Author Topic: Didn't squat in few month.. is there anything I can do to minimize doms?  (Read 5483 times)


  • Getbig III
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  • Getbig!
I am a competitive MTB cyclist. I ride 5 days a week pretty hard and train about 3 times a week in the gym. I stopped training legs (I deadlift heavy once a week) because I felt it was hurting my cycling performance.
I want to get back to squatting to include light squat variations into my conditional training. Last time I did kettlebell swings few months ago I was sore for 5 days and it really hurt my cycling training (kettlebell swings have minimal squatting).

Is there anything I can do to minimize the doms? Perhaps do some light squatting sessions for few weeks and build up from there?



  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 599
Wear nappies so you won't have to sit down on the pot. Bring your bed downstairs so you'll have no reason for going up and down stairs.  :)

Or you could, as you say, do some light squatting sessions to ease into it but where's the fun in that?!

I also find that eating a TON of food immediately after training helps a lot with DOMS. And I have also read some interesting research on very sore muscles having less insulin sensitivity, so for recovery from DOMS you might be better off focusing on protein and healthy fats (which would have the added benefit of reducing inflammation).

I also find it interesting to hear you mention that squatting may have hurt your cycling performance. Obviously you know your own body best but I have found in the past that squatting improved my cycling performance (I would be more geared more towards shorter distances as opposed to mountain biking so maybe that comes into it).


  • Getbig IV
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i am literally crippled for few days from doing leg after off training them for almost a year

good luck  :D

wild willie

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5642
I like to sit in a Jacuzzi at the gym.....seems to help with soreness.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 470
  • Getbig!
I also find it interesting to hear you mention that squatting may have hurt your cycling performance. Obviously you know your own body best but I have found in the past that squatting improved my cycling performance (I would be more geared more towards shorter distances as opposed to mountain biking so maybe that comes into it).

Once I got into the routine of squating regulary I felt that even though I wasn't getting doms anymore I wasn't able to perform well the next day after a leg workout on my cycling workout. My legs felt tired and overtrained. By the way, my quads are the biggest they ever been even during my heavy squatting days just from cycling.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2996
As getting adjusted to squatting again, might consider bwt squats only; Hindu, military style, etc.. Doing 20-30 easy reps of 3 sets to get use to a full ROM. This should not be overtaxing, so squatting 5 days in a row might be suggested, with the last two day adding a 100lbs on a bar for a couple sets of 20 reps of regular squats. All to get the legs programed to the feel of squatting again. Than take three days off of squatting and begin a more serious attempt of heavier weighted squats next workout.  Something like reps in the 6 to 9 range, with 2 or 3 sets each.

I think way too much importance is placed on DOMS  (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). Increased blood circulation is know to  flush and return the muscled area to a readied state for further workouts, reducing the affects of DOMS. That's why the above suggest of working light squats for 5 days in a row. Along with heat lotions, pads, etc. Deep tissue massages have given very rewarding benefits to many athlete's.

Might suggest, along with regular BB squats, Step-Up with holding DB's in each hand for added resistance. Would suggest a BB across the back but some have a question of balance this way, but do whatever feels best for you. Want to work each leg individually to insure equal strength, balance and development. Step-ups also influence the hams and hips greatly. Have the box/bench/platforms around knee height or a bit lower depending on body type. Might find than having a focus on Step-Ups will have a greater benefit than regular squatting does. Even working the hams/lower back can be a great aid, as with GoodMornings, SLDL's, etc. Simple leg curls also. Try working to focus on the legs twice a week. Your not going to need a lot of sets, just brief and to the point leg training. Most athletes find Step-UP a great help in their chosen sport.

Going to get a continual blood pump to the legs with serious MTB biking, also with short sprint racing, so the legs should increase in denser muscle tissue. Tension is usually on the legs during the duration of MTB training. And more blood builds more muscle tissue.

Good Luck.



  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 255
ice bath for legs nightly after stretching... sucks but works (and stretch FIRST!)

240 is Back

  • Getbig V
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eat MORE.
sleep more... take an extra day of rest after leg day.
stress less.

above all, just FORCE yourself to ingest an extra 750 or 1000 calories the day of/after squatting.  Calories help a lot.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2996
As noted by 240 is back, proper calories intakes can make or breaks a good training protocol. A very overlooked point.

If you want to go the extra calorie route (quality calories) without the demands on the stomach/digestion than might suggest a tbsp of the good variety of fats & oils. Like Peanut, Safflower, Canola and Olive oils. All have around 120 of calories in each tbsp. Take 5 to 6 tea spoons. spaced during the day. Suggest not over doing the oils until getting use to them. Or a couple of tbsp in a protein shake, juice, etc. during a day. No carbs with the oils.

If wanting to go the heavier calorie & carb thing (which many football player have used to gain solid weight and meet their high energy demands during a season) might suggest a whole wheat sandwich(or two) with peanut butter, banana and honey ( Elvis's favorite, but in a bad way for him).  Easier on the digestion if half is eaten mid morning, the other mid after noon. Which means, to up the calorie intake, don't ever have to stuff yourself and feel bloated. Can also snack on dates and honey.

Good Luck.