Author Topic: MuscleMission connection re Brady & Titus????  (Read 25186 times)

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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MuscleMission connection re Brady & Titus????
« on: October 21, 2006, 10:32:24 AM »
Is there a MuscleMission connection with the SOLICITATION of Murder charge????

Allegedly, from what I have learned this is going to happen shortly, being connected with the solicitation of murder charge! MuscleMissions was going to stop ant nothing to help Craig and Kelly and also exploit them for all personal gain. Here are some past articles written by MuscleMissions. Very Strange to say the Least.


You Are Just As Guilty As Craig Titus And Kelly Ryan And YOU SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH!
December 25, 2005
That's right! YOU SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH! As of this writing, our recent survey revealed more than 50% of you believe that if found guilty, Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan should be put to death. But the truth is, YOU SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH! So Merry Christmas!!!

O.K. so you think that this Anabolic Outlaw guy that operates this Muscle Missions web site is a total whack job. At least that is what I am reading in the forums. Guess what? I don't care. Think what you want. You are entitled to your opinion and so am I. And like I said before, YOU SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH!

And So Should I. While we are passing judgment, remember that the ultimate Judge was born on this day. It goes like this:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.  - Isaiah 9:6, 7 (KJV)

This Judge's name is Christ Lord! And according to His word, WE SHOULD ALL BE PUT TO DEATH!

We are all just as bad as Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan even if they did commit murder. Even if you think that you have never done anything as bad as that. You are just as guilty as having committed murder! And so am I.

Let's say that the only thing you have ever done was to steal someone's t-shirt on contest day just to mess with the person's head. You know, like Ken Waller did to Mike Katz in the movie Pumping Iron. Or you stole a candy bar as a little kid.

Or maybe a little white lie like telling your training partner that he or she looks good when they have all of those zits on their back from the steroids. That's a lie isn't it?

Or maybe when you were a kid you told your mom or dad that it wasn't you who did it when it really was...whatever it was you did. I know that I've told those little white lies, perhaps just to spare the feelings of someone else. But it's still a lie.

So if you have ever lied or stolen, YOU SHOULD BE PUT TO DEATH!

You are just as guilty as Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan even if they committed murder and all you have ever done is lie or steal. Here's proof:

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
- James 2:10 (KJV)

You remember the law, right?

Thou shalt have no other God's before Me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor thy father and thy mother.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Thou shalt not covet.
So the above verse, James 2:10, is saying that if you break just one of these you are guilty of having done them all!

According to God's standards, if you have told a little lie, you are just as guilty as having murdered!

You see God has established certain laws for us to live by. When we break just one of those laws, we are found guilty. God calls it a sin against his Commandments. And the punishment for that sin is DEATH!

For the wages of sin is death;
- Romans 6:23 (KJV)

You and I can't be good enough to not deserve this punishment.

As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
- Romans 3:10 (KJV)

You and I have committed crimes against God's law.

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
- Romans 3:23 (KJV)

Romans 6:23 tells us:

but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Today as you celebrate the holiday, remember that Jesus Christ come into this world to save you from your sins so that you might live. 

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
- Luke 2:11 (KJV)

God sent Jesus to die in your place because He loves you!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:16, 17 (KJV)

Will you accept God's free gift today of eternal life?

Merry Christmas!

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Bodybuilder Lee Priest makes a very juvenile statement regarding bodybuilder Craig Titus and the murder case he is involved in. Just goes to show you, many bodybuilders will do anything for attention.

It's true; some people will do anything for attention, especially bodybuilders. Lee Priest is one of them.  In an effort to be funny, Lee decided to publicly comment on Craig Titus and the murder case that Craig is involved in. 

Lee Priest even went so far as to allow his comments to be recorded and captured on video by one of his sidekick cameramen. You will hear laughing in the background as you listen to this audio clip.

What you are about to listen to is the audio from the footage that was shot inside a gym while Lee was in the middle of a workout.

We caution you, the comments that he makes are horrendous and should have never come out of the mouth of a so-called professional bodybuilder or anyone else as far as that's concerned.

Regardless of how you feel about Craig Titus and the murder case he is involved in, I think you'll agree that these kind of heartless statements should not be made by anyone regardless of the situation.

