I did legs last night for the first time in over 2 weeks, I think. It's been really hard to keep up with workouts for everything else when I have been focusing on the bench press. I'm only doing chest twice a week, but I am always trying not to make anything else sore in preparation for those workouts...so I try to rest at least one day before each and not train too terribly heavy in two days before...which leaves me with very few days in the week left to hit it hard.
With the bench meet two weekends ago and the Arnold last weekend, I didn't have a chance to train legs at all. I went pretty light last night so as not to cripple myself for the entire week.
-SQUATS (pretty deep, at least for me) - bar for 20, 95 pounds for 20, 3 sets 155 pounds for 10
-DEADS - 95 for 15, 3 sets 135 for 12
-HACKS - 1 set 150 pounds x 10 before and after my leg extensions
-LEG EXTENSIONS - Hammer Strength Machine, 100 pounds loaded on - 4 sets x 12
-LYING HAMMY CURLS - 3 sets x 12
I finished off with a few sets of unweighted calf raises.