Author Topic: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?  (Read 23675 times)


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #75 on: October 14, 2006, 12:34:58 AM »
My supplement regime AFTER the competition is the same as always...

Continued use of anabolics. Would care to openly say when the last time you got off the anabolics outside of your stay in the hospital?  We all know just as soon as you got out of the hospital you were right back on the pin of anabolics to regrow yourself saying that is what anabolics were made for.  Addicts always have got answers and excuses.  There is help for addictions, but you knew that already.

I know i am a thorn in your side and you wonder how the hell i know so much about you.

-keep it real-


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #76 on: October 14, 2006, 12:51:18 AM »
Continued use of anabolics. Would care to openly say when the last time you got off the anabolics outside of your stay in the hospital?  We all know just as soon as you got out of the hospital you were right back on the pin of anabolics to regrow yourself saying that is what anabolics were made for.  Addicts always have got answers and excuses.  There is help for addictions, but you knew that already.

I know i am a thorn in your side and you wonder how the hell i know so much about you.

-keep it real-

You wish...You are the toxic waste I release every morning after laxative action of my favorite Turkish coffee...
You know me inside and out...Especially inside - I guess ;)

Keep it real  ;)

PS - why wait to leave the hospital when you can get all you want while you are there?


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #77 on: October 14, 2006, 02:01:31 AM »
My supplement regime AFTER the competition is the same as always...

Supplements (you are referring to) are taken BEFORE the competition ::)


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #78 on: October 14, 2006, 06:17:12 AM »
Continued use of anabolics. Would care to openly say when the last time you got off the anabolics outside of your stay in the hospital?  We all know just as soon as you got out of the hospital you were right back on the pin of anabolics to regrow yourself saying that is what anabolics were made for.  Addicts always have got answers and excuses.  There is help for addictions, but you knew that already.

I know i am a thorn in your side and you wonder how the hell i know so much about you.

-keep it real-

Why be an A-hole to Milos? You must be really bored, nothing better to do with your life?

A SMART person who is on a bodybuilding board(Who is probably a fan of bodybuilding, lifting weights etc), speaking to one of the top guys in the world, would take the opportunity to LEARN A THING OR TWO, rather than criticize them for everything?

But alas, maybe istkeepitreal knows all there is to know! Another internet expert!!!

I am suprised Milos would even waste his time answering you!! Milos must have been waiting for his eggs to boil?!


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #79 on: October 14, 2006, 06:44:46 AM »

So Milos, did you in fact have an anaphylactic shock instead of oil going in a vein?

Anaphylactic Shock is basically the most severe type of allergic reaction, Van-Bilderass.. You see it a lot in bee strings and peanut allergy for example..

Anaphylaxis happens when the body makes the wrong kinds of antibody, a kind called immunoglobulin E to protein in our food or to something like a drug. IgE sticks to cells in our bodies (mast cells and basophils i believe) which can release substances which have powerful effects on our blood vessels and air passages. When the same protein or drug reaches the IgE on the cells, these substances are released, causing blood vessels to relax, which makes them leaky and can cause swellings and a fall in blood pressure. At the same time they can make the breathing passages become narrow. This anaphylactic reaction can be counter acted simply by taking epinephrine... And was NOT what happened with Milos..

As in the case of Milos, I would assume it was accidentally injected into a vein, that vein took the synthol all the way up into his right vena cava's along with the deoxygenated blood dumping a good portion of it(synthol plus deox blood) into his right atrium, from there it followed the normal passage of blood down to the right ventricle and eventually up the pulmonic valve which would normally take oxygenated blood to his lungs, however the synthol acted as a type of embolus (or blockage) of the blood vessels in and around the heart causing him to have acute(rapid onset) respiratory distress as well as Congestive heart failure (CHF) which basically is a condition in which the heart can't pump enough blood to the body's other organs and a build up of fluid called congestion in the lungs. (NOT GOOD!) There are quite a few causes of CHF but in Milos case it was most certainly narrowed arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle were obstructed by the synthol making his heart unable to pump blood efficiently to his body...

