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  • Getbig IV
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« on: December 26, 2006, 09:46:03 AM »

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Re: Ammonia taste/smell
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2006, 02:27:22 PM »
Ammonia is released with sweat.
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Re: Ammonia taste/smell
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2006, 04:58:27 PM »
Citrulline Malate is a compound consisting of Citrulline, a nonessential amino acid that is primarily found in melons, and malate, an apple derivative. Of course to get enough Citrulline and Malate to realize its performance enhancing benefits you would have to eat so many watermelons and apples you would probably get sick, but you see my point. Citrulline Malate has been used with great success by European clinicians who have reported results of increased energy and overall feelings of well-being.

I first became interested in Citrulline Malate about 5 years ago when I read an abstract of a study performed on basketball players showing Citrulline Malate to significantly improve aerobic performance.1 I immediately looked to have this stuff custom manufactured because of these findings... after all I am always looking for new ways to increase my own athletic performance. Unfortunately at the time, the cost of manufacturing this compound was way too expensive, but fortunately through new manufacturing technologies, this wonder nutrient is available for the first time to us athletes outside of European labs!


Citrulline, although a non-essential amino acid, is not widely abundant in our daily diet. However, it plays a vital role in many important biological processes.

1. Increased NO Production

Of specific interest to all of us athletes in the trenches is it's role of regulating Nitric Oxide (NO). I mention this first only because the sport nutrition industry has been recently flooded with NO potentiating products comprised of L-Arginine and / or other Arginine salts, which until this day have been the most cost effective manner in improving NO function. It is well known in the scientific community that L-Arginine is a substrate for production of Nitric Oxide2, as well as catalyst for other metabolic reactions including its effects on insulin, various hormones and creatine synthesis.3

(The NO synthase (NOS) enzymes convert Arginine into Citrulline and NO)

So what is NO and what can it do for you? Nitric oxide is the cell-signaling molecule that has a part in regulating blood flow, oxygen delivery, glucose uptake, muscle firepower, and muscle growth. Obviously the ability to control these physiological effects can be of tremendous value to athletes.

Unfortunately I think many of the companies currently marketing NO products are missing the boat by not including Citrulline Malate in the current crop of NO supplements. You see, many of Citrulline's functions stem primarily from its ability to increase plasma levels of Arginine endogenously (in the human body).4 And what is really so exciting about Citrulline is that it seems to increase plasma Arginine levels better than taking the amino acid Arginine itself.5 You read correctly!

Research has shown that supplementation of Citrulline raises Arginine levels more effectively than taking the same dose of straight Arginine. Keep in mind that Citrulline Malate's NO enhancing properties are just one of the unique benefits this nutrient offers to athletes. And if the enhanced pumps and improved nutrient delivery properties are the reason you are using Arginine based NO products, you need to pay attention to Citrulline Malate.

2. Reduces Lactic Acid and Ammonia

[ Top 5 Sellers ]
  1.  BSN NO-Xplode   
  2.  BSN Nitrix   
  3.  Universal Animal Pump   
  4.  SciVation Xtend   
  5.  MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Hardcore   
Here is something else you need to know about Citrulline... it is an intermediate in the Urea Cycle. The Urea Cycle is a system in the liver of carrier molecules and enzymes that convert nitrogenous wastes into urea and eliminates them from the body. The production and removal of urea is essential for the elimination of ammonia and toxic nitrogen metabolites. Ammonia is extremely toxic to all cells and excessive levels may even be fatal. Even in healthy athletes, the build up of ammonia can lead to extreme fatigue and more.6 It also reduces glycogen formation, and inhibits the energy cycle. Obviously this is what every athlete wants to avoid!

Unfortunately all exercise, anaerobic and aerobic exercise produces tons of this stuff.7 Ammonia also forms when bacteria in the intestinal tract breaks down protein. The point is that the more ammonia in your blood, the poorer your athletic performance.8 Citrulline Malate comes to the rescue once again by aiding in the elimination of amino acid byproducts of protein metabolism. Researchers also purpose that Citrulline Malate may help to eliminate the burn associated with lactic acid build up as well as reduce the negative effects of ammonia and bacterial endo toxins on performance. Demonstrations also show Citrulline Malate as having a protective effect against acidosis and ammonnia poisoning.12 The metabolic actions of Citrulline Malate clearly explain the anti-fatigue properties in man and shows great promise to its uses as a performance enhancer for athletes.

The Urea cycle splits Arginine into Ornithine and Urea. The urea is excreted as a waste product. Citrulline is synthesized from the Ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate. Citrulline is then converted back to Arginine.

3. Increases ATP and Phosphocreatine Recovery

No doubt there is a lot to get excited about when it comes to the performance enhancing potential of Citrulline Malate and how it works. Another study showed yet another way Citrulline Malate can benefit athletes - by increasing aerobic energy production.9 Studies show subjects using Citrulline Malate have an increase in the rate of muscle ATP (Andenosine Triphosphate, the major energy source within the cell) production during exercise and greater phosphocreatine recovery after exercise. So taking Citrulline Malate may result in muscles that can keep on going and going... completely smashing the aerobic threshold! These effects are more than likely mediated by the malate portion of the Citrulline Malate compound, which is a Krebs Cycle intermediate.

