Author Topic: Cafferty called a socialist for wanting money to go to American Infrastructure.  (Read 1732 times)

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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How about it righties?  Is he a pinko commie bastard for wanting a common need met with tax collected dollars?  Would our needs be better met by privatizing the system?  Am I a total communist fuck for thinking corporations would rape the people for all we're worth and leave us with the least they can get away with?  the corporation will save us right ::)

USA World Police Funds needs to go to America.... End this bullshit..

Al Doggity

  • Getbig V
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Billions have been diverted from maintaining the public infrastructure as a DIRECT result of this war.

Just a few weeks ago, here in New York an underground steam pipe exploded and killed a few people, burned one guy up pretty badly. It was about 80 years old and had been repaired a bunch of times.

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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Billions have been diverted from maintaining the public infrastructure as a DIRECT result of this war.

Just a few weeks ago, here in New York an underground steam pipe exploded and killed a few people, burned one guy up pretty badly. It was about 80 years old and had been repaired a bunch of times.
of course the righty answer is.....  Privatization...

Help us Obi Wan Halliburton, you're our only hope...  :P


  • Getbig V
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Billions have been diverted from maintaining the public infrastructure as a DIRECT result of this war.

Just a few weeks ago, here in New York an underground steam pipe exploded and killed a few people, burned one guy up pretty badly. It was about 80 years old and had been repaired a bunch of times.

Have you ever been to NY? The roads are 30 years from total disrepair, the train stations stink and are a total waste, etc.

Get a friggin grip!


  • Getbig V
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The money should go to roads sure....we spent 39 billion last year. But as far as the war...please show me where we have diverted a single penny from road construction to the war effort. How about diverting it from the NEA or Welfare or housing illiegals in jail instead of shipping em back. Or bs pork barrel politics like John Murtha's 150 Million from the last bill past by Congress. Both sides do it, so lets clamp down on that.


  • Getbig V
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How about it righties?  Is he a pinko commie bastard for wanting a common need met with tax collected dollars?  Would our needs be better met by privatizing the system?  Am I a total communist fuck for thinking corporations would rape the people for all we're worth and leave us with the least they can get away with?  the corporation will save us right ::)

USA World Police Funds needs to go to America.... End this bullshit..

Corporarions' got everyone by the balls: the governments, the people, the military. Everyone is on their payroll.

People need to grow the fuck up and start voting for a candidate that will work for the people. And God knows NO president since Roosevelt has done anything but put money in CEO's pockets. We get what we deserve.

Being called a communist is the worst in the US, but what do you call corporations that are setting operations overseas for 1/50th of the cost in the US? American corporations? Fucking shit!! Wake the fuck up!!

Go to Jersey City one day for chrisake. It's like downtown Calcuta.


  • Getbig V
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The money should go to roads sure....we spent 39 billion last year. But as far as the war...please show me where we have diverted a single penny from road construction to the war effort. How about diverting it from the NEA or Welfare or housing illiegals in jail instead of shipping em back. Or bs pork barrel politics like John Murtha's 150 Million from the last bill past by Congress. Both sides do it, so lets clamp down on that.

Because they fucking need it! It's Americans you're taking about you "patriot". Irakis don't need $10,000 in their pockets. Americans do!


  • Getbig V
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I don't know..we're not handing out billions to the Iraqi's for a party, and besides I've been there TWICE, so yeah I'm a patriot. Watch who your yelling at monkey ass. There's plenty of cash to do both. Stop blaming Bush because a bridge coillapsed. Nobody did a thing when the bridge came up bad in 2005-2006.


  • Getbig V
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I don't know..we're not handing out billions to the Iraqi's for a party, and besides I've been there TWICE, so yeah I'm a patriot. Watch who your yelling at monkey ass. There's plenty of cash to do both. Stop blaming Bush because a bridge coillapsed. Nobody did a thing when the bridge came up bad in 2005-2006.

Right, and you difuse the issue by saying that we could take the money that we spend for putting Mexicans on a bus and dropping them off in downtown Tijuana and putting it to work in American programs. Yeah right! Never mind the fact that the ratio of money spent in Iraq to that we've spent sending illegal aliens to Mexico is 1000 to 1. You're very brave indeed, picking on the innocent and defenseless.