Fortunately he was able to get medical treatment immediately, where they most likely gave him a combination of ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, digitalis, vasodilators... etc?ACE inhibitors and vasodilators expand blood vessels and decrease resistance. A good example of a strong vasodilator is nitroglycerine or nitro..(for what its worth, viagra is a vasodilator as well lol) This allows blood to flow more easily and makes the heart's work easier or more efficient. Beta blockers can improve how well the heart's left lower chamber (left ventricle) pumps. Digitalis increases the pumping action of the heart...

He is very fortunate to have made it out alive and thus i totally respect and understand why he decided to come out in PUBLIC and talk about what happened... For those that wish to mock him, talk crap about him for what he did, you really have a lot of growing up to do!


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #80 on: October 14, 2006, 07:09:54 AM »
Why be an A-hole to Milos? You must be really bored, nothing better to do with your life?

A SMART person who is on a bodybuilding board(Who is probably a fan of bodybuilding, lifting weights etc), speaking to one of the top guys in the world, would take the opportunity to LEARN A THING OR TWO, rather than criticize them for everything?

But alas, maybe istkeepitreal knows all there is to know! Another internet expert!!!

I am suprised Milos would even waste his time answering you!! Milos must have been waiting for his eggs to boil?!

Not being an a-hole at all and no I do not know all there is to know.

Milos is the one that puts himself out there as high and mighty and says listen to me do not do as I have done in the past.  Yet then goes off and does excatly what got him into trouble the first time.  Read my posts from the past and see how he address' my observations and comments. Milos jokes me and laughs at me but is unable to come on and clearly say what is true and what is false.

So as I have asked on another thread lets start with Milos saying he never put oil of ANY KIND in his biceps or calves AT ANY time after his leg accident. I will even take it one step further and ask that at ANY time after the leg accident did Milos have his biceps or calves drained of ANY kind of oil? 

-keep it real-

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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #81 on: October 14, 2006, 07:13:27 AM »
u don't know shit about milos or hormones and i'm sure milos would agree with this...why are u judging someone u don't know?


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #82 on: October 14, 2006, 07:17:11 AM »

Not being an a-hole at all and no I do not know all there is to know.

Milos is the one that puts himself out there as high and mighty and says listen to me do not do as I have done in the past.  Yet then goes off and does excatly what got him into trouble the first time.  Read my posts from the past and see how he address' my observations and comments. Milos jokes me and laughs at me but is unable to come on and clearly say what is true and what is false.

So as I have asked on another thread lets start with Milos saying he never put oil of ANY KIND in his biceps or calves AT ANY time after his leg accident. I will even take it one step further and ask that at ANY time after the leg accident did Milos have his biceps or calves drained of ANY kind of oil? 

-keep it real-

The point is... And this should really end all discussion of this.... Milos made a HUGE mistake.. Not just by deciding to use synthol but the whole situation could have been avoided if he simply pulled back the plunger on the syringe to make sure he wasn't in a vein... As for the difference between synthol and steroids, i wont even waste my time going into it.. You can do a google search and read for yourself if you don't know..

Milos came out in public, something he NEVER had to do, to try and disuade people from using synthol and used himself as the best example of what could happen, and taking it one step further Milos was LUCKY to be alive, someone else may not have been so fortunate!

What Milos chooses to do after the fact is 100% his business and certainly none of ours... Milos allowed us into part of his personal life, but certainly not ALL OF IT.... Even if he was back to using synthol(Which i am SURE he isnt), would it be any of our business?! WHO CARES?! That is his choice and his choice alone..

I seriously think you need to adjust the way you treat people on here, yeah sure making fun of someone or teasing them is fine, i do it myself as do most people on here, but harassing someone that is only here to try and help people isn't cool.. I think at the very least you owe him an appology, that is what a real man would do!

My 2 cents


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #83 on: October 14, 2006, 07:21:16 AM »
The point is... And this should really end all discussion of this.... Milos made a HUGE mistake.. Not just by deciding to use synthol but the whole situation could have been avoided if he simply pulled back the plunger on the syringe to make sure he wasn't in a vein... As for the difference between synthol and steroids, i wont even waste my time going into it.. You can do a google search and read for yourself if you don't know..

