You know, Keith, Melvin is starting to worry me. The combination of a guy with sense and doing silly things hasn't occurred before on Getbig. You have to wonder what the heck is behind this person. What kind of mind thinks like that and persists on a board that slams him like he used to be ridiculed in wrestling as the warmup preliminary boy known as Venom Vince Versace. Time after time he tells us he 'used to' look great but there are never any photos of him then. Melvin is the sort of bloke that would post those images if he had them. He does not hold back and has even presented us with images that no sane person, knowing how this place reacts, would ever contemplate letting us see. So, is this person stupid or just oblivious? I honestly think he might be a masochist and enjoys humiliating himself. He surely has found the right place. He then inflames threads that roast him. I mean, really! Would any intelligent person persist in his own demise?
If Venom Vince Versace has a clue he would capitalize on his infamy and make heaps of money out of being a loser. If he sold Vince G, bee pollen T-shirts they would be a hit. Imagine that prowler pose on a T-shirt with "Venom Vince Versace" underneath. He could have a whole series of them. Heck, I would wear one! He is a marketing genius in reverse. Now he has to capitalize on what he is good at and that is being a laughing stock. I guess no one can expect him to do this but I swear someone should promote him. There is no one else out there like that. The images that appear keep us laughing our asses off as we roll around on the floor. I mean, who else can do that? He isn't a funny guy but he is funny in the way he pontificates and posts as if he is an expert with great credentials. Those two certificates mean bugger all. What would we expect from a guy who can relate to professional bodybuilders and tell them off? Well, let us look at the shape he turns up at on stage. Lo and behold the guy even admits he looks like shit. Gosh, talk about being the opposite of what he thinks he is. The lads here give him advice, tease him, offend him, etc., etc., all to no avail. He continues with his master plan and continues to feel superior to the hapless wannabes on Getbig. We clearly will never see the likes of Goodrum again. The man is a walking stooge of monstrous proportions. It is one of the mysteries of the Irongame that he hasn't been invited to judge or be part of the IFBB mafia.