Author Topic: NEED PRO ADVICE!!!  (Read 4730 times)


  • Getbig I
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« on: March 14, 2006, 01:13:20 PM »
Hey Girls! I am new to the industry and though I have been training for sometime, I am a tall girl and thus my look is somewhat slim and long-muscled. I am planning on competing after having done a few shows and getting the same advice - add some size as I do not look thick enough. So I was wondering if any of you could tell me exactly how I should take the following:

1. Clen
3. Anything else - for cutting and size?

I know this should really be in the Steroids section but then I will be getting all the guys giving me their advices and I wanted to make sure that it will be looked by the women.

A couple of friends of mine who are guys have suggested that I start with Clen to cut and Anavar to add some size. Also, GH was suggested.

I need to know exactly how to take it - every day or every other day? and for how long (6-8 weeks on and then 6-8 off?) Also, can I start taking both Clen and Anavar at the same time or should I start with Clen first and then add Anavar a month later?

I hope to hear from those of you who have had experience with these and know what they are talking about. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all!

Fit Gourmet

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« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2006, 02:41:31 PM »
Unfortunately, No one with a brain is going to respond to your question, because the substances you are asking about are illegal. Also, do to the fact that you are competting in Figure, most people would suggest that you stay natural and just have patience. The Truth of the matter is this, in the long run you would be better off not using any anabolic or clen at all. You need to lift heavy, eat six meals a day, and get 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Caffeine and Ephedrine are still legal in some areas, and if you are healthy, there are other over the counter supplements to try. Figure and Fitness is supposed to be a healthy sport and I would hate to see you get into the dark side of our industry. However, if you still decide to use these substances, please do your research. It is going to be terribly difficult for you as an outsider, to find a Pro Figure Competitor on any level to talk openly and freely about this subject. Just remember always put your health First!!!!


  • Getbig I
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« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2006, 04:00:13 PM »
Unfortunately, No one with a brain is going to respond to your question, because the substances you are asking about are illegal. Also, do to the fact that you are competting in Figure, most people would suggest that you stay natural and just have patience. The Truth of the matter is this, in the long run you would be better off not using any anabolic or clen at all. You need to lift heavy, eat six meals a day, and get 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Caffeine and Ephedrine are still legal in some areas, and if you are healthy, there are other over the counter supplements to try. Figure and Fitness is supposed to be a healthy sport and I would hate to see you get into the dark side of our industry. However, if you still decide to use these substances, please do your research. It is going to be terribly difficult for you as an outsider, to find a Pro Figure Competitor on any level to talk openly and freely about this subject. Just remember always put your health First!!!!

FG, thanks so much for your concern, really appreciate it! However, as much as I agree with you about the sport supposedly being intented to be all healthy and natural, come on, gear is a part of it, I know it for a fact! A ton of Pro rank girls use the stuff I mentioned plus other substances. Please, don't try to make a fool of me by making me to believe that the physiques you see have been achieved 100% naturally. I already do what you suggested and am serious about my diet and training, not to mentioned the supplements which are a part of my routine.

I wonder why people would not post any advices here. Simply blows my mind! It's like "well, it's bad for you, stay away" but then they know they use it..To me, that's hypocritical. As far as no one with a brain would answer, well, this is an anonymous board, so not sure what you meant by that...



  • Getbig II
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« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2006, 05:04:20 PM »
How long have you been training........we need some more stats.  It is not true that all the pro(women) take that stuff.Talk to the boys in the steroid section. They can tell you . I guarantee your body will look awesome at first, but you'll be shaving your face in less than six months . So I hope you have the extra money for a good electrologist.


  • Getbig I
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« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2006, 06:58:43 PM »
How long have you been training........we need some more stats.  It is not true that all the pro(women) take that stuff.Talk to the boys in the steroid section. They can tell you . I guarantee your body will look awesome at first, but you'll be shaving your face in less than six months . So I hope you have the extra money for a good electrologist.

