Author Topic: 16 weeks to look as big as possible  (Read 13634 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2016, 09:08:16 PM »
cycle looks good, but if youre used to doses in the multiple gram range that wont get you "as big as possible" imo... dont get me wrong, its a good basic cycle but yeah.
id also venture to say your caber dose is way too high... most people dont need any at all for just 400mg deca... if you have to use it then 0.5mg a week is enough for 99% of people.
and 20mg nolva should easily suffice if youre already on aromasin...

Thank you Jizmo on the reply, very helpful brother. Is it worth it upping the deca throughout the cycle? Because i know the drug takes a while to kick in due to it's long decaonoate ester so it might be better to just choose a higher dosage all along the cycle. And yessir, my body is used to high poundages of gear. But i took time off to get it used to lower dosages again. But again, your advice last cycle got me awesome gains. Did 350mg test e and 250mg eq 3x a week, had awesome results with anadrol. Reason i left my test dose higher than deca this cycle is for my dong to work. And i am not sure if i want test to be too high and get too watery from estrogen. What do you think? Also will take your advise on caber and nolva


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2016, 03:22:24 PM »
well i guess youre gonna have to experiment... test, estrogen and AIs are very individual things...
for example test always gives me moonface and theres NOTHING i can do about it, even if i completely kill my estrogen then my body will get harder and drier but my face stays puffy... i guess its related to sodium reabsorption or some kind of shit, but im not willing to go the diuretic route (would be an option if you dont want water retention)...
or you could simply run a ton of deca but low test...
i actually like running low test with high NPP... its a cycle thats COMPLETELY side effect free... keeping test at 200-300mg theres no need for an AI, libido is insane, no bad water retention at all and npp gives an awesome look without that blurryness of test... maybe just try that for a while (npp would be better suited than deca though)


  • Getbig II
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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2016, 11:10:32 PM »
Haha i know that i over think, but it's nice to plan out an organized cycle instead of yoloing 3cc a day of anything. I have a couple questions i need to ask you guys. First one is concerning masteron propionate. Should i keep it or just drop it? I included it to reduce water retention. I have also read that it helps with freeing up test in the body making testosterone more effective. I want to waste least time on what's useless and invest more time in what will really help me keep a nice look and grow nicely. Of course I am concerned with side effects, mainly the ones outside the body; acne.

Winstrol will drop water and it frees up free test. honistly it is perfekt for that and gives you a very nice look very fast but when you drop it you notice the gains maybe where just from conditioning


  • Getbig III
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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2016, 01:38:50 AM »
The reason why I decided to run Deca, is because I find it stronger than NPP. I know NPP is stronger on an mg to mg basis compared to Deca due to it's shorter PhenylPropionate ester compared to the latter being Decaonoate and taking more of the molecule giving less space for the hormone, but for some reason I find Deca to be a completely different drug than NPP. Totally different feeling, also gives much more strength gains. I also stop feeling NPP's pumps working after 4-6 weeks if I don't bump up the dosage. Where Deca gives continual gains over 12+ weeks and is even encouraged to run it for that long of periods. My goal is  to put on as much scale weight as possible, while watching my diet, keeping cardio in every workout and staying up to date on my AI/SERMS/PA. Basically, I want to put on as much clean weight as possible by using the classic staple test/deca/dbol stack. In terms of skin health, Deca gives me no acne because it slowly builds up in the blood and is more stable compared to NPP which builds up very quickly and spikes in the blood. But npp is MUCH drier and a much better look. I find it to be a good alternative if you don't have Deca or if you don't want that excess water and to put on quick size on in 6-8 weeks. You can even push it to 12 and beyond if you keeping upping the dose which I don't really recommend doing.

On the other hand, I don't find water retention to be a side effect, but more as an effect of steroids in effect of their use. Every steroid makes you hold water, even tren, whether intracellular or subq. I think the moonface is dose dependant (also depending on what you stack), if you play with your dosage and try to lower it a bit, it might help with the bloating of the face. But when you try to maintain your kind of size, some things are simply inevitable and simply part of the game.

