Author Topic: Hey 240:  (Read 9633 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #75 on: September 24, 2006, 08:01:05 PM »
if iran gets nukes, they would soon be in terrorist hands

Iran isn't seeking nuclear weapons. Their nuclear program is open to inspection and does NOT violate any nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Keeping a nation dependant upon fossil fuels in an age of peak oil is unjustifiable and an attempt to thwart the development of a nation.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #76 on: September 24, 2006, 08:10:10 PM »
Iran isn't seeking nuclear weapons.

Excuse me... but did they call you to reassure you that isn't where they plan on taking this in the future?  I'm just wondering... I didn't get that call.


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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #77 on: September 24, 2006, 08:14:37 PM »
Excuse me... but did they call you to reassure you that isn't where they plan on taking this in the future?  I'm just wondering... I didn't get that call.

No they didn't, ...I highly doubt they ever will either. However, there are instruments in place to monitor their activities. IATA inspectors, UN inspectors. They work. Iran has completely co-operated with all of them. They cannot start a weapons programs without detection. Those days are long gone. Energy is wealth. And a modern Iran capable of meeting it's present and future energy needs tips the balance of power in the middle east. For those with imperialistic designs on the region, that is unthinkable.


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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #78 on: September 24, 2006, 08:26:10 PM »
No they didn't, ...I highly doubt they ever will either. However, there are instruments in place to monitor their activities. IATA inspectors, UN inspectors. They work. Iran has completely co-operated with all of them. They cannot start a weapons programs without detection. Those days are long gone. Energy is wealth. And a modern Iran capable of meeting it's present and future energy needs tips the balance of power in the middle east. For those with imperialistic designs on the region, that is unthinkable.

Are these the same UN inspectors that were powerless against stonewalling Iraqi guards at almost every suspected weapons cache in Iraq before the war, either Iraq war for that matter?  I hope not.  The UN is a socialist organisation and it is worthless, powerless, and completely against any form of real action.


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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #79 on: September 24, 2006, 08:56:06 PM »
Are these the same UN inspectors that were powerless against stonewalling Iraqi guards at almost every suspected weapons cache in Iraq before the war, either Iraq war for that matter?  I hope not.  The UN is a socialist organisation and it is worthless, powerless, and completely against any form of real action.

In what way is UN a "socialist organisation"?

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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #80 on: September 25, 2006, 02:02:38 AM »
Are these the same UN inspectors that were powerless against stonewalling Iraqi guards at almost every suspected weapons cache in Iraq before the war, either Iraq war for that matter?  I hope not.  The UN is a socialist organisation and it is worthless, powerless, and completely against any form of real action.

Are you aware how the whole UN debacle went down?  The fact is there were known US spies that Iraq didn't want in their country, They demanded certain sites be searched including many of Saddams private residences, and stated that if they were not given access to these areas, they would bomb Iraq. What did they think... that he was experimenting with nuclear materials in the master bedroom of the presidential palace? The CIA and many others had over the years developed a psychological profile of Saddam and knew damned well how he would react to ultimatums and demands. He has always been a consistent man. Look at him today... defiant right to the end. They concluded that Saddam would never capitulate. In addition, the US was (publicly) all for the UN making the decision to bomb or not, ...until they bugged the UN in order to determine how certain delegates felt. You may not have heard about it where you are, but I can assure you it was a HUGE scandal and HUGE embarrassment for the USA that they were caught spying on the UN. Then Saddam surprised the crap out of Bush and the neoCons with their pants down by saying "OK, come on in, you have carte blanche to go through everywhere including my private residences."  Betcha didn't hear much about that did you? That's when Bush immediately declared the UN was irrelevant Saddam was not handing over his WMD's and a mushroom cloud could go off any day now.  The rest of the world was furious because Saddam had agreed to every condition laid out not only by IATA, but also by Bush, and even in the face of that Bush and the neoCons still went ahead and bombed anyway. To this day, not even the US has been able to turn over any WMDs in Iraq. Does that mean they should be bombed too?  ::)

