Author Topic: What's your gym pet peeve?  (Read 25563 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #175 on: February 06, 2007, 10:41:39 PM »

It's a university gym so all the cumdumpster freshman girls come in chat it up. I love that part. The part that's annoying is the gangbang that forms around them. 5-15 middle eastern guys all circled around them chatting it up with their weak game. It's always in the center of the gym by the preloaded barbells and you have to walk around the lingering date rape scenario just to get to your next station/bench/rack/whatever.

LOL True true


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #176 on: February 06, 2007, 10:46:56 PM »
I can't stand it when people pay attention to what I'm doing rather than worrying about their own workout.  It's annoying as hell.


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #177 on: February 06, 2007, 10:55:54 PM »
I can't stand it when people pay attention to what I'm doing rather than worrying about their own workout.  It's annoying as hell.
Or people that care what we say just because we are obseervent.  Do you have friggin blinders onto the world in the gym?  You can't honestly say you have never noticed some knucklehead in the gym doing stupid shit.  Get over yourself.
Squishy face retard


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #178 on: February 06, 2007, 11:15:15 PM »
Of course I notice people doing stupid shit.  There is no reason for someone to go to the gym for THEIR workout and spend half their time worrying about what the hell I'm doing.  It's flat out rude.  If they'd concentrate as much on their own workout as they do mine they might actually achieve some of their goals.


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #179 on: February 06, 2007, 11:27:22 PM »
Say it!   

I'll drop the weights on 5 rep sets.  Come on guys..its fookin heavy.  Toss the weight down, stand up feel the rush of adrenaline, test and endorphins....growl like a wild animal.  I love it!  Its one of the best reasons to lift heavy.  Shit there's enough time in the week when you have to kiss ass to bosses and customers and be nice to in laws.  When I get under the iron and really push heavy weight, its for me.  A chance to recapture a time when  man had to go out and take what he needed to live!

And Im not going to tear a rotator cuff trying to control a weight to the ground when I just burned everything out with forced negatives.  IF they break, they break..thats what gym profits are for..and if it makes others unconfortable, thats their problem...their insecurity.

WTF!??? If they break they break?  You seem like a true assclown, my friend.  Other people use your dumbells.  Hell, your the type of person that breaks dumbells that I use. There are other people around that use them for the same reason you do... so your gonna toss them down to get your "rush of endorphins"??? phhhhhtt... godDAMN your an idiot.  You don't own the damn gym, chimp.  Show some "fookin" respect.


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #180 on: February 06, 2007, 11:50:18 PM »
Anyone who has a pet named Peeve needs to be drawn and quartered.

   hardy har har


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #181 on: February 06, 2007, 11:52:04 PM »
WTF!??? If they break they break?  You seem like a true assclown, my friend.  Other people use your dumbells.  Hell, your the type of person that breaks dumbells that I use. There are other people around that use them for the same reason you do... so your gonna toss them down to get your "rush of endorphins"??? phhhhhtt... godDAMN your an idiot.  You don't own the damn gym, chimp.  Show some "fookin" respect.

I agree, but still....meltdown


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #182 on: February 07, 2007, 12:15:42 AM »
 I hate it when me, only 165 lbs, trying to get my fifth rep benching 225, when some big 230 lb guy comes over, spots me, and grabs my barbell, and blasts out 10 reps of curls with it. Then shouts out "225 FOR 4 1/2 REPS!!! WHAT A BEAST". Then my girlfriend smiles and winks at him, while pointing at her cell phone. GOD I HATE THAT.
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  • Getbig V
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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #183 on: February 07, 2007, 12:21:11 AM »
I hate it when me, only 165 lbs, trying to get my fifth rep benching 225, when some big 230 lb guy comes over, spots me, and grabs my barbell, and blasts out 10 reps of curls with it. Then shouts out "225 FOR 4 1/2 REPS!!! WHAT A BEAST". Then my girlfriend smiles and winks at him, while pointing at her cell phone. GOD I HATE THAT.

I see you've met sarcasm in person. :)


  • Getbig III
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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #184 on: February 07, 2007, 12:48:50 AM »
I agree, but still....meltdown

Meltdown is right ;D Ill admit it...