~TW, I've already talked to the guys, that is why I am posting in the Female/Figure section. I've never claimed ALL women use, but if you know the industry, then you can easily spot those who are natural and the ones who are on something.
I've been training on and off for about 5 years but got more serious about it in the last 3. What stats would you need in order to suggest a decent cycle? I am 5'7" competed at 124/8%. Now I am around 145, not sure about the BF, haven't had a chance to measure but would guess somewhere around 20%. Now, please don't tell me what the hell I've been thinking to let myself get off so much from my comp weight. I've had reasons that put me where I am now and no need to discuss that here. No one wants to hear others' personal drama anyway...I am now determined to get back to where I can be lean enough, say around 15% and maintain it there while building more size. Since I am a tall girl, 124 is not enough size and I look like a stick comparing to the other girls in my class...Again, thank you for useful advice!

Julie Lohre

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« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2006, 06:36:14 AM »
The longer term effects of using steroids for women seems like a big price to pay just to compete.  I have to agree with Fit Gourmet - be patient.  I would encourage you to increase your protein intake significantly and lift as much as you safely can.  Adding 10lbs of lean mass is hard, but not impossible.  I take liver tablets and Mass aminos to along with Creatine (Muscle Synergy) to really help me put on muscle.  When you want to cut down, diet hard and smart.  Take a look at my photos.  This is what is possible naturally.

Good Luck,
Julie Lohre :)


  • Getbig II
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« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2006, 08:21:20 AM »
I think you'll need to get in contact with a trainer who works with the Pros...there are a few who have a great track record of getting their girls very lean...just check them out to see if their girls when have left the sport have gone on to good healthy(i.e being able to havechildren,not having thyroid problems,etc...)Good luck


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« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2006, 08:22:50 AM »
I agree.  Slow and steady wins the race.  It's sometimes better to be a turtle than a hare.

There are natural competitors on the pro- and national-level circuits.  There really are.  Julie Lohre, Tanji Johnson, Andrea Dumon, Kendra Elias, and numerous others are natural, as am I.  This isn't an "in-your-face" proclamation.  It's to demonstrate that it can be done.  I rely on glutamine, BCAA's, and much higher levels of natural sources of protein in my diet than other competitors to achieve my results.  And I totally understand personal issues getting in the way of initial plans to stay close to competition weight.  Use those issues as fuel to the fire of getting your old physique back and improving...naturally.

Unfortunately, I know girls in this industry are stubborn.  It's partly what makes us successful candidates for these shows.  Thus, if you are seriously going to take the route of steroids, then I suggest you acquire the help of someone who knows exactly what questions to ask you, has seen you in real life, and can monitor you closely.  I have a very, very, very difficult time with people who provide virtual drug advice.  You're just asking for trouble in the long run.

I do wish you luck and hope you choose wisely.


  • Getbig I
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« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2006, 04:51:02 PM »
The longer term effects of using steroids for women seems like a big price to pay just to compete.  I have to agree with Fit Gourmet - be patient.  I would encourage you to increase your protein intake significantly and lift as much as you safely can.  Adding 10lbs of lean mass is hard, but not impossible.  I take liver tablets and Mass aminos to along with Creatine (Muscle Synergy) to really help me put on muscle.  When you want to cut down, diet hard and smart.  Take a look at my photos.  This is what is possible naturally.

Good Luck,
Julie Lohre :)

Julie, first off, thanks a lot for your input on this. Secondly, I have to complement you on your physique. You look great! I understand all the comments from you and others on this board about being patient and going slow and being persistent and it will eventually pay off. Trust me, I am a hard worker and am very persistent if I set my mind on something. People come to me in a gym and ask if I am training for a competition because they say "look around you, no one (girls) trains the way you do." The thing is I am a realist. I see what I have been blessed with and am not going to blindly lie to myself that "oh yeah, no problem, I've got what it takes to become next Monica Brant." I don't want to be in a denial coz I know my body and know that even though some would kill for my body, I am not as genetically blessed as some girls out there on stage. So you take me who basts her ass in the gym, follows the whole diet/training routine and yet not getting it as perfect as those girls who are more genetically difted. You've got a disadvantage. Top it off with those who use some "supps" for extra help and you've go a double disadvantage...Trust me, honey, I would love it if tomorrow the BB Federation passed on a law to drug-test every single competitor out there. But we all know it is not going to happen. Politics will prevail. Please don't tell me I sound so pessimistic. You know it is the reality of this sport. So you tell me what is one to do if she knows for a fact that she is competing in an unfair environment? 