The big problem was not the WMD and the eminent mushroom cloud about to appear over NYC or any other major US city, that was the lie fed to the American public to justify a war of aggression. was Husseins desire to trade his oil in Euros, along with the increasing collapse of Enron that caused the imperative. The Afghan pipeline wasn't getting in place fast enough, and Enron needed the money. They had been cooking the books for too long to keep it up any longer. The wars may have come too late to save Enron, but there were still massive profits to be gained and unsweeping global power to be had. And control over vast oil resources that could be traded in $USD to artificially prop up the demand for a currency worth even less than the Euro and dropping every day. Iraq met every single demand of the USA that was in it's power to do. The one demand they couldn't meet was producing the WMD's because it didn't have any. Bush knew it, Cheney knew it, Powell knew it, and Rice and Rumsfeld knew it. They were only quoted 2 months prior to 911 saying Iraq was not a threat either to it's neighbours or to the USA, and did not have the capacity to attack anyone. Do you think that with ALL eyes upon him, that he could have developed Nuclear capabilities within 2 months? The former head of the Iraqi nuclear program lives right here in Toronto. He has spoken out about the truth of it's destruction to anyone who will listen. World leaders, and intelligence groups around the world knew that was the case. The only ones who maintained otherwise were those who were using it to justify the impending invasion, ...and it was repeated ad infinitum over and over again in the US media. It was crazy. They had the US population quaking with such fear, one person yells out the name bin Laden in a Chicago nightclub, and a stampede ensues killing how many people? Your population is being played and manipulated like puppets by your own government. And until the US population wakes up to false flag attacks, and to the criminal cabal in control of their government, is going to continue. Your sons, daughters, fathers, brothers etc are not dying for America, they are dying for corporate power & profit. If that angers you, I'm glad. It should anger you and every patriotic American, that your fellow Americans can be so badly betrayed by her government, and used and abused, and tossed aside in a manner so callous and so unworthy of their sacrifice, ...and then to make them and their future offspring pay for it? It should piss you off to no end. It pisses me off ...and I'm not even American.  >:(

You all keep demanding PROOF that 911 was a self-inflicted wound. If not definative proof, then a smoking gun.

Why the hell should you need a smoking gun to do a proper and thorough investigation? Is that not what a proper and thorough investigation would show... clear evidence of either a self-inflicted wound, ...or clear evidence of an outside terrorist attack? Why wait for a smoking gun? With the growing wave of people disbelieving the official 911 story, and the growing disapproval of Bush and his policies, don't want the smoking gun of another self-inflicted wound to come in the form of a mushroom cloud do you?  :o

cheap shot I know, ...but it sure worked like a charm the first time it was trotted out... I figured what the heck.  :P


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #81 on: September 25, 2006, 02:21:38 AM »
jaguarenterprises, it's IAEA. Not IATA.

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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #82 on: September 25, 2006, 03:45:32 AM »
jaguarenterprises, it's IAEA. Not IATA.


{blush}  I was talking travel arrangements with a friend earlier.  :-[

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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #83 on: September 25, 2006, 06:40:29 AM »

THANK YOU for breaking all that down.  I follow the news religiously but I had no clue as to some of that.  As always, I challenge anyone who wants to insult you, to produce proof that you are incorrect in anything you wrote.

What saddens me - perhaps more than the way we've been lied to - is that there are blind people who will read this, this morning, and instead of opening their eyes to the possibility that invading Iraq was a lie, they'll call you a liberal.

Well, thanks for being honest with us.  Our media won't.  Our gov't won't.

People who hate jag - read thru that paragraph nice and slowly.  She knows things that we don't.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #84 on: September 25, 2006, 07:05:31 AM »

THANK YOU for breaking all that down.  I follow the news religiously but I had no clue as to some of that.  As always, I challenge anyone who wants to insult you, to produce proof that you are incorrect in anything you wrote.

What saddens me - perhaps more than the way we've been lied to - is that there are blind people who will read this, this morning, and instead of opening their eyes to the possibility that invading Iraq was a lie, they'll call you a liberal.

Well, thanks for being honest with us.  Our media won't.  Our gov't won't.

People who hate jag - read thru that paragraph nice and slowly.  She knows things that we don't.

IMHO, maybe you should try some alternative news sources.

And by that, I don't mean www.ithappensinthebaseme or whatever.

Try these two for starters:

and definitely check out al-jazeera's english website, sort of the Arabic CNN/FoxNews:

The two first links are very credible IMO. Al-Jazeera, while very good, and often correct, for some reason I don't have the same trust. It may be my own prejudice though.

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  • Getbig V
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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #85 on: September 25, 2006, 04:57:32 PM »

THANK YOU for breaking all that down.  I follow the news religiously but I had no clue as to some of that.

240, hearing you say that makes me wanna cry.  :'(  If YOU who follows the news religiously hadn't even heard of that, much more uninformed are the rest of the citizens in your country?  :'( 

As always, I challenge anyone who wants to insult you, to produce proof that you are incorrect in anything you wrote.

 :-\ gee thanks?  ;)

What saddens me - perhaps more than the way we've been lied to - is that there are blind people who will read this, this morning, and instead of opening their eyes to the possibility that invading Iraq was a lie, they'll call you a liberal.

I know. I look at this nation of people with such a history and legacy of courage, ...and I ask what happened?
When did they all become sheeple? I know it's unpleasant, ...but if they think facing the truth is unpleasant, much MORE unpleasant do they think it's gonna be when they're herded into camps?

