Author Topic: Test,tren,masteron,primo serious sleep and aggresion problems what's your though  (Read 5479 times)


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 2
Hi guys,
 At the moment I am in 5th week of my cycle but I have some problems.

 1) I cant sleep more than 2 hours, If I am take some xanax or smoke a joint I am able to sleep for 6 hours but this is not the way I want sleep
 2) I am too much agressive I cant tolerate anything or anyone last night I shooted a traffic light because it took forever to turn green, is there anything I can do for prevent that aggresion?

 This is my cycle;
Test P 100 mg eod
Tren Ace 150mg eod
Masteron P 200mg eod
Primo 400mg ew
Letrozole 1.5mg ED
Dostinex 0.5mg e3d


  • Getbig V
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  • i win.
You'll get used to the aggression after a while...

The insomnia? Depends...i just went back "on".

Did a 200mg shot of tren tues (or wed?) & another yesterday and I didn't sleep AT ALL last night. Not to mention it was cold as he'll here (40°... Which is cold considering its usually 115-122° during the summer) & my legs had a cold sweat all night despite also having the AC running (which I think was actually warmer than it was outside lol)


  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 1434
First I would switch to ED injection especialy for the tren ace.
EOD will cause hormones fluctuation and with tren its essential to keep levels as stable as possible.

if that doesnt work :
Try to drop the mast dosage (50-80mg ED), it does makes you more agressive from what ive experienced.
Play around with test dose, up it or lower it and see how it goes.

Or simply lower the tren.


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 880
  • Kill em all...
Hi guys,
 At the moment I am in 5th week of my cycle but I have some problems.

 1) I cant sleep more than 2 hours, If I am take some xanax or smoke a joint I am able to sleep for 6 hours but this is not the way I want sleep
 2) I am too much agressive I cant tolerate anything or anyone last night I shooted a traffic light because it took forever to turn green, is there anything I can do for prevent that aggresion?

 This is my cycle;
Test P 100 mg eod
Tren Ace 150mg eod
Masteron P 200mg eod
Primo 400mg ew
Letrozole 1.5mg ED
Dostinex 0.5mg e3d

hows your bp? Maybe thats causing your aggressiveness.


  • Getbig II
  • **
  • Posts: 193
Hi guys,
 At the moment I am in 5th week of my cycle but I have some problems.

 1) I cant sleep more than 2 hours, If I am take some xanax or smoke a joint I am able to sleep for 6 hours but this is not the way I want sleep
 2) I am too much agressive I cant tolerate anything or anyone last night I shooted a traffic light because it took forever to turn green, is there anything I can do for prevent that aggresion?

 This is my cycle;
Test P 100 mg eod
Tren Ace 150mg eod
Masteron P 200mg eod
Primo 400mg ew
Letrozole 1.5mg ED
Dostinex 0.5mg e3d

1.5mg Letrozole ed? You want to crash your E2?

You are on 525 Tren acetate... check your blood pressure, when i had problems sleeping was because of it.

Try to lower TestP to 50mg eod (175 ew) and see if gets better.

if not you have to lower Tren.

And come Letrozole so high, use AROMASIN as 12.5eod, then adjust it after a month, and it will be a bit higher...


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 606
  • Getbig!
Besides lowerin your doses (which you probably don't want)
Try morning cardio
Don't eat carbs before bed, helps with tren sweats
Once your body is exhausted try exhausting your brain before bed, read, helps aggression, meditate

For me there is no getting around the psychological aspects of tren. I would never act out the aggression but in my head I was losing my shit getting so paranoid about "what if" situations that never even happened. And I had such a flat dull affect that I felt like I was not a fun or positive person to be around

I think 3-400mg is my max before I go manic depressive.


  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 1648
Besides lowerin your doses (which you probably don't want)
Try morning cardio
Don't eat carbs before bed, helps with tren sweats
Once your body is exhausted try exhausting your brain before bed, read, helps aggression, meditate

For me there is no getting around the psychological aspects of tren. I would never act out the aggression but in my head I was losing my shit getting so paranoid about "what if" situations that never even happened. And I had such a flat dull affect that I felt like I was not a fun or positive person to be around

I think 3-400mg is my max before I go manic depressive.

I agree totally with this post. But tren works so good!!!


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 20
Do you wake up in a panic? Could be sleep apnea. Try sleeping on your side. Get a long pillow to go between your legs and your arms to keep your body in alignment.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 105
My thought is buy some bulk generic xanax and use them while on cycle.


  • Getbig II
  • **
  • Posts: 20
Hi guys,
 At the moment I am in 5th week of my cycle but I have some problems.

 1) I cant sleep more than 2 hours, If I am take some xanax or smoke a joint I am able to sleep for 6 hours but this is not the way I want sleep
 2) I am too much agressive I cant tolerate anything or anyone last night I shooted a traffic light because it took forever to turn green, is there anything I can do for prevent that aggresion?

