Author Topic: Opinions on M1T  (Read 5763 times)


  • Getbig V
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Opinions on M1T
« on: October 16, 2013, 04:22:04 AM »
Share your opinions and experiences. I remember back on the forums when it was legal people were saying it put on 20lbs in a month using low dosages. Hows the availability on the black market nowadays?


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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2013, 04:37:10 AM »
Share your opinions and experiences. I remember back on the forums when it was legal people were saying it put on 20lbs in a month. Hows the availability on the black market nowadays?

Nothing matches up to the old 99% pure M1T or superdrol except the original gaspari Halodrol-50.The old M1T was Insane! The Gaspari,Legal Gear, VPX, all very potent 98-99% M1T and yes I and many got trenbolone like gains and ended up jacked up 20 lbs heavier lean! just from the M1T ,once the Test kicked everybody looked pretty crazy. I think it is probably safer just to shoot Tren because the M1T was so similar-IMO. Craziest Pumps. Rapid lean weight gains but you did have to get one of the good brands some of the brands did not work as well. They still have some UGL's cap up their own M1T but I have talked to some of the biggest powder suppliers and they have honestly told me the quality of their M1T is very low grade since the ban,


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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2013, 02:07:19 AM »
m1t made me tired and lethargic.

for 'mass' gains, i'd rather use dbol (or my new fav, mt)

for 'pre-workout' i'd rather use dbol or actual methyltest.

it's rather expensive to produce, compared to your typical orals.... something like 7x the price of dbol or drol. (on par with superdrol and anavar cost-wise), and 8-9x the cost of methyl-test.

Thats not true. M1T is super cheap to produce. Maybe not as cheap as Dbol but way cheaper then all the others you mentioned. Not even close to anavars cost,way cheaper. M1T is very cheap to produce except their is no reason too as all the good high quality M1T is gone. M1T can make one lethargic but so can almost any oral steroid. when it comes down to M1T it is all about how clean and pure the raw materials are. If you get a poor batch of M1T you will have a batch that gives people nasty sides, if it is real high quality you will gain some pretty crazy size,same goes for superdrol it can make people lethargic and usually a bad batch is because the raws are shit. The better the raws the better the product.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2013, 03:29:51 AM »
I do remember how cheap it was when it was legal. LG sold a bottle good enough for 4-6 weeks for only 10 dollars. But I imagine with a smaller market now its more expensive.


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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2013, 04:22:21 AM »
m1t, var, superdrol, proviron, tbol, ect.. cost the same to produce.. which is about 3.33x the cost of dbol, drol, & winstrol. whereas halo and mt are 27.7x the cost of drol, dbol, and winny.... mg per mg.

there's a reason m1t, or 1-test cyp didn't take off when compared to methyltest, dbol, test enanthate, eq, ect...

I have no idea where you buy your powders but They are charging too much for M1T and Tbol. Tbol and superdrol are more then M1T and Var is way spendier then M1T and Tbol. All are dosed by most chemist at 10mg a tab and guys take about 50mg of all compounds except some guys take it easy on M1T and take around 20mg, some guys take Tbol and var up to 100mg daily.


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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2013, 04:41:12 AM »
I do remember how cheap it was when it was legal. LG sold a bottle good enough for 4-6 weeks for only 10 dollars. But I imagine with a smaller market now its more expensive.

Yes Legal Gear sold a 90count -10mg per tab Methylgel bottle for about 20$ and you really can run a good cycle using just 20-30mg of M1T daily for 4 weeks. Ypou don;t need to run M1T for longer then 3-4 weeks it is that strong especially those methylgels. I think 4 weeks is perfect at 20-30mg daily,40-50mg for the advanced bodybuilder.

M1T was very cheap when the ban was abput to hit around the last week jan 10th-20th 2,005 M1T was dirt cheap and selling for 20$ a bottle for the best brands. Companys were giiving away M1T due to the ban and guys stocked up and after the ban those same bottles of legal Gear M1T(Methylgels) sold for 150$ a bottle. turning 20$ into 150$ all day long is serious money.
making 130$ a bottle is no joke and the smart people stocked up on cases. Sure it was turned into a schedule 3 drug but guys still sold it and made crazy money just selling 8 bottles a day was making 1,000$ pure profit,not just M1T but all the banned designer drugs,but M1T was the most wanted designer drug. That's when it was great being in the supplement business. It feels great selling a product you know is going to work to your clients.

