Author Topic: is this a cortisol issue?  (Read 1275 times)


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 54
is this a cortisol issue?
« on: March 14, 2013, 03:25:38 AM »
I went from 150 to 165 in 1 month. Why does everything go to my stomach area and not spread out evenly throughout my body? I was once in the 190's 10 years ago so weight gain is not new to me neither is weight loss. I was told this was a cortisol issue that everything goes to my belly area. Is this genetics? How can this be fixed? Once I reach 170, I will get on a Primo/Test/Anavar cycle (might add Masteron at the last 8 weeks of a 12 week cycle). I read Masteron is to be used for 8 weeks for best results. Will this cycle eventually burn all this fat on my belly? I was always curious how Arnold Schwarzenegger had such a tiny waist. What was his waist line? I'm a 32 right now. I want to keep it this way so I won't have to buy new jeans. LOL.


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Re: is this a cortisol issue?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 04:16:23 AM »
could be alot of issues. cortisol is a stress hormone. do you liv a really stressful life? even working out real hard will raise your cortisol level. It could be you are just getting older. I filled out alot when I got in my 30's. A 32IN waist is not bad! My advice is to try to live a real stress free life and do alot of cardio! Burn that fat off naturally before you kick in those hormones. starev yourself if you have to! Just please loose the belly fat before you kick in the hormones! You will thank me later.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 54
Re: is this a cortisol issue?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2013, 02:02:10 AM »
what will the hormones do if I had this belly fat? Deadlifts are really my only cardio. It's brutal than any jogging.

could be alot of issues. cortisol is a stress hormone. do you liv a really stressful life? even working out real hard will raise your cortisol level. It could be you are just getting older. I filled out alot when I got in my 30's. A 32IN waist is not bad! My advice is to try to live a real stress free life and do alot of cardio! Burn that fat off naturally before you kick in those hormones. starev yourself if you have to! Just please loose the belly fat before you kick in the hormones! You will thank me later.


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Re: is this a cortisol issue?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2013, 07:05:35 AM »
what will the hormones do if I had this belly fat? Deadlifts are really my only cardio. It's brutal than any jogging.

first off I like your cycle compounds. expensive but effective for your goal. as long as you keep your Test dosage low you should not retain too much water. I would try to get down to 6% and then start your cycle especially if you want to see the magic of masteron. don't get me wrong masteron works at all body fat %'s but It really is meant to be used when you are heading into your final 4 weeks of your cycle. Masteron will keep you strong and lean and striated on a very low calorie diet. If you want veins shooting through your whole body including glutes Masteron will def by a big help.You are def right masteron should be added to the later part of your stack. Everybody is diffrent some guys like to start their cycles over-weight, some like to start them when they are lean. It all comes down to genetics,nutrition,and training in the end of it all. Guys like shawn ray liked starting a cycle when they were lean, I believe ronnie liked to start when he was a little heavier. In the end it really depends on your genetics. I like starting lean because the gains are way more noticable.

You need a very strict multi-sport  cardio plan alot of strict core muscle training as well! I mean alot of core strength training! do your core training everyday! Hell when you are watching TV bust out some sit-ups, just keep steady core muscle training in your mind. sure doing deadlifts will make you sweat but you need to condition muscles you do not usually use! I used to train so hard and never get sore when I was young but I always stuck to the same workout and then jog a few miles, but when I started running huge staircases up and down and running for super long distances it worked muscles I never had worked before. same goes for swimming I broke through a real bad strength training plateua by just swimming 4 days a week for 45 minutes/just lap swimming. I would get sore in places no weight training would touch. You have to change things up keep your body guessing! same goes in the gym! It is always good to switch around your routine every few months and add in some diffrent lifts now and then.

You want to stick a great diet! try a real low carb diet. Maybe you are to vain you cant have that big of a gut if you have a 32 In waist. I would mix -up your cardio for sure!You also  If you are really serious learn use clen correctly. I hate seeing guys having to use clen,Thyroid hormones, DNP, even ECA stacks! But they do work if you know how to use them correctly but they are really not needed unless you are a competetive bodybuilder! No reason to fuck with those drugs if you are not competing.

Try going in your gyms sauna after a work-out and sweat some more water out. Hell some people genetically just have the probem you have, even pro Bodybuilders! You have seen Pro's in the off-season most have big guts hell  even the day of a big show they have guts.

I personally would try to strip off the belly fat before your cycle because the leaner you go into a cycle the better your results will be. if your gains are going to your gutt something is def wrong with your diet or training regimen, or you just have genetics that push water weight to your gutt. Real Lean body mass goes to your muscles not your gutt so any cycle you have done and wound up getting a big gutt was probably just water weight , not muscle. AAS if used correctly is going to shuttle all your protein and nutrients into your muscles., if it goes to your gutt that is water weight.Pics may help I cannot imagine you have that big of a gut with just a 32in waist. If you really want that 6 pack or 8 pack you have to start really focusing on dropping that fat and water weight you have there shit it out/ sweat it out but try not to use diuretics to get the water and fat out. that is your last option and not a good one if you do not profit from bodybuilding