Author Topic: I took the HIV test  (Read 16040 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #75 on: March 11, 2012, 09:38:53 AM »
as long as you score above 65 you should be fine 
did you stay up all night the night before and study your ass off?

I studied 60% of the content of the test to conscience, I should have done well enough,


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #76 on: March 11, 2012, 12:57:27 PM »
he took his pen and said these are the results of your hiv test, i said ok. he then took his pen and pointed to POSITIVE for elisa and western blot.

thats odd, usually you dont get tested with a western blot initially


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #77 on: March 11, 2012, 01:48:51 PM »
Thanks for sharing your story, 2good4u.  Anyone not in a monogomous relationship should be tested for STD's. Everyone who has unprotected casual sexual relations should be routinely tested for STD's. Your post makes this point well.


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #78 on: March 11, 2012, 04:59:48 PM »
I took an HIV test a few years back. It's pretty weird. You have to sign a waiver saying that you know that if it comes out positive, you are probably going to die. Oh , it came out negative in case you were wondering.

I thought everybody died some time.
Do the people at that clinic know some thing the rest of the world doesnt know?



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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #79 on: March 11, 2012, 07:58:11 PM »
I thought everybody died some time.
Do the people at that clinic know some thing the rest of the world doesnt know?

ive never seen such waiver an i get tested annually

el numero uno

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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #80 on: March 11, 2012, 08:03:05 PM »
people being made sooo scared of a disease that may not even exist.....

heart disease kills way more people and i see nobody being hysterical about eating the right foods, not living a stressfull life etc etc... lol...
and if you are straight, have a normal sexlife... changes are slim to none....
you can also be struck by lightning or win a lottery....

and hpv and herpes are just a part of life lol...!
about 80% of people have these 2 viruses btw, completely symptomfree....
all these horror pics you see are EXTREME cases , again to scare you into buying as much condoms as you need, and do tests every time the condom breaks or you switch partners.....  gee i wonder why that is????
i am sure certain companies do not make any profit of this whole sex = dangerous and will kill you campaign... ::) ::) ::) ::)

and hiv is very deadly..... ::) ask magic jonhson.... lol... there is so much that just doesn't add up about his whole hiv thing...they make people believe that you can catch it as quickly as a cold..., but were is the epedemic???
almost nothing has changed in 30 years..... my gutfeeling senses a lot of bullshit....
and my gutfeeling usually is correct....



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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #81 on: March 11, 2012, 08:07:08 PM »


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #82 on: March 11, 2012, 09:23:43 PM »
from what my infectious disease doctor said it would be diffiucult to tell how long i had been exposed to hiv, and because my body was dealing with it great on its own with no medicine he said it was even more difficult, i went to a group meeting for people with HIV shortly after i was diagnosed and i was surprised that some people had it for 13, 15, 20 years and never was on medicine and they had constant low viral loads which meant there body was not allowing it to take over there immune system

i later learned that your immune system is something you inherit and that some people have stronger ones then others and some people can live with hiv for many years before ever taking meds where as after my diagnosis it took me 7years before starting meds a buddy of mine was one of the first cases and he has never been on meds and his viral load stays around 1000 copies and his t-cell count is always in the high 800's

the only regret for me with having hiv is telling a potential partner, thats what i feel is the only difficult thing in this. now dont get me wrong if its a one night stand and i know that i "DONT TELL" i make sure to wear a condemn and its almost no fun because i constantly check to make sure its on and it did not break and i am always pulling out to check, however since being poz and knowing i liked someone and having to sit them down and let them know i am poz is so hard, luckily i have never had anyone say oh well forget it. i think most educated people are aware of the facts and they are not as afraid anymore however i always still feel the need to pull out my latest test results to show i am undetectable and explain what that means.

as for someone saying you usually dont get tested for western blot the first time around, thats what took my results so long to come back, my clinic ran them twice once with ALISA and the second was WESTERN BLOT my doctor said they do that to prevent false

i decided to prevent that awkward conversation about me being positive i would date other positive people and oh my god thats fucking great, no awkward conversation, no guilt of a condemn breaking and now my doctor said that whole thing about a SUPER STRAIN is FALSE. he said that he has never seen it in his practice and that 2 positive on meds and undetectable its fine.