In case you have a hard time discerning Lee's accent, it goes something like this:

Lee Priest talks about a new style of shirt that is supposedly coming out.  Lee calls it the "Titus murderer shirt".  He says it's different than the wife beater shirts.  Lee says the wife beater shirts are lame.  Lee Priest then says: "We're talkin' murder here... arson... great shirt..."

After you have listened to this, give some thought to these verses found in God's holy Word:

The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness: and the end of his talk is mischievous madness.
-Ecclesiastes 10:12 and 13 (KJV)

The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness.
-Proverbs 10:32 (KJV)

Turn up your speakers and click on the button below to listen to the audio clip of Lee Priest:

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
The money was put up by Solicitation for Donations as well as money personally put up by MuscleMissions founder.

 New Titus & Ryan book - “Fire in the Desert: The True Story of the Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan murder investigation.”BREAKING NEWS! Titus & Ryan fire their lawyers »Contribute to the Titus & Ryan Attorney Fund
Are you a friend of family member close to Craig Titus or Kelly Ryan, looking to help them out? A few friends and family members of Craig & Kelly have started an “Attorney’s Relief Fund”. If you’d like to help with your donation you can now do so via money order. They will not accept cash or check (apparently you can be picky when sitting in jail asking for help) for the fund. Yes, they are serious and those of you who want to help them can send it to the information below. We know many of you will not support this, please spare us all the hate comments related to this issue. Thank you.

Make the money order payable to:

The Inmate Trust Fund
In the memo line, put… Craig M. Titus #1895641 or Kelly A. Ryan #1992276, or both names.

Send the money order to:

Clark County Detention Center
Inmate Trust Fund
330 S. Casino Center Boulevard
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 12th, 2006 at 7:49 am and is filed under


  • Getbig III
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Adonis sice when did you go all Christain on us?

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Adonis sice when did you go all Christain on us?


That is from MuscleMissions.


  • Toms
  • Getbig V
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 Interesting tidbit, TA.

 It is true...murder and just a simple LIE is the SAME in God's's sin and sin CANNOT be tolerated in any shape or form and the ONLY penalty of sin is DEATH.

 On earth it is different.

 Christ PAID the price and made the 'plea bargain' if you will with His Father...the deal was HE would take the heat for US to have a chance at NOT being cast with satan and his domain in hell ONLY if we are to believe that Christ IS who he said he was.

 Believe it or not that's just the way it is. As far as the Muscle Missions guy...well The Bible also acknowledges that not EVERYONE who  does work 'in the name of God' IS of God. Even the Anabolic Outlaw is a sinner or a filthy rag of sin just like the rest of us.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Lift Studios

  • Getbig V
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TA you're a goof. There is no proof of them being connected with this much less charged. Go back to your ice cream, you're quickly lowering yourself to Goodumb status.
Elevate Your Image.™

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Interesting tidbit, TA.

 It is true...murder and just a simple LIE is the SAME in God's's sin and sin CANNOT be tolerated in any shape or form and the ONLY penalty of sin is DEATH.

 On earth it is different.

 Christ PAID the price and made the 'plea bargain' if you will with His Father...the deal was HE would take the heat for US to have a chance at NOT being cast with satan and his domain in hell ONLY if we are to believe that Christ IS who he said he was.

 Believe it or not that's just the way it is. As far as the Muscle Missions guy...well The Bible also acknowledges that not EVERYONE who  does work 'in the name of God' IS of God. Even the Anabolic Outlaw is a sinner or a filthy rag of sin just like the rest of us.

Christians are the dumbest people on earth by far.  All Hypocrisy and basically mindless.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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TA you're a goof. There is no proof of them being connected with this much less charged. Go back to your ice cream, you're quickly lowering yourself to Goodumb status.

There sure is proof my friend.  Make a few phone calls and you will see.

Lift Studios

  • Getbig V
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There sure is proof my friend.  Make a few phone calls and you will see.
Stop pretending to be a reporter and in the know. You claimed to know what was coming last night and were going to PM me, yet you didn't because you didn't know. You have no evidence that these guys are linked to the solicitation of murder except speculation. You and Goodrum are like Barny Fife on this case.
Elevate Your Image.™


  • Getbig V
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Lift, is ronnie still going to win the O?

nice call on that one
Here comes the money shot

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Stop pretending to be a reporter and in the know. You claimed to know what was coming last night and were going to PM me, yet you didn't because you didn't know. You have no evidence that these guys are linked to the solicitation of murder except speculation. You and Goodrum are like Barny Fife on this case.