The Krebs Cycle refers to a portion of the metabolic pathway of amino acids in the conversion of sugars and fats into ATP, and the role of friendly bacteria (mitochondria) in our cells. The Krebs Cycle happens in the mitochondria, where sugar and fat pour in and are burned much like in a blast furnace, with a number of weak amino acids acting as a conveyor belt. Impaired ability to make ATP results in premature fatigue and "hitting the wall", unable to continue intense exercise.

Getting back to malate, it appears that it is synergistic when bonded to citrulline and this peptide may work better than supplementation of citrulline alone.10 While citrulline acts to increase NO and reduce performance inhibiting metabolic toxins, malate conditions the recycling of lactate and pyruvate, and takes part in the kreb cycle supplying instant and sustained energy.

Malate is oxidized to oxaloacetate. Each complete turn of the cycle results in the regeneration of oxaloacetate for the next turn of the cycle.


The take home message is this. It appears that we may finally have another breakthrough in the sports nutrition industry. It is a breakthrough that promises to be extremely versatile in aiding athletes and fitness enthusiast alike in reaching the next level in athletic performance. And one that could very well be "the next big thing" in our industry. It appears that Citrulline Malate may provide FULL-BLOWN MUSCLE ENERGY that allows individuals of all walks to train harder and longer while speeding recuperation from exercise. Think about training with the same intensity at the end of your workout as you had when you began. Think about being able to break training barriers and personal records with more vigorous workouts. Well that is certainly within the realm of possibility when using Citrulline Malate and its performance enhancing firepower.

Think about training with the same intensity at the end of your workout as you had when you began.
Be on the lookout for a question and answer section on Citrulline Malate as well as my anecdotal feedback on the product, coming soon! Also look for Citrulline Malate as a component of the flagship product - BODY OCTANETM, in my MAN (Metabolic Augmenting Nutrition) Sports Product line of performance enhancers.

J-Rod Disclaimer: No, I am not a scientist, and I don't pretend to be. I do not have all the answers and do not claim to. I do have extensive experience in the sports nutrition supplement industry, I am a competitive bodybuilder and also lead an active athletic lifestyle consisting of; boxing, baseball, tennis and football. Unfortunately in our industry, there are a lot of individuals who claim to be something they are not. Many of these armchair experts will hide behind the computer and act as the end all be all authorities of our industry and many of them have never touched a weight in their entire life...I am not joking! I am here today because I am just like you?I train 5 days a week. I balance my family life and business life and I also happen to be an avid user of performance supplements. I too am looking for the ultimate edge that will allow me to maximize my genetic potential. And so was born my company, MAN ...Born To Perform! Helping to Redefine Human Athletic Performance.


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Re: Ammonia taste/smell
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2006, 06:20:23 AM »
Good post about Citrulline.

Whener taking any supplement that increases NO2, you must keep your antioxidants high because NO2  increases free radical damage.

Grape seed extract, pine bark extract, Bilberry, Green Tea, melatonin,  beta carotene, Vitamin A, C ('The Right C' by nature's way), E (D Alpha with high gamma), CoQ10, R-lipoic acid (10 times better than alpha lipoic acid), selenium monomethionine (for glutathione peroxidase), copper sebecate/manganese/zinc (for Super oxide Dismutase), and Iron bisglycinate (for catalase) increase antioxidant activity in the body.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Ammonia taste/smell
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2006, 07:53:15 AM »
According to one source which I respect:

"Ammonia is essentially nitrogen, and that sensation after a workout is a signal that you've raised your cortisol levels enough to trigger the breakdown of amino acids by the liver (gluconeogenesis). When the body needs energy, it metabolizes glycogen, then fat, then protein. If one isn't fast enough, it goes down the list. But if it's going to feed on protein, you want it to go after something other than muscle tissue. So if you smell ammonia, you should have a protein and carbohydrate containing supplement immediately after your workout, preferably along with a protein stimulating supplement such as L-Leucine (whey protein is about 20-25% Leucine)."


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Re: Ammonia taste/smell
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2006, 12:06:31 PM »
Great post.  What does it mean if you get the taste of blood in your mouth after a really hard set? even though I am not bleeding?  That has happend to me a few times ( usually when I am out of shape, getting back into shape )


  • Getbig V
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Re: Ammonia taste/smell
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2007, 10:52:39 AM »
Sometimes I get the smell of ammonia when I I'm pretty regular with my cardio, or especially when I go for a good run.

First time I checked on the Internet I found a webpage that said, that my Liver is eating or dissolving and I was like HOLY SHIT  :o :o

But than I found out that it has something to do with how many carbs you take per day, people who diet a lot or Muslims who cannot due to the religious holidays eat a lot get the same smell.
It is not a reason to panic your muscles are not broken down for your body to get protein.
An apple or small piece of bread solves the problem temporarily.

I also found out that some can smell it some not, my gf for example can not smell my ammoniac ammonia smell, my trainings partner can.

Read more here: (sorry get big for the link to  :-* )