Author Topic: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama  (Read 1640 times)

Mr. Intenseone

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Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« on: February 05, 2007, 09:18:03 AM »
RUSH: All right, we have the audio sound bite of Mrs. Clinton this morning at the Democrat National Committee winter meeting.

HILLARY: The other day the oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits and I want to put them into a strategic energy fund that will begin to fund alternative, smart energy, alternative and technology that will begin to actually move us toward the direction of independence. I have to tell you, I am not running for president to put Band-Aids on our problems.

RUSH: And in this, Hillary Clinton does her best impression of Hugo Chavez, who is in the process of nationalizing every industry he can down in Venezuela. I don't know that this ought to scare -- well, I guess it's -- everything she does scares some people, but, for crying out loud, this ridiculous, it's sophomoric, it would never happen, and she knows it. If she really tried to do it, that's another thing, but it's rhetoric that is designed to appeal to a certain group of people but this is who is liberals are, folks, and this is what they've been keeping under wraps all these years, and now that they've gotten a little sense of power back -- now, they won the House, thousand they won the Senate, they are slowly but surely telling the world exactly who they are. And just have faith, it is going to ultimately redound to their detriment. I don't know when, but it will. 
Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, we had the big story yesterday that he had an affair with the wife of his campaign manager, and the newsworthy thing about that to me was that it let me know that there is heterosexual marriage in San Francisco. I mean, who knew? But he went out, had a press conference yesterday and said this.

NEWSOM: I want to make it clear that everything you've heard and read is true, and I am deeply sorry about that. I hurt someone I care deeply about, Alex Turk, and his friends and family, and that is something that I have live with and something that I am deeply sorry for. I am deeply sorry and am accountable for what has occurred and have now begun the process of reconciling it and now will be working aggressively to advance our agenda in this city, to work hard to build again the trust, restore the trust that the people of San Francisco have afforded me.

RUSH: Oh, come on, Gavin, buck up out there. This is a résumé enhancement. You could be the next Bill Clinton. How about this phony attempt to sound sad and stuttering unintelligibly? I for one am not fooled by this. Now he's going to get back to the agenda? This is the agenda. Sex is the agenda in San Francisco. He's perfect for this. Up next, Christopher Dodd. This is at the Democrat National Committee winter meeting. You want to hear some doom and gloom?
DODD: In 2008, the American people are going to have an answer for the election defrauding, wiretapping, Abu Ghraibing, debt exploding, Exxon loving, Brownie you've done a hell of a job crowd, and we're going to give 'em something new. Get the car out of the ditch. We're not going to take fear for an answer any longer in America. Those days are over with.

RUSH: Man, this is just too good. These people are frothing. They are still enraged, even though they won. He tells us how he sees America, all Democrats see America in this way, screaming a list of kook Democrat grievances, nothing, though, about waitress sandwiches. If he really wants to establish himself with Democrats, own up to that like Gavin Newsom has owned up to the infidelity that he engaged in as mayor of San Francisco. But here, ladies and gentlemen, the pièce de résistance. At the Democrat National Committee winter meeting, presidential candidate, Illinois Senator Barack Obama.

OBAMA: It's going to be cynicism that we're fighting against. It's the cynicism that's born from decades of disappointment, amplified by talk radio and 24-hour news cycle, reinforced by the relentless pounding of negative ads that become the staple of modern politics, the cynicism that asks us to believe that our opponents are never just wrong, that they're bad, that our motives in politics can never be pure, that they're only driven by power and by greed. It's a game, a blood sport, with folks keeping score about who's up and who's down. At best, it's a diversion. With such cynicism, government doesn't become a force of good, a means of giving people the opportunity to lead better lives, it just becomes an obstacle.