Look at the conversations Craig and Brady had regarding going on the internet and "The Book Deal".

Musclemissions was solely in charge of "The Book Deal" and used the cover of an online Audio book as a front.
Plus the sale of the gym and other things.

Its very simple really.  

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Here is the Ebay auction to help fund "THE BOOK DEAL"

In my opinion, Muscle Missions is allegedly responsible for getting money together and coordinating a hitman for hire.  As soon as the police have a full case, arrests will be made.


  • Getbig IV
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Christians are the dumbest people on earth by far.  All Hypocrisy and basically mindless.

Ahhh the irony of that statement...

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Nonprofit's Mission Statement
Muscle Missions is a Christian ministry started by former competitive bodybuilder and ex-steroid dealer, Dennis L. Bates. The purpose of this ministry is to reach bodybuilders that are trapped inside the cult of bodybuilding. Currently, we are assisting Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan with a lawyer relief fund.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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There is more.....

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
All the pieces fit perfectly with the timeline of the Brady/Titus conversations and with the collection of money.

Its a slam dunk case against all involved now.


  • Getbig II
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Stop pretending to be a reporter and in the know. You claimed to know what was coming last night and were going to PM me, yet you didn't because you didn't know. You have no evidence that these guys are linked to the solicitation of murder except speculation. You and Goodrum are like Barny Fife on this case.

Thank you Isaac for putting this 'NOBODY' in his place

G o a t b o y

  • Time Out
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Thank you Isaac for putting this 'NOBODY' in his place

Pluto isn't a planet anymore, dumbass.

(and Lift-schmoe doesn't "know" anything beyond what Ron feels like telling him.  ::))
Ron: "I am lazy."

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Its too obvious.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Murder-for-hire plot alleged.
Man suspected of trying to have Titus-Ryan witnesses killed

A man with ties to bodybuilder Craig Titus has been charged with trying to hire a hit man to kill three witnesses in Titus' high-profile murder case. Titus and his wife, Kelly Ryan, are charged with murder in the December death of their personal assistant, Melissa James, 28.
According to police reports obtained Friday by the Review-Journal, Nelson Ronald Brady Jr. of Las Vegas was arrested this week on three counts of solicitation to commit murder. Detectives allege in the reports that Brady met with an undercover detective posing as a hit man in May, then paid $1,500 as a down payment to have the three potential witnesses in Titus' murder case killed.

Police reports identified two of the targets as Megan Pierson Foley and her husband, Jeremy Foley. The pair, who are considered crucial witnesses in the case, told a grand jury that Titus and Ryan had made incriminating statements about James' demise. A third target of the plot, according to police reports, was Anthony Gross, who is charged with helping Titus and Ryan dispose of James' body.

Authorities said Friday night that they had not charged Titus or Ryan in the murder-for-hire plot. Clark County prosecutor Robert Daskas declined to comment when asked whether anyone else would be charged. Daskas did confirm, however, that Brady and Titus were once housed together at the Clark County Detention Center and that police had recorded phone calls between the two men.

"Titus and Brady were housed together at the Clark County Detention Center, and we have confirmation that when Brady was released from jail, they stayed in telephone contact," Daskas said. Titus' defense attorney, Marc Saggese, said Titus had nothing to do with any plan to kill witnesses in his case. Saggese described Brady as a drug-addicted loner who was acting on his own.

The attorney said he does not believe Titus will be charged. "It's smoke and mirrors -- a game," Saggese said. "They know they could not substantiate this. There's not a shred of evidence to support the premise that Craig had anything to do with this."

Ryan's attorney, Greg Denue, said his client has had nothing to do with Brady. "Even if any of this is true, it doesn't show any involvement with my client," Denue said. In December, James' body was found in Ryan's burning Jaguar off state Route 160.

According to police reports, in March police developed an informant at the Clark County Detention Center named Deem Cassim. Cassim is jailed for the December 2004 robbery of 2004 World Series of Poker champion Greg "Fossilman" Raymer outside his Bellagio Hotel room.

Cassim told homicide detectives that he had been approached by Brady, a fellow inmate, "for the contract killing of Anthony Gross and the possible contract killing of two other witnesses in the case against Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan," police reports state.

"Cassim believed Brady and Titus were in contact with each other, had discussed details of Titus' case, and discussed what needed to be done with Gross," a police affidavit states. "Cassim said Brady gave him details about the use of a Taser only the police and Titus would know."