 This is my cycle;
Test P 100 mg eod
Tren Ace 150mg eod
Masteron P 200mg eod
Primo 400mg ew
Letrozole 1.5mg ED
Dostinex 0.5mg e3d

   Did you say you shot a traffic light as in with a gun? You might need to be careful and get things under control. Lol. I would stay away from pot, it personally makes me think too much and not in a healthy way. Xanax is good in small doses when your day is over to relax before bed, but not more than three times a week or you'll get nasty withdrawal. Get a sleep study, because if you have apnea like me you are getting low on oxygen and high levels of co2 which isn't good at all. Once you get that figured out and making sure you are breathing continuously throughout the night you can try a small dose of ambien. It's guaranteed deep sleep for me. If you take that continuously you will have big problems sleeping if you run out. All drugs are a catch 22.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 213
I don't like the xanax recommendation at all. If you're going to do a benzo, do a benzo during your waking hours where you're actually interacting with people. There are a million sleep aids and steps to improving your sleep hygiene like Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, jerking off to some nasty midget porn and not telling a soul, falling asleep to a documentary in the background that's enough to detract you from your own thoughts but not so stimulating that you stay awake, etc. And then there are lighter supplements and drugs ranging from melatonin and magnesium, to ambien, zopiclone, etc. If you go the drug route, cycle them and don't use just one for a long period of time. There all very bad habits to get into.

In terms of the letro and caber/prami, do you NEED those? Don't take them as a preventative measure. One or two doses are enough to correct whatever bad shit is going on. Stick to the way lighter stuff, and cut out the D2 agonists unless you really need them. It's a slippery slope that bodybuilders aren't really familiar with because many of them are either too stupid to notice or they're not getting real stuff. Don't use it unless you have unrelenting gyno. Use a lighter AI and only use letro if you have stubborn AI and want to go kamikaze. I reserve letro for just that purpose - if I need to go balls out then I'll bust out the letro. But go a lot lighter if you can get away with it.

In terms of a short fuse... I got nothing there. I workout, I take my kids to the park and do arts and crafts, I read books, I meditate and do relaxation stuff... but once tren enters my system I don't even have a short fuse. I'm gone. I feel completely zen throughout the day, but instead of being the observer of my thoughts and a complete stoic/yogi/jedi zen master, I lose my shit before I know what just came out of my mouth. If I had some advice I'd be telling you in this paragraph, but I don't have any... just try to run a little bit less, pin EOD and try to not open your mouth if you get upset. There's no shame in reserving judgement and staying silent. I find that's the only thing you can do when you run tren haha. Good luck.


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 626
Hi guys,
 At the moment I am in 5th week of my cycle but I have some problems.

 1) I cant sleep more than 2 hours, If I am take some xanax or smoke a joint I am able to sleep for 6 hours but this is not the way I want sleep
 2) I am too much agressive I cant tolerate anything or anyone last night I shooted a traffic light because it took forever to turn green, is there anything I can do for prevent that aggresion?

 This is my cycle;
Test P 100 mg eod
Tren Ace 150mg eod
Masteron P 200mg eod
Primo 400mg ew
Letrozole 1.5mg ED
Dostinex 0.5mg e3d

tren seriously affects my mental state. Would drop it if I were you. You might also be using too much letro, if I lower my estro too much I feel like shit


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 105
Buy some xanax from your dealer and use it at 2mg. Thats my thought and advice.  Or drop tren and test dosage. There is no other solution. Ai s are not a solitiuon they will lover your estrogen then you get low estrogen related anxiety from them. Cabaser are not a solution use it and it will give you low prolactin related problems. Still will get anxiety. SO just use benzos for 12 week on your cyle. Dont worry you wont get addicted in 12 weeks.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 606
  • Getbig!
DO NOT start Xanax at 2mg. Only use it AS NEEDED. Increase dose only as needed. You will build up a tolerance after a week and TAPER down when you are coming off.

Good thing for me they only make me relaxed, tired, and not an asshole. But they are a serious drug.
I take benzo's when I am ready for bed and must have a solid 6-7 hrs sleep before something important the next day

If you actually read the RX label they are not to be used everyday because if so they actually make anxiety worse long term, making you dependent


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 105
COMPLETELY AGREE. They are safe at short term . But on long term they will make you cold turkey. They can cause panic attack withdrawals. It is hard to get addicted to them but ıf you addicted their withdrawals is worse than opioids. Especially strong short half life ones are very dangerous and can get addicted in 3 weeks. Your post is true. But What I am saying is this depends person to person If you already very angry men they will make you worse when stopped. If you are a very relaxed laid back character you will not get addicted. Most people get addicted to benzos are already mentally ill ..


  • Getbig IV
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  • "Fuck Ordinary"
when i was off tren my sleep went back to normal/ on tren i was dealing with the same issues, every two hours i would be up, it drove me nuts!!!!  only thing that fixed it was off of tren,