Author Topic: the health crisis problem: people who don't take responsiblity!  (Read 772 times)


  • Getbig IV
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  • Getbig!
this post is kind of a compliment to the posting thread about fat people's lack of willpower is sickening. my friend and i were having this discussion about all the healthcare industry is in crisis in this country and how people can't afford their medicine and such, but what gets me is that you hear people whether where you work, at the supermarket, at the gym, at the movie theatre, pretty much anywhere and everywhere in life, complain and complain about their aches and pains and their sicknesses but yet they eat shit, don't work out, smoke and/or drink, etcetera! what the heck!

i truly believe that people in this world are consumed with self-absorption and excuse making and no responsiblity for themselves anymore! dont' they realize that if they would put down the big mac, not get wasted every  weekend, exercise, etcetera and didn't do this for 10, 20, 30 years that when they got to be 40, 50, 60, 70 years old that they might not get sick, get aches and pains,  they might not have the need for these medicines and doctor visits that they can't afford !!!!!!!!!!!!!! do people nowadays truly believe that they don't need to worry about their health in the future or that it won't happen to them?

i truly believe that a person should get rewarded and also punished for the life they lead in regard to health issues!! if your a person who has always exercised, don't drink or smoke, eat right, etcetera then if by chance you do get some illness and need medications and doctor visits then you should have cheaper rates and if you were do weak willed, lazy or whatever do do what is right in regard to your health then it's tough for you, you deserve having to buy all the medicines you need and have to struggle to pay for them and doctor visits!! of course i'm not talking about genetic diseases that you can't help or car accidents and stuff like that! but truly, unless you live in a cave in the middle of nowhere every single person in this country knows what you are supposed to do for good health not just for today but for the rest of your life, so why should all taxpayers and the government fork up the money to pay for your stupidity! and most of all, why should any of us who do live the right lifestyle, have to listen to people frankly bitch about their ailments and health issues!

of course, as my friend and i agreed on this matter, there is no way any government or office could regulate this ( what is considered a good healthy life and what is not) there are way too many issues ( privacy, freedom of rights, etcetera) to based healthcare on this standard.

this issue just pisses me off quite frankly, get all the ailments, illnesses you want people, i just don't want to hear your self-pity and bitching about it when you knew what you had to do and didn't do anything about it until it's too late!


  • Getbig V
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Re: the health crisis problem: people who don't take responsiblity!
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2007, 05:17:08 PM »
I stopped reading at 'compliment' [sic]

/oh, and MELTDOWN.


  • Getbig V
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Re: the health crisis problem: people who don't take responsiblity!
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2007, 06:03:36 PM »
I agree 100 %...