Author Topic: diet while on steroids  (Read 22962 times)


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diet while on steroids
« on: October 30, 2007, 04:05:48 PM »
can someone with experience running cycles give me the differences between a normal bodybuilders diet and a bodybuilders diet that is on steroids. if there are any myths or misconceptions, please let me know.

all i have heard is that you eat alot more.  this could be false? probably not.. but what about the nutrient ratio? what about for someone who wants to get lean while gaining size slowly(something i have heard is only possible while on juice)..

just any info you guys can provide.
trying to educate myself on all of this stuff before making any decisions.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2007, 04:24:49 PM »
can someone with experience running cycles give me the differences between a normal bodybuilders diet and a bodybuilders diet that is on steroids. if there are any myths or misconceptions, please let me know.

all i have heard is that you eat alot more.  this could be false? probably not.. but what about the nutrient ratio? what about for someone who wants to get lean while gaining size slowly(something i have heard is only possible while on juice)..

just any info you guys can provide.
trying to educate myself on all of this stuff before making any decisions.

Everyone is differant so not all of our diets are the same. I tradionally have a faster metabolism, on or off gear. However, too much sugar in my diet and I gain bodyfat easily. Your nutritional intake will be more about your goals than what cycle you are running. Never believed in eating anything in sight to grow, but some guys works for them. Eat junk, will look like junk no matter how much gear you take. Want to get lean, eat clean.

First, need to figure your caloric intake. Usually anywhere from 15-18 x current bodyweight.

If you want to stay lean and grow, try a split of 40% P, 40% C 20% Fats.
EXAMPLE: 200 lbs x 18 = 3,600 cal.
P= 360 g.
C= 360 g.
F= 80 g.

Make adjustments according to your goals and metabolism as we do not know your stats.

Arnold jr

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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2007, 05:51:16 PM »
I've said it before and I'll say it one more time. the point of taking AAS is to do what you're already dong right and make it a little bit better.

Also, forget about trying to bulk and lean out at the same time. Anyone who tells you this is a good idea usually has no idea what they are doing or talking about.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2007, 04:49:02 AM »
Yeah, either putting on new mass or refining it.

You cant grow looking like Zane or Munzner in contest shape.
Its a fantasy foisted on us by the magazines.

Want bigger? Need get a little smooth.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2007, 06:00:12 AM »
okay. so if i was to do a bulking cycle, lets say it was just 30 mg t-bol daily, and i wanted to stay lean while bulking; the what are soem diet suggestions?

these are my stats
5'11'' 200 lbs 12 %bf.
i have a slow metabolism, and my body reacts horribly to carbs when they are not getting used (when i am not active.) i dont have a huge problem putting on size..that has always been easier for me than getting cut-up.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2007, 07:24:46 AM »
Orals only are a waste of time.
Invite to problems with little to no gains.

Your not a poor kid in a 3rd world country? Why cycle like one?


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2007, 07:40:02 AM »
it would be my first cycle and i dont want anything extreme resulting from it. just thinking about maybe getting my feet wet; not even close to making the plunge into a real cycle yet.

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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2007, 08:03:13 AM »
okay. so if i was to do a bulking cycle, lets say it was just 30 mg t-bol daily, and i wanted to stay lean while bulking; the what are soem diet suggestions?

these are my stats
5'11'' 200 lbs 12 %bf.
i have a slow metabolism, and my body reacts horribly to carbs when they are not getting used (when i am not active.) i dont have a huge problem putting on size..that has always been easier for me than getting cut-up.

