Author Topic: Cycle update!  (Read 1113 times)


  • Getbig V
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Cycle update!
« on: August 14, 2007, 08:13:47 AM »
I've been running

1000mg Test E
400mg   Parabolan

Started July 1st so it's been about 7 weeks. starting weight 222 with 6 pack, now 236 and actually leaner i think, i never measure BF% i just go by the mirror. spiderweb veins everywhere and separation is very clear.

As most of you know I'm aiming to bench 500 RAW in the 220 pound division in October, if i can't make weight I'll just do the 242 class, i just want a certified 500 pound bench on my record. my previous best in a competition is 480 at 220 with a pause last November using nothing but wrist wraps and chalk. i had a full ACL reconstruction back in April and didn't touch a weight for almost 4 weeks so it's been an uphill struggle. i had been drug free since January of this year and trained clean until July 1st. my best lift clean and after surgery was 455 for a hard single the week before my first injection, which is decent for being drug free for 6 months and having a major surgery.

now 7 weeks into my cycle i did a very smooth triple with 475 last night. went for a double with 485 and hit the rack on the first rep(didn't set myself far enough out) and got out of balance so i scratched the rest, all these lifts are touch and go, no bouncing off the chest, perfect form. finished off with some incline DB press and flyes. at this rate I'm hoping to try a touch and go single with 495 at the end of this month if my wrist doesn't fall off. I've had a bad wrist for almost 5 years from muay thai training.

now the GOOD stuff! this Parabolan is something else, very powerful and i feel like i'm on halo 24/7 and i haven't even considered taking any halo at this point. at this time i would like to point out the pros and cons.

Pros - Insane amounts of energy, muscles hard as a rock and full, increased vascularity, aggression through roof yet controlable, overall sense of intense drive to overcome anything(even work related), cardio stamina has actually increase which i've heard is odd for tren, rock hard boners all day, i could easily have sex 5 times a day if my girl could take it, if the wind blows the right direction i'm at full attention! in the gym i'm more aggressive than ever and focused on nothing but the next lift. everything feels light and i've been hitting high numbers on shoulder day and back day.

Cons - high anxiety which i can control, minimal night sweats, minimal insomnia, very short fuse when dealing with asshole coworkers, sitting in traffic makes my blood boil but i can control myself, i actually feel too aggressive sometimes and need to take some deep breaths and calm myself, acne is about the same as every other cycle.

so my friends i am on my way to my final goal before heading back into the bodybuilding world. since my knee won't be able to handle powerlifting squats or deadlifts for a while i have vowed to return to bodybuilding 100% after i press 500 RAW in competition, which i WILL do.

i will say if you have been thinking about trying Parabolan GO for it, just make sure your source is a good man. it is worth every penny.

also an update on my rehab for my ACL reconstruction after almost 4 months. i'm now doing all my physical therapy on my own and i've been running 3 miles 3 days a week and doing agility drills afterwards. lots of jumping, box jumps, jump rope, ladder drills etc. also been doing front squats and lunges with just the bar right now, my surgeon doesn't want me to add weight for another month. knee is solid as a rock.

Feel free to ask any questions and i always consult training advise through PMs because many guys on this site don't agree with my methods and i refuse to argue based on my education and experience level. i train with a combination of westside barbell, Max-OT and DC training that i have mixed together for very good results.



  • Getbig II
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Re: Cycle update!
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2007, 11:21:44 AM »
Good to hear on your successful cycle progress.

Just curious, how long did it take for you to feel the effecto of the injectables kicking in? Since you are running mostly long-acting esters without an oral kick-start to begin with.

Havent tried out Parabolan yet but i have run tren acetate before and loved it. Paras just to fcuking expensive back here in my country.May give it a try when i have new added extra mass to work with.

Great to see you keen on dishing out training advices here. Having helpful people who are keen to share on training advices/experiences are always an added bonus.

Best of luck in your quest for the 500 Raw.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Cycle update!
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2007, 01:13:26 PM »
Good to hear on your successful cycle progress.

Just curious, how long did it take for you to feel the effecto of the injectables kicking in? Since you are running mostly long-acting esters without an oral kick-start to begin with.

Havent tried out Parabolan yet but i have run tren acetate before and loved it. Paras just to fcuking expensive back here in my country.May give it a try when i have new added extra mass to work with.

Great to see you keen on dishing out training advices here. Having helpful people who are keen to share on training advices/experiences are always an added bonus.