Nowadays all the M1T is poor quality. I have talked to guys in china who run chem wharehouses and they are surprisgly honest to me, they said the M1T is not very potent at all like it used to be. I think most all M1T on the market is poor quality, it is nowhere near the quality it was back in 04 when legal gear was making it and gaspari was capping it up, same with VPX's liquid M1T you won;t find anything on that level anymore. It is better to just run some Test E or Cyp and stack it with Tren-A 400mg weekly and some dbol 50mg daily or anadrol-50mg daily or stack dbol with the drol 50/50 with the Test cyp 500mg weekly/ Tren-A -300-400mg weekly. Not a monster cycle but it will produce gains like M1T. M1T gains were like Trenbolone gains but the gains came quicker. The cycle I laid out is safer then using M1T. M1T was a great product but not very safe of a product.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2013, 09:11:15 AM »
I took m1t when I was 15.. The guy In the supplement store  sold It to me because I was looking for something to bulk up for football..I put like 30 pounds on my bench in 4weeks and started getting facial hair..I didn't know what the fuck I was doing but that shit was super strong


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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2013, 03:22:56 AM »
I took m1t when I was 15.. The guy In the supplement store  sold It to me because I was looking for something to bulk up for football..I put like 30 pounds on my bench in 4weeks and started getting facial hair..I didn't know what the fuck I was doing but that shit was super strong

fuck what asshole would sell a 15 year old M1T ? I would try to sue them.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2013, 05:26:18 PM »
Great gains in strength but a little bloat. My libido was crazy but after a few weeks on I started cramping up which really sucked. Brutal calf cramp then hamstring then on the ground everything cramping with the wife thinking you're having a jammer. Good times. ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2013, 04:53:52 PM »
fuck what asshole would sell a 15 year old M1T ? I would try to sue them.

Yea shits fucked up lol


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2013, 09:11:21 PM »
For current orals I like the supa-halo
It's m14add and halodrol combined. I think there are 60 pills in a pack? I ran two bottles back to back at 3 a day. Around week 4 stopped seeing further gains or at least they slowed down A LOT. I think I reduced the dose to 2 pills at this point and did the last week 2 a day with no difference in results

Gained about 4 or 5kg, arms blew up especially fast (I don't do much direct arm work) and I put maybe 30kg on my deadlift in these 6 weeks. Just ran it alone. I'll add it in for the 3 weeks leading up to my next meet or when I am super lean for sure


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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2013, 02:38:39 AM »
can't always tell an 18yr old kid from a 15yr old kid.

americans are always sue-happy... bunch of damn liberals wanting other people to pay for their mistakes.

what ever happened to personal responsibility? parents should impart a little guidance in their children. that's like me trying to sue Mexico for letting me into the country to buy steroids when I was 16 and getting busted at the border coming back. 

if somebody sued me for selling m1t to a 15 year old, i'd turn around a sue the parents for everything my lawyer could think of.

I don't know how long you have been in the supplement business but you have to check ID when designer hormones or prohormones were being sold just like selling beer you had to look pretty damn old to not get your ID checked. `15 is way to young to be messing around with M1T.How many 15 year ilds know about PCT and other anchileries M1T is no joke it is strong as hell.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2013, 04:26:56 AM »
I've never been ID'd for anything in a supplement shop in Australia. I look young and they love the shit out of stomping on our throats.
I was refused service for a Red Bull drink when I was 20 though, lady said I had to be 21 lol
I flipped the fuck out and emailed the news I was that enraged but they replied typing on a phone or something and the spelling, grammar etc was terrible so I ignored it.


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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2013, 01:40:36 PM »
Max muscle stores would ID if you bought M1T. of course no on-line stores but certain chains like max muscle as i said would ID people. Not many supp shops carried M1T mainly just Max muscle our shop sold M1T but we never would not ID people. selling M1T to somebody 15 is just wrong but you would sell MT to a 15 year old some people just want cash.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Opinions on M1T
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2013, 03:29:08 PM »
Prohormones and Steroids were in a locked case at my local supplement store. I think you had to be 18 at my store but I'm sure that was not the law... just company policy.