Author Topic: * IN THE NEWS *  (Read 273876 times)


  • Getbig V
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« on: January 27, 2007, 10:16:26 AM »
Please post any news stories regarding steroids & such. This can include new findings/research as well as information about recent busts (& anything else that deals with gear that you think we might be interested in). I'll regulate this thread heavily so keep comments to a minimum & on subject. Thanks in advance.


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2007, 11:41:22 PM »
this does not affect many of us here in the states. but Illusion labs one of canadas finest ugls was busted.


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2007, 11:46:46 PM »
Im sure alot of you already know about the pacific rim labs bust. some of you may know a guy who goes by krazy K on some open source boards anyway he was PRL's remailer and got busted dealing locally-

The Marshfield man arrested in what Police Chief Joe Stroik says is the largest drug bust in Wood County is now charged.

Police found the drugs at the home of 20-year-old Kyle Bredl on Thursday.

He appeared in court today and is charged with delivery of controlled substances and possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance.

The judge authorized he be held on a $5000 signature bond.

Bredly is scheduled to make his inital court appearance on January 23.

Between October 2006 and January 11, 2007, authorites say he sold steroids to an undercover officer in Stevens Point three times and once in Marshfield. They say about $10,000 worth of steroids were bought, $6000 of which occurred on January 11.

After his arrest, a box of steroids ready to be shipped outside Wisconsin was found in his vehicle.

His residence at 909 Western Street in Marshfield was then searched. Police there say they found a variety of steroids in liquid, powder and capsule form. They originally estimated the street value of those steroids to be at least $120,000. However, after identifying further bulk substances, they now believe the value may be $250,000.

Packaging and processing materials were also found.

The investigation has been linked to countries including Canada and China, as well as other states.

"He was getting it from quite a distance," says Stoik. "He certainly could have been selling it to anywhere in the United States or further."

Authorities say three search warrants were executed in Missoula, Montana over the weekend. One man was arrested on steroid-related charges.

Some of the anabolic steroids discovered include Methandrostenolone, Stanozolol and Oxymetholone. All three are considered Schedule III drugs and fall under control of the Wisconsin Uniform Controlled Substances Act.


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2007, 11:49:50 PM »
this is after the cops had a little talk with 20yr old krazy K.

Missoula man accused of coordinating steroid ring
Associated Press

MISSOULA, Mont. - A Missoula man has been charged with running a steroid smuggling ring.

**** *** ****, was arrested Sunday after police allegedly found pills, white powder, syringes, glassware, vials and packing material at his home. He has been released on bond pending further court appearances.

Police in Marshfield, Wis., traced the drugs to a Missoula post office box after arresting a 20-year-old Marshfield man who sold steroids to an undercover officer. Their six-month investigation turned up nearly $140,000 worth of anabolic steroids.

All the steroids seized are considered controlled substances that can be obtained only by prescription.

Court documents allege that **** received shipments of anabolic steroid powder from China, then mixed the drugs at his home and shipped the orders to drug dealers across the United States.

Narcotics officers uncovered steroid orders in *****' e-mail containing shipping and payment instructions, court documents said.

The investigation is ongoing, and at least one other person may still be charged, authorities said.

The investigation is being conducted by the Missoula Police Department, the Missoula County Sheriff's Department and the federal Drug Enforcement Agency, all members of the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Task Force.


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2007, 06:13:39 AM »
Those kids are in BIG time trouble.  The lure of the cash caused them to do stupid stuff and they probally didn't even realize how serious it is.  If you take the risk to make some big cash illegally expect big trouble.


  • Getbig II
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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2007, 10:30:57 AM »
wonder what will happen to the customers if the police see orders in his email.


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2007, 06:01:04 PM »
wonder what will happen to the customers if the police see orders in his email.

Probably depends on the size of the order if its small they wont do shit because that wiould be maving down the chain. authoritys always looking to move up the chain not down. so unolless it was some massive orders I doubt they will do shit.


