Author Topic: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition  (Read 26568 times)


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #75 on: January 06, 2011, 06:39:43 AM »
TommyBoy, great post man! BTW, I really think that Trevor's BFT could work for a natural trainer, but with a few modifications: 1. Only performing 1 full cycle instead of 2 2. Only training twice a week rather than 4 times a week 3. Not training Arms and Delts seperately, but realizing that they will get more than enough stimulation through the Chest and Back cycles.


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #76 on: January 06, 2011, 07:02:01 AM »
much like myself.
Self Praise is no praise---Trevor Walk the walk and Talked the talk--I liked reading his articles as well as T-Nation, this was a time when I was actually serious about training. And I didn't know about the dark ugly side of bbing, and Trevor never talked about that -strictly training, motivation and AAS---not about women, schmoes, and seems that the more naive I was, the better it was for me to train...

The only thing I didn't like was his version of synthol, I think he got into the realm (fad) too quickly, if he was about strictly gaining muscle---then this was the antithesis of such.


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #77 on: January 06, 2011, 07:25:34 AM »
I liked his articles. I remember I actually emailed him a question once and he answered.
Seemed like a passionate guy about bodybuilding.

He did have some questionable articles, such as how to use Ecstacy and GHB while on a contest diet.  :D

Regarding bodyweights and their relation to bodybuilding, I want to comment on this pic.

There is big and then THERE'S BIG!, as gh15 said once. Ronnie is the latter. Trevor was a huge huge man but nowhere as big in bodybuilding terms as someone like Ronnie, even if he may have outweighed him by 100lbs. Look at Ronnie, his head looks small for his body, while Trevor's still looks a bit oversized. Even through a shirt Ronnie has a 3D quality to his dimensions that Trevor doesn't have. Ronnie's delts, chest and traps are twice the size of Trevor's. You can also see the Syntholed arms through the shirt.

What I'm saying is that bodyweight by itself doesn't say much, and I think eating insane amounts of food required to weigh 400lbs is suicide if you plan to be a competitor some time down the road. You are sure to mess up your body, your gut etc. I remember Trevor said he wanted to compete eventually and he wanted to shock people from the get go - it would have been interesting to see, but I think a lot of the muscle he thought he had would have disappeared.

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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #78 on: January 06, 2011, 11:12:31 AM »
I liked his articles. I remember I actually emailed him a question once and he answered.
Seemed like a passionate guy about bodybuilding.

He did have some questionable articles, such as how to use Ecstacy and GHB while on a contest diet.  :D

Regarding bodyweights and their relation to bodybuilding, I want to comment on this pic.

There is big and then THERE'S BIG!, as gh15 said once. Ronnie is the latter. Trevor was a huge huge man but nowhere as big in bodybuilding terms as someone like Ronnie, even if he may have outweighed him by 100lbs. Look at Ronnie, his head looks small for his body, while Trevor's still looks a bit oversized. Even through a shirt Ronnie has a 3D quality to his dimensions that Trevor doesn't have. Ronnie's delts, chest and traps are twice the size of Trevor's. You can also see the Syntholed arms through the shirt.

What I'm saying is that bodyweight by itself doesn't say much, and I think eating insane amounts of food required to weigh 400lbs is suicide if you plan to be a competitor some time down the road. You are sure to mess up your body, your gut etc. I remember Trevor said he wanted to compete eventually and he wanted to shock people from the get go - it would have been interesting to see, but I think a lot of the muscle he thought he had would have disappeared.

Oh , WTF.... dude was more fucked up then I thought..


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #79 on: January 06, 2011, 11:25:47 AM »
Oh , WTF.... dude was more fucked up then I thought..

I also believed that he never came down in bodyweight due to not wanting to feel small, it would have helped in in the long run---take a look at that picture, he's 400 pounds and a blackbelt, who is he gonna fight? Trevor looks winded just standing there... Even though I was a fan of his articles, I had thought that either his mind would give or his body...


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #80 on: January 06, 2011, 11:32:36 AM »
Lunatic Fat Loss Program…..Or The Realities of Fat Loss in the Fitness and Bodybuilding World

By Trevor L. Smith

editors note* The following article is in no way shape or form a suggestion to use illicit and dangerous compounds. It is merely a commentary on how these compounds are being used and if people are using them, how they might hypothetical be doing so.