And by the way, you might've been in Iraq twice, but I want you to know something, you were not defending Americans over there, you were defending the big US oil companies, so don't try to lay some blame game on me. It was your decision to be there. Live with it.

Had you been in Afghanistan/Pakistan hunting down Osama Bin Laden and the al Qaeda gang I'd be kissing your feet.


  • Getbig V
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Well u better get ready to pucker up...OEF 5-6 last feet could use a pumice stone as well. No blame game here, ur new to the board. I could care less about the big oil companies..the war was about securing natural resources, i have no issues with that. Innocent and defenseless..mexicans..t hey're breaking our laws. If it was up to me we'd have a wall like in Escape from New York.

Dos Equis

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Billions have been diverted from maintaining the public infrastructure as a DIRECT result of this war.

Just a few weeks ago, here in New York an underground steam pipe exploded and killed a few people, burned one guy up pretty badly. It was about 80 years old and had been repaired a bunch of times.

Infrastructure is funded largely by state and local governments.  I doubt a New York underground steam pipe was maintained by the federal government.     


  • Getbig V
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Well u better get ready to pucker up...OEF 5-6 last feet could use a pumice stone as well. No blame game here, ur new to the board. I could care less about the big oil companies..the war was about securing natural resources, i have no issues with that. Innocent and defenseless..mexicans..t hey're breaking our laws. If it was up to me we'd have a wall like in Escape from New York.

This is what really kills me, a guy who's been in Iraq defending Big Oil profits. Who were you defending over there, American citizens or American oil companies? Because I do not know if you're aware of what the US soldiers are supposed to do: protect the integrity of the US territory and its citizens from any harm.

If it means forcing other coutries to hand over terrorist suspects, fine. It it means taking military action to get those terrorists, fine. But going into an already fucked up country in which WE'VE, passively or actively, killed upwards of 100,000 people, and which had NOTHING to do with what happened on 09/11... That is something I am not confortable with, AT ALL. And MANY Americans feel that way.

And by the way, I make plenty of money to pay whatever the leaches at Big Oil decide to charge me per gallon. If I have to ride my bicycle 50 miles to work I'll do it (for a while), but I do not want another American soul dead overseas. Am I clear in what I'm trying to say?

And what you're saying about Mexicans breaking the law by coming here ilegally, I do agree, but so did we when our generalisimos invaded... sorry, bought, the southwestern states. Where do we draw the line? Yes, that happened a little over 100 years ago, but you have to realise that the US was an internationally recognized nation back then... and we broke the law. Period.

And most of all, if the US military puts you in a position in which you feel you are not defending the American people, LEAVE! Go AWOL! You will be doing all of us a greater service in the long run, believe me. So far, and this is becoming clearer every day, your kids and my kids will inherint a much more dangerous world. Pretty nice "gift" we're giving them huh?


  • Getbig V
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and who might that be?  ::)

Ralph Nader.

If you vote democrat they will do basically the same thing, although in a different manner. Both democrats and republicans have their pockets "greased". If this weren't so, their sudden change of attitude a couple of months ago wouldn't make sense. It's not about consensus.

The American people made their voices heard in the last election, and for the presidency, the republicans will win again because democrats STILL do not understand that they are supposed to do what their contituency put them in power to do. Forget about republicans, they are pro-business because they are Big Business. They are pro-religion because part of their constituency is pro-religion. And they satisfy and fulfill what they were put in power to do. That's why they win. Period.

No more Clinton-like bullshit. Straight up: US soldiers back home, massive investing in alternative industries, lobbying is from thereon banned, massive diversion of funds from armament industry/Big Business subsidies to fixing and maintaing US infrastructures, funding of programs of people who cannot work or are disabled (includind US veterans and active-duty), massive funding of the educational system, etc.

If Big Business is indeed so effective, as they say they are, they can (logically) do without government subsidies. If Big business is indeed so competivive, as they say they are, and so operationally streamlined, they will be able to compete under the new economic conditions.

If we do not start funding alternative industries NOW, the hit we, and our kids, will take is tremendous: rampant inflation, extremely high energy prices (and we all know what Big Business do when the price of energy goes up: go to daddy Government to get subsidies), a stagnant economic conditions (remember the Depression?), etc.