  • Getbig I
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« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2006, 05:20:36 PM »
I agree.  Slow and steady wins the race.  It's sometimes better to be a turtle than a hare.

There are natural competitors on the pro- and national-level circuits.  There really are.  Julie Lohre, Tanji Johnson, Andrea Dumon, Kendra Elias, and numerous others are natural, as am I.  This isn't an "in-your-face" proclamation.  It's to demonstrate that it can be done.  I rely on glutamine, BCAA's, and much higher levels of natural sources of protein in my diet than other competitors to achieve my results.  And I totally understand personal issues getting in the way of initial plans to stay close to competition weight.  Use those issues as fuel to the fire of getting your old physique back and improving...naturally.
Jodi, thank you as well for your sincere and solid advice. I am a fan of yours and think you have a great physique. Yes, I've heard about the girls you mentioned being natural as many others who claim they are when in reality they are not and that what makes me sick when I see that happening. As I stated in my reply to Julie, I do know the ethics of the sport and hope you and others did not think that I am just some new teen chick in a gym who's never dieted down, did hour cardio sessions twice a day and so on and am just trying to find a quick fix to loose some 10 pounds. No. I know what it takes and what it's like out there. I also know that sure some are natural and have dedicated long years to create the beauty they can now proudly present for everyone out there to admire. However, those are a few, and as I previously stated those are more genetically gifted then others. I am not blind and I know what I've got and how far I can push myself. Can I honestly say that I could have done more in terms of being stricter with my diet, pushing heavier weights and doing more cardio? Sure. But that is just a small fraction that even if I try and do now will not produce any dramatic improvements. We all know our limits. Not to say that I don't believe you can achieve as much as your mind can grasp. But again, genetics are as important here as your diet and your training. It all goes in sync. If after years of training and trying out every technique possible my calves still look like crap, then I am not stupid to see that this is genetically predispositioned that way and there is nothing else I can do to improve it substantially. This is just an example. But the bottom line, I was not trying to get on gear and be like some of those guys and girls that get hooked on it and the further they get, the higher and the more serious dosages and substances are used. I wanted to try out a couple that I've been hearing in the sport are used today to assist me to get my physique to the level where I can take on and improve upon from there on...I would never jeopardize my health by using gear for a long period of time...This sport is very expensive and unrewarding, so you never get back as much as you put in, not to mention, your health is irreplaceable.

Again, Jodi, thank you for you advice. BTW, someone told me that you know a bunch of girls that use stuff. How has it been for you? I mean, you are among those girls and probably stand on stage and maybe even have lose to some of them. How does that make you feel knowing that such dishonesty prevails and those who have turned to drugs to enhance their bodies are those who are rewarded in the end...


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« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2006, 05:24:01 PM »

 So you tell me what is one to do if she knows for a fact that she is competing in an unfair environment? 

Accept it and personally overcome it, or don't compete in these shows. 

There are natural federations that drug-test and if you have a major problem with shows not being drug-tested that may be an alternative.  Other then the drugs, there are other things in this "industry" that are unfair-the judging is SUBJECTIVE and who knows what "politics" goes into the placing.  You have to make the decision to compete for YOURSELF and not worry what everyone else is doing.  You have to make the decisions you feel are in line with your beliefs because competing is hard enough without worrying about everyone else.  Also. it seems like you think using drugs will make everything easy, even with drugs I don't think doing shows would be easy...and the after effects of the drugs may be something you can never get away from.

How many shows did you do and how much time did you take off between shows?  How much weight did you put on in the off-season?  Are you utilizing any other supplements?  Maybe something else is missing in your program.  The girls here would be willing to give help and suggestions but you have to let us know a little more about what you are doing now and your contest history.