So what’s with the dual title to this article. Well it is pretty much self-explanatory. The realities of fat loss programs in both the fitness and bodybuilding industry are pretty fucking lunatic! Now I am not saying that all fitness competitors and all bodybuilders follow the program below, but some of them do and even more shocking is the majority that do, do so without even realizing it. So the purpose of this article is to shed light on some of these radical approaches and structure them in such a way as to utilize them consciously in the quest to shed bodyfat. Understand that this is not a recommendation at all, it is merely a hypothetical expose on what is being done and how one might go about doing it.

First off, let’s throw together a list of known thermogenic compounds that bodybuilders and fitness competitors like to use to get into shape and keep the fat off:

Most commonly they are:

Caffeine/Aspirin/Ephedrine or the herbal equivalents
Now those are the most commonly used ones….in actuality, most people still do not understand or know how to use D.N.P. and so do not consider it a viable tool in fat loss, which is a good thing because misuse can and will kill you! Because of this, let’s drop D.N.P. off this list. That leaves us with Clenbuterol, Thyroid, and Caffeine/Aspirin/Ephedrine.

Scores of information is abound about how one would use these products to achieve in an increased metabolic rate and subsequently fat loss, but what most people do not realize is there is a new one, two punch that is often added to this stack that causes fat to literally melt off the body at an alarming rate. As I stated before, most of the time people who are adding this one-two punch to the afore mentioned stack are not doing so for reasons of fat loss, so they are often clueless as to why they are getting so damn lean and ripped so fast. They are simply interested in one thing when they are using these two compounds: Getting Fucked Up and Partying all night long!

That’s right, the Rage of the Rave scene: Ecstasy and G.H.B.

Ecstasy, while causing intense feelings of Euphoria, has an interesting little side effect: An increase in core body temperature. Contrary to all the erroneous hype on ecstasy, it’s most dangerous property and the reason for all of the deaths associated with it’s use is not that it burns a hole in your brain, but it causes over-heating and dehydration. Now this is due to both the increase in body temperature caused by ecstasy itself, combined with the fact that Rave clubs are always packed with lots and lots of people who are also on ecstasy and therefor emitting lots and lots of body heat. Add to this that when on ecstasy people are inclined to dance for hours and hours non-stop which increases their body temperature even more, you get DANGEROUS levels of body temperature akin to having a fever and dancing inside of an oven. Now all of this could and would be alleviated if people made sure that they took breaks every half hour to an hour to cool down and consumed plenty and plenty of cold water, say 16oz. of water every 30 minutes when doing lots of lots of dancing and when they are sweating lots and lots. But that is another story. We are talking about how this works in shedding lots and lots of fat so let’s get back to it. So we now understand that ecstasy severely increases the metabolic rate and therefor increases body temperature. Now let’s look at G.H.B.

Receiving tons and tons of bad press over the last 5-10 years, G.H.B. was a compound that was sold over the counter up until 1990-1991 and was used extensively in Europe as both an anesthetizing agent along with being used to help alcoholics get weaned off booze. Misuse of this product and combination with alcohol resulted in a number of deaths, but more so it resulted in lots and lots of rapes and sex crimes because slipped into an unsuspecting females drink in a high enough dosage, she will literal pass out and go into a coma like state, only to awake and realize she has been the victim of a horrible, cowardly act by some fucking loser who deserves to be gang raped by a team of Clydesdale horses for doing such a terrible thing. —as you can tell I have a real hard-on for guys who commit date rate because they are looking for sex and know exactly what they are doing as opposed to serial rapists who commit there senseless acts not for sexual enjoyment but for other warped reasons. So this resulted in the subsequent banning of G.H.B. which is unfortunate because used with common sense it is a totally safe compound with many positive effects. This brings us to the subject of our article. Like ecstasy, one of GHB’s positive effects is an increase in metabolic rate and body temperature, which results in fat loss and like ecstasy it gives the user a euphoric high, although one has to be careful with the dose as too much will knock you right out into a deep sleep.

O.K. now we have a brief understanding of what is going on with these two compounds, so let’s discuss a hypothetical way that one might go about using them in conjunction with the afore mentioned fat burning compounds.

