Author Topic: Ignorant people  (Read 7436 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Ignorant people
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2007, 08:28:29 AM »
I would ask you this do you ever pick up this dog to pet it and show it affection?  Im thinking people do and the dog is thinking when you pick it up... "pets and kisses time again, Im up in those arms and this in the past has lead to what I want"  :-\

 He gets pretty stiff when you pick him up, very serious, will not lick you or anything, he is not getting what he wants when he is picked up.  And if you go to pick him up he will usually roll over onto his back showing submission.

  Wanting affection is not the same as showing dominance.  Like I have said, I think way too much is put on "dominance".  Dogs are pack and social animals and behave as such.  They are not trying to establish or show dominance with everything they do.  In the wild wolves only assert their dominance when it is necessary, the top wolves do not go around putting the other ones in their place all day. 

I think dogs should know the rules and what is acceptable behavior, but I do not feel it necessary to establish or enforce rules that are purely for my benefit to enforce my belief that I am the top dog.   ::)  IE: I allow my dogs on the couch and chairs.  My dog Briona, who would be considered the top dog of the 4 legged kind in the house, loves to sit in the recliner.  Now that is where I usually sit, so if I want to sit there I tell her to move and she does.  She likes to come sit with me in the chair also.  She will come and put her head on the end of the recliner and look at me. If I want her up with me I tell her, if not I tell her to go lay down and she does.  I don't think she is wanting in the chair because she wants to dominate me, I believe she wants to sit with me and likes the chair.   ;D

 Sometimes a dog is just a dog.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Ignorant people
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2007, 08:49:53 AM »

 Sometimes a dog is just a dog.

in your expert opinion what's it mean when you rub a dogs belly and his leg starts motoring like it's trying to start a motorcycle or something , I know there's some scientific reason but I've never had it explained to me in the simple terms a simple guy like me needs to hear to comprehend this odd behavior


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Ignorant people
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2007, 08:54:31 AM »
in your expert opinion what's it mean when you rub a dogs belly and his leg starts motoring like it's trying to start a motorcycle or something , I know there's some scientific reason but I've never had it explained to me in the simple terms a simple guy like me needs to hear to comprehend this odd behavior

   same reason you do that   ;D


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Re: Ignorant people
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2007, 03:36:39 PM »
in your expert opinion what's it mean when you rub a dogs belly and his leg starts motoring like it's trying to start a motorcycle or something , I know there's some scientific reason but I've never had it explained to me in the simple terms a simple guy like me needs to hear to comprehend this odd behavior

LOL.  its a reflex---the "scratch" reflex secondary to stimulation of the skin.  Its used to assess spinal chord damage in dogs wtih back problems. 


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Re: Ignorant people
« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2007, 03:38:43 PM »
ummm... knny, is there something you'd like to tell us?
Is this your subtle way of coming out of the closet, ...or just an accidental revelation?
g'head... you can talk openly,'re among friends here.  ;)

I know exactly what you mean. I've had the exact same situation occur with me many times, and for some odd reason, in my experiences, it was always the women who don't get it. The guys seem to understand they need to get their animals away, or secure them with a leash, but I've always had women dismissively say the same thing, ...oh he's harmless... as their mongrel beasts jump up on you.  ::)

I was once leaving my house, ...and my neighbours dog from up the street came charging across the street up my walkway and straight at me. Unfortunately I had already locked my front door, and put my keys in my purse so I had no opportunity to get back into the house. This thing had me cornered on my front steps, was on my walkway growling & snarling at me, while the dipshit brain dead owner was saying "oh don't worry about him, he's harmless" Harmless my ass! I told her to get her dog NOW! Get him on a leash and the fuck off my property. "oh don't worry he's harmless". I know I'm risking life & limb by saying it here, ...but I told her "Lady, get your fucking dog NOW! If it makes one more move towards me, I'm taking the little fucker out!" That dipshit kept going "Oh don't worry he's harmless". It's a good thing both for her and the dog, that her husband came along just then and grabbed the dog, and dragged him off my walkway, apologizing to me the whole time, and promising to keep the dog on the leash. I know exactly how you felt in that situation Knny, 'cause when it happened to me, I wanted to take the woman out, along with the dog. Why are people so stupid sometimes?