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2007, 07:18:49 PM »
Probably depends on the size of the order if its small they wont do shit because that wiould be maving down the chain. authoritys always looking to move up the chain not down. so unolless it was some massive orders I doubt they will do shit.

well the next step up the chain will only lead to a raw powder manufacturer/distributor somewhere in the hills of thailand or china; the kid will go through some drug intervention program... get a shit ton of probation and communtiy service, and be a "natural" bodybuilder for at least 10 years. You may even be able to catch a speech from him at some highschool auditorium someday in the near future about the dangers of steroids.
ah yeah Im a voodo child


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2007, 08:27:26 PM »
well the next step up the chain will only lead to a raw powder manufacturer/distributor somewhere in the hills of thailand or china; the kid will go through some drug intervention program... get a shit ton of probation and communtiy service, and be a "natural" bodybuilder for at least 10 years. You may even be able to catch a speech from him at some highschool auditorium someday in the near future about the dangers of steroids.

LOL- Yeah they will have this kid lecturing middle school kids on deca dick. the guy who organized it in missoula is in his 50's it was his main remailer who was 20.


  • Getbig III
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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2007, 06:57:26 PM »
Zenkall labs busted

Saw that thread in the gossip and opinions forum.


  • Getbig V
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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2007, 10:14:03 AM »
Zenkall labs busted

Saw that thread in the gossip and opinions forum.

Anyone know who ran that lab?


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2007, 12:26:55 PM »


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2007, 01:18:01 PM »


  • Getbig II
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Florida and Texas Busts
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2007, 03:21:41 AM »
A few notes on the busts:
I know one of the Dr's taken personally because she's my doctor.  I won't mention her name even though it's in the papers, but they did write a paragraph on her saying she was the only doctor talked to that is licensed to specialize in health and rejuvination, and most likely will not face any further punishment.  She writes you an RX to get full blood work in your local hospital, sent directly to her, to gauge what she can approve.  However, the Signature Pharmacy is where my medications come from so I do wonder how her center (a large one) stays open without their pharmacy functioning.

2... there were 3 "Distributors" in Sugar Land, Texas arrested.  I again don't want to mention names on the board, but I know one of the more popular distributors recommended by people on boards is located there.  I'm hoping he wan't one of them

3...  This is just going to be the start I'm sure.  I've been told and heard it on the TV that patients of these Dr's are in the clear, since they took prescribed medications that were for them.  But it also does put people's name in the open in terms of the government knowing your taking stuff.  I wonder if any of that will ever come into play somehow.

4... Big Ron Coleman, and a few other athletes like Evander Holyfield have already been named as clients.  This could be an interesting week

The reason I put this post down is if you go domestic, I'd double check to make sure the person your connecting with is still there before anything is sent as of today

El Diablo Blanco

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"Wellness" centers get busted
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2007, 06:25:25 AM »
Seems this legit way of getting prescription steroids are getting shut down.


  • Getbig V
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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2007, 06:58:38 AM »
NOTE: from yahoo news

Prosecutor: Athletes received illegal steroids in online ring
By TRAVIS REED, Associated Press Writer
February 28, 2007

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- Athletes were involved as customers of an illicit steroid distribution network that led authorities to raid two facilities and arrest four company officials, a New York prosecutor said.

Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares refused to name any steroid recipients, saying prosecutors were focused on producers and distributors.
"I understand that the involvement of athletes and celebrities makes this a sexy story, but I assure you we are not, at this point, we are not concerned with the celebrity factor," Soares said. "Our focus here is to shut down distribution channels."

Soares was in Florida on Tuesday for raids conducted by federal and state agents at two Signature Pharmacy stores. Four company officials, including a married couple who are both pharmacists, were arrested. They were charged with criminal diversion of prescription medications and prescriptions, criminal sale of a controlled substance and insurance fraud.

Soares refused to answer most questions about the case, which involves sealed indictments.

"I cannot elaborate any more and I cannot provide you with any more details without compromising an investigation which even at this point is at a very sensitive stage," he said.