no offense kid but there is no way in hell you are either 200 pounds or 12 percent bodyfat.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2007, 08:33:40 AM »
i didnt claim to be at 12 %bf the in the shirtless picture..i was more like 18% bf in that shot. and i was about 190 in the the other one...and about 13%.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2007, 08:36:29 AM »
I didnt change my diet at all when I was on.  I eat the same stuff year round, no matter what im doing (unless if im cutting then ill obviously lower carbs).   Some gear is supposed to increase protein synthesis so I guess you could eat a little more protein, but id personally keep the diet the same.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2007, 08:41:18 AM »
btw for your first cycle id recommend 500mg test for 10 weeks.  Thats what I used and it was what everyone told me I should do, and I was very happy with it until I started taking the letrozole.  Live and learn.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2007, 08:45:15 AM »
was it very noticeable that you were on gear though? i would like a short cycle that gives me good gains and makes me harder. something noticeable to someone paying attention, or someone that sees me with my shirt off; but not such a rapid gain in muscle size that every one who see's me is saying "geez, lay off the steroids!!!"(even if it IS in a joking manner.)  people already say stupid shit like "roid rage" about me when im angry. and im not big at all by bodybuildng standards. only 200 lbs.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2007, 01:43:31 PM »
was it very noticeable that you were on gear though? i would like a short cycle that gives me good gains and makes me harder. something noticeable to someone paying attention, or someone that sees me with my shirt off; but not such a rapid gain in muscle size that every one who see's me is saying "geez, lay off the steroids!!!"(even if it IS in a joking manner.)  people already say stupid shit like "roid rage" about me when im angry. and im not big at all by bodybuildng standards. only 200 lbs.

If you are worried about what people are going to say or think, you have no business running a cycle. Not trying to be your dad man but I read another post of yours that you went to rehab so is taking anabolics really a good idea for you??

Get your diet in line and you could easily make the changes you are talking about. Regardless of gear, your results will be about 90% determined by your nutiritional intake.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2007, 04:44:19 AM »
If I were you, I would eat as clean as possible....At your age though, you cann probably get away with eating just about anything without massive bodyfat gains....Still, for optimum muscle growth you must take in regular feedings of high quality protein (preferably from food) at intervals of 2 1/2 to 3 hours , 6 times a day.  Since your body can not process mega infusions of protein, it is important to give it amounts that it can process...Here is a sample diet.  you're start time is up to you.

6am: 6-8 egg whites/bowl of whole oatmeal

9am: boneless chicken breast ( 8-10 ounces) 1 cup( measured uncooked) of brown rice/bowl of veggies(frozen are easiest to prepare, just boil)

12 noon:  boneless chicken breast/one large sweet potatoe/ bowl of veggies

3pm: repeat 9 am feeding

6pm: 10 ounce piece of fish/sweet potatoe/bowl of veggies

9pm: repeat 6am meal without oatmeal( eggwhites only)

Drink a gallon of water a day.

Instead of veggies you can substitue a red or yellow apple....

Trick to sticking with it....prepare your meats in bulk ahead of time( on a grill is nice) You can also bake a day or two's worth of sweet potatoes and keep them in the fridge...

This will help you make good gains  of quality muscle over time even without the juice....

For fat, take and Omega 3 /fish oil/ EFA....


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2007, 12:04:07 PM »
It's different for alot of people.  First off I'll tell you that your body composition will change while on.  Not to imply 'bulking' or 'cutting' in a traditional sense but you will lose fat and gain lean muscle on gear.  Especially in your first few cycles.  You can probably be as low as 13% BF and still build muscle at a reasonable rate.  No reason your abs can't be out when you're bulking.  You should NEVER let yourself get above 16-17% BF even in the off season.  If you get fatter than that you're being lazy.  You can eat potatoes and brown rice until you're blue in the face if combined with proper proportions of protein and fats you're going to stay relatively lean.  Fat is stored not when your body senses an excess of carbs or fat or protein but rather when you spike your insulin levels.  If you're eating clean there are only two times you'll want to spike: breakfast and post work out.

I eat everything in sight.  But all I have in the house are slow digesting carbs and chicken, beef, or fish so I'm going to have a hard time getting fat no matter what I do. 