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« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2006, 06:48:34 PM »
I have a very lengthy response to your question, Newbie, but I'll save everyone their eyesight and give the Cliff's Notes version.

In the end, it's me against me on that stage.  Other people's choices do not determine mine.  Nor do they concern me anymore.  At one point they did, but I've spiraled up in life, meaning that I've learned some hard lessons regarding jealousy, anger, disappointment, and what is truly important in life.

I cannot control other people.  I cannot control their decisions.  I cannot make them do what I would choose to do.  I can only pay attention to me in the end.  I don't like the fact that the organization turns a blind eye to the use of illegal steroids and practically rewards it openly, but I cannot change it since I don't run or own the organization.  All I can do is continue to be stubborn and present what I feel is best for my physique and my life.

And if the judges never give me a pro card, then so be it.  It just means I was meant for other capacities in life.

Trust took a lot of tears, a lot of yelling, griping, complaining, whining, and commenting before I could reach these thoughts and truly mean them.  It really is spiraling up.  That's why I say, slow and steady wins the race.  Be the turtle, not the hare, and you will show yourself how much you care...about you.

I worked out for eight years before I ever stepped foot onto a physique stage or ever dieted down for a show.  Eight years, people.  I was 26-years old when I began my journey into fitness.  I think that's the key.  No one likes to hear it.  We are in a rush-rush-rush world...everything now, everything quick, everything with a click.  Pace yourself, slow down, and understand that life will bring to you what it is meant to.  When you begin playing around with things you shouldn't (i.e., your hormones), life might backfire on you.

In the end,'s up to you.  Which road will you take?

The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,   
And sorry I could not travel both   
And be one traveler, long I stood   
And looked down one as far as I could   
To where it bent in the undergrowth;          5
Then took the other, as just as fair,   
And having perhaps the better claim   
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;   
Though as for that, the passing there   
Had worn them really about the same,   10
And both that morning equally lay   
In leaves no step had trodden black.   
Oh, I marked the first for another day!   
Yet knowing how way leads on to way   
I doubted if I should ever come back.   15
I shall be telling this with a sigh   
Somewhere ages and ages hence:   
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,   
I took the one less traveled by,   
And that has made all the difference.   20

Does it make a difference...or doesn't it?  You're the author of your life.  You decide.


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« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2006, 06:49:19 PM »
And that wasn't even close to being Cliff's Notes length...ha!!  Hey, at least I can laugh at my flaws and own up to!   ;D


  • Getbig II
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« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2006, 09:48:46 AM »
how do you all know who is taking what?  or not taking what?  there are lots of natural chics.  dont forget elaine goodlad either.  natural as they come and the prettiest out there.
 there are many more. so dont subcategorized EVERYONE else as a roid head. 

a pound of muscle on a female frame is actually quite a bit.  have you ever looked at a pound of meat?  16oz.  of flesh?  one or two pounds a year for a chic is a lot of work.  be happy with gains like that naturally.  thats all most of these girls gain.  you dont see jenny lynns weight jumping from 125 to 130 in a year.  you wouldnt want to. its a sport of illusion.  work on yours.  it takes years. 


  • Getbig II
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« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2006, 05:31:15 PM »
 i usually would never say much on threads of this nature but i feel the need to put my two cents in. newbie 6 before you  go an put anything in your body if only just to try it  remember any amount at all will do damage to you. also i am soon to be 44 years young and have an 18  year old daughter.i never so much as put anything in my body before competiting after competiting and while competiting.and boy am i my age not that i am so old but i am glad that i chose to live very healthy so i can be there for my daughter. so in closing please try and look at the big picture this is a small portion of your life. sorry so long. oh and jodi i just love what you stand for and your post ;D


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« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2006, 10:19:14 PM »

If you are sincere and want to have a candid discussion about gear use, then the best place for you to talk about that stuff is here:

You've gotten some great advice here (slow and steady), but if you want to talk more extensively about it, then the Women's Chemical Warfare board on Mayhem is the forum you want. 

Good luck to you.