so once again my friend when you get your results monday either way educate yourself, be careful and be thankful that this is 2012 where if you are positive you can still live a long healthy life if you take of yourself speaking of taking care of yourself i am heading to the 24hour gym now.......later and good luck


  • Getbig V
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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #83 on: March 11, 2012, 10:22:02 PM »

i decided to prevent that awkward conversation about me being positive i would date other positive people and oh my god thats fucking great, no awkward conversation, no guilt of a condemn breaking and now my doctor said that whole thing about a SUPER STRAIN is FALSE. he said that he has never seen it in his practice and that 2 positive on meds and undetectable its fine.

well do as much research


  • Getbig II
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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #84 on: March 11, 2012, 11:37:18 PM »
well do as much research

not sure how old this video is but yeah in 2001 i was told it was definitly a no-no but all i can tell you is i am going by hiv doctor with 20
plus years experience and keep in mind i said i said 2 positive people on meds with undetectable viral loads, she is speaking of positive
people not on meds with detectable viral loads. all i can go by is what my doctor says and about 3 years ago when i asked him about
2 positive people getting together he said that now new research is saying that it is fine and that once was thought of a
SUPER INFECTION is in fact a poor adherence to meds therefore causing the medicine not to work however he said research has proven that when
these individuals were given new strain test there strain had not changed the virus had just added mutations to make the medicine they were on no longer work.

i personally know several people in relationships and married to other positive people that are indeed undetectable have unprotected sex and they are still undetectable and fine.

so point of my story take your meds everyday! dont forget! dont cause mutations! to where your medicine no longer works and keep LIVING.........


  • Getbig V
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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #85 on: March 12, 2012, 04:21:52 AM »
Devastated because he has AIDS or devastated because he is homosexual. You do realize heterosexuals can get AIDS too, don't you?

I'd be devastated if either of my kids contacted a serious illness such as AIDS. However, I wouldn't be upset if they were physically healthy homosexuals.

hahahaha epic love for the physically healthy gays


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #86 on: March 12, 2012, 04:37:21 AM »
do some research on the net....
still a lot of questions not answered regarding the whole hiv causes aids hype....
also, a lot of "research" is sponsored by who???? yes pharma companies.... why o why???
look at africa for example, give these people clean water, good food, and good normal medicine like we have here in the west.... let's see how many still die of "aids"
but what does the government do.....? gives them free condoms and pumps them full of chemo meds.... ::) ::) but whatever needs to be done to sell the goodies , right????
there is more to the story... something doesn't add up.... that is all i am saying....
and people are to hysterical of things that they should not be so concerned about...
morning traffic is more riskey!

Be Happy,


  • Getbig III
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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #87 on: March 12, 2012, 09:19:40 AM »
What was your result?  Are you supposed to get it back today?


  • Getbig V
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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #88 on: March 12, 2012, 05:39:59 PM »
hahahaha epic love for the physically healthy gays

Not necessarily. You will note that the conversation is about whether it would upset someone more to find out their children were gay or that they had HIV. It follows then that this is about loving one's children....regardless of their sexual orientation.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #89 on: March 12, 2012, 06:24:02 PM »
i have been hiv poz since 2001 found out at physical when i was asked if i wanted to be tested for std's? i said sure signed the paper
for the hiv part of the test and was told to come back in 3 days. 3 days later i came back and all my results were back "NEGATIVE" for everything, i was so happy. then my doctor said humm thats funny i said what? he said your hiv results have not come back yet, but dont worry your negative on everthing so i am sure thats negative as well they are probably just backed up at the testing site, so i said ok.
i came home and maybe 4 days later i got a call from my doctors office asking when i could come in? i said come in for what? she said i am not sure your doctor just asked me to call you, so i figured there was a dispute with my insurance for my visit so i said tommorow, she said fine can you come in first thing in the morning at 8am, i said sure. the next day at 8am i showed up and everybody in the office for some reason i felt was staring at me and they all knew me which was weird and i got ushered to a back room and told to wait my doctor was coming right now. once again i really thought this is something to do with my insurance. my doctor came in sat down with a folder and i just remember him rubbing his forehead and saying "well i have some bad news for you" i said ok what? he opened up the folder and turned it around to face me i had no idea what i was looking at i just saw my name at the top, he took his pen and said these are the results of your hiv test, i said ok. he then took his pen and pointed to POSITIVE for elisa and western blot.