RUSH: All right, now, folks, do you realize what you just heard? Stop and think for a minute, now. Do you realize what you just heard? You heard absolutely nothing new. You heard a regurgitation of the same old Democrat liberal complaints that I have been hearing since 1988: talk radio, 24/7 news cycle, negative ads. “So what, Rush, what's so unique about nothing new?” What's unique about it is that this guy is supposedly a never, ever before seen face and voice in American politics. This guy is supposedly revolutionary. This guy brings a presence and an attitude and a thought process and intelligence to American politics that has never been witnessed before. He's fresh, he's new, he's clean, he's articulate, and he's bright. This is just a rehash, and it wasn't even delivered with any passion. This wasn't delivered with any conviction whatsoever. It was nowhere near reminiscent of that barnburner stem winder 2004 at the John Kerry retakes Boston convention. What's new about this? The guy can't live up to the hype. Not like this. I mean in this audience? This is the chance to show 'em, we got something brand-new, we got something fresh, something that's never, ever been before. That's the hype. How boring. Just flat out, plain old boring. 

RUSH: It gets even better! It gets even better. Listen to this. A good tip here from Michelle Malkin. “The closing prayer at the DNC winter meeting, chaired by Howard Dean, was given by an imam, whose closing line was a prayer for peace and the end to the occupation.” They had an imam give the closing prayer at the -- (Laughing.) Rush, how can you laugh at that? I don't know. It’s just that everything today that these people are doing is amusing me. We have some more Hillary bites here. Grab 19 and 20. Democrat National Committee winter meetings, again, just closed with a prayer offered by an imam, and he closed his prayer with a prayer for peace and an end to the occupation. Don't know whether the Democrats stood up and applauded. Here's first of two more Hillary bites.

HILLARY: I know a thing or two about winning campaigns. And when our party and our candidates are attacked, we have got to stand up and fight back.

RUSH: And destroy!

HILLARY: I've always done that, and I always will. I know how they think, how they act, and how to defeat them. And if you give me the chance, that's exactly what we will do.

RUSH: All right, the fisticuffs now, Mrs. Clinton preparing here to get in the ring. One more bite, this the big finish.

HILLARY: We can make history and remake our country's future. We can elect the first woman president; we can fix health care; we can stop global warming; we can stop the genocide in Darfur, and, yes, we can find the right end to the war in Iraq. Americans are looking for solutions. Democrats, we have them! Americans are looking for change. Democrats, we are that change. Americans are looking for unity. We can unify our country again.

RUSH: Yeah, this is a great way to go about it. So fix health care, eight years that she was co-president, none of any of this got done. But that's just what's happening out there at the Democratic National Committee's winter meetings. I'm not even sure where they were. But it doesn't matter. It's irrelevant. Now, I'm going to take a couple of phone calls here. In the next segment coming out of the next break at the bottom of the hour I'm going to take the time here to delve into this global warming stack that I have, especially since the union of concerned scientists put out their little summary today of doom and gloom and the apocalypse. I'm intent on as many of you understanding my perspective on this as possible.
Read the Background Material...
(MSNBC: No do-overs, Hillary? You’ll need them in ‘08)
(NewsMax: Sen. Obama: 'Democrats, This is Not a Game')
(TIME: Is Obama Black Enough?)

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Re: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2007, 10:43:44 AM »
So "Hilary = Hugo" because she wants to re-invest oil profits into alternative energy research?

Joe, congress is being very open now about their fear of US dependence on foreign oil - and our requirement to engage in wars in these nations to keep getting this oil.  The moment we leave, it's likely they're no longer selling us that oil.  They'll sell it to CHina, Eur for the same price, and let them re-sell it to us.  They already all dropped the dollar.  Their populations hate us.

How will you do everyday things in life when gas is $20 a gallon?  (Remember that food jumps greatly in price too, as trucks bring food to stores) 

Dude, people like us (personal trainers and web designers - things which fall below food and shelter on the requirement scale) will have a hard time making our same living, should people start spending way more on gas, food, and everything else they need.

When - and not if - the US is finally pushed out of the way by public pressure on congress - we are going to get screwed by Iraq and Iran, jordan, and others.  OPEC will gain a lot of power.  We will lose a lot of power if we don't control that oil.  It will happen eventually.

Now... Hilary wants to find a way to prevent this collapse which will put you and me out of work (since some of our clients won't have money for elective things like websites and personal trainers).   Is Hilary wrong to want another source of energy besides foreign oil?


