when starting BB'ing. Though nothing is really written in stone. Rushing into a split can be a BB'er worse enemy.


1. Squats
2. BB Row
3. Bench
4. Lateral DB raise
5. Tricep ...French press
6. BB curl

Want to get the body accustomed to a increasing workload, so begin slower with 3X8-10 reps. Either two or three time a week. Allowing at least a full day between workouts, like the mon-wed-fri thing suggested by heenok. This is all basic stuff and has worked for thousands of men over the years.

Some guy's get ahead of themselves and try a split, like the one shown by heenok. That and having too many exercises and sets in those splis.

Good Luck
listen to him that's a great workout you can't come up with a better 2-3 times a week I sometimes wonder if the 3rd workout even matters I trained my whole life like this