We, the American people, either take the bull by the horns or we're going to get fucked so far up the ass our kids' future will be put in jeopardy for many years. And God knows Big Business are not pro-people, no matter how many times they try to make it seem otherwise, they are pro-profit, pro-big investor, meaning pro-5% of the population. It's time to put Big Business on trial. The American people will decide. 

As it stands right now, the coming 1-2 generations of Americans will have to socially, culturally and most of all, economically take one step backwards so that their kids, or grandkids, can have a better life than they will. And this has never happened before in American history, not even during the Depression era.      


  • Getbig V
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This is what really kills me, a guy who's been in Iraq defending Big Oil profits. Who were you defending over there, American citizens or American oil companies? Because I do not know if you're aware of what the US soldiers are supposed to do: protect the integrity of the US territory and its citizens from any harm.

If it means forcing other coutries to hand over terrorist suspects, fine. It it means taking military action to get those terrorists, fine. But going into an already fucked up country in which WE'VE, passively or actively, killed upwards of 100,000 people, and which had NOTHING to do with what happened on 09/11... That is something I am not confortable with, AT ALL. And MANY Americans feel that way.

And by the way, I make plenty of money to pay whatever the leaches at Big Oil decide to charge me per gallon. If I have to ride my bicycle 50 miles to work I'll do it (for a while), but I do not want another American soul dead overseas. Am I clear in what I'm trying to say?

And what you're saying about Mexicans breaking the law by coming here ilegally, I do agree, but so did we when our generalisimos invaded... sorry, bought, the southwestern states. Where do we draw the line? Yes, that happened a little over 100 years ago, but you have to realise that the US was an internationally recognized nation back then... and we broke the law. Period.

What Law, who's law did we break when we took the South West. I believe Europe was up to their asses in blood all over the globe. The Spainish built mexico. Only the Libs hide behind international law. The US government decides foreign policy, the military carries it out should we have to. I don't have a problem with it. It was in our stategic best interest to control oil and make sure Saddam got the boot. How we did it can be debated, but I don't really care why .The Iraq war is sucking in all the nutbags and we're killing them whole sale. It would appear the surge is working. In any event we just can't pull out. Rightly or wrongly we caused the mess in Iraq and we have to fix it. It's naive to think the rest of the world plays by some fair system.

AWOL...I'm an officer and I took an oath so thats not evr going to happen.  ::). I grew up with Soviet rockets ready to smoke us, same world different enemies.



  • Getbig V
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Do you think America has a quality control problem?

the efficiency of government seems wasteful, but it seems it's like

ah fuck what are we going to do about it. Throw more money at it. Thats the answer to everything. It isn't so I don't get why people complain when you are working and living within a system that isn't efficient. Your arguments would be totally different if the systems would be different.

reminds me of insanity.


  • Getbig V
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What Law, who's law did we break when we took the South West.

Well, back in the day one of our generalisimos entered Mexican territory (technically invaded) without provocation or a declaration of war (which received very little news coverage in the US), which prompted a retaliation from the Mexican army, that's what legitimate armies do anyway, (lots of coverage by American newspapers) and hence the story was set for an armed confrontation, chearleaded along the way by American newspapers (like they do nowadays), knowing that the Mexican army would be no match for their US counterparts, effectively forcing the Mexican government into selling the territories of Texas, New Mexico, California and Arizona or face an invasion of the whole legitimate state of Mexico from an illegitimate foreign army.

Now, Sadam did a very similar thing a decade or so ago, and the retaliation motives we appealed to at the time were in essence contained within the International Charters sanctioned by the UN, certainly NOT in the US Constitution.

Now I ask of you: What is the difference between what we did in Iraq and what Mexico did to defend their territory?

I believe Europe was up to their asses in blood all over the globe. The Spainish built mexico.

I concur.

Only the Libs hide behind international law.

Wow, wow, wow, hold on now. It's not only the "libs", its 95% of the civilized world. The ones who oppose international law and the overwhelming consensus behind it throughout the world are the Bush/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Bin Laden/Ghadafi/Kim Jong/Jiang Zemin types.

The US government decides foreign policy, the military carries it out should we have to. I don't have a problem with it.

