Author Topic: Is Obama a Communist?  (Read 9071 times)


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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #75 on: July 17, 2012, 04:10:19 AM »
Yes, all true.

Jesus wanted tax cuts for the rich and a huge military budget.

It's in the bible.

I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:23-24

Sounds republican huh?

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #76 on: July 17, 2012, 04:27:12 AM »

I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:23-24

Sounds republican huh?

most of the .00001%ers are democrats. 

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #77 on: July 17, 2012, 04:45:55 AM »
July 17, 2012
Nobody Else Made It Happen, Mr. President
By Rob Miller


President Obama unwittingly defined himself as clueless about business in Roanoke late last week:

If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

And of course, since you did nothing to build your business, it belongs to "the people" -- along with any wealth or profit derived from it.  Pretty much what Lenin had to say about the matter, if you recall.
The president is obviously clueless about what it takes to start a business from scratch, having never done anything remotely like that, since his career has consisted entirely of suckling at the government teat.

But having done it myself a few times, perhaps I should take a stab at enlightening him, and those who unfortunately think like him.  The process is quite different from being a well-connected campaign donor who tosses together a green energy scam like Solyndra and can depend on government largess to fund it as a kickback for services rendered.

First, you need to take a look at the marketplace and develop a skill, a service, a product, or an idea that people are willing to pay for.  Some people obtain these by working for others, figuring out how to do what the company they're now working for does better, saving up some of their hard-earned money, rolling the dice, and stepping off into space without the safety net of a guaranteed paycheck.  Others develop something over time as a part-time income until they feel they have enough business developed and enough of a rep to go it alone, or in partnership with others.

No matter the case, it involves risking all of your assets in exchange for a shot at financial independence.  People deny themselves as they squirrel away capital, hit their credit cards, or borrow the money, usually on their homes.

It is one of life's solemn and sometimes scary moments when someone pushes a loan application or an equipment or office lease at you, and you're wondering if you're going to end up being a failure.

You'll always wonder in the beginning whether you did the right thing.
If the business is to be successful, you work long, hard hours, with no guarantee that anything will come of it.  If you run a store, you have to be concerned with things like inventory, shoplifting, and cutthroat price-cutting from your larger, already established competitors.  If you run a service business, you work with no guarantee you'll be paid for your efforts until the deal closes and your client's check clears the bank.

In the beginning, unless you start out with a boatload of money, you do everything, and if you screw up, it comes out of your pocket -- no one else's.  Aside from the actual day-to-day work your business entails, you do the books, you keep the records and pay the fees government requires, you answer the phones, you make the decisions on advertising and marketing, you chase down new business, you deal with vendors and do the ordering (an art in itself), you deal with sales reps seeking to sell you things you usually don't need, you pay the bills, and you sweep up.

In exchange for these fun-filled 15- to 18-hour days, you might make a profit after a few months and be able to start paying your bills out of the proceeds.
If you do all these things well, your business is one of the minority that survives its first year, and you've made enough money to expand a bit, you may be able to hire employees.  Yes, at that point you actually might need to supervise and direct others aside from yourself.  Make the right hiring decisions, and ideally, you begin to make more money as you put a business team together.  Make the wrong one, and aside from losing money, even coming in to work can become hell.

Aside from taking on new jobs like payroll accounting, paying the taxes, paying for worker's compensation insurance, and filing the numerous reports and paperwork government requires, you also take on the job of human resource head and complaint department.  Some of your employees will be a joy to work with, and it will be a pleasure to reward them appropriately.  Others will simply have you shaking your head in disgust.

In the end, after a few years, if you didn't make too many mistakes at the outset, if you picked the right kind of business at the right time and place, and if fortune favors you, you may have a successful business that provides you and your family a comfortable living.

You'll still work a lot harder than the average 9-to-5 employee, but by then it will have become second nature to you, and you'll be a lot more comfortable walking the tightrope.  Usually, you'll wonder why you didn't go into business for yourself years earlier than you did.