On another note, I had a positive dog experience the other day. I was walking down the street, and approaching a corner. The house at the corner had waist high hedges, so I did not know the guy approaching the corner was walking a huge HUGE mother of a dog. As we approached the corner at the same time, he said I have a dog, I hope you're not scared of dogs. <LOL> I was thinking to myself 'Well bully for you... you have a doggy'. I didn't at first realize he was trying to warn me that he was walking a HUGE dog that I was about to come face-to-face with. We both reached the corner of those hedges at the same time, and I swear I don't know how I managed to keep from messing my pants. I came face-to-face with the biggest, meanest, scariest, looking dog I ever saw. The owner saw the look on my face, and immediately pulled his dog away from me. The poor thing started crying too. In retrospect, he was just a little puppy that was curious about me, and started crying because his owner wouldn't let him sniff me, ...but puppy or no, seeing it come around the corner like that startled the bejeebers out of me. It's nice to know there are responsible pet owners who realize that NOT everyone enjoys their animals jumping up all over them.

Well Judi...I agree with you.

The ignorance of people to say 'don't worry' is what pisses me off.

In some or most cases the owner of the dog is right & there really isn't "worry"...but...NO PERSON should ever be on the receiving end of an unleashed dog.  So in my there is something to worry about.  They never think for one minute that my dog (or me) will or could rip them apart because of the confrontation.  Our dog is now a pretty big Rottweiler.  Versus another dog that he almost has 80lbs on him...who do you think would be in trouble if my dog (on a leash) lunged & killed or maimed the dog? 
I am a dog lover..but if I was confronted on the stairs like you did...I would not hesitate of protecting myself & hurting a dog if it posed a threat.  Again..what pisses me off is you shouldn't have to be in that position in the first place & the ignorance of someone saying 'don't worry' angers me even worse.

What the hell ever happened of admitting you're wrong, apologizing & taking responsibility of your own actions?

On another note....most people say 'wow' when they see our dog.  There's been a TON of times where people reacted like you did with that big dog & I understand it can be intimidating.  We're usually very courteous & either put some distance between the dog, curb, or approaching people.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Ignorant people
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2007, 03:41:58 PM »

What the hell ever happened of admitting you're wrong, apologizing & taking responsibility of your own actions?

The biggest problem with America right now is just that.... I blame all of the 1980's and 1990's.   


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Re: Ignorant people
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2007, 03:44:01 PM »
I would overall agree with this statement for dogs in general  But....I think those little guys like to be picked up and held, some people give them affection at that point and that is not when a dog should be rewarded....when it is misbehaving.  Cause when i pick up my dog Cody (just to mess with him  ;D) he hates it!  But some dogs seem to like it, maybe cause they get picked up often?  I rarely pick mine up cause he weighs about 80lbs but it feels like he's 120lbs.

I would ask you this do you ever pick up this dog to pet it and show it affection?  Im thinking people do and the dog is thinking when you pick it up... "pets and kisses time again, Im up in those arms and this in the past has lead to what I want"  :-\

Well, I still pick up our boy & he likes it.  I think it makes him still feel small & like a puppy.  It's funny when he tries to run & jump in my arms.  He likes to play around...but I think it's pretty normal.

One of these days though....he's going to break my back - lol


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Re: Ignorant people
« Reply #32 on: August 20, 2007, 03:47:06 PM »
The biggest problem with America right now is just that.... I blame all of the 1980's and 1990's.   

I agree.  If it wasn't for the husband being a stand-up would have gotten ugly.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Ignorant people
« Reply #33 on: August 20, 2007, 04:19:27 PM »
I have had people want to take our picture when I am walking them.   ::) 

I get comments on them being so well behaved because they sit at crosswalks and if someone is approaching us I move them off the sidewalk and put them into a sit. 

 Somedays I just want to walk them and not be bothered.

 It is damn rude to have a dog come at you and not apologize for it.  Whether he is friendly or not is not the point, I love dogs and I don't particularly want to be jumped on or have one unleashed coming over to me.  I would apologize my ass off if one of my dogs did that.