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Re: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 08:45:18 AM »
So "Hilary = Hugo" because she wants to re-invest oil profits into alternative energy research?

Joe, congress is being very open now about their fear of US dependence on foreign oil - and our requirement to engage in wars in these nations to keep getting this oil.  The moment we leave, it's likely they're no longer selling us that oil.  They'll sell it to CHina, Eur for the same price, and let them re-sell it to us.  They already all dropped the dollar.  Their populations hate us.

How will you do everyday things in life when gas is $20 a gallon?  (Remember that food jumps greatly in price too, as trucks bring food to stores) 

Dude, people like us (personal trainers and web designers - things which fall below food and shelter on the requirement scale) will have a hard time making our same living, should people start spending way more on gas, food, and everything else they need.

When - and not if - the US is finally pushed out of the way by public pressure on congress - we are going to get screwed by Iraq and Iran, jordan, and others.  OPEC will gain a lot of power.  We will lose a lot of power if we don't control that oil.  It will happen eventually.

Now... Hilary wants to find a way to prevent this collapse which will put you and me out of work (since some of our clients won't have money for elective things like websites and personal trainers).   Is Hilary wrong to want another source of energy besides foreign oil?

No, she is a socialist if she wants to do that. It's bullshit. If you don't like capitalism, move to a socialist country. This is a capitalist country and it's the reason we are where we are today. It's the reason you are making as much money as you want by doing your websites. Sure, you might not be making as much as you want, but if you work your ass off, it's quite possible that you can be very successful. You know why? Because the government doesn’t tell you how much you’re worth.   Maybe the government should take the money you earn from your web business, reinvest it, and give it people more poor than you? I'm sure there are people out there that think you make too much money, and that you deserve to give a large percentage to them because you are wealthier. I do web design for people as well, and it's a hell of a lot easier than digging a ditch. Maybe the governemt should step in and regulate your income so that you make less money than a ditch digger. It's EXACTLY the same thing as what Hillary is suggesting, just not on such a grand scale.
I’ve talked to countless small business owners that thank God that Bush is in office because his tax cuts have allowed them to grow. Maybe you’ll understand this one day when your business starts to make a serious profit, or if you need to start hiring employees,  and a democrat get elected and starts taxing the hell out of you, or “redirecting” your profits to someone else.

The democrats are a joke, they talk about helping the poor, meanwhile they live like kings. The don’t give a shit about the little guy, they just say they so you’ll vote for them. They do the same thing with minorities, act like they care, but watch what happens anytime a minority runs as a republican – they tear them to shreds. 

Check out John Edwards new pad, why doesn’t he sell it, buy a modest home, and give the rest to “the people”? Cause he’s full of shit. At least Republicans don’t try and hide they fact they want to be rich and live well.
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Re: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2007, 09:20:20 AM »

you're making this about capitalism.

Unfortunately, the nations with a lot of the oil don't always operate according to the rules of capitalism.

If venezuela, iran, and a few african nations decided it is better in their longterm interests to sell to China and stop selling to the USA, they can do that.  And, our economy will collapse.

You're making this about party politics, and it's not.  It's about the US' inability to survive without foreign oil from nations which hate us.  They could sell to China or Europe exslusively and suddenly we have fuel and food shortages.


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Re: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2007, 10:01:13 AM »

you're making this about capitalism.

Unfortunately, the nations with a lot of the oil don't always operate according to the rules of capitalism.

If venezuela, iran, and a few african nations decided it is better in their longterm interests to sell to China and stop selling to the USA, they can do that.  And, our economy will collapse.

You're making this about party politics, and it's not.  It's about the US' inability to survive without foreign oil from nations which hate us.  They could sell to China or Europe exslusively and suddenly we have fuel and food shortages.