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #185 on: February 07, 2007, 03:42:24 AM »
Sometimes when your pushing some heavy iron (over 100) the last thing you are thinking about is a controlled descent when you are done.

I'm not endorsing slamming them like a retard like Ronnie does, but a controlled drop is okay.

Yeah I agree, was talking to some people about it yesterday while dong DB chest presses. Almost all weights above 70 have slightly bent handles and it makes it had to press them. I drop the weight on heavier sets for me but I am doing 80-100lbs for 8-15 reps, I am sure to make the drop slow and controlled while having them his square with the floor. I almost got pissed as shit though cause later in my workout while doing DB shoulder presses this beast (who is known for his grunting hardcore 50-60lbs DB chest presses while blasting hardcore rock on his I-Pod) is right next to me and drops his 60lb DB's from shoulder height and they bounce all over with one coming within less then 6 inches of flipping onto my foot which happened to be just off the floor.


  • Getbig II
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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #186 on: February 07, 2007, 04:48:41 AM »
i hate it when i'm just tring to get my workout on and get out and the wannabes try to get your approval ie... first they give u the brotherhood nod like their in your if! then start off by talking about how hard they train, how much they guy told me how much he lifted in school while playing football....he was in his 40's!!!another tells me he can squat the same weight i am so i look at his chicken legs and ask..."you go all the way down with that"? he says no only i said why would you waste your time doing that.other day a guy...67yoa wife beater tshirt and running shorts starts telling me of his training philosophy..train hard or go home as he was stacking the leg press with 6 plates each side...then does his 4 inch reps! was i supposed to tell him how impressed i am? am i ranting? sorry. do stupid people know their stupid? handicapped people know their handicapped right? blind people know their blind.


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #187 on: February 07, 2007, 05:11:05 AM »
don't try to explain it to "sinbad", dingle, he's too hardcore, he doesn't want to be interupted in the middle of his massive set of flat dumbbell presses with the 60's for 5, when he puts on his Everlast sweatshirt, Otomix, headband and backwards House of Pain ballcap he's all business.

lol....Sinbad, Lord of the gym ::) ::)
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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #188 on: February 07, 2007, 06:25:06 AM »
WTF!??? If they break they break?  You seem like a true assclown, my friend.  Other people use your dumbells.  Hell, your the type of person that breaks dumbells that I use. There are other people around that use them for the same reason you do... so your gonna toss them down to get your "rush of endorphins"??? phhhhhtt... godDAMN your an idiot.  You don't own the damn gym, chimp.  Show some "fookin" respect.

Swoody...I was being sarcastic...jesus man, don't hurt yourself gettin so worked up in front of your momma's might wake her and your new "daddy" up.  ;D

relax and breathe...relax and breathe my friend....its and internet forum.

oh and for the record.  While I also enjoyed the "Office Space" movie, nobody's saying "assclown" anymore.


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #189 on: February 07, 2007, 07:31:29 AM »
I hate people that bring in their cells and then have to make a call during their workout. I just want to smash that phone over their little skulls.
Here are my pet peeves:
1. Guys who join a gym and do nothing but push-ups sit-ups and chin-ups. Even with all the vast up to date equipment and an array of dumbbells these clowns are clueless.

2. Guys on cell phones. Your there to train, don't be a pussy. Train and go home. Whatever it is can wait till your 1hr of training is done.

3. Guys that shadow box. They need to realize that THEIR IN THE WRONG FUCKING GYM. There are plenty of martial arts dojo's and boxing academy's to accomadate them. They can't press a pair of 80lb dumbbells let alone 120's or 140's if there life depended on it. Translation: i'm weak as shit and jealous of everyone else's progress in the gym but hey everyone look at me, i'm a tough guy cause I can throw hooks and uppercuts".

4. People who train on balls. They roll around on balls like a bunch of retards usually with some loser know-it-all trainer and they can't seem to figure out why they can't get any progress.

5. Personal trainers that why 160lbs soaking wet telling other people how to train. Enough said.

6. People who can't put their dumbbells away or strip the weights off the machine when they are done. Nothing makes me more sick then when a chick has to take 20 45lb plates off a leg press that some clown did his 1/4 inch reps with.

7. Guys who won't let you work in between sets. I've had pro's like Henderson Thorne and Paul Dillet let me work in on a machine and some 160lb kid is telling me that he has 4 sets to go? thats gonna stand.