Cassim explained to Brady how the killings could be coordinated from inside the detention center, according to the reports. Cassim would contact a hit man on the outside, and when Brady was released, he would meet with a go-between and "provide them with an envelope containing the up front money, a picture of Gross, Gross' address, and the names of any bars or clubs Gross frequented."

When Brady was released from custody, several phone calls between Brady and Cassim were recorded by police. In one phone call, the men discussed financing the slayings and the need for the hit man to provide proof of the victims' killings by producing photos of their dead bodies.

Two separate meetings between Brady and the go-between, an undercover detective, were set up at an area Starbucks, police reports state. Brady failed to show up to both meetings.

According to police reports, Brady did show up at a third meeting with the undercover detective and produced two envelopes containing $500 each. In a meeting that was taped by police, Brady was heard discussing how one of the envelopes was for a "book publication."

When detectives later opened the envelopes, they found the money, a photo of Gross and personal information about Gross and the Foleys, according to the reports. In a subsequent meeting with the undercover detective, Brady produced $500 more and wrote down an address where photos of the dead bodies could be sent, according to police.

According to police reports, Titus spoke with Brady twice by phone from the Clark County Detention Center during the investigation and the conversations were taped. In one conversation, Titus and Brady talk about a "book publishing deal," according to the reports.

"Brady said that he had been on the Internet to see which characters are going to be in the book," according to a police affidavit. "Brady says he knows how to keep those characters from being in his book. Titus said, 'Yeah. No (expletive). Yeah, from the screen play, yeah."

The two men also discussed money briefly, and Titus mentioned a "publisher," according to authorities. "Brady says yeah, but they want some money, and I've been trying to drum up money to get these people to give their stories, and that's what I need help with," according to a police affidavit. "Brady says he needs 'ten.' Brady tells Titus he is going to walk."

A second phone conversation between Titus and Brady was recorded on May 19, the day of the second meeting between Brady and the undercover detective, according to police.

"Brady tells Titus he is taken care of," a police affidavit stated. "Brady says he is talking about 'the book.' Brady tells Titus they will be making money on that book. He tells Titus that the book has been paid for. Titus changes the subject.

"Titus tells Brady the types of vehicles that targets 'number two' (Megan) and 'number three' Jeremy drive," the affidavit said. "Brady says 'That's not going to be an issue, those two, anyway.'" Daskas said Friday night that police made sure the three targets of the plot were never in danger.

"We have zero tolerance for someone who's willing to manipulate the outcome of a prosecution by harming citizens who provide information to law enforcement," Daskas said. "Both Metro homicide detectives and our office have monitored this particular situation very closely for several months to ensure that these witnesses were never in harm's way."

Titus and Ryan are scheduled to go to trial in January.

Titus, 41, and Ryan, 34, are celebrities in the fitness world. Titus is a past place finisher in the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding competition and Ryan is one of the most accomplished female fitness athletes in the nation. Authorities said the two killed James by beating her, using a Taser on her, drugging her with morphine and duct-taping her face at Titus and Ryan's southwest Las Vegas home. Police allege they then secured the help of Gross in taking James' body into the desert, where it was set ablaze.

Megan Pierson Foley told a grand jury earlier this year that she and her husband were at Titus and Ryan's house in the hours before James' body was found, and that Titus and Ryan made incriminating statements about James' death. Megan Pierson Foley said Ryan told her that during a confrontation with James, she took a Taser gun away from James and used it on her.

"It, I guess, stunned her in the back of her neck, but she (Ryan) didn't have it (the Taser) up high enough, so it just kind of got her attention," Pierson Foley told the grand jury. "Kelly tried to do it again, and she, I guess she didn't have the voltage up high enough, so she yelled for Craig, and Craig came upstairs, picked Melissa up, brought her downstairs into the living room and supposedly body slammed her and started beating her up," Pierson Foley testified.

Ryan told Megan Pierson Foley that after the beating, James "took a Xanax" and went to bed, Pierson Foley testified. "While she was sleeping, Kelly went into her room and punched her in the face," Pierson Foley said. "She (Ryan) said that she punched her a couple of times, she showed me the marks on her knuckles from it, and she said that ... Craig was holding her down and told Kelly to get the morphine and she shot a whole needle of morphine into her leg," Pierson Foley testified.

