Author Topic: Craig Titus cries in court  (Read 15158 times)


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 09:42:51 AM »
what a little bitch....

craig was always one of those blowhards that had all the, relationships, etc....its so funny to see him whimpering like a little girl....

I wonder if he gave that poor, dying girl a chance to cry before him and his clown wife tazered her.....

Please, please, will someone else post how sweet and nice craig and kelly were?  What a great guy craig was?

craig and Kellys life will be a footnote in bodybuilding.....with MURDERERS at the top of their legacy....

they used to come into where I worked, and my memory of their haughty attitude makes me sick.......rot in jail, c+k


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 06:32:00 PM »
Titus looks like a sorry-assed old man in that court photo.  And Ryan with the graying hair... well, it's a real shame that these folks fell for the lure of drugs and everything else that brought them down and to where they are now.


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2007, 06:56:37 PM »
Titus looks like a sorry-assed old man in that court photo.  And Ryan with the graying hair... well, it's a real shame that these folks fell for the lure of drugs and everything else that brought them down and to where they are now.

It wasnt the "lure", it was their fucked up personalities that doomed them in the first place.....c+t are grown ups, they fucked up their lives and the lives of those around them because they were selfish, evil people.


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2007, 06:45:27 PM »
what a little bitch....

craig was always one of those blowhards that had all the, relationships, etc....its so funny to see him whimpering like a little girl....

I wonder if he gave that poor, dying girl a chance to cry before him and his clown wife tazered her.....

Please, please, will someone else post how sweet and nice craig and kelly were?  What a great guy craig was?

craig and Kellys life will be a footnote in bodybuilding.....with MURDERERS at the top of their legacy....

they used to come into where I worked, and my memory of their haughty attitude makes me sick.......rot in jail, c+k

Well don't keep us in suspense dude, where did you work?  In Venice or in Vegas?  Restaurant or what?
GIve us some of your stories and tell us why they were "haughty"....

I know Kel never used to be like that - Craig for that matter - though he got that way on roids and rec drugs pretty fast and was abominable to deal with.  In time, after he got out of Lompoc, he was like that pretty much all the time...  Kel didn't become that way until she was with Craig for a year.... then she became a rude bitch to people and a gangsta beeotch - a true ride or die bitch.

Just curious.... do tell


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2007, 09:52:31 PM »
"Craig Titus cries in court "

Maybe he had a pebble in his shoe. A pebble in your shoe can be very painful.


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2007, 10:38:21 PM »
Man, it can be a real DONNYBROOK, yanno?   ;)


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2007, 10:03:51 AM »
I dont want to say where i worked....but it was in Venice.....when Craig was one on one, he was okay to talk to you, sometimes the humanity would show thru (he had a child that died young, it hurt him a lot)  But as soon a sanother person (especially female) came in to the store, the conversation could do a 180, and hed start talking about money, etc in THE loudest was really comical at times, actually.....sometimes Id be shocked because Id suddenly have no idea whaty he was talking about, until I saw another customer standing there, then craig was being craig.   Just a big mouthed braggart.  But MOSt of the girls would "buy" it!!

I remember him being the man, (this was about 8 years ago) telling me how he and Kelly were going to open a "Krispy Kreme"(KK was the investment rage at the time)....i thought to myself "yeah, right, "....gods honest truth....can you imagine that goofy fuck ina  little white hat and uniform?

I always laugh when I remember how Guy Grundy was up craigs ass all the time, even bragging about how craig was always hitting on his wife....Guy always wrote about what a great businessman Craig the meantime....have you ever seen Craigs writing samples????  he had the writing skills of  a third would be hard to imagine craig balancing a check book let alone running a business...

When Craig saw Kelly he saw rich parents and a dumbass he could manipulate....those rich parents are why they lasted a slong as they did

Im just reminiscing (?) criminal acts....but it gives you insight into how dumb, and childish craig is....his financial success is just kellys family, but the bodybuilding masses always portrayed Craig as being a shaker and mover....he was just a common thug who got lucky that he WAS a good looking guy with a decent physique....bodybuilding or not, craig was destined to be a criminal.....its just funny hwo the public beleived there was  more to craig than that


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2007, 11:07:19 PM »
Dude, your post cracked me up!! ;D ;D ;D
I don't know why.... haha ... I guess I just pictured what you said, as if he was standing in the middle of the Max Muscle Venice store or in KooKooRoo or something, talking loudly about himself - that was so Craig. And you're right, his letters, emails and writing samples were so childish and just, well, ignorant. Then again, I can only imagine what Bob Kennedy and Johnny Fitness must have to do to make Guy Grundy's columns sound remotely like English - that has to be one of the best examples of "What were you thinking?" hiring that guy!

The "goofy fucka" comment about him in a white Krispy Kreme hat made my night.

 8) 8)


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2007, 08:33:08 AM »
Remember how Craig was always ready to "fight'?  Its kinda cool for a twenty year old (maybe) to thrrow his weight around, but pathetic (and telling) for a forty year old to do it.

One thing i figured out as I got older, and my net worth became more than my stash of GH, was that throwing a punch was about the same as giving someone permission (by legal action) to take some of your stuff (money)....the opposite of this is trying to take blood from a  rock, of course....Craig always seemed ready to "throw down" with no regard for how it would affect him financially...unless of course, he had nothing for anyone to take, because it was kellys family's money!

Every time Craig (or any  other asshole that threatens to fight, for that matter) threw a punch, he was showing the world how worthless (literally) he was......someone with a six figure bank account would think twice before getting into an altercation....with anyone, nio matter how tough they are!