Milos came out in public, something he NEVER had to do, to try and disuade people from using synthol and used himself as the best example of what could happen, and taking it one step further Milos was LUCKY to be alive, someone else may not have been so fortunate!

What Milos chooses to do after the fact is 100% his business and certainly none of ours... Milos allowed us into part of his personal life, but certainly not ALL OF IT.... Even if he was back to using synthol(Which i am SURE he isnt), would it be any of our business?! WHO CARES?! That is his choice and his choice alone..

I seriously think you need to adjust the way you treat people on here, yeah sure making fun of someone or teasing them is fine, i do it myself as do most people on here, but harassing someone that is only here to try and help people isn't cool.. I think at the very least you owe him an appology, that is what a real man would do!

My 2 cents

The point is Milos has said many times that he never has injected biceps or calves after the accident. I am simply calling him on it. I could care less what he does with himself really. he is the one that is on here as the high and mighty do no wrong person not me.


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #84 on: October 14, 2006, 07:38:26 AM »

The point is Milos has said many times that he never has injected biceps or calves after the accident. I am simply calling him on it. I could care less what he does with himself really. he is the one that is on here as the high and mighty do no wrong person not me.

How is he high and mighty? Why do you take his advice so personally? Never have I seen Milos post in such a way to act as if he were a do no wrong person?! Where the hell are u getting that from? Please enlighten me!

If you could care less what he does, then lets squash this silly "debate" and put an end to it!

As for doing what he tells people not to do, if that were the case, that is Milos' choice, he can still inform people of the dangers of it can't he? And try to help people make better choices? Haven't you ever known a cop that has driven home drunk before? I certainly have... Do i take his advice on not to drink and drive any less seriously than before, simply because i know he was a fool and did it? Absolutely not...

Milos seems like one of the most down to earth guys in this business filled with inflated egos and lies... Like i said before, it would behoove you to take advantage of his knowledge rather than criticize him for every move he makes or DOESNT make!!!

Have a good day!


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #85 on: October 14, 2006, 07:42:42 AM »
How is he high and mighty? Why do you take his advice so personally? Never have I seen Milos post in such a way to act as if he were a do no wrong person?! Where the hell are u getting that from? Please enlighten me!

If you could care less what he does, then lets squash this silly "debate" and put an end to it!

As for doing what he tells people not to do, if that were the case, that is Milos' choice, he can still inform people of the dangers of it can't he? And try to help people make better choices? Haven't you ever known a cop that has driven home drunk before? I certainly have... Do i take his advice on not to drink and drive any less seriously than before, simply because i know he was a fool and did it? Absolutely not...

Milos seems like one of the most down to earth guys in this business filled with inflated egos and lies... Like i said before, it would behoove you to take advantage of his knowledge rather than criticize him for every move he makes or DOESNT make!!!

Have a good day!

Damn you almost seem like Milos himself but then again maybe you are simply just one of his well trained lap dogs.


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #86 on: October 14, 2006, 07:49:18 AM »
Milos;  With the accident, the movie, getting burned and taking quiet a bit of time off from the stage.  When was the last time you competed?  This would be more of a comeback than anyone in recent history, if you haven't stepped on a stage since the 90's.  Good luck in whatever you chose to do.  You, unlike most of the other pros, have options.
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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #87 on: October 14, 2006, 10:16:26 AM »

Not being an a-hole at all and no I do not know all there is to know.

Milos is the one that puts himself out there as high and mighty and says listen to me do not do as I have done in the past.  Yet then goes off and does excatly what got him into trouble the first time.  Read my posts from the past and see how he address' my observations and comments. Milos jokes me and laughs at me but is unable to come on and clearly say what is true and what is false.

So as I have asked on another thread lets start with Milos saying he never put oil of ANY KIND in his biceps or calves AT ANY time after his leg accident. I will even take it one step further and ask that at ANY time after the leg accident did Milos have his biceps or calves drained of ANY kind of oil? 

-keep it real-

1) Still hiding your real name and identity?
Did you ever wonder WHY?