Well, thanks for being honest with us.  Our media won't.  Our gov't won't.

you're welcome.

People who hate jag - read thru that paragraph nice and slowly.  She knows things that we don't.

...except maybe the right call letters for the IAEA   :-[

For those of you who think I hate America, ...and I know there are some of you who truly believe this, ...I promise you I don't. I love America, and Americans. I'm just extremely upset with what's going on in your country right in front of your faces, and your inability to see it.

Ya I joke about stupid Americans yada yada yada... but it's simply a coping mechanism... similar to army nurses who refer to burn victims as 'crispy critters" or to amputees as 'turtles'. It's not that the nurses don't care. If they didn't they wouldn't go into that profession to begin with, ...but you need to cope with the stress and frustration somehow.

I empathize with you guys, and I'm frustrated as heck to see so many of you fooled so thoroughly. There's an old saying "You have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything." Unfortunately, I see so many people abandoning their principles, ...and as a result morphing into the very things they profess to detest. When you sit down and truly think about things in your heart of hearts, you not see the moral disconnect going on all around you? The wickedness & corruption in high places? Do you not see that?

As little children you all held your hands over your hearts and pledged allegiance to the United States of America.

Look around you. Are you living in the United States of America, ...or is it looking like somewhere else?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #86 on: September 25, 2006, 06:32:27 PM »
Are you aware how the whole UN debacle went down?  The fact is there were known US spies that Iraq didn't want in their country, They demanded certain sites be searched including many of Saddams private residences, and stated that if they were not given access to these areas, they would bomb Iraq. What did they think... that he was experimenting with nuclear materials in the master bedroom of the presidential palace? The CIA and many others had over the years developed a psychological profile of Saddam and knew damned well how he would react to ultimatums and demands. He has always been a consistent man. Look at him today... defiant right to the end. They concluded that Saddam would never capitulate. In addition, the US was (publicly) all for the UN making the decision to bomb or not, ...until they bugged the UN in order to determine how certain delegates felt. You may not have heard about it where you are, but I can assure you it was a HUGE scandal and HUGE embarrassment for the USA that they were caught spying on the UN. Then Saddam surprised the crap out of Bush and the neoCons with their pants down by saying "OK, come on in, you have carte blanche to go through everywhere including my private residences."  Betcha didn't hear much about that did you? That's when Bush immediately declared the UN was irrelevant Saddam was not handing over his WMD's and a mushroom cloud could go off any day now.  The rest of the world was furious because Saddam had agreed to every condition laid out not only by IATA, but also by Bush, and even in the face of that Bush and the neoCons still went ahead and bombed anyway. To this day, not even the US has been able to turn over any WMDs in Iraq. Does that mean they should be bombed too?  ::)

The big problem was not the WMD and the eminent mushroom cloud about to appear over NYC or any other major US city, that was the lie fed to the American public to justify a war of aggression. was Husseins desire to trade his oil in Euros, along with the increasing collapse of Enron that caused the imperative. The Afghan pipeline wasn't getting in place fast enough, and Enron needed the money. They had been cooking the books for too long to keep it up any longer. The wars may have come too late to save Enron, but there were still massive profits to be gained and unsweeping global power to be had. And control over vast oil resources that could be traded in $USD to artificially prop up the demand for a currency worth even less than the Euro and dropping every day. Iraq met every single demand of the USA that was in it's power to do. The one demand they couldn't meet was producing the WMD's because it didn't have any. Bush knew it, Cheney knew it, Powell knew it, and Rice and Rumsfeld knew it. They were only quoted 2 months prior to 911 saying Iraq was not a threat either to it's neighbours or to the USA, and did not have the capacity to attack anyone. Do you think that with ALL eyes upon him, that he could have developed Nuclear capabilities within 2 months? The former head of the Iraqi nuclear program lives right here in Toronto. He has spoken out about the truth of it's destruction to anyone who will listen. World leaders, and intelligence groups around the world knew that was the case. The only ones who maintained otherwise were those who were using it to justify the impending invasion, ...and it was repeated ad infinitum over and over again in the US media. It was crazy. They had the US population quaking with such fear, one person yells out the name bin Laden in a Chicago nightclub, and a stampede ensues killing how many people? Your population is being played and manipulated like puppets by your own government. And until the US population wakes up to false flag attacks, and to the criminal cabal in control of their government, is going to continue. Your sons, daughters, fathers, brothers etc are not dying for America, they are dying for corporate power & profit. If that angers you, I'm glad. It should anger you and every patriotic American, that your fellow Americans can be so badly betrayed by her government, and used and abused, and tossed aside in a manner so callous and so unworthy of their sacrifice, ...and then to make them and their future offspring pay for it? It should piss you off to no end. It pisses me off ...and I'm not even American.  >:(

You all keep demanding PROOF that 911 was a self-inflicted wound. If not definative proof, then a smoking gun.

