Author Topic: Amen!!!!  (Read 1824 times)


  • Getbig IV
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« on: December 21, 2006, 07:15:42 AM »
Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays

What's the real difference between wishing someone a "Merry Christmas" or instead, saying "Happy Holidays?" Both are said in kindness, meant to wish someone well during the same time of year.

It seems that the two should be interchangable, that they both essentially mean the same thing. Therefore, when someone takes offense to being wished a "Merry Christmas", it seems like no big deal to just substitute "Happy Holidays" and be done with it. It may seem like no big deal, but it is.

A Very Big Deal.

Christmas is not just any old holiday. Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, and the teachings of good will and kindness towards one another that Christ brought to this world. We celebrate his birth not only to honor Him, but to remind ourselves of how we strive to live our lives of faith.

The majority of Americans belong to a religion or faith that believes in the teachings of Jesus. Why is the majority being asked to hide their faith for the so called 'comfort' of a minority? Our country is based on majority rule. While it would be unreasonable to force all to be the religion of the majority, it is equally unreasonable to ask the majority to deny their faith because a select few are uncomfortable. Yet, this is exactly what is happening.

We deny our children the right to celebrate Christmas in their public schools. They are not allowed to sing Christmas carols, decorate Christmas trees or even hand out candy canes with religious sentiments. In fact, some of our children have been punished, suspended or chastized for doing so. What message does this send to our children? It implies that there is something wrong with expressing faith in Jesus. It subtly pulls them away from their faith, while at the same time promoting other minority faiths as being somehow 'better' or more acceptable. Our children are damaged by these ridiculous practices, and it is time to put an end to the persecution of Christianity in our public schools. Christianity is the predominant faith of our country, it should not be treated as it it was deviant or radical or even subversive. Yet, it is. Small wonder that our society is moving farther away from religion and losing touch with the discipline and moral code that religious practice offers.

It is also interesting to note that many non-christians celebrate Christmas. Has any Christian ever come out and condemned anyone for participating in the holiday without believing in Christ? Has any Christian group ever come out and denied a religious presentation in a public school by another religious group? Of course not. It is only Christianity which is repeatedly shunned from school celebrations. The liberal agenda is hard at work, making sure Jesus stays out of his own holiday.

The fact is that the teachings of Christ are the basis for our legal system and government. Thou shalt not kill, ( murder), covet thy neighbor's wife, (adultery), lie, steal, bear false witness, etc all come from the ten commandments. As a member of our society, we buy into these beliefs as true and sound. Therefore, we have a reason to celebrate Christmas even if we aren't Christian, as we are celebrating the fundamental cornerstones of our society.

What we lose when we generalize the Christmas season with the ambiguous "Happy Holidays" is the connection between Christ and Christmas. That is exactly what the liberals want us to do. They want to level the playing field and keep the minority in rule, instead of the rightful majority. Liberalism is socialism, and if you look at socialism or socialist countries you will find that they often do not allow religion. They don't want anything to compete with the influence of the government over its people. "Happy Holidays" is the first step in eradicating the most prominent religion from our society.

What can we do about this? We can remember to stand proud in our faith, and not allow ourselves to be browbeaten by the minority liberal agenda. We can set a place for Christ at our Christmas table, and make sure that our holiday is centered around the teachings of Jesus. We can take the time to renew our faith, and build upon the strength that our faith provides for us. We can greet one another with a boisterous "Merry Christmas!" and know we mean just that.

Copyright © Nathan Tabor


  • Getbig V
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Re: Amen!!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2006, 08:16:52 AM »
i get into the whole X-mas thing...this whole anti X-mas stuff is bullshit...

x-mas is fun and it ws here before people started with the whole "happy hols" politically correct crap...

Marry X-mas folks! 8)

<and i dont even believe in god>
carpe` vaginum!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Amen!!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2006, 08:20:45 AM »
Unfortunatly that message has been sorely lost.