 I agree with that 100%. I apologize for directing that at you, but it still stands for others. It's very political, and what I stated is the agenda of the Democratic Party, and of Hillary Clinton when she makes such statements.
I will stay non-political here -
Our best short term solution is to set up facilities here to drill for more oil, but whenever that's suggested, "certain people" slap it down. Long term is to find alternate sources, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon, no matter how much political power is behind it. For instance - The fuel cell is a "hot" new technology that seems like a good idea and a lot of people seem to be pushing. Unfortunately, they don't realize it takes more energy to make a fuel cell, than it does to use oil in the first place. In other words, lets say a car uses 10 units of energy to operate. A fuel cell requires 13 units of energy to be produced, and to operate that same car. Where does this energy come from? Right now it's mainly oil. Therefore a fuel cell technically uses more oil than using oil in the first place.  It's a joke.
The only way to realistically use less oil, would be to use nuclear energy. But those "same people" don't want that either. So until we figure out another way, that neither uses nuclear nor oil, we're stuck.
We have two short term ways to protect ourselves. 1. To drill more here. 2. Go to war whenever our oil supply is threatened (first gulf war). We will just have to be prepared for those “same people” to scream "war for oil", and criticize our government for protecting itself from imploding.
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Re: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2007, 10:05:48 AM »
alaska is our 'mad money' oil - we go there when completely out of options.

and nanotechnology will be here in 50 years so that we can just create oil when we need oil.  But until then, we are managing iraqi and afghan oil and ensuring they sell to us at terms we want.

We're never going to abandon oil IMO.  We'll find a way to generate it.  I don't think the Big Three or the US economy would ever allow it.  Same reason why every man who invents the water-powered car always commits suicide that week lol...


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Re: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2007, 10:37:54 AM »
alaska is our 'mad money' oil - we go there when completely out of options.

and nanotechnology will be here in 50 years so that we can just create oil when we need oil.  But until then, we are managing iraqi and afghan oil and ensuring they sell to us at terms we want.

We're never going to abandon oil IMO.  We'll find a way to generate it.  I don't think the Big Three or the US economy would ever allow it.  Same reason why every man who invents the water-powered car always commits suicide that week lol...

Agreed, minus the conspiracy aspect that the government is whacking people who find alternate sources of fuel. The biggest leaps in technology are being done in universities, which the government doesn’t control. If they did, there would be thousands of missing anti-establishment professors.
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Re: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2007, 11:21:02 AM »
Agreed, minus the conspiracy aspect that the government is whacking people who find alternate sources of fuel. The biggest leaps in technology are being done in universities, which the government doesn’t control. If they did, there would be thousands of missing anti-establishment professors.

it's not a conspiracy.  do a google search.  if you try to market the idea, you die suddenly.  it's a suicide mission for those smart enough to build one.

nanotechnology is the future.  being able to generate food, fuel, gold, whatever the hell you want.  it will be very powerful, very regulated, and very dangerous, but it will be here by the time we're old. 


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Re: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2007, 11:45:12 AM »
it's not a conspiracy.  do a google search.  if you try to market the idea, you die suddenly.  it's a suicide mission for those smart enough to build one.

nanotechnology is the future.  being able to generate food, fuel, gold, whatever the hell you want.  it will be very powerful, very regulated, and very dangerous, but it will be here by the time we're old. 

You can find a conspiracy on damn near anything through a google search, whether it's true or not. Instead, I'll ask you why Denny Klein is still alive? He's from Clearwater, so it's actually feasible for you to drive down and see him alive in person.
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Re: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2007, 11:51:00 AM »
hell no.  i stay away from suicidal folks like that.  they're messing with the saudis and a trillion dollar industry.  i'll stay far away from him.

berserker and toxic know this way better than I do, I think it was discussed here.  joker too. I know that oil isn't going anywhere, so I don't pay much attention.


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Re: Hillary, Dodd, Newsom, Obama
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2007, 12:02:18 PM »
hell no.  i stay away from suicidal folks like that.  they're messing with the saudis and a trillion dollar industry.  i'll stay far away from him.

berserker and toxic know this way better than I do, I think it was discussed here.  joker too. I know that oil isn't going anywhere, so I don't pay much attention.

When Denny Klein, or anyone that I can personally verify gets whacked or disappears, I'll believe it. I know Toxic and you (don't know about Berserker) both heavily believe in conspiracies, and no offense to any of you. I just don’t believe such things until I see credible proof.
tiny-tit bounty hunter