And you are right about the deca/npp causing an awesome look when stacked with lower test, but I also love your advise about keeping my test high on cycle when trying to put on serious weight, helps me stay thicker and build more muscle more easily rather than doing low test cycles with high mgs of different compounds.

Winstrol will drop water and it frees up free test. honistly it is perfekt for that and gives you a very nice look very fast but when you drop it you notice the gains maybe where just from conditioning

IMHO, Winstrol is something that you want to add towards the end of a cycle or after dropping those watery compounds like test and deca to lose that excess water. Even than, I wouldn't run it until I am around 10-11% bf because there is no point in showing your hard muscles if they are covered in fat. And the other reason is because it's liver toxic. Mast would do better until you get lean enough to add winny in. Do you disagree? What's good about winnie though is that I read some old posts saying that at dosages of 25mg per day, it helps control prolactin and keep it within range. I don't know if this theory applies to Mast as well. It could come in handy.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2016, 02:28:35 AM »
just a short info here, the phenylpropionate ester is special in the regard that its a short ester but the molecules are heavier... NPP does not contain more active nandrolone on ml per ml basis vs deca... the phenylpropionate and decanoate esters both make up around 35mg or so of 100mg compound (both for NPP and deca). so you get around 65mg (if i remember that correctly) active steroid for every 100mg. npp does work much faster though, BUT deca stacks up much higher over time. thats why it feels stronger. its just active for way longer


  • Getbig III
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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2016, 03:56:55 AM »
just a short info here, the phenylpropionate ester is special in the regard that its a short ester but the molecules are heavier... NPP does not contain more active nandrolone on ml per ml basis vs deca... the phenylpropionate and decanoate esters both make up around 35mg or so of 100mg compound (both for NPP and deca). so you get around 65mg (if i remember that correctly) active steroid for every 100mg. npp does work much faster though, BUT deca stacks up much higher over time. thats why it feels stronger. its just active for way longer

good info, jizmo. is still WW the mod of the steroid board???!


  • Getbig III
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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2016, 10:12:30 PM »
 ;D x2 thanks you jizmo


  • Getbig III
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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #32 on: July 29, 2016, 10:12:11 PM »
well i guess youre gonna have to experiment... test, estrogen and AIs are very individual things...
for example test always gives me moonface and theres NOTHING i can do about it, even if i completely kill my estrogen then my body will get harder and drier but my face stays puffy... i guess its related to sodium reabsorption or some kind of shit, but im not willing to go the diuretic route (would be an option if you dont want water retention)...
or you could simply run a ton of deca but low test...
i actually like running low test with high NPP... its a cycle thats COMPLETELY side effect free... keeping test at 200-300mg theres no need for an AI, libido is insane, no bad water retention at all and npp gives an awesome look without that blurryness of test... maybe just try that for a while (npp would be better suited than deca though)

Would you bump Test E or/and Deca throughout the 16 week cycle? Like half way through? Or would you add any new compound? Apart from Tren  ::)


  • Getbig IV
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  • getbigbrah
Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #33 on: July 30, 2016, 01:12:58 AM »
if you dont want tren you could add NPP if gains come to a halt... or orals, but then id save them for that and not run them in any planned out fashion


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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2017, 04:33:11 PM »
You just need to get in the 3 gram range with a oral the 4-5 weeks I would go up to 5 grams use 2mg of methyl tren the first 2 weeks then a week off and 50-100dbol a day 3 weeks on 1 week off


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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2017, 04:35:49 PM »
Insulin would help about 40 iu a day you could gaing 40-50lbs if your lucky I could if I was out of shape which I am and planning on trying to get in shape I'll show you my cycle in a bit I was 300lbs lost a hundred in the hospital was in a coma and died long story not related to steroids what so ever I just decided to stop lifting and drink whiskey listen to the radio 2 years straight


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Re: 16 weeks to look as big as possible
« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2017, 04:41:25 PM »
The meth tren sg
hould be good for 5to10lbs fast the high dose dbol another 10 you can gain 40 lean lb for sure if you hit it hard eat tell your sick and sleep