Also:  the 25th is the festival of the Sun GOD.  A Pagan Holiday.  Thank the roots of the church for that and then thank Martin Luther for having the nuggets to defy them 1100 years later.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Amen!!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2006, 09:50:05 AM »
The whole Merry Christmas v. Happy Holidays debate is exactly what happens on Getbig. 

No one 'really' cares about it, but some people like to pretend they do, just to get people wound up. 
You're playing right into it. 

It's no different than saying "monster triceps" when someone posts a picture, just so people get wound up. 



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Amen!!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2006, 11:29:29 AM »
The whole Merry Christmas v. Happy Holidays debate is exactly what happens on Getbig. 

No one 'really' cares about it, but some people like to pretend they do, just to get people wound up. 
You're playing right into it. 

It's no different than saying "monster triceps" when someone posts a picture, just so people get wound up. 
Getbig is a great representation of what is known as secularization, and I'd say we have an equal part to what we "play into".  The one who gets "riled" up about such issues now (like myself) are those who reside in the minority nowadays. 


  • Getbig II
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Re: Amen!!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2006, 01:48:05 PM »
When I was on active duty, most of my units decided to call it a Holiday Party verses a Christmas Party.  This was done not to offend anyone.  That's really sad!  It's sad because it showed that our leadership did not have the courage to stand-up for what they believed.  Personally, I've never been one to celebrate Christmas in the traditional sense.  I fail to see how it's celebrated has anything to do with the true meaning.  It's commonly known that the 25th of December is not Christ's birthday, and many know that the 25th of December is a pagan holiday.  I catch a lot of grief when I mention this to most people.  Most will tell you that the way we celebrate Christmas is mainly for the children, and that it's okay as long as you keep the true spirit of the holiday.  If anyone wants to see just how true this really is, try the following test:  Around June or July, ask 100 kids to tell you what Christmas means to them.  I actually did this for a class several years ago.  Of the 300 kids I questioned, only 22 mentioned the birth of Christ. 

Count Grishnackh

  • Getbig III
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Re: Amen!!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2006, 09:44:49 PM »
If someone doesn't celebrate christmas, why on earth would you wish them a merry christmas   ???


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Re: Amen!!!!
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2006, 11:11:52 PM »
If someone doesn't celebrate christmas, why on earth would you wish them a merry christmas   ???

haha does this guy say "happy hannukah" to Christians?   

Count Grishnackh

  • Getbig III
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Re: Amen!!!!
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2006, 11:44:17 PM »
haha does this guy say "happy hannukah" to Christians?   

hahahaha  he reminds me of eddie murphy in Trading Places when he was dressed up like the African dude on the train and kept saying "Merry New Year hahahahha"


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Amen!!!!
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2006, 02:33:09 PM »
When I was on active duty, most of my units decided to call it a Holiday Party verses a Christmas Party.  This was done not to offend anyone.  That's really sad!  It's sad because it showed that our leadership did not have the courage to stand-up for what they believed.  Personally, I've never been one to celebrate Christmas in the traditional sense.  I fail to see how it's celebrated has anything to do with the true meaning.  It's commonly known that the 25th of December is not Christ's birthday, and many know that the 25th of December is a pagan holiday.  I catch a lot of grief when I mention this to most people.  Most will tell you that the way we celebrate Christmas is mainly for the children, and that it's okay as long as you keep the true spirit of the holiday.  If anyone wants to see just how true this really is, try the following test:  Around June or July, ask 100 kids to tell you what Christmas means to them.  I actually did this for a class several years ago.  Of the 300 kids I questioned, only 22 mentioned the birth of Christ. 

Very true.  If people actually read the bible, they'd be totally confused when they would learn that Jesus was most likely born in the summer, or that He was about 3 years old by the time the Magi came to visit him, or that there was never an inn keeper. 

And I pray that my kids would be in that 22 that mentioned that Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas.  I've got them spelling it CHRISTmas just to emphasize what it's about.