Author Topic: Anavar only wise or dumb?  (Read 34268 times)


  • Getbig III
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Anavar only wise or dumb?
« on: June 29, 2013, 04:58:10 AM »
Hi Guys,

I want to use anavar only,30 mg per day during 4 weeks to feel how my body will react on AAS.

Can i suspect some gains without libido problems and hairloss with this very low dose anavar?

I know it is wise to use some test  with it but is it bad to try anavar only 30 mg?

I am 41 years old and i have never use AAS

Thanks for the reaction!


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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2013, 09:35:48 AM »
it will take about 3wks to start seeing the benefit of anavar. you can take 50mg everyday for months because anavar is very low toxic. and you will keep most of your gains if you come off. i say if you come off because you do not have to come off of anavar.... ever. i do know 2people (1male,1female) who use anavar everyday year round no negative sides.
sept 10th APF


  • Getbig I
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2013, 01:17:09 PM »
var only cycles are great IMO with very less sideeffects

I have done var only cycle 3 times - 1) 20 mg ED and 30 mg twice

since it is DHT based steroid I will not go above 30 mg a day for prostate safety

var @ 30 mg is mild suppressive , you will see decrease in libido after second week but a simple PCT of 50 mg clomid for 10 days will bring natural test levels back in my personal experience

you can expect 1 pound of muscle gain in 1 week in a var only cycle - personal experience


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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2013, 01:30:50 PM »
var is a pretty clean drug but it is for both men and women so don't expect too much from var only. It does yield mainly muscle though. I have never seen anybody get water retention from var. I have only used it twice and both times I never gained any water weight however I was using other compounds but I did bridge with var only once and it worked pretty good. I got some strength gains,3-4 pounds of lean gains and no water weight, no sides,hairloss,ect ect.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2013, 05:22:38 AM »
var only cycles are great IMO with very less sideeffects

I have done var only cycle 3 times - 1) 20 mg ED and 30 mg twice

since it is DHT based steroid I will not go above 30 mg a day for prostate safety

var @ 30 mg is mild suppressive , you will see decrease in libido after second week but a simple PCT of 50 mg clomid for 10 days will bring natural test levels back in my personal experience

you can expect 1 pound of muscle gain in 1 week in a var only cycle - personal experience


Because i am already old( 41)  i have to watch out for my prostate. I was thinking about Red Maca to combine also for to protect the chance of hairloss through anavar

You suggest a PCT with Clomid but Clomid is more heavier for your body than anavar 30 mg?!

Does it make sense to use instead of Clomid a natural testosteron booster during the cycle?


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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2013, 06:27:01 AM »

Because i am already old( 41)  i have to watch out for my prostate. I was thinking about Red Maca to combine also for to protect the chance of hairloss through anavar

You suggest a PCT with Clomid but Clomid is more heavier for your body than anavar 30 mg?!

Does it make sense to use instead of Clomid a natural testosteron booster during the cycle?

No save the test boosters for post cycle. what do you mean by saying "clomid is heavier for your body than anavar 30mg"
50mg of clomid is non hormonal and will just normalize out your test level and get your HPTA back on track. Your testicles will swell on clomid. It seems most all oral steroids does give you a tighter nutt-sack,clomid will fix that.

If you just want to use over the counter products for PCT it is possible go buy some DHEA wich will work but it can be hard on the prostate especially if you have prostate cancer in your family,I wouldn't mess with DHEA if you have any type of prostate cancer in your family,DHEA can trigger the cancer if you are prone to it.If you do not have any history of prostate cancer you will be ok using DHEA, Then buy a good OTC anti estrogen/Test booster. don't go for tribulus go for a real designer type nolvadex product something similar to gasparis old novedex product or ALRI's Ultra Hotter. HRT clinics actually stocked Ultra Hotter when it was on the market. There are many good OTC nolvadex designer type products you can buy legally, just buy one made buy a good company and do research on it. Check alot of OTC supplement forums and see what guys are using with success.

I think the clomid is the safest most effective product but some of these designer nolvadex products are pretty high grade products and work very well.


  • Getbig I
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2013, 10:31:04 AM »
30 mg anavar cycle for around 6 weeks will not cause any noticeable prostate problems , it is fine IMO

anavar is pretty safe DHT based steroid compared to winstrol which leads to more DHT build up

I would say people using var above 60 mg for more than 1 month should worry about hair loss or prostate enlargement
tried 30 mg var for 8 weeks and had no prostate issue or hairloss problem , so in my personal experience 30 mg var is quiet safe dose , if you are exceeding 30 mg a day the risk factor increases

I prefer clomid over nolvadex as people say nolvadex is more of anti estrogen and clomid is more of test booster which is true fact clomid is used to treat teen gyno and improve potency for impotent males during teen but nolvadex is a medication for breast cancer

Libido increases in just 1 week of clomif PCT but with nolvadex it takes time and in my personal experience nolvadex supress libido to some extent


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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2013, 04:04:50 PM »
I've read online of a few guys who ran var very long and they did get liver failure. One guy ran 100mg for six months, had the 'best physique of his life' but also ended up hospital for liver failure... so be careful...

Remember it may yield 'mild results' but its still x mg of a methylated compound...


  • Getbig III
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2013, 10:13:27 AM »
No save the test boosters for post cycle. what do you mean by saying "clomid is heavier for your body than anavar 30mg"
50mg of clomid is non hormonal and will just normalize out your test level and get your HPTA back on track. Your testicles will swell on clomid. It seems most all oral steroids does give you a tighter nutt-sack,clomid will fix that.

