Author Topic: deca dick  (Read 3988 times)


  • Getbig I
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deca dick
« on: April 25, 2007, 07:07:08 AM »
Hi chaps could do with some advice after finding your brillant site, im a newbie and made the mistake of doing a deca dianobol only coarse for 8 weeks 1/2 way throughi got deca dick i didnt relise what was causing it till a guy at the gym told me he suggested i finish the last 2 weeks with sus250 which i did 2 weeks later i started on clomid and hcg (pregnyl 1500iu 3 injections 1 every 5 days) this worked fine for the first 5 days till i took my second shot of hcg then i got the same symptoms, if not slightlyworse. i have 1 shot of hcg left and 5 clomid (was given strip of 10. 50mg 1 per day). obviusly its making me anxious and reading your posts i can see the mistake i made and the bad advice i was, but would be very grateful for any advice you could give me. thanks guys


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Re: deca dick
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2007, 10:09:18 AM »
Dont freak out, it'll return to normal ;).

8 wks is too short to put on much muscle but can shut you down as you now know.
The HCG is, IMO, best for blowing nuts back up to size after a long run.  HCG converts to estrogen also, and can therefore cause supression of Nat Test. In fact, I feel HCG is prolly responsible for lots of baldness and zits. Powerfull stuff. I generaly makes me very horney.

20mgs Nolva per day (taper to 10 @ the end- I taper most everything) can help raise libido IMO.

This shouldnt take that long to resolve, you were not on long. I like 3-4 months cycle w/ down taper to
"anabolics" @ about the 1/2 way point. 

HCG @ 500iu  2x per wk during cycle is popular these days. THe HRT clinic I just ordered from is making it


  • Getbig I
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Re: deca dick
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2007, 10:26:46 AM »
Thanks Trab i was begining to get a bit worried should i finish my last shot of hcg? should i take some nolva now or just finish my clomids tab, if so should i take clomid for longer, reading other posts some people recomend it for1 month at much higher dosages or do i just leave as is, how long does this sort of thing normally take to reolve itsself? many thank


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Re: deca dick
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2007, 11:15:52 AM »
Thanks Trab i was begining to get a bit worried should i finish my last shot of hcg? should i take some nolva now or just finish my clomids tab, if so should i take clomid for longer, reading other posts some people recomend it for1 month at much higher dosages or do i just leave as is, how long does this sort of thing normally take to reolve itsself? many thank

I think clomid may be a bit hard on the body, Ive only run it 1-2 per day for up to 2wks.
Some Guys used to run it all thru a cycle. I think if it aint done something in a couple wks, times up.
I don't see 1 more shot of HCG hurting anything. It is a serious performance enhancing substance in its own right.
It might even get you feeling "up" for all you know ;). I ALLWAYS take Nolva w/ HCG,and a few days after stopping. HCG is Biphasic
(2 peaks, 2nd is 2-4 days after injection) I consider HCG one of the bigest estrogen converters. You didn't accidentally mess up the dose on the HCG? Check the #s.

10ml Bact.Water:10,000iu = 1cc:1,000iu (a Full 'slin Pin)  ---   1/2cc:500iu
  5ml Bact.Water:10,000iu = 1/2cc:1,000iu ---  1/4cc:500iu 

I wouldn't take clomid for a month. Nolva at 20mg per day tapering down to 10mg/ day for a couple weeks seems to help, as well as "harden" a bit for many guys and gals.

Just be a little patient, squeeze out some more good workouts, smooth it over w/ wife/ GF, and chalk it up to experience.... Wait about 4-6 months and then.... SUS+ Enan+Deca+Droll?;) Naw, you don't need that-yet.

Arnold jr

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Re: deca dick
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2007, 01:29:22 PM »
I just said this in another thread to another newbie but it fits here too, welcome to the "Dark Side."

For starters, running the 2wks of sust at the end was not the best idea either...pointless IMO. At this stage you're concerned only about getting your natural juices flowing again, and a 2wk burst of test is not going to help that, in fact it's only going to delay it.

As for the HCG, like trab said, this will definitely help you get going again, but unlike him I don't think running nolva or clomid at the same time as the HCG is the best route to take. For your purposes I'd simply run just the HCG and when that's over then go with the nolva and/or clomid.

To understand what I'm saying look at it like this. When you use HCG at the end of a cycle, you are more or less getting your system "primed" for going back to normal. HCG is a great way to start this procedure, but even though you are priming (actually I don't know if that's the best word to use but I can't think of another) you're still not raising and reintroducing your natural functions so to speak. This will occur with the nolva and/or clomid. Therefore running your nolva and/or clomid with the HCG somewhat defeats the entire purpose...does this all make sense?

Trab and anyone else, if you feel I'm off base with this, please feel free to chime in.


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Re: deca dick
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2007, 01:55:03 PM »
Slim you didnt get that cycle advice out of william llewelyn's anabolics book did you?  Ive always wondered why he has those two compounds listed under sample steroid cycles in his book without any test, when its pretty acknowledged that test should be used for the base of almost any cycle.  In fact he lists a number of sample cycles that dont include test at all in there.

From what ive always read, you should use HCG at the end of the cycle, then discontinue it a week or two before you run nolva or clomid so they dont


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Re: deca dick
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2007, 01:56:53 PM »
Only reason I run (allways) Nolva w/ HCG is to prevent gyno. I use  HCG @ 1000 -1500ius every 3 days or so. (Its Biphasic).   HCG is top notch gyno risk starting around that point.