Just as a side note, I'm learning now that spiking my insulin before meals isn't a terrible thing for me.  A glass of fruit juice about 20 minutes before eating has done wonders for adding some weight to my frame.  Currently sitting at about 255lbs @ 15% BF abs looking good enough to be at the beach but not 'peeled'.

Fuck off with the orals only.  If you're scared of injects just get it over with.  500mg test EW Git 'er done!
Git 'er dun!


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2007, 12:22:56 PM »
I don't change my diet too much off or on.

local hero

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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2007, 10:58:58 AM »
i can only speak for me self, but i do tend to up the cals if im on a heavy cycle, im hungry anyway, but i wanna feel constantly full if im full of is bodybuilding afterall,, ive never had problems gettn the fat off, so a little blubber doesnt scare me

the best few month of my life were last yr, eating 6000 cals per day, eating my normal diet plus everything else that was in the house, or finishing off workmates dinners etc.. on top of bein injury free and full of real gear


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2007, 03:40:13 PM »
Im closing in on 50yrs old, and I can tell ya I HAVE to eat a bit different esp post cycle.

Cancle the sweets and high Gi carbs or some belly fat get stored.
I still have a fast metabosilm, and can eat some real crap and get away with it, but deffinitly not
post cycle. But on AAS I can eat like a kid.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2007, 03:52:53 PM »
Im closing in on 50yrs old, and I can tell ya I HAVE to eat a bit different esp post cycle.

Cancle the sweets and high Gi carbs or some belly fat get stored.
I still have a fast metabosilm, and can eat some real crap and get away with it, but deffinitly not
post cycle. But on AAS I can eat like a kid.

Trab, 50....I didn't see that one coming.

15 years less in age and I understand were your coming from for the sweets and such. Although I must say EQ is a wonderful drug that lets me sit down and eat a cheese cake and still be fat gain either. It's a wonderful thing.

By the way,Trab, what is the biggest change you have seen in bodybuilding through the years?
Just spot me BITCH!!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2007, 04:14:16 PM »
Trab, 50....I didn't see that one coming.

15 years less in age and I understand were your coming from for the sweets and such. Although I must say EQ is a wonderful drug that lets me sit down and eat a cheese cake and still be fat gain either. It's a wonderful thing.

By the way,Trab, what is the biggest change you have seen in bodybuilding through the years?

I'll Be 47 in Jan. Thats closer to 50 than I like.
 Biggest Change for me?  USE STEROIDS! I never touched them till almost 40. Should have sooner actually.

Change in BBing? Finally recognise that legs and hips are muscles and should be developed like the statue of Hercules.
The insulin build as I now would call it is the biggest change.
That and steroids went mainstream. EVERYONE now knows the score and has, or can get a handle on how to benefit from them. (Well therez no excuse, but still plenty of stupid ideas out there about AAS)

THese days we have hundreds of Arnold facsimiles.


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Re: diet while on steroids
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2007, 05:07:08 PM »
I'll Be 47 in Jan. Thats closer to 50 than I like.
 Biggest Change for me?  USE STEROIDS! I never touched them till almost 40. Should have sooner actually.

Change in BBing? Finally recognise that legs and hips are muscles and should be developed like the statue of Hercules.
The insulin build as I now would call it is the biggest change.
That and steroids went mainstream. EVERYONE now knows the score and has, or can get a handle on how to benefit from them. (Well therez no excuse, but still plenty of stupid ideas out there about AAS)

THese days we have hundreds of Arnold facsimiles.

Ya not really a big fan of the "insulin look" myself. Gone are the days of old were the bodybuilder was just that and not a freak. Can't say I'm not marveled in the size difference between then and now though, Olympia has gone to another level.

As I know politics were involved back then I don't think that they were as predominent as they are now.

As far AAS, until it becomes legal, or should I say if, there will always be misconceptions I suppose. It's sad that many think it is that miracle grow for humans. No Olympia is made with drugs alone.
Just spot me BITCH!!!