now in my mind i was thinking positive was a good thing so i said oh so its positive he said yes i am afraid so, i said oh wait so that means i have hiv? he said yes........the room started to spin and i got extremly hot and fell out the chair i had never ever fainted in my life but this time i did, i came to with a nurse around me and my doctor telling me its ok, your going to be ok just relax.

so to speed this up cause i am tired typing i got an appointment the next day with a ID doctor (infectious-disease) who was just the coolest person you ever want to meet, his first words to me where well thank god you got it now as opposed to 10years ago and your going to be fine got my blood drawn, came back in a week and was told my body was handling the hiv fine and that i did not need to be put on medicine, my viral load was extremly low and my t-cell count was very high and the doctor said ok see you in 6months, that was it....i thought what thats it? anyway this went on till 2009 my viral load stayed low and t-cell count was high. then in 2009 i went for blood work and the doctor said well it looks like your going to need some help now your viral load has increased the amount of the virus in your blood stream and your t-cell count is dropping not by much but still its dropping, so he drew some blood and told me come back in 2days.

2 days later i came back and he said that my strain was mild and showed no abnormalities and that meant i could be put on any hiv drug and it would work, he put me on ATRIPLA the one pill a day told me start taking it the next day and dont miss doses the next day i took it was slightly dizzy for 3 days still went to the gym and that was it. one month later i went back to my doctor and my viral load was undetectable and my t-cells had gone back up. i have been undetectable ever since and my t-cell count is normal the pill i take along with my vitamins and protein shake and i dont feel it at all, my liver kidneys blood pressure cholesterol all perfect so what i thought hiv was really is not that big of a deal at all i look better then most dudes at my gym work everyday and i am fine. and in most big cities if you cant afford hiv meds the city provides them free of charge, my health insurance i get my ATRIPLA free every month a 30 day supply if i ever loose my job i can go to the nearest medicaid office and start it for free.

i will be on hiv medicine for the rest of my life the one pill a day however people still get sick and die from hiv turning into aids i feel for the following reason, if you dont take your medicine everyday the virus comes back out and replicates itself to make the medicine you were taking no longer work, if you do this alot and go on many different meds you can run out of options and then they have to put you on some harsher stuff with side effects, but if you take your pill or pills as you should people with hiv do fine its those that dont do as there told that get sick, i have never ever had a hiv related illness at all no one at my job or everyday life knows i am hiv positve. however i do thank god for the newere meds on the market and the fact that i got it when i did cause it is not a death sentence anymore, i am not saying go get hiv but i am just saying if you do have it trust me its not going to kill you as my infectious disease doctor told me...i was also told by my doctor a new pill will soon be coming on the market that you take once a month for HIV so its getting alot easier. also being undetectable makes you less infectious to others meaning its harder to pass to someone because the virus is so low in my body whereas if your viral load is in the millions and you have unprotected sex you can pass it, undectectable is anything less then 40 copies which is low.

so good luck to you my friend and if your test comes back negative great, if it comes back positive hunker down learn the facts from your doctor and trust me you will be fine.

i know everyone will want to know how i got it? i dont know how or when i got it or who gave it to me but my 20's were pretty wild thats all i can say.

and you are gay right?


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #90 on: March 13, 2012, 06:23:35 PM »
from what my infectious disease doctor said it would be diffiucult to tell how long i had been exposed to hiv, and because my body was dealing with it great on its own with no medicine he said it was even more difficult, i went to a group meeting for people with HIV shortly after i was diagnosed and i was surprised that some people had it for 13, 15, 20 years and never was on medicine and they had constant low viral loads which meant there body was not allowing it to take over there immune system

i later learned that your immune system is something you inherit and that some people have stronger ones then others and some people can live with hiv for many years before ever taking meds where as after my diagnosis it took me 7years before starting meds a buddy of mine was one of the first cases and he has never been on meds and his viral load stays around 1000 copies and his t-cell count is always in the high 800's