Moreover, you'll have the reward of knowing you gambled and won, that you built something with your own hands that belongs to you -- something that you may be able to leave to your children.  And that's something no one can take away from you.

Unless it's a wannabe commissar like Barack Obama...who resents you, deep down, because you had the courage and ability to do something he could never have done in a thousand years.

The only way a Barack Obama can get what you have is to steal it.  Which is exactly why he's telling people it doesn't belong to you in the first place.
Yes, it really is that simple.
Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit.  His work has appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, American Thinker, Andrew Breitbart's Big Peace, and other publications.

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #78 on: July 17, 2012, 04:55:44 AM »
[ Invalid YouTube link ]

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #79 on: July 17, 2012, 04:57:34 AM »
Krauthammer Rips Obama's Speech Attacking Business: "Spoken By A Man Who Never Created Or Ran So Much As A Candy Store"

"Spoken by a man who never created or ran so much as a candy store," syndicated columnist and FOX News contributor Charles Krauthammer said in response to President Obama criticizing individual achievements in business this weekend. "And it's completely a straw man argument as if conservatives and Republicans are arguing to disband the fire department and the police department so we could all individually do it on our own. The idea that infrastructure is necessary and good is as old as the republic. It's older than that. The Romans had the Via Appia, and that wasn't exactly a new idea. And they had sewers as well. The question is what are you doing with the money when you build the infrastructure?"
"You heard Obama talking about the moonshot. This was not on that clip, but in that speech. He went through a list of the great achievements that the government has done, the moonshot. Well, Obama is the guy who shut down the moon program, the manned space program so that today we have to outsource our access into space for any American astronaut who wants to go to the space station we have to pay the Russians $50 million a shot," Krauthammer said on the "Special Report" panel tonight.
"He spoke about the invention of the internet, which he neglected to say was the work of Al Gore. In fact, it wasn't the government that invented, when in general it was the defense department, a part of the government. And what's Obama done as he's sprinkled billions of dollars in all of the other departments in government? He's shrunk the defense department. It's now looking at draconian cuts. This is a man who spent a trillion dollars and left not a residue. He could have, for example, done something about the electric grid. He did nothing on that. Instead, he sprinkled the money on cronies on pie in the sky ideological fetishes like solar panels and electric cars. Which is the future, but it ain't here and it's not going to happen. Money that is wasted, it is water on the sand. He did not leave behind a residue of all that and yet he speaks about infrastructure. All of us want to do infrastructure, but real infrastructure, and then leave the rest of life to the private individual and the entrepreneur," Krauthammer said.
"You're fired up about this one?" host Bret Baier asked Krauthammer.
"Occasionally, occasionally Obama gets me somewhat revved. He did it on the weekend. I now have the rest of the week to recover," Krauthammer said.

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #80 on: September 24, 2013, 04:59:19 PM »
Jon Voight: Obama following father’s socialist footsteps
By Hollie McKay
September 24, 2013
LOS ANGELES –  Jon Voight, an outspoken supporter of the Republican party for years, says President Obama is taking the country further and further left.

“I have really big difficulties with what it going on, and it is not like I am in the dark… I can see the decisions he has made since he’s been President,” Voight told FOX411 at last week’s Hollywood Reporter Emmy party in West Hollywood. “I said at one point, he is following his father’s footsteps to bring us to socialism and that’s what he is doing. There are no secrets.”

During last year’s GOP convention, the actor also expressed fears regarding Obama and his father’s alleged Marxist ties.

"Well, his father was a Marxist — of course he was influenced by it,” Voight told Reveal Politics. “His mother, who led him towards his father’s Marxism – yes. His mentor was a fellow by the name of Frank Marshall Davis, he was a communist. And, of course, his alliances from that time on."

Voight, the father of Angelina Jolie, built a lucrative Hollywood career as a film star, with credits such as “Midnight Cowboy” and “The Rainmaker” under his belt. But these days the actor, like so many former film stars, has been lured to cable, as part of the new "golden age" of television, to play the character Mickey Donovan on Showtime’s “Ray Donovan.”