Why the hell should you need a smoking gun to do a proper and thorough investigation? Is that not what a proper and thorough investigation would show... clear evidence of either a self-inflicted wound, ...or clear evidence of an outside terrorist attack? Why wait for a smoking gun? With the growing wave of people disbelieving the official 911 story, and the growing disapproval of Bush and his policies, don't want the smoking gun of another self-inflicted wound to come in the form of a mushroom cloud do you?  :o

cheap shot I know, ...but it sure worked like a charm the first time it was trotted out... I figured what the heck.  :P

Speaking of doing a thurough investigation... The 911 commission didn't investigate into the 90's during Clintons presidency.  Funny... what were they NOT trying to find?

Nice story.  I wonder how many Leftist websites and CT think tanks you've visited since 911 to produce such a load of horse shit.  Good story though.

You guys go ahead and keep on with your "I question the current admin so I must be an independant thinker" crusade.  I will have no part of falsehoods and nonsense.

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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #87 on: September 25, 2006, 06:40:54 PM »
Speaking of doing a thurough investigation... The 911 commission didn't investigate into the 90's during Clintons presidency.  Funny... what were they NOT trying to find?

You're making this political.  It's fine that you hate Clinton, but don't let it blind you to the evidence.  The 911 Commission had no money and no time to complete their investigation.  They claimed they didn't have time to interview injured fireman and WTC employees who claimed bombs were going off all over the building.  They certainly didn't have time to go back to the Clinton era to look around - but I would definitely support investigating this time period as well, in the second investigation, if it held clues to what exactly happened on 9/11.

Nice story.  I wonder how many Leftist websites and CT think tanks you've visited since 911 to produce such a load of horse shit.  Good story though.

I will give you $1 for every error that you can prove in what jag wrote, up to $20.   I will need sources of course.

You guys go ahead and keep on with your "I question the current admin so I must be an independant thinker" crusade.  I will have no part of falsehoods and nonsense.

You sound like you don't really have a lot of courage.  We're not questioning the current admin - we're questioning the official 911 report.  If a new investigation shows they did something wrong, let's find out. 

Brixton, if there was proof that 911 was an inside job, would you even want to see it?


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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #88 on: September 25, 2006, 08:06:56 PM »
Brixton, my comments have nothing to do with 911 websites. The exchange with the UN was what I witnessed coming out in the mainstream news media. I didn't need 911 websites to tell me that. I watched it unfold in front of my eyes.

The first time I heard the false-flag theory was the morning after 911 while on a film set, and it was from a 12 yr. old girl, who laid out and articulated a very compelling case that spoke for possible motives.

It's only been in the subsequent years that I have come to discover how insightful she was.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #89 on: September 25, 2006, 08:25:19 PM »
You're making this political.  It's fine that you hate Clinton, but don't let it blind you to the evidence.  The 911 Commission had no money and no time to complete their investigation.  They claimed they didn't have time to interview injured fireman and WTC employees who claimed bombs were going off all over the building.  They certainly didn't have time to go back to the Clinton era to look around - but I would definitely support investigating this time period as well, in the second investigation, if it held clues to what exactly happened on 9/11.

I will give you $1 for every error that you can prove in what jag wrote, up to $20.   I will need sources of course.

You sound like you don't really have a lot of courage.  We're not questioning the current admin - we're questioning the official 911 report.  If a new investigation shows they did something wrong, let's find out. 

Brixton, if there was proof that 911 was an inside job, would you even want to see it?

Blind to what evidence?  A Citgo employee?  CNN speculation?  Please.

What errors?  Who the fuck was she referencing??  See above.

Yeah right, I have no courage.  I'm on this board alone defending my side and even if I'm not being taken seriously I'm not afraid to tell you that you're spouting bullshit.  I'm all about finding out.  But until hard evidence is presenting stop making huge assumptions based on conjecture and an already biased and scandal hungry media.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hey 240:
« Reply #90 on: September 25, 2006, 08:28:05 PM »
Blind to what evidence?  A Citgo employee?  CNN speculation?  Please.

What errors?  Who the f**k was she referencing??  See above.

Yeah right, I have no courage.  I'm on this board alone defending my side and even if I'm not being taken seriously I'm not afraid to tell you that you're spouting bullshit.  I'm all about finding out.  But until hard evidence is presenting stop making huge assumptions based on conjecture and an already biased and scandal hungry media.


the sad thing he's been told the same thing about 18,343 times  since he caught this bug, and it hasn't fazed him in the slightest.