Just a side note for all those (this means you, Grundy) whop were so impressed by Craig and Kellys success.  At best, they were just posers.


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2007, 11:08:08 AM »
Dude, you're forgetting one thing:
Craig is sick and has no impulse control.  There are so many psychological models that could explain him and all that ails him, but one for sure is this:
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Your belief system says one thing (I am worth this and don't want to jeopardize it - OR - I have been to jail and I don't like it and don't want to go back)...

But your behavior says another (you fight because you have no impulse control and have issues)...

So you change your belief system to match your behavior, rather than changing your escalating or dangerous or illogical behavior to suit your belief system. (So Craig would convince himself that someone did him SO wrong, that it was justified, no matter what). Despite nothing really being worth that, it became high stakes for Craig all the time, and I think he rarely knew why.

This, by the way, is what would lead someone to murder if they felt wronged enough.

I think this is definitely what Kelly suffered from with the swinging and taking abuse from Craig when she was a fairly strong woman beforehand with achievements in her plus column and a lot of friends.

Craig to some extent too, but then it got so convoluted and the depth of his sickness grew over the years, I'm sure it melded with other psych models to create a big mess.

And yes, I do know how Craig was always ready to fight - even women he hated or felt scorned or attacked by. He was a class act. Though, oddly at times, would make me laugh too.

But as soon as someone commits murder, that sort of behavior ceases to be even the slightest bit humorous.


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2007, 06:17:27 PM »

I know Kel never used to be like that - Craig for that matter - though he got that way on roids and rec drugs pretty fast and was abominable to deal with.  In time, after he got out of Lompoc, he was like that pretty much all the time...  Kel didn't become that way until she was with Craig for a year.... then she became a rude bitch to people and a gangsta beeotch - a true ride or die bitch.


Craig...arrogant....init ially from a younger Craig was charming.  But the older he got...and the less shows he did well in, the "charming" aspect changed into this desperate kind of "you owe me" whining kind of crap.

Kelly...fell for the bullshit that everyone was against her and Craig...were "so jealous of what they had together". 

Yeah okay...maybe that could have been true for about 1 month into their marriage (if that long) ...then Craig's big mouth got Kelly moving fast all the way down and out of her career and she didn't even see it happening although everyone around her did.

Just a part of the old isolation technique that Craig was so good at.


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2007, 06:20:41 PM »
Remember how Craig was always ready to "fight'?  Its kinda cool for a twenty year old (maybe) to thrrow his weight around, but pathetic (and telling) for a forty year old to do it.

One thing i figured out as I got older, and my net worth became more than my stash of GH, was that throwing a punch was about the same as giving someone permission (by legal action) to take some of your stuff (money)....the opposite of this is trying to take blood from a  rock, of course....Craig always seemed ready to "throw down" with no regard for how it would affect him financially...unless of course, he had nothing for anyone to take, because it was kellys family's money!

Every time Craig (or any  other asshole that threatens to fight, for that matter) threw a punch, he was showing the world how worthless (literally) he was......someone with a six figure bank account would think twice before getting into an altercation....with anyone, nio matter how tough they are!

Just a side note for all those (this means you, Grundy) whop were so impressed by Craig and Kellys success.  At best, they were just posers.

well said...and true

also I hate sucker punches.  Craig used that on occasion and it didn't impress me much.


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2007, 12:51:21 PM »
Sucker punch.  I can actually picture both Craig and Kelly using that technique on Melissa.
Dude, when I saw that video of the teen girl kicking that other girl's ass that they lured to a "slumber/ sleepover" party, I thought, "So that's what it looked like in the Titus-Ryan living room that night before they shot her up full of morphine!?

And those girls who beat the fuck out of the other teen girl didn't even appear to be meth heads - so even that drug defense is a crock of shit.

As much as I have always agreed with you, and others, Buff, that Kelly was ABSOLUTELY isolated and was the victim of emotional abuse, I only have to think of this kind of a beating - which I can picture in my head when I close my eyes and imagine that night with MJ - and know that, no matter what, Kel went down the tubes and never tried to help herself out of her "Craig addiction".  And it wasn't for lack of warning, that's for sure.


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2007, 05:21:52 PM »
Agreed, Shock...

And at what point does one say enough is enough?  When someone is being beaten or tasered?  Guess not, huh?

There has to be something missing inside a person who allows or takes part in the murder of another's just been hard for me and others (like yourself) to realize Kelly is one of those with "something" missing.


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2007, 09:13:21 AM »
Sucker punch.  I can actually picture both Craig and Kelly using that technique on Melissa.
Dude, when I saw that video of the teen girl kicking that other girl's ass that they lured to a "slumber/ sleepover" party, I thought, "So that's what it looked like in the Titus-Ryan living room that night before they shot her up full of morphine!?

And those girls who beat the fuck out of the other teen girl didn't even appear to be meth heads - so even that drug defense is a crock of shit.

As much as I have always agreed with you, and others, Buff, that Kelly was ABSOLUTELY isolated and was the victim of emotional abuse, I only have to think of this kind of a beating - which I can picture in my head when I close my eyes and imagine that night with MJ - and know that, no matter what, Kel went down the tubes and never tried to help herself out of her "Craig addiction".  And it wasn't for lack of warning, that's for sure.

Where is this video on youtube


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2007, 06:22:33 PM »
craig looks like a pathetic shrinking man  ;D
RIP Bob Probert


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2007, 11:20:48 PM »
all I have to say is GEEZ. :o


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Re: Craig Titus cries in court
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2007, 11:55:00 AM »
Wow, you can see that the "Stress" has aged both of them