The Times Union of Albany, N.Y., first disclosed the steroid investigation in a report citing unidentified sources. The newspaper said investigators found evidence that testosterone and other performance-enhancing drugs may have been fraudulently prescribed over the Internet to current and former Major League Baseball and NFL players, college athletes, high school coaches, a former Mr. Olympia champion and another top contender in the bodybuilding competition.

Customers include Angels outfielder Gary Matthews Jr., according to the Times Union, which cited unidentified sources with knowledge of the investigation.

Angels spokesman Tim Mead told The Associated Press the team was aware of the story, adding, "That's the only information we have."

Mead said manager Mike Scioscia told Matthews about it, and that general manager Bill Stoneman and Mead spoke to Matthews. An attempt by the AP to reach Matthews by phone Tuesday night was unsuccessful.

"We strongly recommended that Gary inform his agent and make sure he's aware as well," Mead said. "The information is sketchy at best."

The paper said a New York investigator flew to Pittsburgh last month to interview a physician for the Pittsburgh Steelers about why he allegedly used a personal credit card to purchase roughly $150,000 in testosterone and human growth hormone in 2006.

The physician, Richard A. Rydze, told the investigator the drugs were for his private patients, the paper said, citing an unidentified person briefed on the interview.

There are no allegations Rydze violated any laws.

Steelers spokesman Dave Lockett told the AP that Rydze works for the club mostly on game days. He is listed among the seven doctors under the "medical staff" designation on the official team employment roster.

"We can't comment any further because we are still gathering information," Lockett said.

A message was left seeking comment from Rydze.

Arrested on Tuesday were Stan and Naomi Loomis, who own the Signature Pharmacy in downtown Orlando, Stan's brother Mike Loomis and Kirk Calvert, Signature's marketing director. Soares' office identified Signature as a "producer" of the illegally distributed drugs.

Also arrested as a result of the New York investigation were three people Soares' office described as "distributors" from a Sugarland, Texas, company called Cellular Nucleonic Advantage.

Before the investigation is complete, Soares' office said, up to 24 people could face charges, including six doctors and three pharmacists.

The Loomis' downtown pharmacy contains a small retail store that sells bodybuilding supplements, a drug laboratory and executive offices.

Investigators loaded boxes into a truck and seized drugs, including anabolic steroids and human growth hormone, said Carl Metzger, narcotics commander for Orlando's Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation.

"I can't tell you what percentage of their business was legal and how much involved stacking steroids, but there was a mix," Metzger said.

Metzger said the search revealed a "raid card" at numerous Signature Pharmacy employees' desks with contact information for lawyers. The top of the documents identified it as a Food and Drug Administration/Drug Enforcement Agency telephone list, but only lawyers were on the card, Metzger said.

"We found that to be somewhat interesting," Metzger said. "Why would you need to have something entitled a phone call list for the DEA and FDA with lawyers' names if you have nothing to hide?"

Soares' office alleges that Signature filled prescriptions, in some cases from unlicensed doctors, knowing they had not met patients. The office said at least $250,000 in illegal and controlled substances were sold directly into Albany County, and New York state sales exceeded $10 million.

Soares said his investigation began after an Albany doctor was arrested for allegedly trafficking in narcotics online.

Updated on Wednesday, Feb 28, 2007 3:07 am EST


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS ***** Victor Martinez
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2007, 08:09:45 PM »
Rocker says he didn't have HGH prescription
By MICHAEL HILL, Associated Press Writer
March 7, 2007

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- Former major league relief pitcher John Rocker told ESPN Radio on Wednesday he never bought human growth hormone with a prescription.

On Tuesday, reported Rocker showed up on a client list of Applied Pharmacy, a Mobile, Ala., company raided in connection with a nationwide investigation into the illegal sale of steroids.

"I never had a prescription for any HGH," Rocker told ESPN Radio's "The Herd." "If somebody's got a beef to make with me, show me a prescription." reported Rocker received two prescriptions for somatropin, a form of HGH, between April and July 2003.