the only regret for me with having hiv is telling a potential partner, thats what i feel is the only difficult thing in this. now dont get me wrong if its a one night stand and i know that i "DONT TELL" i make sure to wear a condemn and its almost no fun because i constantly check to make sure its on and it did not break and i am always pulling out to check, however since being poz and knowing i liked someone and having to sit them down and let them know i am poz is so hard, luckily i have never had anyone say oh well forget it. i think most educated people are aware of the facts and they are not as afraid anymore however i always still feel the need to pull out my latest test results to show i am undetectable and explain what that means.

as for someone saying you usually dont get tested for western blot the first time around, thats what took my results so long to come back, my clinic ran them twice once with ALISA and the second was WESTERN BLOT my doctor said they do that to prevent false

i decided to prevent that awkward conversation about me being positive i would date other positive people and oh my god thats fucking great, no awkward conversation, no guilt of a condemn breaking and now my doctor said that whole thing about a SUPER STRAIN is FALSE. he said that he has never seen it in his practice and that 2 positive on meds and undetectable its fine.

so once again my friend when you get your results monday either way educate yourself, be careful and be thankful that this is 2012 where if you are positive you can still live a long healthy life if you take of yourself speaking of taking care of yourself i am heading to the 24hour gym now.......later and good luck
so you don't tell the dude you're having sex with that you have HIV? That is really fucked up. I hope one of those guys beat the shit out of you.


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #91 on: March 13, 2012, 06:53:58 PM »
What was your result?  Are you supposed to get it back today?

I am, but I am in Uni exams week, got 3 of them in 3 days so no way Im going all the way there yet and lose valuable time, Friday probably


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #92 on: March 13, 2012, 07:53:05 PM »
Damn man, good luck...BREATHE


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #93 on: March 13, 2012, 10:21:19 PM »
I remember back in the day they used to say you could get HIV from a that still true?..I have never ever heard of anyone getting AIDS from a blowjob


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #94 on: March 13, 2012, 10:28:09 PM »
I remember back in the day they used to say you could get HIV from a that still true?..I have never ever heard of anyone getting AIDS from a blowjob

No, but if she's a real tramp, you can get gonorrhea.


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #95 on: March 14, 2012, 07:46:31 AM »
I remember back in the day they used to say you could get HIV from a that still true?..I have never ever heard of anyone getting AIDS from a blowjob
You can. Low chance tho.  It is way more risky for the chick tho.


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Re: I took the HIV test
« Reply #96 on: March 14, 2012, 06:05:18 PM »
I remember back in the day they used to say you could get HIV from a that still true?..I have never ever heard of anyone getting AIDS from a blowjob

Here are a couple of things that we know about HIV: as a virus, it is weak once outside the host and it is a blood born pathogen. Given this, if someone who had bleeding gums or any kind of open sore in their mouth or on their lips and you had some manner of open sore on your penis you could possibly get HIV from oral sex. More likely, is that if someone cums in someone's mouth and the person whose mouth they cum in has any manner of open sore, then the person giving oral sex could get HIV from an infected person. The reason for this is because all bodily fluids contain some blood.

The reason anal sex is particularly dangerous is because the tissues in one's anus are very fragile. The  any anal penetration can cause damage to these tissues. Thus if the sodomizer has HIV and ejaculates or even leaks pre-cum in someone's anus, there is a good chance they would become infected. Conversely, if the sodomizer has open sores or cuts on their penis and blood or bodily fluids from an HIV positive person being sodomized enters the sodomizers system through these openings, they could become infected.

As I mentioned HIV is a weak virus once outside the host. For this reason, it is more difficult to get HIV from cleaning up a bodily fluid spill. However, the herpes virus is very difficult to kill and therefore remains alive in a bodily fluid spill for sometime. As a general rule of thumb, one should always treat all bodily fluids other than their own as infected just to be on the safe side.

Surely, someone is going to suggest that I just outed myself. Ha, ha. Well, I already did that a long time ago. The information I am sharing here is a result of what I learned as part of my profession. As is required by law, every year we at work would be trained on blood born pathogens.