I agree w/ nova helping @ end also. Many times we see things being used slightly different for a reason.

500iu HCG Prolly dont require Nolva (But I'd have some on hand in case)


  • Getbig I
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Re: deca dick
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2007, 02:25:24 PM »
Thanks guys getting some really useful help here makes alot of sense what Trab and Arnold Jnr said especially about getting things primed, sorry for my ignorance but just help me a bit further, should i stop taking my clomid and just finish my last shot of hcg (this fri) and then wait a week and use clomid and nova together (if so what dosages please) sorry still a bit confused.  the original advise from the owner of the gym i go to after i told him i was a newbie but had been training at his hardcore gym in London for over 10 years, when i told him what had happened he said it was'nt unusual, cheers mate. I think for my next try ill come to you guys first, thanks again for your time. Slim (England)


  • Getbig V
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Re: deca dick
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2007, 03:46:57 PM »
So, I take it you got 1500iu HCG and a few clomid left? You had NO nipple itching, swelling or pain so far?
Still, If you dont have Nolva, I'd get some.

I wouldnt waste the last HCG, I like it. It kicks but.

4 myself, Coming off on a small dose of sus is the next best thing to TProp as far as stopping on any kind of Testo.  I honestly think U-R fretting over nothing. You've had no serious sides (libido is a troubling thing, but dont freak) and were not on long. Recovery should be no big deal. I'd bet in about 4-6wks U-R going to be 100% back to normal.

During the coming weeks U will have low Nat Test and be vulnerable to Gyno.
You could do another 10 days of clomid (1 tab, once or twice a day). But, I dont see it as imperative w/ this short cycle. Yes U can take clomid and Nolva together, Nolva is a much better "blocker" at the breast estrogen receptor site.  Clomid is nearly identical to LH, it stimulates testes to produce androgen, but it also has some "blocking" effect like nolva. One (C)directly stimulates Testes to production, the other (N) blocks estrogen better, and also has a Test raising effect from this blocking. Nolva is the superior blocker.
THere are newer better compounds to prevent the conversion of test to Estrogen DURING cycle. 

Nolva? 20mgs @ night for abouts 2 weeks or so, I'd start soon as possible. The last few days I split pills and taper down to 10mgs day.

After some time you'll get to kind of go by feel on this. At times I can get away w/  large dose of Test
w/ out anti-aromatose, others I cant. Any itching or funny feeling - start  Nolva ASAP!

UK?   check out  good site. Check out powerhouse245s posts


  • Getbig I
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Re: deca dick
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2007, 07:32:40 AM »
Once again guys thanks for all your help, esp Trab. :)  English Slim

UK Gold

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Re: deca dick
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2007, 04:40:56 AM »
'Slim', if you've only just started using steroids then you really don't need to be fucking around with HCG. If you ever hit the 1000mgs of test a week then yeah, go for it - but only if you fully understand what it does and how it works. I realise there are as many opinions on HCG as there are wankers on Getbig - but its poweful stuff, so be careful.

You say you got deca dick after 4 weeks of a deca and dbol cycle? Damn, how much deca were you using?????? Were you using the Mick Hart dbol/deca cycle? If so you should have been using proviron throughout, which, in combination of the dbol, should 'cancel' out the supposed negative effects of deca.

If you decide you want to continue using the gear, then stick with the basics for your next few cycles. Test, dbol, and nolvadex. And without wishing to sound like an asshole, research properly next time!

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  • Getbig V
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Re: deca dick
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2007, 06:55:14 AM »
'Slim', if you've only just started using steroids then you really don't need to be fucking around with HCG. If you ever hit the 1000mgs of test a week then yeah, go for it - but only if you fully understand what it does and how it works. I realise there are as many opinions on HCG as there are wankers on Getbig - but its poweful stuff, so be careful.

You say you got deca dick after 4 weeks of a deca and dbol cycle? Damn, how much deca were you using?????? Were you using the Mick Hart dbol/deca cycle? If so you should have been using proviron throughout, which, in combination of the dbol, should 'cancel' out the supposed negative effects of deca.

If you decide you want to continue using the gear, then stick with the basics for your next few cycles. Test, dbol, and nolvadex. And without wishing to sound like an asshole, research properly next time!

[ is DREADFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless you lick the sweaty bollocks of the mods then you get banned immediately. Stick with Getbig - it really is the best bodybuilding forum on the net 8)]

Dude, there are a few guys who know their shit on muscletalkuk. Esp re IGF products and a few other little esoteric details I dont see here much. Yes most are wankers (just like here).
One thing I'll say for the Britt guys is they arent so negative, cynical, and in constant attack mode like
so many of America's young dudes have gotten to be. 


  • Getbig I
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Re: deca dick
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2007, 10:26:22 AM »
I take your point UK Gold, i do feel a bit of a twat but you live and learn, just going to put this one down to experience, going to finish of on small coarse of proviron 25mg 1 day 20 days to get back to normal, keep traing hard then in 4 - 5 months try again with some decent knowledge behind me. Ive not tried muscletalk but the guys at getbig have been really helpful and not made me feel to much of an idiot. Cheers Slim