"I was trying to pitch all the way up until a week before I had my surgery. And obviously feeling as bad as I was, I called every doctor I could (to find out) what can I do to strengthen my shoulder and give me more arm strength,' Rocker told ESPN Radio. "Every one of them said go to a GNC, buy something over the counter, human growth hormone, these very several amino acids ... basically (that) is the way it's done."

Rocker's publicist told the Daily News the pitcher admitted taking HGH, now banned by Major League Baseball, for medical reasons.

"That was a growth hormone that was prescribed by a doctor in relation to his rotator cuff surgery in 2003, so I don't really think there is anything to the story," publicist Debi Curzio said in Wednesday's editions. also reported that major leaguer David Bell, 1996 Olympic wrestling gold-medalist Kurt Angle, and Victor Martinez, winner of the latest Ohio bodybuilding competition named for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, were Applied Pharmacy clients.

Bell told he received the shipment of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) last April but said the drug was prescribed "for a medical condition," which he declined to disclose.

As additional athletes were linked to the scandal, two more people were arraigned Tuesday on drug-related charges.

Steven and Karen Lampert of Anti-Aging Centers in Nanuet pleaded not guilty in an Albany County, N.Y., courtroom and were released without bail. They are charged with submitting prescriptions to a Florida pharmacy -- some "obviously forged" according to the district attorney -- for drugs totaling more than $50,000 for people without a medical need.

Steven Lampert is charged with 20 counts, his wife with two.

"It seems as though our clients have much less involvement than the others," said Jay Golland, a lawyer for Karen Lampert.

Prosecutors describe the Lamperts as "criminal associates" of Signature Pharmacy in Orlando, Fla. Albany County District Attorney David Soares says Signature was at the center of a web of businesses and doctors that illegally wrote prescriptions for steroids.

The arraignments come a day after not guilty pleas were entered in Albany by 11 other defendants, including four Signature Pharmacy officials.

Soares acknowledged that Martinez was an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the case and is linked to the Lamperts' Anti-Aging Centers. Martinez won the Arnold Classic bodybuilding competition Saturday in Ohio.

A spokesman for Schwarzenegger said he wants bodybuilders to stop using steroids.

"He's clearly opposed to these steroids," said Aaron McLear. "And he's working with top officials in the bodybuilding community to come up with a system where they rid the sport of steroids."

Martinez told The New York Times he bought testosterone from the Lamperts after their clinic told him he had low levels of the hormone. He also said the company asked him to become a partner, but he declined.

"I didn't trust them, and other people were warning me not to do business with them," he told the Times.

Calls placed by The Associated Press to Jim Lorimer, a bodybuilding promoter and co-creator of the Arnold Classic, were not immediately returned.

Updated on Wednesday, Mar 7, 2007 1:40 pm EST



  • Getbig V
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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2007, 05:59:22 AM »

There's a pile of other info in related stories with this one.
Basicly the SMART Docs are saying...Look  this is reversible in time. Vassectomy  NOT!

I saw some new breast cancer drug yesterday by Glaxo Smith also in the news. Not sure what it was about.


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steroids bust
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2007, 01:39:27 PM »
last month in Canton, MA.  That's right near me.  I will find the link and post it.  This guy's supposed to be a big supplier too.  Maybe that's why Craig and Kelly got caught the next town over in Stoughton, MA?

20inch calves

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Re: steroids bust
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2007, 03:32:42 PM »
says 2006


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2007, 02:09:20 PM »
this guy was posting articles in his real name. He was kinda known as a steroid guru. Not real smart to be that outspoken with your real name, and be selling on the side. Google his name you'll find vids and everything. Also he's all over t-nation.


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Re: ***** IN THE NEWS *****
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2007, 06:26:31 AM »

Another eg of how this Biz about we don't know what is really in any meds. Ive heard of counterfit Pharma
products so well packaged that they've made it onto the hospital shelves. This is major.
Any woman w/ breast cancer ought to be esp concerned their meds are legit. I dont think FDA/DEA are going to be much of a salvation in the matter. Switching this stuff is major profit and incentive to OC.
They've caught on to the fact that there's more profit w/ less risk than street drugs.


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