Later that evening, Titus demonstrated for Pierson Foley "how you can strangle somebody," and then he demonstrated a choke hold for Pierson Foley, according to her grand jury testimony. "He did it on me, and you instantly stop breathing," Pierson Foley said. "Craig just walked in and started talking about it and, that's how, he started talking more about how he said that he killed Melissa," Pierson Foley said.

Review-Journal writer David Kihara contributed to this report.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Murder-for-hire plot alleged.
Man suspected of trying to have Titus-Ryan witnesses killed

A man with ties to bodybuilder Craig Titus has been charged with trying to hire a hit man to kill three witnesses in Titus' high-profile murder case. Titus and his wife, Kelly Ryan, are charged with murder in the December death of their personal assistant, Melissa James, 28.
According to police reports obtained Friday by the Review-Journal, Nelson Ronald Brady Jr. of Las Vegas was arrested this week on three counts of solicitation to commit murder. Detectives allege in the reports that Brady met with an undercover detective posing as a hit man in May, then paid $1,500 as a down payment to have the three potential witnesses in Titus' murder case killed.

Police reports identified two of the targets as Megan Pierson Foley and her husband, Jeremy Foley. The pair, who are considered crucial witnesses in the case, told a grand jury that Titus and Ryan had made incriminating statements about James' demise. A third target of the plot, according to police reports, was Anthony Gross, who is charged with helping Titus and Ryan dispose of James' body.

Authorities said Friday night that they had not charged Titus or Ryan in the murder-for-hire plot. Clark County prosecutor Robert Daskas declined to comment when asked whether anyone else would be charged. Daskas did confirm, however, that Brady and Titus were once housed together at the Clark County Detention Center and that police had recorded phone calls between the two men.

"Titus and Brady were housed together at the Clark County Detention Center, and we have confirmation that when Brady was released from jail, they stayed in telephone contact," Daskas said. Titus' defense attorney, Marc Saggese, said Titus had nothing to do with any plan to kill witnesses in his case. Saggese described Brady as a drug-addicted loner who was acting on his own.

The attorney said he does not believe Titus will be charged. "It's smoke and mirrors -- a game," Saggese said. "They know they could not substantiate this. There's not a shred of evidence to support the premise that Craig had anything to do with this."

Ryan's attorney, Greg Denue, said his client has had nothing to do with Brady. "Even if any of this is true, it doesn't show any involvement with my client," Denue said. In December, James' body was found in Ryan's burning Jaguar off state Route 160.

According to police reports, in March police developed an informant at the Clark County Detention Center named Deem Cassim. Cassim is jailed for the December 2004 robbery of 2004 World Series of Poker champion Greg "Fossilman" Raymer outside his Bellagio Hotel room.

Cassim told homicide detectives that he had been approached by Brady, a fellow inmate, "for the contract killing of Anthony Gross and the possible contract killing of two other witnesses in the case against Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan," police reports state.

"Cassim believed Brady and Titus were in contact with each other, had discussed details of Titus' case, and discussed what needed to be done with Gross," a police affidavit states. "Cassim said Brady gave him details about the use of a Taser only the police and Titus would know."

Cassim explained to Brady how the killings could be coordinated from inside the detention center, according to the reports. Cassim would contact a hit man on the outside, and when Brady was released, he would meet with a go-between and "provide them with an envelope containing the up front money, a picture of Gross, Gross' address, and the names of any bars or clubs Gross frequented."

When Brady was released from custody, several phone calls between Brady and Cassim were recorded by police. In one phone call, the men discussed financing the slayings and the need for the hit man to provide proof of the victims' killings by producing photos of their dead bodies.

Two separate meetings between Brady and the go-between, an undercover detective, were set up at an area Starbucks, police reports state. Brady failed to show up to both meetings.

According to police reports, Brady did show up at a third meeting with the undercover detective and produced two envelopes containing $500 each. In a meeting that was taped by police, Brady was heard discussing how one of the envelopes was for a "book publication."

When detectives later opened the envelopes, they found the money, a photo of Gross and personal information about Gross and the Foleys, according to the reports. In a subsequent meeting with the undercover detective, Brady produced $500 more and wrote down an address where photos of the dead bodies could be sent, according to police.

According to police reports, Titus spoke with Brady twice by phone from the Clark County Detention Center during the investigation and the conversations were taped. In one conversation, Titus and Brady talk about a "book publishing deal," according to the reports.