2) As you know what you are talking about find me my posts where I sound all mighty telling people what to do (with exception what NOT to do /synthol issue/ which I made myself example of it)

3) After my leg accident I have NEVER PUT ANY KIND OF OIL into my biceps and calves. I don't need to answer your questions after you are not answering mine - but contrary to you I play fair...

4) Your continuous insults and accusations of steroid usage is getting old. I have used anabolic steroids for numerous years and I can definitely say I have been OFF more months than I would be ON in the last 15 years (since I turned professional). Again - you don't deserve even that information - but all mighty is confident enough to speak little bit about his private life. Can you do the same and tell us your name and YOUR steroid abuse?


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #88 on: October 14, 2006, 10:19:06 AM »
Anaphylactic Shock is basically the most severe type of allergic reaction, Van-Bilderass.. You see it a lot in bee strings and peanut allergy for example..

Anaphylaxis happens when the body makes the wrong kinds of antibody, a kind called immunoglobulin E to protein in our food or to something like a drug. IgE sticks to cells in our bodies (mast cells and basophils i believe) which can release substances which have powerful effects on our blood vessels and air passages. When the same protein or drug reaches the IgE on the cells, these substances are released, causing blood vessels to relax, which makes them leaky and can cause swellings and a fall in blood pressure. At the same time they can make the breathing passages become narrow. This anaphylactic reaction can be counter acted simply by taking epinephrine... And was NOT what happened with Milos..

As in the case of Milos, I would assume it was accidentally injected into a vein, that vein took the synthol all the way up into his right vena cava's along with the deoxygenated blood dumping a good portion of it(synthol plus deox blood) into his right atrium, from there it followed the normal passage of blood down to the right ventricle and eventually up the pulmonic valve which would normally take oxygenated blood to his lungs, however the synthol acted as a type of embolus (or blockage) of the blood vessels in and around the heart causing him to have acute(rapid onset) respiratory distress as well as Congestive heart failure (CHF) which basically is a condition in which the heart can't pump enough blood to the body's other organs and a build up of fluid called congestion in the lungs. (NOT GOOD!) There are quite a few causes of CHF but in Milos case it was most certainly narrowed arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle were obstructed by the synthol making his heart unable to pump blood efficiently to his body...

Fortunately he was able to get medical treatment immediately, where they most likely gave him a combination of ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, digitalis, vasodilators... etc?ACE inhibitors and vasodilators expand blood vessels and decrease resistance. A good example of a strong vasodilator is nitroglycerine or nitro..(for what its worth, viagra is a vasodilator as well lol) This allows blood to flow more easily and makes the heart's work easier or more efficient. Beta blockers can improve how well the heart's left lower chamber (left ventricle) pumps. Digitalis increases the pumping action of the heart...

He is very fortunate to have made it out alive and thus i totally respect and understand why he decided to come out in PUBLIC and talk about what happened... For those that wish to mock him, talk crap about him for what he did, you really have a lot of growing up to do!

That is exactly what happened...


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #89 on: October 14, 2006, 10:24:04 AM »

The point is Milos has said many times that he never has injected biceps or calves after the accident. I am simply calling him on it. I could care less what he does with himself really. he is the one that is on here as the high and mighty do no wrong person not me.


High and mighty do no wrong person?

Guilty of synthol
Admit using steroids

Well, now when I think I can find what else I did wrong?

Called insecure people out to get the courage and come out and introduce themself?


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #90 on: October 14, 2006, 10:25:57 AM »
Milos;  With the accident, the movie, getting burned and taking quiet a bit of time off from the stage.  When was the last time you competed?  This would be more of a comeback than anyone in recent history, if you haven't stepped on a stage since the 90's.  Good luck in whatever you chose to do.  You, unlike most of the other pros, have options.

I competed in 2001 and 2003 but in whole honesty - I just did half way preparations to be good enough to be on stage and not really to COMPETE with the best...


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #91 on: October 14, 2006, 12:04:36 PM »

It is quite painfull to read all your nonsense...
You know what I like - yet you know nothing about me...

What I like is putting some big mouth like you (who wants to come out with "the news" about me) in position to back up what you claim...
It is understandable ::) that stand-up guy like you ::) would not want to say who is telling the stories about me taking the money and never returning back...After all in your world that is "ratting out"... wont say anything about John....but want people like me to tell you names of people talking shit about you.