Since you are dealing with some serious compounds here, it would be wise to limit their use in your fat burning regime to just 4 weeks. What follows is probably so much smaller in terms of doses and frequency than what a lot of bodybuilders and fitness competitors/models are doing, but remember we are looking at a hypothetical here and we want to be smart and safe.

Week 1: Monday-Friday

80-120 mcg of Clenbuterol (this would be dependant on bodyweight and most women would only need between 60 and 80mcg)

75-150mcg of Cytomel (again, women would stay in the 75mcg range)

1.5 hours of aerobics per day: 45minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening

Tuesday and Thursday: Along with following the above regime, on Tuesday and Thursday 2-3 teaspoons of liquid GHB would be taken before bed. This would be around 2-3 grams of GHB

Saturday: Assuming that one would be going out from 11:00pm-4: 00am dancing at a Rave club the following would be done: ? to ? tab of ecstasy taken every 1.5 hours along with ? to ? of a teaspoon of liquid GHB. (Again women would stick to ? tab of ecstasy and ? teaspoon of GHB) 16-20oz. of cold water MUST be drank every 30 minutes and it would be wise to do a lot of dancing to further increase metabolic activity

Sunday: complete rest and no compounds taken

Week 2: Monday-Friday

3-4 B.M.R. 10 caps before each of the first 3 meals of the day (this is my thermogenic formula and it is way more effective than the standard E/C/A stack but again one would be wise to start with a smaller dose if tolerance and bodyweight are lower)

75-150mcg of Cytomel (again, women would stay in the 75mcg range)

1.5 hours of aerobics per day: 45minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening

Tuesday and Thursday: Along with following the above regime, on Tuesday and Thursday 3 teaspoons of liquid GHB would be taken before bed. This would be around 2-3 grams of GHB

Saturday: complete rest and no compounds taken

Sunday: 2-3 teaspoons of GHB taken before bed

Week 3: Monday-Friday

80-120 mcg of Clenbuterol (this would be dependant on bodyweight and most women would only need between 60 and 80mcg)

75-150mcg of Cytomel (again, women would stay in the 75mcg range)

1.5 hours of aerobics per day: 45minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening

Tuesday and Thursday: Along with following the above regime, on Tuesday and Thursday 2-3 teaspoons of liquid GHB would be taken before bed. This would be around 2-3 grams of GHB

Saturday: complete rest and no compounds taken

Sunday: 2-3 teaspoons of GHB taken before bed

Week 4: Monday-Friday

3-4 B.M.R. 10 caps before each of the first 3 meals of the day (this is my thermogenic formula and it is way more effective than the standard E/C/A stack but again one would be wise to start with a smaller dose if tolerance and bodyweight are lower)

75-150mcg of Cytomel (again, women would stay in the 75mcg range)

1.5 hours of aerobics per day: 45minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening

Tuesday and Thursday: Along with following the above regime, on Tuesday and Thursday 3 teaspoons of liquid GHB would be taken before bed. This would be around 2-3 grams of GHB

Saturday: Assuming that one would be going out from 11:00pm-4: 00am dancing at a Rave club the following would be done: ? to ? tab of ecstasy taken every 1.5 hours along with ? to ? of a teaspoon of liquid GHB. (Again women would stick to ? tab of ecstasy and ? teaspoon of GHB) 16-20oz. of cold water MUST be drank every 30 minutes and it would be wise to do a lot of dancing to further increase metabolic activity but make sure that one was resting and cooling off every so often

Sunday: complete rest and no compounds taken

Diet should be as follows in this hypothetical program:


2-3 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight

1-1.5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight

1/8gram of fats per pound of bodyweight

Sunday: Cheat day…eat what you want

So for a 250lb man this would mean

500-750 grams of protein per day (the higher amount of protein would be taken if the person was carb sensitive)

250-375 grams of carbohydrates per day (the higher amount of carbs would be taken if the person was not carb sensitive and was consuming only 500 grams of protein per day)

30 grams of fat per day

For a woman we have to change the diet as follows

2-2.25 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight

1-1.25 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight

? grams of fats per pound of bodyweight

So for a 130lb woman this would mean

260-290 grams of protein per day (the higher amount of protein would be taken if the person was carb sensitive)