So you're basically acknowledging the fact that you are a de-facto mercenary and not a US soldier per se. Like I said to you before, US soldiers' primary job is to secure the integrity of our nation, ONLY attacking a foreign country when there is a clear-cut reason to do so. This is the reason international consensus was behind us in going into Afghanistan and basically told us to go fuck ourselves when Bush decided to invade Iraq. Get the point?

It was in our stategic best interest to control oil and make sure Saddam got the boot.

Whose interests are you taking about? Sure as hell not mine!

How we did it can be debated

No! WHY we did it can be debated. The "how" is now obsolete.

but I don't really care why.The Iraq war is sucking in all the nutbags and we're killing them whole sale.

No we're not, that's what's sad. It's creating nutbags by the thousands per day.

It would appear the surge is working. In any event we just can't pull out. Rightly or wrongly we caused the mess in Iraq and we have to fix it. It's naive to think the rest of the world plays by some fair system.

How is it naive? Would't it be fair to have an international body legislate and enforce international policy so that when something like Saddam's invasion of Kuwait takes place the whole world falls on top of his head?

How do you plan to "fix" Iraq? What is a "fix" for you? 1,000,000 dead Iraqui bodies? $15 a barrel? $1.50 per gallon of gasoline in the US? And by the way, the insurgency in Iraq is working, wake up. And that's the very reason there are rumours of a draft going around.

AWOL...I'm an officer and I took an oath so thats not evr going to happen.  ::). I grew up with Soviet rockets ready to smoke us, same world different enemies.

If you are indeed an officer of the US army, your ONLY job is to protect our territory and US citizens, not Iraqi oil riggs, and certainly NOT the road between the green zone and Baghdad airport!


  • Getbig V
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Do you think America has a quality control problem?

the efficiency of government seems wasteful, but it seems it's like

ah fuck what are we going to do about it. Throw more money at it. Thats the answer to everything. It isn't so I don't get why people complain when you are working and living within a system that isn't efficient. Your arguments would be totally different if the systems would be different.

reminds me of insanity.

Oh God...

I'm not talking about changing "the system", I'm talking about changing the way it is managed. In layman's terms: I'm talking about changing the manner in which MY government manages the taxes my wife and I pay (and we've been paying handsomely). What Bush does with your share of the pie is your business, but do not question my right to dislike the way MY money is being wasted on foreign citizens.

I want Americans and American institutions (non-profit please, no need to ask) to take advantage of them. I certainly do not wish to pay for Chase's new building in downtown Manhattan. They've already taken enough of my blood, while in school, with their "maximum strength" savings accounts that pay .07% per year in interest and charge you $30.00 for bouncing a check or $25.00 for sending out a wire. Fuck them.


  • Getbig V
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I'm not talking about changing "the system", I'm talking about changing the way it is managed. In layman's terms: I'm talking about changing the manner in which MY government manages the taxes my wife and I pay (and we've been paying handsomely).

true, same thing more or less. You change the way it is managed you change the system. The way tax dollars are being allocated now doesn't seem to be solving much with the complaints that are being discussed here. So where is your money going and why aren't things better than what they could. Eliminate the bureaucracy.

What Bush does with your share of the pie is your business, but do not question my right to dislike the way MY money is being wasted on foreign citizens.

huh? LoL I wasn't, the fact that money is being wasted on foreigners is wasteful.


  • Getbig V
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true, same thing more or less. You change the way it is managed you change the system.

Nope. Not even close. Let me use the chess analogy: I'm not insinuating that the rules of chess need be changed, I'm talking about changing the way the pieces are being moved, the way the game is being played. Capisci?

The way tax dollars are being allocated now doesn't seem to be solving much with the complaints that are being discussed here.

Nope, they are not indeed. But that does not change the fact that "I have a dream".

So where is your money going and why aren't things better than what they could. Eliminate the bureaucracy.

I would say eliminate the bureaucrats, not the bureaucracy. 

huh? LoL I wasn't, the fact that money is being wasted on foreigners is wasteful.

You said: "ah fuck what are we going to do about it". I say: "At least fucking complain!".

Adios amigo.


  • Getbig V
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Nope. Not even close. Let me use the chess analogy: I'm not insinuating that the rules of chess need be changed, I'm talking about changing the way the pieces are being moved, the way the game is being played. Capisci?

yeah  :D


  • Getbig V
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  • Vincit qui se vincit
yeah  :D

Hablando se entiende la gente.