“I used to feel that way (about television) but now I don’t,” he said. “The show is pretty edgy, it is daring and funny. It’s a crazy character and I love crazy characters. He’s a big mess.”

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #81 on: September 24, 2013, 09:25:28 PM »
Just look at what he has done since taking office: 

- Government control of the healthcare system.

- Someone told me the bill includes a requirement for a National ID card and access to bank accounts and personal records.  Is this true? 

- The federal government has taken over the automobile, mortgage, and banking industries. 

- The federal government has taken control of student loans. 

- Obama wants to cap private sector salaries. 

- Obama wants to give amnesty to illegal aliens. 

I know people have thrown around the communist label mainly as a pejorative, but his actions appear to be leading to one conclusion.   :-\

Without a doubt. Also, look at the people who he has appointed to office. A few that were admitted communists.


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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #82 on: September 26, 2013, 06:44:11 AM »
most of the .00001%ers are democrats. 

Thats because dem are way better at economy ;D


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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #83 on: September 26, 2013, 07:22:29 AM »
Sure...Obama is lighting it up.  ::)


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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #84 on: September 27, 2013, 08:10:13 AM »
Just look at what he has done since taking office: 

- Government control of the healthcare system.

- Someone told me the bill includes a requirement for a National ID card and access to bank accounts and personal records.  Is this true? 

- The federal government has taken over the automobile, mortgage, and banking industries. 

- The federal government has taken control of student loans. 

- Obama wants to cap private sector salaries. 

- Obama wants to give amnesty to illegal aliens. 

I know people have thrown around the communist label mainly as a pejorative, but his actions appear to be leading to one conclusion.   :-\

I solemnly agree with you.  The only conslusion that I can draw from the list of actions you provided is that you are out of your focking mind.  If you have a mind at all.  The  government in charge of government guaranteed student loans?  A bailout of private business whose perfidy almost ruined our economy? 

The rest of your 'observations' are just as cogent as the others.  Where's the erudition of Soul Crusher to elaborate on your inchoate ramblings?


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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #85 on: September 27, 2013, 09:20:03 AM »
Of course he is a communist.  I cant even believe we are stillhaving this debate.  However, he is contrained by his monied puppet masters like soros, goldman sachs, jp morgan, etc.  Neverthless, if you look at the following, I still dont see how one can reach any other conclusion.  

1.  Father and mother were marxists.  

2.  His mentor was a communist.  

3.  He "sought out the marxist professors and radicals" in college.

4.  He befriended communists like Ayeres, Dohrn, etc.  

5.  He sat in a radical church based on marxist theology for 20 years.  

6.  Was a member of the socialist party at one time on the past.  

7.  Communist czars like van jones, sunstein, holdren, dunn, and wright.  

8.  "Spread the wealth"

9.  Bank, health care, auto, school loan, energy takeover.  

10.  Associations with ACORN, SEIU, andy stern, etc.  

11.  Said the constitution is deeply flawed because it does not resdistribute the wealth in socienty.  

You guys want more?  

Learn about communism you seem to have no concept of it. How is he redistributing wealth?  the top have seen a dramatic increase in there share of the pie, that alone is counter to communism.

Coachs post was equally retarded. Look at some of those criteria, any president fits them. Seeks power? obviously he's the president.

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #86 on: September 27, 2013, 09:28:04 AM »
Learn about communism you seem to have no concept of it. How is he redistributing wealth?  the top have seen a dramatic increase in there share of the pie, that alone is counter to communism.

Coachs post was equally retarded. Look at some of those criteria, any president fits them. Seeks power? obviously he's the president.