If you haven't figured it's called a contradiction   ::)

Look the word up in your Yugolasvia to American translation dictionary .



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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #92 on: October 14, 2006, 12:34:09 PM »
1) Still hiding your real name and identity?
Did you ever wonder WHY?

2) As you know what you are talking about find me my posts where I sound all mighty telling people what to do (with exception what NOT to do /synthol issue/ which I made myself example of it)

3) After my leg accident I have NEVER PUT ANY KIND OF OIL into my biceps and calves. I don't need to answer your questions after you are not answering mine - but contrary to you I play fair...

4) Your continuous insults and accusations of steroid usage is getting old. I have used anabolic steroids for numerous years and I can definitely say I have been OFF more months than I would be ON in the last 15 years (since I turned professional). Again - you don't deserve even that information - but all mighty is confident enough to speak little bit about his private life. Can you do the same and tell us your name and YOUR steroid abuse?

Milos try to realize I have not insulted you nor accused you of anything. I am speaking the way it is.  Clearly you must know by now that I know more about you than the average magazine reader or gym rat.  You have spoken several times on other threads about having nothing to hide and now here have said no oil use after the accident. Ok fair enough.  I know you  enjoy a good game of chess so should I now you BS in check or checkmate?  Your move.

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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #93 on: October 14, 2006, 12:48:41 PM »
Damn you almost seem like Milos himself but then again maybe you are simply just one of his well trained lap dogs.

So i guess i am one of those highly trained lap dogs????  ::) ::)!!

Man it males make laugh how you little insecure MORONS have such boring life's to sit here and type all this CRAP!!!!  For God Sake get a life!!!!
Trust me, if you want a fight, you have picked the wrong man!!  Milos has been there done that 1000 times over. So your comments are like water off a ducks back!!! Man this crap you are typing about synthol and steroids and how Milos did this and did that is so GOD DAMN OLD!!!! Milos has explained this a 1000 times and realistically doesn't have to tell you guys nothing, but being the true professional he is, Milos explains in fine detail exactly what happen and hoping people will learn from this.  Find a new line will you!!

As for "FOR REAL". Thankyou!!!


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #94 on: October 14, 2006, 01:11:22 PM »

Well, now when I think I can find what else I did wrong?

Milos i heard 8 months ago you were caught speeding on the freeway! How dare you!!! LOL

Luke, i am with you bro, some people REALLY need to get a life!!!

Much respect to Milos for putting the idiots in their place!


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #95 on: October 14, 2006, 01:13:28 PM »
That is exactly what happened...

A scary experience I am sure!!! All of life can be taken as a learning experience, you learn from the good and the bad.. You are a very fortunate man to have made it out ok!!! We the true fans thank you for coming out in public and addressing those dangers!!!

I totally forgot about the FIRE accident... Milos do you have 9 lives like a cat or what?!


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #96 on: October 14, 2006, 01:14:39 PM »

Man it males make laugh how you little insecure MORONS


what draws up that conclusion?

Is it because bodybuilders are typically big & dumb....

so guys behind a computer that are smart have to be little?



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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #97 on: October 14, 2006, 02:16:44 PM »
Anaphylactic Shock is basically the most severe type of allergic reaction, Van-Bilderass.. You see it a lot in bee strings and peanut allergy for example..

I know what anaphylactic shock is. The reason I asked is because that site I mentioned pushes a Synthol type product. The owner of that site said Milos' problems had nothing to do with Synthol per se - they were due to shooting a dirty product (Esik-Clean). Also Milos' pic is on the banner of that site so I thought maybe the owner was correct and had info directly from Milos.


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #98 on: October 14, 2006, 02:21:44 PM »
Milos i heard 8 months ago you were caught speeding on the freeway! How dare you!!! LOL

Milos, how fast were you going?


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Re: Romanian GP: Where was Milos?
« Reply #99 on: October 14, 2006, 02:31:31 PM »
Milos, how fast were you going?

It wasn't him....who ever spread that nasty rumour is lying