Best of luck in your quest for the 500 Raw.


i usually "feel" something around 2 weeks but i get the strength increases around 4 weeks. it varies but i felt a very strong boost in aggression and strength around the 4th week. i didn't run an oral in the beginning because i've never used Tren before and wanted to know the exact benefits i was getting and at what stage. i document all my information and gains so i can compare things more accurately. i also plan on running halo the last 6 weeks before the competition so i need my liver to be fresh. at this point i might not even use the halo, i'm pretty aggressive already and the strength gains are very impressive.

Para is the only Tren i've used and the powerlifters i train with prefer it over Tren A/ wasn't cheap but not much more than Tren E around these parts.

i enjoy helping people, i wish i had more time to do it but i work alot and also working on my MBA.



  • Getbig III
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Re: Cycle update!
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2007, 11:37:46 PM »
Dude you are a beast, freaking impressive. You've inspired me to want to set a goal that high, even though I know it will take years (if ever). Get big or die trying  ;D. Anyway, best of luck and I hope you stay injury free. On day's your not trying to max you still doing ~80% of your 1 rep max? If so how many sets/reps? Any DB flat bench? Sorry for all the questions.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Cycle update!
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2007, 05:46:59 AM »
Great update Overload.

Glad to see you're back in the game.

I'm at the last 4-6 weeks of my cycle, which I extended to be about 5 1/2 months (my longest to date).  Now just on test e (1000mg per week) and tren a (500-600mg per week).  The tren addition at the end really polished things off.  Hard as nails, great abs.  Veins like wild--the other day I was finishing up bis in my basement gym and my 6 year-old said "Daddy, you look like you're covered with worms!"  Nice! 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Cycle update!
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2007, 06:55:27 AM »
Great update Overload.

Glad to see you're back in the game.

I'm at the last 4-6 weeks of my cycle, which I extended to be about 5 1/2 months (my longest to date).  Now just on test e (1000mg per week) and tren a (500-600mg per week).  The tren addition at the end really polished things off.  Hard as nails, great abs.  Veins like wild--the other day I was finishing up bis in my basement gym and my 6 year-old said "Daddy, you look like you're covered with worms!"  Nice! 

Worms ;D
You know how kids make sound words before they can talk?
One of my daughers first "Sound words" was Uupp Uupp.

She coppied my grunting doing squats. SHe'd point at my weight room and go - Uupp Uupp.
 Next, she connets that to Pro Wrestling on TV.
Points at the wrestlers and Names them also - Uupp Uupp..

Kid to young to talk connects weight lifting and the Wrestlers.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Cycle update!
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2007, 06:57:38 AM »
Dude you are a beast, freaking impressive. You've inspired me to want to set a goal that high, even though I know it will take years (if ever). Get big or die trying  ;D. Anyway, best of luck and I hope you stay injury free. On day's your not trying to max you still doing ~80% of your 1 rep max? If so how many sets/reps? Any DB flat bench? Sorry for all the questions.


i've been powerlifting for a long time. don't set your goals too high, just try to add 5-10 pounds a month to your working sets.

my typical bench layout is as follows.

135x12 reps
225x12 reps
315x5 reps
405x1 rep

then i do a triple double triple.

475 for 3 reps
485 for 2 reps
480 or 485 for 3 reps

i try to progress that double every week or two by 5 pounds and if i get 2 reps easily I'll try a triple with it on the next set. these are all smooth reps, no assist from the spotter, if they touch the bar in any way i don't count the lift. i never really max out until the meet but I'll do a heavy single once a month just to see where I'm at.

i don't do Flat DB press but i do incline DB after my heavy benching. to have a strong BB bench you need to BB bench every week. i also do close grip speed bench on shoulder day. i do 5 sets of 5 reps with 60-70% of my max. very explosive reps, i try to lock them out so hard i come off the bench. i also do chains every 3 weeks on my speed work day. sometimes i do board presses but not right now, I'll wait until I'm about a month out from the meet.

this is a good place to learn. the body arch, foot placement and tucking of the elbows is very important.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Cycle update!
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2007, 07:07:42 AM »
Great update Overload.

Glad to see you're back in the game.

I'm at the last 4-6 weeks of my cycle, which I extended to be about 5 1/2 months (my longest to date).  Now just on test e (1000mg per week) and tren a (500-600mg per week).  The tren addition at the end really polished things off.  Hard as nails, great abs.  Veins like wild--the other day I was finishing up bis in my basement gym and my 6 year-old said "Daddy, you look like you're covered with worms!"  Nice! 

That's great! i'm really liking this Tren Hex so far.

the first time my girlfriend saw my legs after a squat workout she was like "what are all those veins for?" have very vascular quads and they go nuts after a good squat workout.

my physical therapist said he had never seen a guy with so many veins in his calves and quads. he was having all his interns do my hamstring massages because he said i had huge hamstrings and he could show them exactly where to run their fingers because i was so lean and had good separation.