From the middle class to the top .00001% and to the welfare thugs like Andrea, obamaphone lady, leeches, parasites, etc


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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #87 on: September 27, 2013, 09:29:55 AM »
From the middle class to the top .00001% and to the welfare thugs like Andrea, obamaphone lady, leeches, parasites, etc

you were in a great recession moron, of course there will be more handouts, the economy tanked due to your savior Bush.

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #88 on: September 27, 2013, 09:32:04 AM »
you were in a great recession moron, of course there will be more handouts, the economy tanked due to your savior Bush.

Really?  What exactly did Bush do to cause the recession.  Specifics please that the democrats who took over both houses in 2006 failed to warn of and stop mind you. 


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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #89 on: September 27, 2013, 10:23:36 AM »
Really?  What exactly did Bush do to cause the recession.  Specifics please that the democrats who took over both houses in 2006 failed to warn of and stop mind you. 
Bush reined in Freddie and Fannie and almost stopped the CRA from destroying our housing market.  Almost.

But it's common knowledge amongst the far right radical fringe that poor people routinely plundered the housing market to score big. 

They just got caught this time b/c of a Sheriff named Bush.


Even your sick fantasies putrify when articulated slightly.

What did Bush do to save the economy ruined by the destitute of this country?

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #90 on: June 30, 2021, 12:05:20 PM »
I did give some examples and that was just the tip of the iceberg. You, of course weren’t paying attention. The planndemic is another great example..civil liberties taken away by total government control and as we’re finding out now, this virus was purposely by China but low and behold not a Dem speaks out against China. Tell me what we’re the cost of lives from the lockdowns..not the virus. Who controlled the narrative? Fouci? And who are the ones that think Fouci is a God...who incidentally just happened to have a large investment in the Wuhan Lab? Trump wanted to reopen the economy in like March or states still have restrictions and Canada is completely fucked. 

Shall I go on? First amendment? Second Amendment? Schools and Universities? 1619? Critical Race Theory? BLM/Antifa admittedly being a Marxist organization? Why did Kamala Harris bail out members of those? Why don’t the Dems ever speak out against the violence in the cities being burned and looted or the Cop killings that went along with it?

Why are the borders open with thousands of immigrants coming across daily with known MS 13 gang members, Chinavirus infected, Child traffickers, Human Traffickers, a few known terrorists from terrorist countries just to name a few. And along with that, Newsom over the course of a year released some 100k convicts while at the same time trying to implement MORE gun control while making threats to take away our “assault weapons” (whatever the fuck those are) sure....tell me I’m wrong. Oh, almost forgot.  They also want to close Men’s Central Jail in LA. They’ve already “reallocated” and cut like a $150mil from their budget and did away with their gang units....but let’s try and take the guns out of law abiding citizens making it easier for criminals to get them. This isn’t by accident Junior

This needs to be made Into a thread in itself

In addition to Coach's points, we have people like Bernie Sanders who are self-described, open socialists. 

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #91 on: June 30, 2021, 03:56:07 PM »
Dems looking to federalize elections, pack the Supreme Courts, make DC, Puerto Rico states

Keep adding to this thread


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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #92 on: June 30, 2021, 04:20:40 PM »
In addition to Coach's points, we have people like Bernie Sanders who are self-described, open socialists.

Bernie and Biden are dead soon (and ugly Nancy) so there's that.

Libturd Corpse Crew checking in...

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #93 on: August 12, 2021, 12:28:01 PM »
Majority of registered Democratic voters now prefer socialism to capitalism, Fox News poll finds
This is a drastic shift from last year
By Ronn Blitzer FOXBusiness

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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #94 on: August 12, 2021, 01:02:23 PM »
Majority of registered Democratic voters now prefer socialism to capitalism, Fox News poll finds
This is a drastic shift from last year
By Ronn Blitzer FOXBusiness

Not surprising since most are welfare bums and layabouts. 


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Re: Is Obama a Communist?
« Reply #95 on: August 12, 2021, 03:15:05 PM »
All you have to do is look at his mentors and readings, he most definately a communist.

I thought he was a Kenyan born Muslim?  ???