Author Topic: Best ways to peak your biceps..  (Read 2241 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Best ways to peak your biceps..
« on: May 11, 2010, 06:36:02 AM »
I know there is a thread every other month on this, BUT, i'm lazy and want your advice.

Best exercises and ways to peak 'em.  Thoughts guys?


  • Getbig II
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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 07:54:00 AM »
I've never gotten the same results from any other exercise as I get from preacher curls done with the ez curl bar seated or standing, strict form, medium speed for most reps maybe a little faster on the end ones.  The other that works is 21's with strict form on barbell or ez curl bar.  Thats just me though and how my body responds. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 08:01:17 AM »
I've never gotten the same results from any other exercise as I get from preacher curls done with the ez curl bar seated or standing, strict form, medium speed for most reps maybe a little faster on the end ones.  The other that works is 21's with strict form on barbell or ez curl bar.  Thats just me though and how my body responds. 

thanks for the input.  keep them coming!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2010, 10:41:53 AM »
no better way to build the bicep peak than by doing the double bicep curls with the pulleys. hits the peaks perfectly. 

if you dont wknow what i mean.... stand in the midddle of the pulleys, set them on the highest setting, put the single hand grip attachaments, then do curls like you are flexing for a front double bicep pose.


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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2010, 03:21:44 PM »
Many trainers swear by the many variations of spider-type curls for building bicipital peak.

I don’t entirely agree with people who say a peak is simply genetic - you either have it or you don’t & if you don't, you're screwed.
Variances in the insertions & amounts of “peak-portion” fibers can affect overall shape, but everybody has the same fibers in their brachialis.

Remember, too, that bb is very individualistic.
Some trainers are blessed with peaks (or other specific body parts) that grow with little to no direct stimulation.
Other guys might have to experiment and work extra hard to develop those fibers to their maximum potential.

That’s probably the only idea with which I partially agreed with Pumpster (rest his sole, & forgive me, JPM.)

wild willie

  • Getbig V
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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2010, 11:19:18 PM »
concentration curls

hammer strength preacher curls

preacher curls with the e z bar

one arm db preacher curls


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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2010, 11:23:59 PM »
best way to peak your biceps is to think. do curls and think. use the power of the mind to develop your peak.



  • Getbig II
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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2010, 11:55:23 PM »
One more piece of advice...

I wouldn't do this every time you work biceps but this is something that works for me.  It works for many reasons.  One I have never had a direct bicep injury.  Two I have strong biceps for my size and development, and other than my traps they are one of my best muscles for my physique.  I did these tonight and they give the best pump I have encountered.  When I go big on rows I get a big pump, which leads me to believe weighted pull ups have a lot of promise, I just have never bothered with them yet. 

Pyramid up on seated preacher curls until you reach the Ohshit Weight.  The Ohshit Weight is the one you can do a proper rep of with correct form, not shaking and all over the place, but it should illicit an Ohshit reaction in your mind and you should make Arnold Face.  (For those that don't know what Arnold Face is watch him do dumbbell flys). 

Know how you want to go on form.  I have strong wrists so I don't curl the wrists unless its the end of a set and I am dying.  I don't go down til my arms are practically straight I stop before it feels like its too far.  I watch my biceps and link up the mind-muscle link during the exercise.  While seated the pad digs into my chest and makes it hard for me to breathe if I don't maneuver my body the way I want to.  To avoid this constriction I put one foot on the thing at the bottom and push on it during the exercise.  My shoulders and traps tend to stay tight on this.  Admittedly at the end of some sets I am almost cheating it feels.  I don't care for numerous reasons.  One I have never gotten a tweak or injury out of this; your body may be different so be careful.  Two I take it until the biceps are telling me NO, then I keep going. 

I like to do 3 sets of 12.  You should be dying at the end of the set and you will get a noticeable pump.  By the end of set 3 part of your brain is going to be telling you that you can't do a full 12 reps.  This is what I want you to do.  Put the weight down once your form goes to crap (The weight is not coming all the way up, etc).  Count off 7 deep breaths.  Then finish the set.  Do not momentum through the set.  Look at your bicep muscle and make it pull the weight up.  There is no need to increase risk of injury by slamming it up.  You just set the weight down and took 7 breaths.  Your body is rushing oxygen all over the place.  It is like a second wind. 

I have heard of only one case of a guy getting injured doing this, but it happens i guess, so be careful and know your limits.  If you choose to do ez curl bar standing or barbell curl standing, at the bottom of the movement, you are not allowed to end the set without finishing out your reps.  You are allowed to keep holding the bar and take a few deep or quick breaths and then finish. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2010, 09:15:34 AM »
First things first. If you have the genetic gift of a extreme double bicep peak you can thank the BB'ing Gods. But if you were born with a somewhat flatter shaped bicep, chances are any degree of a respectable bicep peak will never happen. All about the muscle inserts of your body and their limits on the structure of muscle. You can certainly improve the muscle size of the biceps greatly, having 19"-20" guns hanging by your sides, many guys have. Just my view, may be wrong, but  from watching PL'ers and Oly'ers,  guys with longer, flatter biceps seem to be the strongest.

 Good bicep exercises that people don't seem to do much anymore.

1) Incline DB curls. Lying on a incline bench, have the thumbs facing forward. As curling up, twist the hands/wrist inward. At the top position the thumbs should be pointing outwardly.  Try to cramp/flex the biceps for a second, lower the DB's and repeat the exercise. Keep the head on  the incline board at all times.

2) Bent forward curls. Holding a BB, with a close grip, bend over to about a 45 degree angle. Curl up the bar and touch the forehead each rep. Should feel a strong cramp/flex in the biceps. Lower and repeat.Want the elbows out and forward a bit during this movement. Can do this with a DB, one arm at a time.

3) Concentration Curl. Simple basic exercise which has built a lot biceps over the years. The full stretch and full contraction throughout the movement. Keep the elbow wedged against the inner thigh at all times, near the knee. Can also do this with a BB.....close grip.

3) Drag Curls. As the name applies, drag against the legs to around upper ab area. Keeps the tension on thee biceps throughout.

4) Close grip chin. As the name applies. Chin to the the upper chest and hold for a second. Can do this on a lat machine, as second choice.

Cable work has an important part in trying to get that bicep peak also. Draws upon some bicep (and surrounding area) fibers not usually called upon by standard free weights, even machines.

As far as preacher curls go, may want to find a design close to the original Scott/Gironda one. And using a straight bar. Of course DB's on occasion. On any version, the placement of the elbows are of prime importance. Good Luck.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2010, 09:23:58 AM »
jpm you didnt mention double bicep curls. you dont think they are useful?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2010, 10:17:56 AM »
Tbombz:  If meaning on a cable, than yes. Keeping the tension (TUT) is  a major factor in pure BB'ing.

Can learn a lot by reading how the top men trained back in the 60's & 70's , in and around SOCal. And not just from Gironda but Drapper, Zane, etc.. The placement of the hands, fingers, wrist and   elbows were little things, but of prime importance to them.   Those 20 to 25 sets per  body part, 3 times a week on that body part, worked like magic on these. top men.  Deca and than Win seem the only major thing used back than. Interesting    times back in the day.

 Personal view:I favor and suggest brief and to the point workouts. But if those high volume workouts worked  for those outstanding men way back than, than good for them. Not for me to tell anyone different.  Good Luck.


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Re: Best ways to peak your biceps..
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2010, 12:24:06 PM »
Low bodyfat levels help too...

Wait, wrong forum.