"Brady said that he had been on the Internet to see which characters are going to be in the book," according to a police affidavit. "Brady says he knows how to keep those characters from being in his book. Titus said, 'Yeah. No (expletive). Yeah, from the screen play, yeah."

The two men also discussed money briefly, and Titus mentioned a "publisher," according to authorities. "Brady says yeah, but they want some money, and I've been trying to drum up money to get these people to give their stories, and that's what I need help with," according to a police affidavit. "Brady says he needs 'ten.' Brady tells Titus he is going to walk."

A second phone conversation between Titus and Brady was recorded on May 19, the day of the second meeting between Brady and the undercover detective, according to police.

"Brady tells Titus he is taken care of," a police affidavit stated. "Brady says he is talking about 'the book.' Brady tells Titus they will be making money on that book. He tells Titus that the book has been paid for. Titus changes the subject.

"Titus tells Brady the types of vehicles that targets 'number two' (Megan) and 'number three' Jeremy drive," the affidavit said. "Brady says 'That's not going to be an issue, those two, anyway.'" Daskas said Friday night that police made sure the three targets of the plot were never in danger.

"We have zero tolerance for someone who's willing to manipulate the outcome of a prosecution by harming citizens who provide information to law enforcement," Daskas said. "Both Metro homicide detectives and our office have monitored this particular situation very closely for several months to ensure that these witnesses were never in harm's way."

Titus and Ryan are scheduled to go to trial in January.

Titus, 41, and Ryan, 34, are celebrities in the fitness world. Titus is a past place finisher in the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding competition and Ryan is one of the most accomplished female fitness athletes in the nation. Authorities said the two killed James by beating her, using a Taser on her, drugging her with morphine and duct-taping her face at Titus and Ryan's southwest Las Vegas home. Police allege they then secured the help of Gross in taking James' body into the desert, where it was set ablaze.

Megan Pierson Foley told a grand jury earlier this year that she and her husband were at Titus and Ryan's house in the hours before James' body was found, and that Titus and Ryan made incriminating statements about James' death. Megan Pierson Foley said Ryan told her that during a confrontation with James, she took a Taser gun away from James and used it on her.

"It, I guess, stunned her in the back of her neck, but she (Ryan) didn't have it (the Taser) up high enough, so it just kind of got her attention," Pierson Foley told the grand jury. "Kelly tried to do it again, and she, I guess she didn't have the voltage up high enough, so she yelled for Craig, and Craig came upstairs, picked Melissa up, brought her downstairs into the living room and supposedly body slammed her and started beating her up," Pierson Foley testified.

Ryan told Megan Pierson Foley that after the beating, James "took a Xanax" and went to bed, Pierson Foley testified. "While she was sleeping, Kelly went into her room and punched her in the face," Pierson Foley said. "She (Ryan) said that she punched her a couple of times, she showed me the marks on her knuckles from it, and she said that ... Craig was holding her down and told Kelly to get the morphine and she shot a whole needle of morphine into her leg," Pierson Foley testified.

Later that evening, Titus demonstrated for Pierson Foley "how you can strangle somebody," and then he demonstrated a choke hold for Pierson Foley, according to her grand jury testimony. "He did it on me, and you instantly stop breathing," Pierson Foley said. "Craig just walked in and started talking about it and, that's how, he started talking more about how he said that he killed Melissa," Pierson Foley said.

Review-Journal writer David Kihara contributed to this report.

Craig needed "Ten".

When asked what Craig and Kelly`s gym`s going price, MuscleMission stated 10,000 dollars or so.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
The conversations of MONEY took place in MAY AND JUNE and JULY.


Craig and Kelly’s Private Gym for sale on Ebay
July 10th, 2006
You have a few more days to bid on the gym equipment owned by Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan, via ebay.

As of July 10th the Current bid was at $4,750.00 with the reserve not yet met. You have until July 15th to place your bid. This is the same professional equipment that Craig and Kelly used to train Vince Neal of Motley Crue. Craig and Kelly were hired to help get the famous rocker back in shape for a comeback concert for VH1’s Remaking: Vince Neil.

The most interesting piece of this auction is the last line which reads…
“This auction is being conducted by the founder of on behalf of Craig Titus.”

Muscle Missions is one of the more “interesting” sites you’ll find.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50229
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.