130-160 grams of carbohydrates per day (the higher amount of carbs would be taken if the person was not carb sensitive and was consuming only 260 grams of protein per day)

30 grams of fat per day

Thus we conclude our hypothetical discussion with the following statement: I AM IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM ENCOURAGING THE USE OF ECSTACY OR GHB OR ANY OTHER DRUG FOR THAT MATTER. The purpose of this article was simply to expose the types of things that are being done in the fitness and bodybuilding world to achieve radical fat loss. Again most people are not even aware what they are doing and the effects it is having when they are partying on the weekend at the local Rave club using GHB and ecstasy. They are using amounts way over and above what I have discussed here and I guess my hope is that if they come across this article and read through it, they will organize the things they are using so that they will be safer and healthier and will not jeopardize their health


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #81 on: January 06, 2011, 11:54:46 AM »
Yes Brian is much like Arthur a bit abrasive but knowledgeable do you have a link to his site pelluis?

He sold IART and I don't know if he even has a site anymore. He should. He's always trying to innovate and discovery new things. But even he admitted, no matter what you do progress eventually stops. And stops fast. After about 3 years of ideal and optimal training (a big assumption) you're pretty much are close to your max potential. Things slow down considerably and the most you can hope for is tiny games and refinement. BDJ, despite his best efforts, and he does believe in progression, it's just not the be all and end all in and of itself, admits that he really hasn't changed much if at all over the years. Just levels of leaness which is solely attributed to calorie manipulation.

He post over at IronAge. He's on the thread where Basile is complaining about not having stars. His response to Vince was typical BDJ. I think when it comes to resistance training he is very, very smart. He's the only guy I would trust 100% as a personal trainer and follow all his instructions to the T. In our last correspondence he gave me some great advice. He's become very generous with his time and knowledge as long as he thinks you're not taking advantage of him and just milking him for your benefit and treating him like a chump. After all, this is what he does for a living.


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #82 on: January 06, 2011, 12:03:42 PM »
Fucking hell! Taking all those compounds to get lean/ripped? FUCK DAT NOISE! I will go from 15% to 8% in 3 weeks, and the only "drug" that I will use will be black coffee ;D

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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #83 on: January 06, 2011, 01:01:26 PM »
He was delusional, Ron Harris said Trevor thought building muscle was the hard part and dieting was easy...............not sure what he was basing that on

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #84 on: January 06, 2011, 01:04:14 PM »
Sounds like DEMON training and pain killers go hand and hand.


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #85 on: January 06, 2011, 01:13:58 PM »
He was delusional, Ron Harris said Trevor thought building muscle was the hard part and dieting was easy...............not sure what he was basing that on

I agree

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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #86 on: January 06, 2011, 01:38:21 PM »
He was delusional, Ron Harris said Trevor thought building muscle was the hard part and dieting was easy...............not sure what he was basing that on

It's easy to say that the thing you never do is "easy"

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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #87 on: January 06, 2011, 01:57:52 PM »
getting lean is a piece of piss,,,, getting ripped and full is something completely different...


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #88 on: January 06, 2011, 02:37:47 PM »
Using the way back machine I went back to and dug this up.

Uploaded with

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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #89 on: January 06, 2011, 03:59:08 PM »
It's easy to say that the thing you never do is "easy"

Its why poor people think all their problems will be gone if they had endless amounts of money.  :-\

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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #90 on: January 06, 2011, 04:08:22 PM »

Trevor Jumped the Shark when he tried to act as if he was a guru on XTC/GHB. Pills changed from week to week. And most times people weren't getting MDMA anyways. The same "to some extent" can be said about GHB/GBL. I wonder if he was the guy who taught King Kamali the art of Pop locking ::)


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #91 on: January 11, 2011, 01:28:16 PM »
I spoke with him on many occasions in person and on the net...Very nice man...Hot wife at the time also...The c u n t drove him to his grave...

Did his wife treat him badly?


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Re: Remembering Trevor Smith -- Nuclear Nutrition
« Reply #92 on: January 12, 2011, 09:59:23 AM »
yes trevor clearly had bigorexia