8. People who do their entire workout on a smith machine. If your training chest, pick a flat or and incline and move on so others can use it. But to do all you flat, incline and decline? Ludacris.

9. People that ask to work in, you let them, and they strip all your plates off. If you can't push it, move out of the way and wait you're turn.
10. People that take over your bench while your getting a drink of water or grabbing your weights. Where is the ettiquitte? Knowone heard of asking?

Those are my pet peeves, keep on pushing guys. 



  • Getbig III
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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #190 on: February 07, 2007, 08:14:19 AM »
Either that or he is smoking weed at the gym with a glass bong !!! fuckin cool!!

Dude I know thoses are bongs and all, but fucking to first glace at them and they looked like some weird ditto.


  • Getbig III
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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #191 on: February 07, 2007, 08:17:02 AM »
10. People that take over your bench while your getting a drink of water or grabbing your weights. Where is the ettiquitte? Knowone heard of asking?

Old people hot chick, fat chicks, gay fag lifters, OMG This is my NUMBER ONE for pet peeves.
Second cellphones.


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #192 on: February 07, 2007, 08:20:03 AM »
3. Guys that shadow box. They need to realize that THEIR IN THE WRONG FUCKING GYM.

You just reminded me...
My buddy (the gym owner) told me that about a week ago he had to have a "talk" with one member.

The kid usually comes in wearing his hoodie with the hood pulled down far over top his head and walks into the gym like a boxer walking to the ring. ::)

He always shadow boxes for a while off in some corner, but the other week, the stupid prick started punching the equipment.
He's using the pec-deck like it's a heavy bag!

The owner tells the kid if he breaks a machine he'd be paying for a new one.
The kid said, "No problem. I'll buy ya a new one." (I don't think he was sarcastic, just stupid.)
When the owner showed him how much a new PD costs, the kid wised up and agreed no to box the equipment anymore.


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #193 on: February 07, 2007, 08:26:30 AM »

Swoody...I was being sarcastic...jesus man, don't hurt yourself gettin so worked up in front of your momma's might wake her and your new "daddy" up.  ;D

relax and breathe...relax and breathe my friend....its and internet forum.

oh and for the record.  While I also enjoyed the "Office Space" movie, nobody's saying "assclown" anymore.

If you WERE being sarcastic, then my bad.  But you made it hard to tell, since there have been so many other posters say almost the same thing.  And by the way, I am married, its my computer, my parents have been together for 30 years and still love each other (which is a blessing considering some families), and "assclown" has been thrown all over this forum.  Monster pathetic attempt at owning.


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #194 on: February 07, 2007, 08:30:35 AM »
THIS ONE MOTHER FUCKER THAT JUMP ROPES IN THE FREE WEIGHT ROOM!  >:( >:( >:( never fails!!! this kid is ALWAYS jump roping in the cage when it's peak hours and there's wall to wall people. He blocks surrounding machines and bitches at people that "he was here first" while inhibiting other work outs. The first few times I thought it was cute, the next few times I walked right by him and go in the machine and started working. They have a dance/class room, open mat and warmup area, and open floor gymnasium for that shit!  >:( >:( STOP TAKING UP SPACE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT 30 SECOND SPEED ROPE HOPS!


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #195 on: February 07, 2007, 11:28:59 AM »
oh and for the record.  While I also enjoyed the "Office Space" movie, nobody's saying "assclown" anymore.

I dunno, I kinda like the term "assclown"

It's visual just makes me laugh...


  • Getbig II
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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #196 on: February 07, 2007, 11:40:10 AM »
I hate bitches who stare at me while I work out!!! :o :o :o :o

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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #197 on: February 07, 2007, 11:41:18 AM »
I hate bitches who stare at me while I work out!!! :o :o :o :o

By bitches do you mean random people or women?


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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #198 on: February 07, 2007, 11:42:09 AM »
By bitches do you mean random people or women?

Sorry, WOMEN!!!

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Re: What's your gym pet peeve?
« Reply #199 on: February 07, 2007, 11:43:22 AM »
Sorry, WOMEN!!!

I dont really mind women lookin at me train. The problem lies if a male watches you train. Then we have a problem.