If you just want to use over the counter products for PCT it is possible go buy some DHEA wich will work but it can be hard on the prostate especially if you have prostate cancer in your family,I wouldn't mess with DHEA if you have any type of prostate cancer in your family,DHEA can trigger the cancer if you are prone to it.If you do not have any history of prostate cancer you will be ok using DHEA, Then buy a good OTC anti estrogen/Test booster. don't go for tribulus go for a real designer type nolvadex product something similar to gasparis old novedex product or ALRI's Ultra Hotter. HRT clinics actually stocked Ultra Hotter when it was on the market. There are many good OTC nolvadex designer type products you can buy legally, just buy one made buy a good company and do research on it. Check alot of OTC supplement forums and see what guys are using with success.

I think the clomid is the safest most effective product but some of these designer nolvadex products are pretty high grade products and work very well.

Well, Clomid is also synthetic stuff, so for that low dose anavar, i'm wondering if a PCT is nessecary?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2013, 10:15:54 AM »
No save the test boosters for post cycle. what do you mean by saying "clomid is heavier for your body than anavar 30mg"
50mg of clomid is non hormonal and will just normalize out your test level and get your HPTA back on track. Your testicles will swell on clomid. It seems most all oral steroids does give you a tighter nutt-sack,clomid will fix that.

If you just want to use over the counter products for PCT it is possible go buy some DHEA wich will work but it can be hard on the prostate especially if you have prostate cancer in your family,I wouldn't mess with DHEA if you have any type of prostate cancer in your family,DHEA can trigger the cancer if you are prone to it.If you do not have any history of prostate cancer you will be ok using DHEA, Then buy a good OTC anti estrogen/Test booster. don't go for tribulus go for a real designer type nolvadex product something similar to gasparis old novedex product or ALRI's Ultra Hotter. HRT clinics actually stocked Ultra Hotter when it was on the market. There are many good OTC nolvadex designer type products you can buy legally, just buy one made buy a good company and do research on it. Check alot of OTC supplement forums and see what guys are using with success.

I think the clomid is the safest most effective product but some of these designer nolvadex products are pretty high grade products and work very well.

If i should use a natural testbooster during the anavar cycle than my oestrogeen-androgeen dht ratio will be more in balance then without a natural testosteron booster? so you avoid a certain libido dip?!


  • Getbig I
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2013, 12:42:42 PM »
Well, Clomid is also synthetic stuff, so for that low dose anavar, i'm wondering if a PCT is nessecary?

PCT is a must if there is presence of AAS in your blood for more than 2 weeks , even at 10 mg anavar does affect HPTA but the effect will be minimal

clomid has absolutely no side effects at 50 mg a day dosage and for anavar only cycle 10 days of clomid will be more than enough
and if you are doing 30 mg var only cycle you will feel decrease in libido after may be 10 days in personal expriance and after 1 month of 30 mg var only cycle my sperm count reduced a bit and could see subtle shrinkage ..... so clomid is a must if you are using var for more than 1 month whatever the dose may be

clomid is very cheap


  • Getbig V
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2013, 09:06:12 AM »
You can take a low dose of Var for months without issues, but taking a low dose alone isn't going to do much for you.

Running 30mg of Var alone isn't a dumb idea, but it's not going to build any muscle in 4 weeks.  It will give you a very mild taste of what AAS can do for you.

I personally wouldn't bother with it at 30mg, but that's up to you.  It's not going to hurt you and you won't need PCT in your case.

You would be better off trying Dbol alone if you are going to use any oral by itself IMO.  I don't think it's worth the trouble, but i know guys who take 50mg of Dbol for 6-8 weeks during the summer to swell up a bit.



  • Getbig III
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2013, 08:41:22 AM »
You can take a low dose of Var for months without issues, but taking a low dose alone isn't going to do much for you.

Running 30mg of Var alone isn't a dumb idea, but it's not going to build any muscle in 4 weeks.  It will give you a very mild taste of what AAS can do for you.

I personally wouldn't bother with it at 30mg, but that's up to you.  It's not going to hurt you and you won't need PCT in your case.

You would be better off trying Dbol alone if you are going to use any oral by itself IMO.  I don't think it's worth the trouble, but i know guys who take 50mg of Dbol for 6-8 weeks during the summer to swell up a bit.


But what with the decrease in libido during anavar only? and the chance of hairloss and prostate issues?
No worries on that low anavar dose?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2013, 11:26:43 AM »

But what with the decrease in libido during anavar only? and the chance of hairloss and prostate issues?
No worries on that low anavar dose?

I can pretty much promise you none of that will happen on a low dose of Var only.  It's a very mild drug and doesn't cause many sides at all.



  • Getbig III
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2013, 01:38:49 PM »
I can pretty much promise you none of that will happen on a low dose of Var only.  It's a very mild drug and doesn't cause many sides at all.


Yeahh thanks

Can i conclude if when appears negative typically DHT side effects on that low doses anavar, with another combo Test/Primo 250-/200 will be worse
or maybe deca instead of primo?
Or maybe finasteride to avoid negative side effects?


  • Getbig II
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Re: Anavar only wise or dumb?
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2013, 01:01:28 PM »
i would go with low dose dbol for 6-8 weeks...20-30mg daily with 1/2 mg of arimidex eod

that was my first taste and i grew nicely ... started test though right after that run so didn't need pct...If you plan on coming off you should pct properly